God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 718: The power of nuclear bombs!

Xuanyuan looked up at a thunder fighter in the sky and said: "It was underestimated. These humans regard us as the low-level command tower of the ants. This kind of attack can't hurt us half a hair!"

Chiu looked up at the sky and smiled: "The power of weapons is so great that it is no good to hit people. It is too difficult to understand this with the monkey-like IQ of human beings."

Xuanyuan and Chiyou are super-smart creatures that evolved from zombies. Each has a horrible fighting power that rivals or even surpasses the silver frost. Yue Zhong also tried his best to bear the weight of his injuries. Under the cooperation of the Thunder fighters, he barely killed the wind.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to kill the horror monsters that can accelerate from moment to supersonic speed. If the Thunder fighters are flying in the sky, the 20 Thunder fighters will be easily destroyed by the two monsters, Xuanyuan and Chiyou.

At this moment, Zhao Tiangang suddenly changed his face to the loud voice of Yue: "The leader!! The leader!! Rebellion, armed rebellion in Ulan!!"

Yue Zhong heard the news, and the angry man couldn’t help but vomit a big mouthful of blood: "What?"

In order to protect the survivors of more than one million on the prairie, Yue Zhong killed and killed on the front line. In this most critical and dangerous situation, the people they protected actually smashed them in the back, and anyone would be angry. Heart attack.

Ji Qingwu holding the **** smell and sweaty smell of Yue Zhong did not abandon the soft voice persuaded: "Don't be angry, Yue Zhong, your body can not be angry. Those guys will never seize power. For those The animal is angry and the body is not worth it."

Ji Qingwu’s heart is also full of hatred for those who are rebelling in the rear, but she is very worried about Yue Zhong’s body and has to persuade Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhongqiang endured the pain of his abdomen and ordered his teeth: "I will immediately block this news."

Once this news is forwarded, I am afraid that it will lead to the collapse of six troops. I have to know that the six troops are facing 20 million zombies. Their pressure has reached a great point. Once the news of the rebellion comes from behind, I am afraid that the will of the people will collapse.

Zhao Tiangang led the life: "Yes!"

Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a fierce light command: “Connect the missile base! Pass me orders! Launch the third nuclear bomb, target X00234. Y00567.”

Zhao Tiangang asked with a shocked look: "The nuclear bomb? The leader, do you really want to launch a nuclear bomb?"

As the most powerful weapon of human beings, the nuclear bomb has been in a state of being sealed except that it showed its horrible power when it came to the world. It is only used as a strategic deterrent weapon to deter the enemy. The most crucial point is nuclear radiation.

Once the nuclear bomb is fired. The scope of the nuclear bomb's power will be contaminated by nuclear radiation, and nuclear pollution will not fade for hundreds of years. No force will be willing to launch a nuclear bomb to bombard its sphere of influence.

"Day, execute the order! All the responsibility for launching the nuclear bomb is borne by me!! This is, we can't lose! Fast! Cough! Cough!" Yue Zhong's tone was so strong that he coughed again and again, and the big mouth coughed out.

Zhao Tiangang is already a qualified soldier. He immediately responded to the communication at the missile base: "Yes! The leader!"

"This is the missile base. I am the head of the base, Major Liu Jinhe."

Yue Zhongqiang held his body and came to the communicator before he said: "I am Yue Zhong. I ordered your department to immediately launch the No. 3 nuclear bomb, target X00234, Y00567. The password is: XBJWYEG2347654590."

"The leader! Please wait a moment!" After a while, Liu Jinhe confirmed the true identity of Yue Zhong through password and voice. This confirmed again: "The launch of the No. 3 nuclear bomb, target X00234, Y00567. Please confirm again, whether to execute The order!"

Yue Zhong’s face coughed a few times and cried a few times: “Immediately! Execute at a speed as soon as possible. This is related to the future of all survivors on our prairie. Keke!”

Liu Jinhe’s heart is in the heart: “Yes!”


After issuing the command to attack with a nuclear bomb. Yue Zhong ordered Zhao Tiangang. If they do not leave as early as possible, they will also be affected by nuclear bombs and become a body.

Xuanyuan looked at the twenty Thunder fighters that flew away from the sky and said slowly: "They flew away!"

Chiyou showed a sardonic smile: "It seems that Yue Zhong is dead. They have to go back to fight for power. Human beings are such ugly creatures of power and desire. But their flesh and blood and brains are delicious. Hey!"

Xuanyuan turned to think and smiled too: "Also!"

Xuanyuan and Chiyou have learned a lot of knowledge from these two human brains. They all know that once the human leader of Yue Zhong is dead, human beings will be very ugly and fight for power. In fact, human beings are more ugly and stupid than they think, and humans have already guilty when the corpse has not yet been resolved.

