God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 713: Capital corpse sea!

Yue Zhong obtained the distribution map of military equipment near the capital from Red Star No. 1, and immediately dispatched the first division, the second brigade, the third brigade, and the fourth brigade to launch an offensive against the location of those military installations.

The zombies of the military facilities outside the capital collapsed in front of the mighty army of Yue Jun, and the military facilities were recovered by Yue Jun.

After Yue Jun attacked those military facilities, he obtained a large amount of weapons and equipment, and even recovered an airport. He obtained more than a dozen bombers and a large number of bombs and missiles parked in the hangar.

The four field forces have been reversing their battles and have been marching in the direction of the capital.

In the process, some small forces, small groups have been wiped out after the Yue army, the leader is not surrendered or directly killed. The survivors of their majesty were also accepted by Yue Zhong, and those who committed the crime were directly put into the scum camp to serve as cannon fodder.

All the arsenals in the rear base were full of horsepower in the production of arms, and a steady stream of arms and food was sent to the first line for use by the army.

The four elite troops have grown up and matured in constant battle. Thousands of zombies die in their hands every day.

The villages and counties near the capital were all attacked by the Major Army of Yue.

The capital had tens of millions of people before the end of the world. After the end of the world, it was equivalent to having tens of millions of zombies. This huge corpse could not be easily eliminated.

Even a few million zombies are very difficult for Yue Zhong. When he did not own his own arsenal, he only defeated the millions of zombies. After possessing a large number of bullets and shells from the arsenal, he had the ability to eliminate millions of zombies.

The tree-rooted Legion of the Greens has also been thrown into the battle against the zombies by Yue Zhong. The tree monsters are the highest cannon fodder. They are fearless and physically far beyond humans, and can fight at night. The most crucial point is that as long as there is a mother tree, the tree monster can be born and thrown into the battle.

Under the constant attack of Yue Jun, Yue Zhong’s forces continued to spread in the direction of the capital.

Finally, the zombies that seemed to be scattered in the sand began to change.

Under the surveillance of the satellite controlled by Red Star 1, Yue Zhong people can clearly see that a group of corpses around the capital seems to have been inspired to gather in the center of the capital.

The huge corpse gathered to form a super corpse with more than 10 million, which is the torrent of the corpse. The kingdom of the dead.

Seeing that the huge corpse formed a horrible torrent, Yue Zhong transferred the four field troops that had been fighting through the sky for a rest. After a period of continuous combat, the number of zombies destroyed by the four field forces has exceeded one million. But they also began to get tired.

After all, human beings are not zombies or robots. After experiencing repeated battles, even those who fight hard will be physically and mentally exhausted. If you do not get a timely rest, it will create a mentality of war.

The four field troops temporarily returned to the rest, but Yue Zhong let Ji Qing dance with the greens and the 5,000-headed tree monsters continue to attack the corpse that gathered in the capital.

Under the attack of the five thousand tree monsters, tens of thousands of zombies were wiped out by them every day.

However, the zombies around the capital are gathering in the direction of the capital. The speed of the Qing dynasty's tree monster army to eliminate the zombies is no match for the speed at which the corpse gathers.

After fifteen days. Numerous zombies have gathered in the capital, and the number of zombies in the capital has officially exceeded 20 million.

After the completion of the zombie confluence, the huge corpse was actually divided into five shares with two million zombies per head and attacked from the direction of Zhangkou City in five directions.

After the five corpses were separated, the 10 million corpse headquarters was crushed in the direction of the prairie where Yue Jun was located.

Yue Zhong sighed in the heart after scouting the movement of the huge corpse: "The soldiers! They actually learned to divide the soldiers! The wisdom of these zombie commanders seems to be getting higher and higher."

The corpse of a corpse became a six-strand, and the pressure of Yue Zhong became ten times more. If the corpse is as synthetic as it used to be, he can defend against the zombie's attack by concentrating his troops to defend one channel. However, the corpse actually split into six shares. He must split six forces to stop the attack on the corpse.

Moreover, each of these six corpse seas cannot be underestimated. Any one of the corpse seas can destroy all of Yue Zhong’s. The zombie sea formed by two million zombies has been able to form a horrible corpse sea enough to devour. all. Any corpse of the sea needs Yue Zhong to spend all his strength to be able to smash it.

