God and Devil World

Vol 7 Chapter 758: The power of white!

[Text hand hit book friends favorite m] Yue Zhong curious asked: "Hello! I am Yue Zhong! You have no name?"

The little girl in the screen smiled at Yue Zhong sweetly: "My past memories, emotions, and everything have been deleted. In this ball, only my core program and some information are left. You are my new Master, please give me a name."

Yue Zhong sank for a while and smiled: "Good! So from today on, your name is white."

The little girl in the screen smiled at Yue Zhong sweetly: "Thank you for the master to name me."

Yue Zhong pointed to the direction of the rh2 main battle robot cluster: "White, I want all the mechanical control over there. Can you control them all?"

Bai Yi smiled slightly toward Yue Zhong: "Please rest assured that unless you are simply mechanically manipulating, you will not be able to escape my control if you use a central computer. Please wait a moment."

A device similar to a small radar extends out of the ball, and the waves spread out in all directions.

At the center of the hundreds of rh2 main battle robot guards, Ixia looked at George sitting on the body of a rh2 main battle robot and asked: "George, how long does it take for you to recover?"

George's huge wound at the end of the abdomen was half healed, and at the same time, numerous granulations were constantly creeping.

George paled: "One hour, it will take an hour for me to fully recover. But even if I recover completely, my combat power will drop by 20%."

The cannibals have the ability to recover beyond humanity, and many of the deadly injuries to humans can be restored for them as long as time is up. Of course, restoring the body requires a lot of physical strength, so after recovering the wound, their combat power will drop to a certain extent in a short time.

Ai Xiya heard the words silently turning around and looking up at the sky. The white hands waved, and the powerful power of the thoughts slammed on the building that flew to the side, and the hard-moving distortion of the flight of the building. Let it fall to the other side.

If it is forcibly resisting the huge building, even if it is as strong as the love of the Greek, it is very difficult, but it is not difficult for her to use the power to bless the flight path of the building on the building.

It is precisely with Ai Xia that constantly distort the trajectory of those buildings, and the damage rate of those rh2 main battle robots has been reduced.

The huge rh2 main battle robot battle cluster is constantly moving forward. Everything was destroyed by their cannons. Even if the mutants are hiding behind the bunker, a laser will pass through the bunker and kill the mutants hiding behind them.

After the formation of the scale, the rh2 main battle robot seems to be an invincible steel torrent, even if the fourth-order mutants do not dare to face their edge.

The three fourth-order mutants in the distance looked at the steel torrent that was propelled by the festival, and there was a sigh of anger and helplessness in the eyes. Any one of them can easily destroy a rh2 main battle robot, but the two hundred rh2 main battle robots formed a dense fire network they can not act rashly. If they are not careful, they will be torn by the horrible fire.

Suddenly, the rh2 main battle robot cluster action was a stagnation. The next moment, the muzzle was adjusted to aim at the four fourth-order **** warriors of the saints, and then spit out fierce fire tongue.

At the same time, the rh2 main battle robot that George took was also self-destructive. The horrible explosion swallowed George and blown the fourth-order **** warrior.

Manchide couldn't catch the defense. The body was directly bombarded by numerous organs and artillery shells, and his body was blasted out of a big hole, but at the most critical time. From his body, a burst of white aperture broke out, blocking the shells of countless cannons.

Manshid resisted the bombardment of the numerous artillery shells, and the light of an electromagnetic gun was shot from a distance. Instantly ran through his white aperture and blew his head directly.

“Congratulations, you have gained 40 points of strength and skill points +1.”

Mancied's huge vitality did not enter the body of Yue Zhong, so that he was instantly strengthened.

The fourth-order **** warriors are powerful beyond the strength of Yue Zhong, so hunting them can make Yue Zhong get great benefits.

On the other hand, Antonio's body also released a white aperture to resist the bombardment of the cannon, while his body flashed and fled to the distance.

The strongest fourth-order **** warrior among the four of Aisha was to manipulate the powerful power barrier to block the bombardment of the cannon, and then flew up into the sky.

The red-haired red-eyed fourth-order mutant had a fierce flash in his eyes, and a little under his feet, turned into a streamer that leaped in the direction of Antonio.

The red-haired red-eyed fourth-order mutant is extremely horrible. It has caught up with Antonio's claws in the heart of Antonio in ten seconds.

Antonio had no choice but to bite his teeth and fight with the red-haired red-skinned fourth-order mutant.

