God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 659: Reorganized troops!

> With the sudden dyeing, Li Mingyi, Li Guang three people constantly attacked on the grassland, a large number of survivors joined the forces of Yue Zhong. Together with the survivors of the various families that Yue Zhong received from the Golden King, the number of survivors has slowly surpassed 600,000.

Yue Zhong mobilized a group of trained officials from Guangxi and Hunan to add a shelf that quickly set up a government agency. Everything began to develop in the direction of a formal government. He did not rush to attack the capital. It is the beginning to restore the order that has begun to collapse.

More than 20 million zombies remain on the prairie, and there are more than 20 million on the other side. Moreover, the cities near Modu are densely populated cities, and it is very difficult to attack them.

Suddenly dyed, listed one, six hundred and fifty-nine chapters complete the army! The army of Li Guangsan has no more than 30,000 troops. It is impossible for this force to deal with tens of millions of zombies without the support of modern firepower such as guns and shells.

Yue Zhong regained several small county towns and also transferred the corresponding arms engineers from Guangxi to the construction of the arsenal.

After Yue Zhong took control of the evolutionary temple of the demon system, this became the power of the evolutionary temple of the demon system. After controlling the evolutionary temple of the demon system, the biggest advantage was that he could obtain various kinds of ways through transfer. Talents. Of course, those talents are only equivalent to ordinary military engineers before the end of the post, and there is not much research on high-precision weapons, but the production of bullet production lines and artillery production lines is still there.

The reason why the **** of heaven can rise so fast. Talents emerge in an endless stream. Except for Europe, which was the world's most advanced technology gathering place before the end of the world, they were the first novice villages to control a **** system.

A large number of survivors have joined a variety of factories, and Yue Zhong also distributed a large amount of food as wages, which made the prairie glow with endless vitality.

Every day, Yue Zhong is on the grassland. Force can expand one point.

With the steady reception of those survivors, Yue Zhong recalled the three major corps in the outbound battle and began to work on the integration of the troops.

The butcher listed as the brigade commander of the grassland cavalry brigade he had dreamed of, and commanded a cavalry with a number of 3,000 people riding black scale horses.

Li Guang became the head of the first division of the grassland. The core man of the first division is Chang Shengjun.

Situ was compiled into a brigade brigade. The preparatory brigade mainly sends talents to various units.

The third brigade is a goshawk brigade with a slight dyeing commander. The preparation of the Goshawk Brigade is only 3,000 people, all composed of talents riding by the Goshawk. Yue Zhong, the deputy brigade of the Third Brigade, let Yan Dazhong come to serve. Yan Dazhong is timid and afraid of death. He is also somewhat mean and shameless. His face is extremely thick. However, he is arrogant and acquainted with anyone. He also made a lot of Mongolian generals as friends, and with his previous merits, Yue Zhong appointed him as the deputy brigade of the Third Brigade.

After such a reorganization, the soldiers who were in control of the amount of money were sharply reduced to 3,000 people, and most of the 3,000 people were armed with cold weapons such as sabers. Only 500 soldiers held 81 rifles and 56 rifles. The three-eighth cover of the anti-Japanese period and other broken guns. The bullets were also suppressed in five thousand rounds and there were no heavy weapons. Under this circumstance. If the third brigade is a rebellion, there is only one dead road.

It was also a bitter and ridiculous to see the broken guns and various types of bullets after the dyeing of the troops. He is very clear that although Yue Zhong uses him, he is also extremely prepared for him. He did not dare to have any complaints, because he was very clear that once he had any change, Yue Zhong would immediately pick them up.

After the reorganization, nearly 10,000 elite Mongolian fighters were abolished. These Mongolian warriors are elite cavalry. Yue Zhong was not willing to send them all to the factory. He hesitated or turned the abolished Mongolian warriors into a preparatory brigade and handed them to Bai Xiaosheng.

Bai Xiaosheng followed Yue Gong’s campaign for many years and also passed strict military training. He is just a lazy person, not a lack of ability. There is no problem with the preparatory brigade. Under the command of Yue Zhong, he still bitterly and honestly served as the second preparatory brigade commander, a position that many people envy.

Eight soldiers armed with assault rifles stood there in a secret place in Qimu County.

The door opened before an armored vehicle parked in that place. Yue Zhong and Silver Frost walked out of the car.

"The leader!" The eight warriors saw Yue Zhong from the car, and immediately everyone went to a military ceremony, watching Yue Zhong's eyes are full of awe. It is the man in front of him who led them to defeat the three forces on the grassland, and shrouded the entire prairie within their sphere of influence, and they were invincible. This allows them to fear the people in front of them from the heart.