This is the horror of the zombie commander with human wisdom. They can give the mobilized force a hundred times as many as human beings. They can make humans almost unable to withstand as long as they have some shallow tactics.

Yue Zhong looked at the constantly moving corpse and silenced for a while. "Through my order! Immediately transfer the materials of Zhangkou City, all non-combatants to Wulan City."

Zhangkou City is about two hundred kilometers away from the capital. This distance is too short for the corpse sea. Although Yue Zhong did not give up, he only had to give up this large city. After all, he couldn’t stop the offensive of the six-way corpse.

An officer should say: "Yes!"

Under the command of Yue Zhong, a large number of survivors in Zhangkou City began to move in the direction of Wulan City. The city of Zhangkou, which was originally revitalized by a large number of alliance survivors, has become a ghost town without life.

Among those survivors, most of the orders obeying the new government began to move in the direction of Ulan. However, there are still a small number of people who can't give up their house stores in Ulan City and want to stay in the city.

“Why let us go? Here is our home. I will never leave!!”

"Let me stay!! I don't want to go!!"


A survivor cried and mourned lying on the ground and was unwilling to leave Zhangkou City. In this market, they have their houses and stores. These are their wealth, they may not be able to buy a house and store before they end their lives. They are naturally not willing to give up.

The policeman looked at the survivors who were scorned and was a little embarrassed.

An officer riding a black scale horse with a hundred soldiers quickly came here and asked coldly: "What happened?"

A police officer explained to the officer: "They are not willing to leave their homes."

The officer’s face was cold and cold: “Well! Since they are not willing to obey the above orders and leave their homes, let them contribute to their homes. The leader has a life. All those who are unwilling to evacuate are all compiled. Enter the camp. Come and grab them all."

The officer's hand waved, and a hundred soldiers quickly stepped forward to grab all the survivors who were lying on the ground.

Seeing that scene, those survivors who were still waiting to go and watched were all cocky, and they followed the big forces and retreated in the direction of Ulan.

Yue Zhong’s rude order, hundreds of survivors were arrested, but under such deterrence, a large number of survivors have become honest. Steady to the city of Ulan, no more messy things.

At the same time, in order to cope with the six-way army of the corpse, Yue Zhong also sent six infantry brigades to go to one of the key main points to defend.

This time is the key to the survival of Yue Zhong. Yue Zhong finally put down the defense against the amount of dyeing, and allocated a number of rocket launchers, heavy machine guns, mortars, six 122 self-propelled artillery and other heavy weapons to the third brigade. use.

If this defeat is lost, Yue Zhong will have to return to the prairie, and there is no hope of recovering the capital within one year. And the commanders in those zombies don't know where the evolution of this war will become stronger.

If the zombie commander is smarter and constantly attacking the forces occupied by Yue Zhong, they will not be able to uproot the forces of Yue Zhong on the grassland.

The virtual yuan gorge is a traffic artery that leads to Zhangkou City in the capital. It is the narrowest part of a narrow canyon. It can only accommodate six cars side by side. www.readwn.com~ At this time, in the virtual gorge A famous engineer, like a worker bee, is constantly building various kinds of fortifications.

The amount of money was patrolled on a single position. Whenever he went to a place, the soldiers of the third brigade would salute him.

Most of the soldiers of the Third Brigade were all under the influence of the original subordinates who followed him for many years. Even if Yue Zhong had a lot of military officers entering the third brigade, those underlying fighters were still very awe-inspiring. Not to fear the blood of his golden family, but to fear that he is basically a leader in every battle, and at the same time loves the nurses.

Suddenly dyed on a single position to patrol, he looked at the positions of the rifle grenades, heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and other heavy weapons in the center of the tide. The third brigade, which was plagued by Yue Zhong and began to be equipped with even rifles, finally had all the weapons modernization.

Suddenly, I felt proud when I was able to bring the third brigade out, and I also felt fearful about Yue Zhong. He did not think that Yue Zhong would change the heavy weapons to the third brigade, and also assigned the artillery to the third brigade. If it is changed to him, Yue Zhong, suddenly the amount of dye will never be heavy weapons for the third brigade. Because he and Yue Zhong are clear, his influence on the third brigade is still far stronger than Yue Zhong. (To be continued.)

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