God and Devil World

Vol 7 Chapter 787: Go back to Earth!

[Text hand book friends love m] In this water source, there is no radiation, there is no big food crisis, and Yue Zhong promulgated a series of laws to rebuild the security system and let the crime in this water source Get curbed.

In this water source, there are no more mercenaries to punish without impunity, and there is no such thing as rape, robbery or theft. Private property was completely protected by Yue Zhong. In this way, everyone is full of hope for the future.

Situ Bing walked in the water source. She walked all the way, only to see people come and go, everyone is busy for their future, a thriving scene.

Situ Bing looked at the flourishing and prosperous water source and flashed a strange look: "Yue Zhong, this guy, it really has some skill, not just a coward who can only kill and kill!

Looking at the orderly order of the water source, Situ Bing has completely felt the vitality and vitality of this gathering place.

Just by enacting laws, rebuilding order is already a great thing for people in this world. You know, the technology of this world is above the earth, but as the most underground human being, it is rarely able to get education.

Many human mercenaries are able to fiddle with a rifle at the age of eleven or two, and can even split and install directly with their eyes closed. But a multiplication will stump them, and even some people can't even master the basic calculations.

At the same time, most of the urban areas controlled by the saints are chaotic, and there is basically no order. Only the inner city and the saints live in, they will have perfect laws and order.

For the inhabitants of many cities, this gathering place with law and order is like a paradise. Here they are no more worried than being afraid of being dragged away by others. They don’t have to worry that they will become food on the table of other people one night and don’t have to worry about their property being taken away by others. In this way, they naturally cherish this gathering place and are grateful to Yue Zhong.

After the promulgation of the law and the construction of the security system, Yue Zhong’s reputation in this gathering place has once again gained a great rise. Adding to the prophecy of the Savior hundreds of years ago, Yue Zhong is more mysterious and tall in the hearts of all people.

When Situ Bing came to a building, he asked two soldiers who stood at the door: "Where is the leader?"

A soldier said: "Study Minister, the leader is on the training ground."

Situ Bing immediately turned and walked in the direction of the training ground.

Soon Situ Bing came to the training ground.

The training ground was a very vast ruin. This complex ruin was re-elected by Yue as a training ground for intensive training and mech training.

Above the training ground. Hundreds of soldiers are carrying out a series of trainings such as cross-country, push-ups and climbing high-rise buildings.

More than twenty rh2 main battle robots fought fiercely in the ruins.

White as a super artificial intelligence can command hundreds or even thousands of rh2 main battle robots at the same time, but it also has weaknesses.

Once subjected to large-scale electronic interference, it is difficult for white clothes to control hundreds of rh2 main battle robots at the same time. Human control of the robot is indispensable.

And Yue Zhong is very clear, that is, there is white super artificial intelligence. There is no need for super artificial intelligence on the enemy side. If you rely on the power of white, you may pay a very painful price on a certain day.

Situ Bing looked around and saw Yue Zhong sitting on a hill.

At this time, sitting next to Yue Zhong, Fichnia, Sima Yiming, Duanmu Sheng, Qi Qinger, his eyes closed, his right hand bursting with golden light.

Situ Bing quickly walked over there.

At one glance, Fichnia saw Situ Bing, who was approaching. She was cold and shouted: "Now Yue brother is at a critical time. Don't say anything about your business!"

Situ Bingyi looked at Fisiniya and gave birth to a chilling feeling.

Fichnia's possession of mind reading is not a secret for the top. For Fichnia, who has the power of mind reading, few people dare to approach her. After all, everyone has a secret that they don't want to be discovered.

At this time, Fichnia has been appointed by the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and has the great power to monitor the officials. No one in the new jihadist organization can escape her supervision.

After Fisiniya became the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, he was also very active. He took out ten traitors and spies. At the same time, the garbage that was hidden in the organization, such as corruption, rape, murder, etc., was swept away.

After the **** was picked up by Fishniya. In addition to Yue Zhong and a few people in the jihadist organization, everyone is full of fear for this young Loli. No one dared to stay with her for too long, even her subordinates were full of fear of their boss.

If the CIA is not too high, no one dares to work around Fisiniya.

At this time in the jihadist organization. Most people are afraid that Fisiniya will beat Yue Zhong.

Of course, in order to protect Fisiniya, Yue Zhong specially transferred a fourth-order powerhouse Aniya to serve as her special guard.