Ai Xi Ya has just taken off with the power of thought. The heavy-armed helicopters hovering in the sky adjusted their formations, and the missiles madly rushed toward Aisha.

Ixia has a speed above the speed of sound on the ground, but in the sky she can fly to the sky with her power, and her speed is far less than the ground in the sky. Looking at the missile that was sent to her, she was only able to motivate the power to explode that missile.

Ai Xia has just detonated the missile that she fired. More than two hundred rh2 main battle robots underneath adjusted the muzzle to form a powerful and dense firepower net to shoot at her.

Aisha silver teeth bite. The motivated mind quickly landed on the ground and then fled to the distance.

At this moment, the fourth-order mutant chief held a huge stick with the sound of a blast to the singer.

Ai Xia's face changed slightly, and a powerful power barrier was blocked in front of her.

The stick of the fourth-order mutant chief was slammed on the power barrier of Aisha, and the incomparable power of the horror broke out completely, and the power of the earthquake was completely shattered. Shiya's face is a bit whitish.

This fourth-order mutant chief is a fourth-order peak with a strange monster that is better than Aisha. As long as it is hit by his stick, most of the defense will collapse.

Another fourth-order mutant with a sarcoma emerged silently from a corner and slammed into the heart of Aisha.

Aisha made a scream of screaming, and a horrible ultrasound spread towards her in all directions.

The fourth-order mutant chief and the fourth-order mutant with sarcoma were slightly stagnate and slowed down.

At this moment, the beam of an electromagnetic gun was shot again from a distance, and it slammed into the lower abdomen of Aisha, and her belly was directly blown out of a big horrible hole, and the internal organs were almost completely destroyed.

Isiah's little face was distorted in pain. She looked in the direction of the electromagnetic gun. With her excellent ability to perceive, she saw Yue Zhong, who was armed with a single soldier.

In the eyes of Aisha, there was a fierce temper, regardless of the fact that he had been hit hard. At the foot, the whole person rushed toward Yue Zhong at a speed of Mach 1.5.

The fourth-order mutant chieftain and the fourth-order mutant with the sarcoma turned and looked at Yue Zhong, and the eyes of the two flashed with strange light.

Ai Xia just moved, the more than two hundred rh2 main battle robots quickly adjusted the muzzle, the powerful gunfire formed a perfect firepower network will love the Greek network live, no matter how the love Shiya moves, there are a lot of The gunfire was on her body.

Ai Xiya's eyes were condensed, and her teeth opened a powerful power barrier, blocking most of the artillery attacks, but every time she resisted a cannon, her body would squirt a lot of blood and spit it out. She dragged the seriously injured body through the firepower net and appeared in front of Yue Zhong.

At this moment, a missile descended from the sky, and it slammed into the body of Aisha, and immediately smashed her lower body into a crush. The powerful shock wave hit her in front of Yue Zhong.


From the display screen of the ball, there was a white laughter. It was she who manipulated all the weapons of war to carry out a precise attack and wounded the fourth-order **** warrior of Aisha.

Isiah gasped and looked at Yue Zhongdao: "The treasure of hope has fallen into your hands! Are you the kind of hope of this era of mankind?"

"Hope of hope? There is still such a title. Forget it, have you ever eaten?" Yue Zhong smiled and pointed the individual guns in his hand at the head of Aisha.

Ai Xia's eyes wide open and her eyes are cold and cold: "Don't compare me to those lower creatures~www.readwn.com~ I am a member of the ancestors of the ancestors. The only thing that eats people is the lower ones. The creature will do it."

Yue Zhong asked the white dress: "Interesting! White, is there a way to control her? This living fourth-order **** warrior is very useful to me."

As a super artificial intelligence, White has made great contributions to Yue Zhong’s defeat of Ai Xia. He hopes to capture the Ayiya’s paladin.

White shook his head and said: "There is no way! Her strength is too strong. Unless she can recruit the box of hope, the fourth-order **** warrior cannot be controlled."

"It's a pity! Sorry, you can only die!" Yue Zhong had some regrets, and he loved Hiya, blinking a flash of ice in his eyes and pulling the trigger.

A flash of light flashed, and the beautiful head of Ai Xia exploded directly. A vitality of life was directly immersed in Yue Zhong’s body through the imprint of the gods and magic system.

"Congratulations for your 40 points of agility, +1 skill points." ~! [Read the latest free chapter of this book, please go to the net: m]

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