God and Devil World

Vol 7 Chapter 750: Huge strength gap!

On the ridiculous land without a trace of vitality, dozens of humans carrying heavy weights of more than 20 kilograms of breath, running wildly on the wilderness.

Yue Zhong was wearing a military uniform and stood by and watching the soldiers who were running. Among those warriors, there are Xiaolan, Flana, and even that Loli Dina.

Yue Zhong gave the evolutionary agents to them to make them an evolutionary, and then began to train them with high-intensity special forces.

Even if they have the ability, they can't play the power of the evolutionist without systematic training.

I saw the cruelty of this world, even if Kong Cuiyun, who had the arrogance of Missy, began to undergo severe training.

And the half-variant Lori Dina, who is not even 14 years old, is very hard to train. After the training, she will silently give herself a training course. She is born and she knows how precious it is to gain strength. Once she has this opportunity, she will cherish it.

Yue Zhong stunned the people who were training and asked Luo Chen to the side: "I want to know all the intelligence of the Rebels."

"The Rebels are all over this planet. On this planet, we humans are just food, toys, and slaves in the cannibals. The places where the cannibals are cruel, the number of the rebel forces will be relatively high. Those who eat. The number of rebel forces in the soft places of ghost rule is relatively small."

"However, in general, our rebel army is divided into four fronts in the southeast and northwest according to the geographical area. Our rebel fighters on the eastern front are in 40 cities. The number is about 40,000. The southern front is spread over 30 cities. The number is 50,000. The western front is spread over 20 cities and the number is 20,000. The back line is in 60 cities and the number is about 100,000. That is to say, the total strength of our rebel army is 200,000. Around the war, there are a lot of helpers in the cities, and the specific number of helpers is not clear."

"The highest authority of our rebel army is the Human Liberation Cause Resistance Committee. It is called the Committee. It consists of 12 representatives from each side of the Quartet. The highest leader of the committee is the chairman. He is also the highest leader of our rebel army. The chairman of the first session is Gong Changtian. He is a very good leader and the leader of the last northern front."

Yue Zhong pondered for a while and continued to ask: "How much strength does our enemy saint have?"

Luo Chen said with a bitter smile: "The saints almost control all the cities above the planet. Except for the strong radiation area and the wilderness, all places are their sphere of influence. With statistics, there are 560. Thirteen cities are in their hands. The number of people in their hands is more than 300 million. This is only the number of human beings. The number of the saints themselves is not much, and there are more than 10 million."

Yue Zhong heard a speech without a word. Compared with the number of saints, the number of rebel forces is 50 times different from each other. The other side still has a large number of cities and various resources. There is no chance of a positive conflict.

The 300 million people who are mastered by the saints can easily crush the power of the rebel army. The two sides are not in an order of magnitude.

At the same time, after knowing the true strength of the enemy, Yue Zhong’s heart could not help but shrouded a shadow.

At present, Yue Zhong is struggling to struggle in the Huaxia country and only has a population of just over two million.

If the gates of **** open the invasion of the saints, it is the three hundred million human beings that can make Yue heavy headaches, let alone the ten million saints.

With the strength of those saints, Yue Zhong personally estimates. One million holy people can easily kill 300 million humans. In addition, there are a large number of zombies, mutant beasts, tree monsters and many other aliens in the Huaxia country. Once the war broke out, the point at which he desperately accumulated was not enough.

Yue Zhongzhong sighed slightly: "Fortunately, I chose to enter this world."

If Yue Zhong stays in the development of the earth, one year will indeed make his power on the earth expand. However, no matter how it expands, the tyrannical forces facing this second world are still fragile. He realized that the opportunity to enter the world is so precious to the forces on earth.

If you don't do anything, until the invasion of the saints in this world, all the forces above the earth will be destroyed under the absolute power of the other.

Yue Zhong silenced and continued to ask: "How many third-order **** warriors are there in the rebel army?"

The third-order **** warrior is like the powerful monsters like Jack and Tanzania who can tear RH2 empty-handed.

Luo Chendao: "There are a total of seven highly famous third-order **** warriors among the rebels. They are the snowstorm sima bing, the red sinister Wang Kai, the human tank ken, the bear of the earth, the king of steel, and the king of steel. , the light beast Jess, the overlord Gong Changtian. There are only three third-order **** warriors among our rebel forces, and there are no fourth-order **** warriors."