With the fourth-order **** warrior guard, no one dares to think about Fisiniya.

When Situ Bing saw Fichnia, she also had fear in her heart, but she walked over with her scalp.

Fissiah stunned Situ Bing and never looked at her again. Instead, she turned to look at Yue Zhong, and her eyes were full of attachment.

In this jihadist organization, Fichnia's good friend is only Qi Qing, who is purely pure in spirit, and the person who is most attached to her admiration is the Yue Zhong who accepts her and holds her firmly in her hands.

In the hands of Yue Zhong, the magical system of the gods flashed, and his consciousness entered the temple of evolution.

At this time, people in the Temple of Evolution came and went. Many people are changing jobs in the transfer hall.

Yue Zhong has developed a good foundation for development on the earth. Under the leadership of a strong organization, the temple of evolution has been well utilized. Almost every day, many ordinary people have been strengthened into intensifiers. At the tenth level, he stepped into the Temple of Evolution to transfer.

Yue Zhong’s thoughts moved, and the light of the road condensed in the temple of evolution. Formed a holographic projection of Yue Zhong.

"who are you?"

"what happened?"


The intensifier who transferred to the evolutionary temple looked at the sudden emergence of Yue Zhong, one by one, and prepared for the battle.

Although Yue Zhong is the biggest leader in Guangxi, not everyone knows Yue Zhong.

"The leader!! You are the leader of Yue Zhong!!"

On the occasion of the intruder's alert, a heavily armed warrior made a surprise cry after seeing Yue Zhong, and immediately came up.

"Yue Zhong!!"

"He is the leader of Yue Zhong??"


The intensifiers sensationalized as soon as they heard the man represented by the holographic projection. In this Guangxi, Yue Zhong is the biggest hegemon, leader and their highest leader.

These intensifiers were able to enter the evolutionary temple to change jobs, most of them were alternate soldiers. Under the public opinion propaganda of the new government, most of the soldiers were full of awe and worship of Yue Zhong. This led the Chinese to regain the dominance of the capital. If there is no accident, it will be possible to recover the country and establish a new country again.

Many of the warriors who came to change jobs came around and watched Yue Zhong’s holographic projections as full of worship as the rare animals.

Yue Zhong took the soldier and said: "I am back! Go to Hu Yi, Zheng Minghe, Zhang Xue forgot... They called over!"

"Yes! The leader!"

The soldier responded quickly and then immediately turned and left.

Soon, a group of elite soldiers immediately came to the Temple of Evolution to expel those alternate soldiers.

Those waiting soldiers can only wait around the evolution temple.

A few hours later, a helicopter gunship descended from the sky, and a famous man quickly emerged from the helicopter gunship.

"That is Master Hu!! Master Zhang!! Mayor Zheng!! Good guy, that person is really the leader of Yue Zhong!!"


The soldiers looked at the people who came down from the helicopter gunship and sucked one by one.

Hu Yi, Zheng Minghe, and Zhang Xue forgot to be high-powered big men at this time. They are lame, and the whole Guangxi will be shocked. This big man is actually gathered because of the order of the person inside. Their hearts are full of shock. .

A famous man stalked into the Temple of Evolution and saw their leader.



"The leader is good!!"


Looking at the holographic projections made by Yue Zhong, most people are filled with excitement. It was the man who led them to capture the capital and created a miracle.

Many ambitious ambitions have stunned their ambitions after seeing Yue Zhong’s holographic projections~www.readwn.com~. Yue Zhong’s power is getting bigger and bigger, and their rebellion is almost impossible to succeed. Once they fail, they can’t afford the terrible consequences.

"Everyone is here, very good. I am now in the second world of the other side of Hell. I will introduce the situation in this world. This time the level of conversation is top secret. The following levels are not allowed to read."

Yue Zhong quickly introduced the situation of the Second World to everyone.

After listening to Yue Zhong’s words, everyone in the room was full of shock.

You must know that before entering the Second World, Yue Zhong’s strength was already terrifying. And that horrible strength is only equivalent to the level of the third-order **** warrior.

The saints have a hundred thousand third-order **** warrior that is equivalent to having 100,000 yuan before they enter the second world. At the same time, those saints also have more abnormal fourth-order and fifth-order **** warriors. Once the monsters are out, they don't know how to resist. ! ~! [Read the latest free chapter of this book, please go to the net: m]

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