God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 690: Elek!

Lena and Harman are the two strongest of the heavenly kingdoms. Their strength is in the weight of Yue Zhong, except that the silver cream can be better than them. Few people can match them.

This time, Lena suffered from the loss because the eight gods who followed them, who were the top evolutionists, had not played any role and were killed by Yue Zhong.

The number of judges who had been guarded by Lina and Harman was less than fifty. The 50 judges were assassinated by the silence of Tiangong Sakura without playing their strength. It is precisely because of this that Lena and Harman were attacked by Yue Zhong.

Harman thought that there was a slap in the eyes of the eye cream: "Who is the little girl beside him? How can it be so terrible? Even after I became a demon, my body strength could not match her?"

After Harman turned into a second-order demon, he was so powerful that the bullets of heavy machine guns could not hurt his body. Even if the grenade was on his body, it would only slightly hurt him. But such a sturdy body was vulnerable under the silver fist's small fist, which made him full of jealousy against the silver devil.

Lena said slowly: "There is no indication on the information. Originally thought that this little girl is only one of his private pets. It seems obvious now. If this little girl is not a strong evolutionary, it is the wisdom variation born after the end of the world. One of the bodies."

In the eyes of Harman, there was a glimpse of surprise: "Wisdom variants? Just like the wisdom variants that appeared in South America? Is she such a creature?"

The Kingdom of Heaven is active in the world. The whole world has their tentacles. They know more than many people.

Lena said very heavily: "Yes! Our three legions in South America are in the hands of this kind of intelligent variant. I heard that South America has completely fallen. There is no resistance anymore, and that has become The paradise of zombies."

South America was originally one of the important colonies of the Kingdom of Heaven. Now the colony has turned into a zombie paradise. After hearing this news, Harman couldn't help but frown.

Harman, one of the apostles of the Kingdom of Heaven, wants to know what information is very easy. It’s just that he only takes pleasure in taking pleasure and playing with women. I know a lot about the intelligence. He knows that there is a wisdom variant similar to the silver frost on the South American side. The Heavenly Kingdom has a small setback in South America, but he does not know that the South American Heavenly Kingdom Army has been completely annihilated.

Over time, zombies and mutant beasts are constantly evolving to become more powerful. At the beginning of the world's variability, the Kingdom of Heaven uses its own mastery of a large amount of information and the advantages of manpower to expand wildly in the world. But they also found out. The enemies they encounter are getting more and more and stronger.

Some of the enemies are local human forces, such as Yue Zhong and Su Yan. Some are zombies and mutant beasts. The millions of corpses are even a headache for the gods of heaven. Many of the corps of the gods of heaven were destroyed by the horrible corpse.

Harman looked up into the sky: "No matter what! Let's go back! This kind of injury seems to stay in the gene repair cabin for a month."

Along with the sound of a propeller, a Thunder fighter flew over the air of Harman and Lena.

Both Harman and Lena are equipped with GPS transmitters, so they can easily get support from the reinforcements as long as they don't lose the sender.

Shortly after Harman and Lena left, the news of their defeat was passed to the headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven in Europe.

The news spread to the heavenly kingdom of the country and caused a huge sensation. It is necessary to know that in order to support the battle of the Mongolian army against Yue Zhong and win the victory, although the gods of heaven did not directly send the army, they invested all the materials they controlled in the outer Mongolia and Russia in the Mongolian army.

Losing the vast amount of weapons and ammunition, the power of the Heavenly Kingdom in Outer Mongolia and Russia was weakened by 70%. And after the defeat of Outer Mongolia. They can no longer find a piece from nearby to curb the development of Yue Zhong.

"The **** Outer Mongolians, they are all a group of pigs. We gave them so much aid and it was so bad that it was a bunch of waste."

“These people in Outer Mongolia are really a bunch of waste. It’s more waste than the original South Vietnam. How can we choose such waste to act as a partner? We were really blind.”

"The forces in Outer Mongolia have been defeated, and our Far East power has begun to be weakened. How to curb Yue Zhong’s development of this tyrant?"

"I suggest that the elite troops be drawn from India, and the five legions stationed in India will be mobilized to the grassland to eliminate Yue Zhong. We have already made great hatred with him. It is the best chance to annihilate him now."

"No! India is our traditional sphere of influence. It is also our best colony and source of human resources. Once too many troops are mobilized, the local forces there will only be rebounding."

