God and Devil World

Chapter 66: Wisdom of survival

Other girls also followed the group behind Yue Zhong, Ji Qing Dance, and Chi Yang. Seeing the scene in Changguang Village, the girls began to truly understand the cruelty of the end times and the rareness of Yue Zhong.

The only girl left by Zhang Li came to Zhang Xin’s side: "Zhang Xin, Yue Zhong, they are already very good! It’s already very good for us. You should not be so thorny in the future. I know that you are not wrong. But now in the past, the order has collapsed, and there are zombies everywhere. Look, the people here are not enough to eat, and they can kill people for a gimmick. Yue Zhong and Chi Yang, they are desperately searching for supplies, not letting us hungry. Last day, you are still not satisfied, still complaining, really can't say it. Think about it yourself!"

After that, Zhang Li also chased the past in the direction of Yue Zhong. In this Changguang village, not at Yue Zhong, she has no sense of security.

"Wait for me!" Zhang Xin saw that only one person was left behind, his heart was full of fear, and he did not dare to stay here crying, and hurriedly chased him up.

Yue Zhong’s Dongfeng big truck was placed there, and no one dared to move. This kind of material rushing thing, as long as it is discovered by Wang Guanghu people, there is only one end, feeding the zombies! Wang Guanghu is also a big man, and two militants are guarded next to Yue Zhong’s big truck.

Seeing that Yue Zhong people came to collect materials, those militants did not stop.

On a Dongfeng big card, the women began to take out the bread and boxed milk and ate it.

Guo Yu also picked up a loaf of bread and a box of milk and ate it. This is the best breakfast she has ever been caught in in Changguang Village.

As the bantam of Wang Guanghu, Guo Yu and Wang Lan can eat their stomachs, but most of them eat hoes and wild vegetables. There is nothing that wants to eat better. Only the woman who waited for the comfort of Wang Guanghu could occasionally taste the leek. As for milk, it is a luxury, and only the four chiefs and some small leaders can drink, and these women can have no share.

Guo Yu ate a piece of bread and drank milk, and his heart was full of satisfaction.

"I didn't think of a loaf of bread. A box of milk that may contain carcinogens can make me so satisfied!" Guo Yu thought in his heart.

Before the end of the world, Guo Yu couldn't even look at the garbage bread at a glance. Milk is not imported organic milk. Now that a bread and a box of milk make her feel satisfied, she can only feel that the environment can change humanity.

While Guo Yu was eating bread and drinking milk, he carefully looked at Yue Zhong: "I must grasp this man and hold him firmly in his hand."

Guo Yu was very afraid to fall into the hands of the four chiefs of Changguang Village again. She needs to find a strong person to rely on and get shelter. Yue Zhong can get such attention from Wang Guanghu, and he has found so many materials, which is obviously the strong one in her ideals. As for love, when she saw a beautiful woman being thrown into the zombie group by Wang Guanghu, the beautiful woman husband was pleading for refuge in front of Wang Guanghu, she no longer expected love.

The environment has changed human beings. It was originally innocent, but some rebellious and pungent Guo Yu is now beginning to have a chance.

Yue Zhong cleared the supplies on the Dongfeng truck and immediately went down and said to the women: "From today, we have to implement a food rationing system. We can't just eat it as we used to!"

All the way, due to sufficient supplies, Yue Zhong did not limit the eating and drinking of girls, this food distribution is still the first time. The girls have some conflicts and doubts in their hearts, but Yue Zhong just slammed Zhang Xin, and other girls did not dare to violate Yue Zhong and fell into silence.

At this moment, Ji Qingwu asked: "Why?"

Among the girls, only Ji Qing Dance, Lu Wen and Chen Yao were able to talk to Yue Zhongping.

Yue Zhong explained: "We have consumed a lot of materials along the way, but we have not searched for any supplies. Now our supplies are to be distributed to Wang Guanghu. Half of them will stay in Changguang Village for at least three days. After leaving Changguang Village, we will arrive. Bohai City does not know how many days there are, and does not know what will happen on the road. I have to leave enough supplies to deal with possible changes."

Yue Zhong also knows that Ji Qing Dance is helping other girls to ask, so he also answered very clearly.

The two Dongfeng trucks had a lot of supplies, and Wang Guanghu wanted to go to one. Yue Zhong, they only have one left. There are more than a dozen people in their line. If they do not have food distribution, they will still let them eat the sea, but they will not have enough materials for a long time.

When I heard Yue Zhong’s explanation, this was only slightly relieved in the hearts of the women.

Among the heavy storage rings of Yue Zhong, there are also a lot of materials hidden, but those are his emergency supplies, and he will never take them out.

Yue Zhong Shen said: "From today~www.readwn.com~ In the days of Changguang Village, we cook and eat. The main force of the battle supplies three bowls of rice per meal, two pieces of lunch meat, one piece of ham. Every meal of labor Two bowls of rice, half a ham. Non-laborers, one bowl of rice per meal."

On the Dongfeng truck, there are several large bags of rice, and rice is cooked to eat more than the same size of packaged food.

This time, Ji Qing dance no longer speaks. She also knows that the situation is not very good now. If you do not leave some reserve materials to deal with emergencies, you will be in trouble if you encounter unexpected situations. Like them, they were detained in Changguang Village for three days. If there is no material reserve, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Ji Qing dance did not say anything against it, and other girls did not dare to say anything more. This matter was settled like that.

Soon, the big dog came to the square, watching the people who were eating bread and drinking milk, swallowing a mouthful of water, respectfully said: "Yue Ge! I am coming!"

Yue Zhong casually threw the bread bag and milk box in his hand into a waste bag: "Okay. Let's go!"

The big dog stared at the black garbage bag that was placed at the foot of Yue Zhong, and asked Yue Zhong: "Yue Da Ge, can this be given to me?"

"Good! But what do you want this?" Yue Zhong handed the black garbage bag to the big dog, and asked some questions.

The other girls were also curious to see the big dog.

The big dog proudly showed his wisdom of survival: "There are bread crumbs on the bags. The milk box will have residual milk left as long as the outer wall is cut."

After listening to the big dog, those girls are a bit sad.

Yue Zhong asked curiously: "The big dog, are you not in the countryside? How can you lack food?"

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