Chiyou’s eyesight is terrible. It’s far from seeing an intercontinental missile coming at their location: “Hey! What is that?”

"The long-range missiles have such a hand. Unfortunately, the missiles still can't kill us."

Xuanyuan looked up and slammed the intercontinental missile in the sky with a cold smile, and the body disappeared from the place.

Chiyou also has a flash of shape, and it has appeared more than 400 meters after 1 second.

With this horrible speed, no matter what kind of rocket, bomb Xuanyuan, Chiyou can easily avoid. But this is not the ordinary missile but the crystallization of human wisdom, the most powerful nuclear bomb!


The nuclear bomb fell to the ground. An earth-shattering explosion was erupted. The horrible explosion spread at the speed of light, and instantly swallowed the super- evolutionary zombies of Chiyou and Xuanyuan.

Chiyou’s body emitted a circle of white light to resist the explosion of the nuclear bomb. The next moment, the white light was instantly broken by the horror energy contained in the explosion of the nuclear bomb. The burning light would swallow the scorpion and smother it against the grenade bombardment. The tyrannical body is completely vaporized directly.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? This is a nuclear bomb! This is a nuclear bomb!!!" The scream of frightening in that. This monster with horror and incomparable power is directly destroyed by vaporization.

Xuanyuan also issued a fierce scream and was directly vaporized by the burning energy of the nuclear bomb: "Nuclear bomb!! Good means! Good ah..."

The nuclear bomb landed, and the horrible explosion extended all over the place, and was affected by the explosion and the shock wave.

Everything turned into fly ash, and a huge group of mushroom clouds rose from the sky. The zombies within a few dozen miles were completely destroyed by the nuclear bomb, even those L4s were no exception.

Many of the zombies on the edge of the nuclear bomb explosion were blown by the hurricane caused by the nuclear bomb explosion. Many zombies on the edge of the nuclear bomb explosion were also smashed and killed by the horror sound of the nuclear bomb explosion.

When the nuclear bomb exploded, the power of the nuclear explosion actually caused the earth to vibrate at the entrance to the canyon, and many of the soldiers were caught in a panic.

Yue Zhong looked far away at the center of the nuclear explosion and thought complicatedly: "Is it eliminated?"

In the next hundred years, the nuclear explosion area will become a restricted area for human beings. If there is no leader who can eliminate those wisdom zombies, Yue Zhong can lose money.

After the nuclear explosion, not long after, the corpse of more than 8 million (more than one million dead under the attack of artillery and the nuclear bomb) collapsed, and a corpse of up to two million directly directed The direction of the capital fled.

The remaining dozens of corpses have been scattered in all directions.

The two evolutionary bodies of Xuanyuan and Chiyou were dead, and they completely collapsed against the control of the Z-type zombies. The power of the Z-type evolutionary zombies in the nuclear bombs began to flee.

More than four million zombies are numbly standing on the battlefield, neither retreating nor attacking. This is the state without the corpse of the commander.

The more than four million Z-type zombies that have been lost have been eliminated by Liu Yuemei's Thunder fighters, so they are standing on the battlefield waiting for the Z-type zombies.

Yue Zhong looked at the collapse of the collapse, and the numb numb corpse finally loosened a little deep: "This is finally winning!"

The main force that defeated 10 million zombies here is a great encouragement for the other five battlefields. Yue Zhong can also use this battlefield to support other battlefields.

Xuanyuan, Chiyou, Fengbo three super zombie wisdom life body died, they also collapsed on the other five battlefields above the corpse ~www.readwn.com~ but the corpse control over the other five battlefields are It is Z3, they do not see the power of nuclear bombs like the main battlefield. Therefore, after Xuanyuan and Chiyou were eliminated, the corpses above the five battlefields were still battling the army of Yue Zhong.

The battle reports of various battlefields were continuously transmitted to the hands of Yue Zhong. The battle was extremely fierce. Every time there were soldiers who died in the mouths of those zombies.

Bai Xiaosheng came to Yue Zhong’s side and asked: “Boss, what should I do now? Is it going to go to the rebellion, or to support other battlefields?”

Yue Zhong Shen said: "To support other battlefields. The task of counterinsurgency, I have already handed over to Dadung and Yahoo. Those guys are just a group of jumping clowns. Our first task now is to rescue our brothers. Our comrades!!"

"Tian Gang, immediately flew in the direction of the second brigade. We went to help the second brigade to destroy their Z-type zombies." Yue Zhong looked at the pale pale Liuyue eyebrows and asked: "Moon eyebrows, you feel How? Can you still hold it?"

Liu Yuemei leaned on the sofa and sipped Shenquan tea and smiled at Yue Zhong: "Compared with you, my injury is not a problem. As long as there is no super zombie, I will not have anything." ..)

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