God and Devil World

Vol 7 Chapter 729: Radiation detector!

"These **** beasts!!" Kong Cuiyun screamed and screamed, and then paled to the back of Yue Zhong, reaching out and grasping Yue Zhong's clothes. She just saw the head of a young girl who was less than 12 years old hanging outside a house. The miserable scene scared her almost crazy. In this kind of hell-like slaughterhouse, if she does not grasp Yue Zhong’s clothes, she will not have a trace of courage.

Xiaolan looked at Yue Zhong carefully and found that Yue Zhong was walking freely in the slaughterhouse like hell. There was not much change: "There was nothing in his heart that was cast in the end."

This kind of **** scene has already seen a lot of Yue Zhong. When he was in Indonesia, he saw many Indonesian animals and even children. His mind has been trained to be strong and will not easily shake.

However, Rao is a serious and determined person, and his heart is as hard as iron. Seeing the bodies of human children slaughtered by humanoids still makes his heart angry and insane.

Yue Zhong pushed open the home of a humanoid creature, and suddenly a disgusting stench smell came from the room of that kind of human creature. When he looked at it carefully, he saw that there were beds in the living quarters of that kind of human beings. There were tables, chairs, and human settlements. They were just a little bigger and stinking.

Yue Zhong looked carefully for a while, his eyes lit up, and saw a slap-sized electronic instrument on a table. He immediately took the electronic instrument in his hand.

"Radiation intensity detector. The intensity of the radiation that the instrument can detect is 19."

Yue Zhong took the electronic instrument in his hand and saw only a simple explanation of the line above the electronic instrument.

Yue Zhong looked at the electronic instrument's heart and sank: "Radiation? Is there radiation in many parts of the world? Or is there a lot of radiation everywhere in this area?"

Radiation is extremely terrible, if it is hit by heavy radiation. Humans can cause cancer by cell mutation.

After Yue Zhong used a nuclear bomb to kill the zombie wisdom body, the nuclear bomb explosion enveloped the scope of the Baili Yuezhong was set as a restricted area for humans to enter. I am afraid that no one can enter the area for hundreds of years.

It is precisely because of the radiation pollution of the nuclear bomb that Yue Zhongming also has 14 nuclear bombs and does not dare to use it in the battle against zombies.

Yue Zhong pressed a button and the radiation intensity detector lit up. A line of words appeared on the screen: "The area is contaminated by radiation to a level of 3. It is a lightly polluted area, and it can be used in this area with Level 3 anti-radiation drugs."

Yue Zhong looked at the face of the radiation intensity detector and it turned out to be very ugly: "The lightly polluted area, so to say, has this area been contaminated by radiation? Damn, are we not in the radiation area now?" If you don’t take the anti-radiation drugs, you will be very dangerous. Right, those people’s sudden and strange deaths will not be contaminated by heavy radiation. What a terrible radiation will make people Sudden death in a short period of time?"

Yue Zhong, with his current strength, is also confident in the face of the fourth-order mutant beast. But the radiation is everywhere, he can't resist it. The five-level protective suit he wore had the ability to resist radiation. But his head has no radiation-resistant equipment. That is to say, his body can withstand the erosion of radiation, but his head is unable to withstand the erosion of the radiation.

Yue Zhong looked for another time in the room, only found a bag of black wheat and a dozen human bones, which was disgusting.

Yue Zhong left the room. It was found that most of the survivors were hiding outside the village, and many looked at the vomiting of the human corpses that were hung outside the house. Few people dare to enter it.

The fortifiers are different, and half of the intensifiers enter the family of human creatures like Yue Zhong, searching for all the materials that can be used.

After a while, some of the bold survivors understood what they were, and they rushed into the village.

These survivors are in addition to Xiaolan and other greenhouse flowers that are sheltered by the strong. The rest have experienced a lot of things in the last days. Among them, the importance of food to human beings is very clear. In this world where the living environment is so bad, food is the most important thing.

Yue Zhong immediately threw the bag of black wheat in his hand into the hands of Kong Cuiyun: "Hold!!"

Kong Cuiyun got the bag of wheat brows and shouted loudly and shouted: "What is this? Stinky!! So dirty! I won't take it!"

Yue Zhong saw Kong Cuiyun flashing a touch of indifference in his eyes.

Kong Cuiyun was glanced at Yue Zhong, and his heart was cold. She is arrogant. Some of the big ladies are not stupid. She is very clear that once Yue Zhong gives up her and Xiao Lan, their two weak women are afraid to die in this world immediately. Especially those naked men. Even more will not let her and Xiaolan such a beautiful girl.