Yue Zhongdao: "How many more than three orders of God warriors are there?"

"The number of third-order **** warriors among the saints is more than 100,000, and the fourth-order **** warriors are said to have one thousand. The fifth-order **** warriors are many fewer than only thirty, and the fifth-order **** warriors are mostly ancestors. The strongest of the family. As for the sixth-order **** warrior, there are three or two original ancestors who survived the era of great destruction. As for the truth of the legend, no one has ever verified it."

"Generally suppressing the rebellion everywhere is the strongest of the third-order **** warriors in the saints. Once the fourth-order **** warrior of the saints is dispatched, basically the rebellion will be directly suppressed. The fifth-order **** warriors are all inside the saints. The big guys, in their eyes, we are like these ants in the rebel army. If they are in a bad mood, they will kill us. However, it is rare to see the fifth-order **** warrior of the saints." A face is sullen and slow.

Yue Zhong listened to Luo Chen’s words and was silent for a while. He finally understood why Luo Chen’s power was so simple.

Yue Zhong is already a top powerhouse on the earth, but among the saints is just an ordinary master. Any fourth-order **** warrior can be easily killed. If a fifth-order **** warrior shoots, he is afraid that he will be killed by an instant. The dangers and cruelty of this world can be imagined.

Yue Zhong asked for a moment of silence: "What about the food and water reserves of our army now?"

In this wilderness, the most terrible killer is not the saint, but the food and water.

Most of the places suitable for living in the country have built a city, and most of the places outside the city are heavy radiation areas where humans cannot survive and have no food or water.

Food and clean water are the most important factors that restrict the resistance of the Rebels.

In a city where the saints live, there is a clean source of water, and it is also able to grow food. It is precisely because of this that the saints can firmly grasp human beings.

Luo Chen looked at the soldiers who were carrying out intensive training. Dina said: "Our food reserve can still support one month, and the water source can save a little to support twenty days. The premise is that the soldiers you train cannot. Use our food and water reserves."

Luo Chen also knows that according to Yue Zhong’s training of special forces, he can train a powerful army, but the troops that are trained will become the major consumers of water and food. This is a nightmare for the material-deficient resistance.

Many cities can make a rebel army collapse when they deal with the rebels, as long as they carry out an economic blockade and ban water and food from flowing into the rebel army.

Yue Zhong asked curiously: "How did you get water and food from the city before?"

Luo Chen laughed and laughed at himself: "The ore found on the wilderness, the hunting mob, the slaves obtained by the displaced, the flesh and nucleus of the mutant beast, the crystal angle of the high-order mutant head, and the rare mutant plants. These are the needs of various cities. The materials, as long as those cities do not carry out economic blockade, we can use these things to exchange their eagle coins from them, and then exchange the eagle for water and food. In addition, we will become a commission. Soldiers, go to the mission hall to pick up the mission, in exchange for the required eagle. As a rebel army, but still for those saints to sell their lives to be able to sustain, I feel ridiculous."

Yue Zhong fell into silence~www.readwn.com~ Because of the lack of supplies, these rebel forces actually fell to help the saints to sell their lives, which made him feel incredible. However, he changed his mind and understood the hardships of the rebel forces. After all, they still have to live.

Yue Zhong asked: "Where is there a mutant herd near here?"

Luo Chendao: "Guto Ruins!!"

Luo Chen explained in detail to Yue Zhong: "The Guto ruins are the most famous ruins in the vicinity. It is the grounding belt of heavy radiation and light radiation. There are many aggressive and fertile variegated forests in that area. Many mutant beasts, radiant ghosts, thugs, and mutants inhabit the area. The area is very dangerous, and the most horrible mutant beast can even kill the fourth-order **** warrior. It is said that there was a fourth-order **** warrior of the saint The ruins of the Guto are gone forever. There are many small human organizations around the ruins of Guto. These human organizations are equivalent to a small mercenary group. They will enter the ruins of Guto to hunt and complete the saints. The task is to exchange for money. It is a very chaotic area, and sinful acts such as murder and robbery happen almost every day. Most of the people there are not good or evil. They just do it if they give them money. Usually go to the Guto ruins hunting mutant beasts."

Yue Zhong heard the words and thought for a while: "That's good! Let's go to the ancient ruins!" (To be continued.)

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