"So, let him let him continue to develop? According to satellites, he has already recovered Bayan City and Baoxi City in Mongolia. In this way, his power will continue to expand. He now has the ability to unify China. One of the four forces. Continue to let him expand, he will become the only force to unify China. For us, this is not good news."

"Yue Zhong’s power has already been formed. I think we should no longer put in the force of the whirlpool of Huaxia. The troops that are put too little can't compete with it and put too much force, which will affect the layout of our other places. I think we should shrink the forces. Focus on destroying the zombies in our Germany. Our German native zombies have not been completely eliminated."

There are more than 80 million zombies in Germany. So many zombies are a nightmare for any power. The paradise of the Kingdom of God has been deployed globally and has built countless forces, but they have only regained several industrial cities in the country.

It is not that the Kingdom of Heaven does not value the homeland, but the organization of the Kingdom of Heaven is a multinational group before the end of the world, with branches all over the world. It is precisely because of this that they can use the hands of the original division to quickly collect materials after the outbreak of the last days. Create a force. As a result, although the Kingdom of Heaven is rapidly deploying globally, their local power has been weakened.

In fact, many elders in the Kingdom of Heaven hope to shrink the defense line, and the personnel from various branches will return to the headquarters to concentrate on destroying more than 70 million people in Germany (the original 80 million, which has been reduced to 7,000 by their constant elimination). Ten thousand) zombies.

However, once the personnel from various branches are transferred back to the headquarters, not only will they consume a lot of capacity and fuel, but the power and influence of the Kingdom of Heaven in the world will also drop rapidly, and even be destroyed by local forces because of insufficient power.

This makes the head of the Kingdom of Heaven hesitate. It is necessary to know that all branches of the Kingdom of Heaven can hand over a large amount of manpower, material resources and resources to the headquarters. The Kingdom of Heaven can develop so rapidly, and each division has continuously obtained various super-technical drawings and transported it to the headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven. This has enabled the technology of Paradise Kingdom to grow rapidly.

If Yue Zhong did not insert a horizontal bar, the original laser gun drawings have fallen into the hands of the **** of heaven. With the scientific and technological heritage of the Kingdom of Heaven, it is absolutely possible to quickly produce a large number of armed forces for laser guns, greatly improving the combat effectiveness of the troops.

If the Kingdom of Heaven does not have a branch abroad, after Harman and Lena were hit hard, their rescue could not be obtained in time, and their supply could not be obtained in time.

The branch of the Kingdom of Heaven is also extremely important for the Kingdom of Heaven.

"No, I think we should be able to negotiate with him. There is only interest between the countries. He already has the qualification to talk positively with us. The divisions in Outer Mongolia and Russia have been so severely incapable of recovering within a short period of time. I think we should transfer them all back to the headquarters to enrich our headquarters."

Elek shouted loudly: "No!! Destroy him! We want to eliminate Yue Zhong, the tyrant. I propose to send four apostles to bring two Judges' Legion to assassinate him. Can definitely destroy him. He is too dangerous. We should not let such dangerous elements live in the world."

Elek is a determined main battle. He is not willing to let a giant appear in the Far East, which is not in the interest of their heavenly kingdom.

After the world's mutating ~www.readwn.com~ The future period is the process of human struggle and evolution. Elek firmly believes that mankind will rely on wisdom and strength to defeat zombies and mutant beasts to recapture cities and oceans. At that time, the rest was the struggle between humans. He did not want a unified giant in the Far East.

The great elder Jonas listened to the words of many elders below and silenced for a while. "Ereek, you go to the China and the Greater China Alliance to cooperate and eliminate Yue Zhong. The tenth apostle Witt, the eleventh apostle Sen. Twelve ambassadors, thirty-six alternate ambassadors, one legionary judge, and the squadrons of the three legions will go to Huaxia with you. I want Yue to die!"

Elek excitedly shouted: "Yes! Great elders, I will definitely kill Yue Zhong!!"

The luxury lineup of two apostles, twelve ambassadors, thirty-six alternate ambassadors, one legionary judge, and three legions of arbiter forces is enough to destroy a small country. Elek was thrilled to think that he would become the commander of this elite force.

The elder elder Jonas looked at Ereek and said coldly: "For four months, if you kill within four months, you will die. You will commit suicide."

Elek’s face changed and then a flash of fierceness in his eyes said: “Yes! Great Elder!” (To be continued.)

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