Yue Zhong nodded slightly toward the eight soldiers and strode into the garden.

In the garden, there are ten steps, one post, five steps and one whistle, and there are warriors guarding everywhere. A very heavy machine gun was installed on the main roads, and more than a dozen high-altitude machine guns and surface-to-air missile launch vehicles were deployed in the forest.

Yue Zhong also obtained a number of surface-to-air missile launch vehicles and surface-to-air missiles from the arsenal in the Wulan Mountains. This is one of the air defense killers he has mastered. With those surface-to-air missiles, even if the Thunder fighters strike, he will let the other party pay a painful price.

In the depths of the garden stood a tall tree towering in the sky, and there were vines growing around the tree. This is the mutant mother tree that was originally grown in the Ulan Mountains. However, compared to the mother tree seen in the Wulan Mountains, this mother tree is much smaller.

These mutant plants are different from the plants before the end of the world, as long as they are given sufficient nutrients. They can grow up as quickly as a balloon. Originally, this mother tree only had the heart of the tree, but after Yue Zhong used a large number of enemy bodies and countless zombies to feed, it quickly grew up.

On one of the tree shrews of the mother tree, the green and white feet sit on it, and the pretty face of the mother tree looks very happy.

Yue Zhong looked at the green and green channel that sat on the tree top of the mother tree: "Go down, green!"

Although Yue Zhong transplanted the mutant mother tree from the Wulan Mountains, he also left many means to guard against the other side's rebellion. He buried a large amount of remote-controlled bombs in this area. Once the mother tree had any changes, he was able to detonate the remote-controlled bomb under the mother tree and blow the other side away.

The green green smiled at Yue Zhong with a scent of scent from the tree: "Yes! Master."

Yue Zhong asked: "When is this mother tree able to produce new tree monsters?"

Green Road: "Now you can create new tree monsters, but in order to produce high-level tree people, you need a lot of nutrients. Now, although new tree monsters can be produced, the level of those tree monsters will not be very high, only two. At around level 10, the number can only produce one thousand."

Yue Zhong brows a wrinkle and asks: "Nutrition? Can you use zombies?"

Green Road: "Yes! The higher the higher the zombies, the higher the energy, the more nutrients will be for the mother tree."

Yue Zhongdao: "In this way, you immediately let the mother tree produce a thousand tree monsters. I have great use."

"Yes!" Green eyes closed and a faint green light shot from her body and landed on the huge mother tree.

The mother tree swayed, and a group of fruit fell from the tree to the ground and then split. A low-level tree monster immediately climbed out of the fruit. Each low-level tree monster had a strength of about 20 levels.

Yue Zhong looked at the head of the low-level tree monster and showed a smile. With these tree monsters as cannon fodder, the mortality rate of his human warriors will drop a lot.

Soon after, under the command of Yue Zhong, the three field troops, who were suddenly dyed, listed, and Li Guanghua, began to attack the county town with 70,000 zombies.

A loud voice encourages morale: "Attack!! Offensive!! Our cavalry brigade is the strongest sharp knife under the command of our lord. We are all invincible, and we must be the first to break into the county!"

"Attack! Offensive!!" Listed the screaming screaming of the warriors who are full of excitement. This is the first time they have become a cavalry brigade. They have to make great efforts to upgrade from brigade to become a division.

On the other hand, Li Guang is also encouraging morale: "Brothers~www.readwn.com~ Our first division is the sharpest sword in the hands of the leader. We are the strongest!! We want them to see us in this battle. The strength. Can't lose to the third brigade. Our first division will win!!"

"Must win! Win!!"

A tidy roar rang through the sky. The first division of the Changsheng Army was the most well-equipped army in the Prairie Army. They defeated the strongest Manchurian forces on the grasslands. They are at the top of their turmoil. They are fearless and morale. high.

Suddenly dyed to the underarms of the warrior loudly: "This war is our chance to make meritorious service. Our Mongolian men are good men on the grassland, let them take a look, even if our equipment is not as good as them. We also compare They have to be strong."

At this moment, Yan Dazhong had a smile on his face and said: "Yes!! Our third brigade will be on the next step under the wise leadership of the leader. Long live the leader!! Everyone shouts with me, Long live the great leader. !!"

"Long live the leader!!"

"Long live the leader... The warriors of the third brigade face each other, and finally they shouted loudly under the leadership of a helpless face. (To be continued) RQ

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