Kong Cuiyun’s mouth twitched, and a tear in his eyes caught the bag of black wheat tightly: “I take it! I will take it!”

Yue Zhong turned his head and ignored Kong Cuiyun. I looked around for a while and went directly into the most huge room.

Xiaolan’s eyes flashed a few times and said to Kong Cuiyun: “Cuiyun, let me help you!”

Kong Cuiyun shook his head and said firmly: "No! I come by myself."

Xiaolan saw Kong Cuiyun didn't say anything at all, but immediately followed Yue Zhong into the room.

When Yue Zhongyi entered the big room, he saw more than a dozen rifles. The sniper rifle was casually hung in the room. The bullets of the rifles and sniper rifles were piled up in a stone box.

Yue Zhong picked up the rifles and sniper rifles and looked at them in detail: "These rifles and sniper rifles are ordinary guns. It doesn't seem to go beyond the technology of the earth. But it looks like it is old."

When Xiao Lan entered the room, she was attracted by the guns in the room. She hesitated and saw a bag of rye in the room and walked over to take the bag of rye in her hand.

After a life and death, Xiao Lan has a clearer understanding of the preciousness of life. She did not want to be a useless person and was finally abandoned by Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong put a rifle aside and carefully observed it in the room. Soon his eyes lit up and a probe like a thermometer was held in his hand.

“Water Source Detector. This detector is capable of detecting water pollution levels of radiation pollution at level 19.”

Yue Zhong took the water source detector and said with a gloomy look: "Water source detector. Even this kind of thing has been made, it seems that the world is afraid of radiation everywhere."

Yue Zhong looked for a while in this room and found nothing more. He threw all the guns and ammunition in the room and gave it to the side of the white bone.

These guns and ammunition are also of great use to Yue Zhong. Although Yue Zhong is now defying the knife and gun, he will be able to play a more terrifying destructive power than the gun. The presence of these guns and ammunition can reduce his consumption.

After Yue Zhong left the room, he found that most of the survivors had joined the rummage. He sank for a while and strode out to the outside. This is like hell, he doesn't want to stay a little more.

After Yue Zhong left the village, the survivors also left the village one after another.

After Yue Zhong left the village, he looked around the West and continued to walk toward the West. He knows that they are now in a radiation-contaminated area, and every minute they are shot by the radiation, the body is very likely to mutate and get cancer.

Ma Fan looked at Yue Zhong and turned his face and shouted: "Wait a minute!! Wait a minute!! Yue Zhong brother, wait a minute!!"

Without the protection of Yue Zhong, it is difficult for these people to live in this world full of radiation. Ma Fan is very clear about this. He hopes to let Yue Zhong stay to protect them.

Yue Zhong took a look at Ma Fan and ignored Ma Fan but strode toward the West.

Xiao Lan and Kong Cuiyun are closely following Yue Zhong.

Frana and other intensifiers looked at Yue Zhong for a small group that led them to command.

"let's go!"

Ma Fan also took the survivors and walked in the direction of Yue Zhong. His attempt to gather all survivors and gain the command of survivors fell through.

With the radiation detector Yue Zhong is a lot easier to open the radiation detector to know the extent of radiation pollution in the surrounding area. Areas above level 4 are intermediate-level contaminated areas, and Yue Zhongyi immediately circumvents when encountering these areas.

I have been walking for a day and I have to stop camping.

Seeing that Yue Zhong stopped ~www.readwn.com~ then everyone was relieved.

When Yue Zhong handed over a bottle of mineral water, he appeared in his hands. He took the bottle of mineral water and cleaned it in one go.

After a day of walking, almost everyone was thirsty. The survivors watched Yue Zhong take a bottle of mineral water and cleaned it. The throat squirmed and his eyes glowed green.

Xiaolan hesitated and came to Yue Zhong’s body and said, “I am thirsty. Can you give me some water?”

Yue Zhong saw Xiao Lan's brows slightly wrinkled and took out a bottle of mineral water and poured a bottle of water and handed it to Xiao Lan.

Xiaolan took a disappointment in the water eye of the bottle cap and still thanked him: "Thank you!"

Kong Cuiyun looked at Yue Zhong and only gave Xiao Lan a bottle of water and couldn't help but swear: "Small ghost!"

Ma Fan came to Yue Zhong and said: "Yue Zhong, I am Ma Fan! I know that you have water on your body. Now we are all very thirsty. Please give us the water in your body. In this kind of When it is difficult, we will be able to spend the same time together and spend the same time together." (To be continued.)

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