God and Devil World

Chapter 76: Mutant dog

Early the next morning, Wang Guanghu came to the square with 36 armed elements in the early morning.

Wang Guanghu went to the Yuezhong people who were eating breakfast and said warmly: "How? Are you ready, Yue Zhong? Are you going to bring a few people?"

Yue Zhong pointed out that Chen Yao and Ji Qing Dance were two women: "Already ready! Tiger brother! I will take them both."

Ji Qing dance is only one step away from the tenth level. After being promoted to level 10, that skill point can greatly enhance her strength.

Wang Guanghu frowned and looked at Chi Yang and Wang Shuang: "Take them two, is it enough? Or, how about bringing together Chi Yang and Wang Shuang?"

In Wang Guanghu's thinking, men are always stronger than women. He has some beliefs about the strength of Ji Qing Dance and Chen Yao. In fact, in the last days, there are very few women who dare to fight with zombies in the same way as Ji Qing. Even men, few people have such courage.

Yue Zhongdao: "Don't worry! If we can't do three, even if they go with them, it doesn't work."

"Good! Let's go!"

After the speech, Wang Guanghu led Yue Zhong to drive away.

The team first turned into a small village and then entered a hill surrounded by forests along a small road in the village.

After entering the mountain, along a lane, a small barracks appeared in front of everyone.

Yue Zhong looked at the small barracks, and there was a flash of burning in his eyes: "It turned out that if someone didn't lead the way, it would be impossible to find it."

The arms in the small barracks, Yue Zhong definitely do not want to let go, with those arms, whether it is to deal with people, or to deal with zombies, mutant monsters have great use.

Just saw the shadow of the small barracks, Wang Guanghu ordered the team to stop.

Wang Guanghu came to Yue Zhong’s side: “Yue Zhong brothers, the barracks are there. We can’t get closer again, the ears of the beasts are tight, and when we pass, they will be rushing over.”

"Follow me!" Yue Zhong said to Ji Qing Dance and Chen Yao. He held the stinger II in one hand and the imitation Tang knife in the other. He followed the special skeleton and sneaked away in the direction of the barracks.

Ji Qing Dance and Chen Yao are two women who are behind Yue Zhong.

During the march, Yue Zhong suddenly asked: "Chen Yao, the plant has manipulated this skill, you have already learned it?"

When the early Qing dance took a three-level skill book plant manipulation. Yue Zhong knows that Ji Qing dance is a melee route. She will only let her precious three-level skill book let her girlfriend Chen Yao learn, so that Chen Yao has more life-saving skills.

In the magic system, the power of magic is strong, but the casting conditions are harsh. So there is no life-saving skill, leaving the team, it is difficult to survive alone. Need help with other skills.

Chen Yao nodded: "Well!"

When the skill book broke out, Yue Zhong also watched, and Chen Yao did not want to hide the fact.

Yue Zhong Shen said: "To what extent does your plant control ability?"

Chen Yao hesitated for a moment, or said: "The ability to manipulate ordinary grass in the grass is long and entangled in the enemy. The power of ordinary humans cannot break free."

Chen Yao's reinforcement is too low, even if the plant manipulation is a three-level skill, she can not play the power of that skill too much. If Chen Yao's degree of enhancement is high, then plant manipulation is definitely a terrible ability.

Yue Zhong nodded slightly and no longer spoken.

The four men carefully sneaked into the barracks ambush.

Yue Zhongyu was on the grass before the military camp and looked far away from the military camp.

I saw that in the small military camp, only a dozen of zombies carrying guns and uniforms stood still in place.

"What about the mutant dog?" Yue Zhong looked far away and looked for the trace of the mutant dog. He has to look at the strength of the mutant dog before making plans.

If the mutant dog is a monster of level 30 or above, Yue Zhong will not hesitate to choose to retreat. He is not arrogant enough to think that he can do four or more monsters above the 30th level.

Yue Zhongyu was constantly looking around on the ground, trying to find a trace of clues, but did not get any clues.

Suddenly, behind the heavy weight of Yue Zhong, there was a sound of gunshots and the sound of the car.

"Not good! Go away, they are behind!" Yue Zhong's face changed, and quickly ran towards the rear.

Chen Yao and Ji Qingwu are also behind the body of Yue Zhong.

All the way rushing, Yue Zhong looked around, suddenly from the grass next to him, a strong lion and tiger, the whole body of the black hair of the dog, if a sharp arrow shot, opened the blood basin mouth to Yue heavy bite go with.

Seeing Yue Zhong will be rushed by the mutant dog, who has been following the white bones around Yue Zhong, stepping forward in front of Yue Zhong.

The mutated dog slammed into the bones of the bones~www.readwn.com~ licking a bite, it was actually crushing the right shoulder of the bone, and the bones splashed.

After the bones were strengthened by the bones, even the rifle bullets could not shoot through its bones. At this time, it was actually bitten by the mutant dog, which showed that the mutant dog bite force. If Yue Zhong is bitten, even if he is protected by protective clothing, he will be hit hard.

Just as the white bones were bitten and crushed, Yue Zhong raised the stinger II in his hand and fired three shots at the mutant dog.

Three bullets blasted over the head of the mutant dog. The head of the mutant dog blew up three fist-sized blood clots. From the midair, it fell weakly to the ground, and a large group of faint light did not enter the mountain. Among the heavy bodies.

A skill book, two white treasure boxes, and a survival coin with a face value of 100 appear next to the body of the mutant dog.

Yue Zhong quickly swept those things into his backpack and then glanced at the white bones.

In order to save Yue heavy, the right arm of the white bone was crushed by the mutant dog.

As long as the skull is not destroyed, the white bone can pick up the broken part, but if it is completely destroyed by its bones, it can not turn the bones into bones.

I saw the bones walked to the side of the mutant dog, inserted the hand into the head of the mutant dog, launched the bone utilization technique, and pumped it hard. The vertebrae of the mutant dog was immediately pulled out of the mutant dog by the white bone. .

The bones continually inserted the bones of the mutant dog into the body, and the black light flashed. The bones were completely absorbed by the bones, and its body was actually enlarged.

"Congratulations, your special cockroach successfully used bones to absorb the bones of the mutant dog, with a strength of +10." A strange sound directly sounded in Yue Zhong's knowledge of the sea.

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