God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 794: Prehistoric giant mosquitoes!

A small hooligan smirked a step forward and grabbed Han Han’s hand and pulled it toward the forest: "Han Han! Just right! The person I like is you. [] Han Yu’s head soup, don’t grab it with me. !!"

Han Han was screamed by the little hooligan and immediately screamed: "Let me go!! Help!! Help!!"

The two doctors in white coats flashed a hesitation and took a step forward.

Two hooligans flashed a smoldering light and smashed the threat of two horn knives: "The paralyzed! The Laozis are here to do things, don't **** to do more business! Be careful that the old people are dying!"

The doctors of the two white coats were slightly stiff and stopped, and some of them were squatting. Although they still have a little conscience, they remain silent under the threat of sharp swords.

The rest of the people are watching this scene with a cold eye, and no one intends to go forward to discourage.

"Help!! Help!!"

Only Han Hao and Sun Lanlan’s miserable cry for help echoed in this area.

A prisoner smirked and walked directly to the idol girl who had the remaining five rose combinations: "Mom! I have been locked up for so long, I haven’t touched a woman for a long time!! These can be so cool!!"

"Really, a bunch of garbage!"

Yue Zhong looked at this scene, his brow slightly wrinkled, and directly pulled out a silencer pistol and pulled the trigger toward the rogue who was holding Han Han’s hand.

In the rushing eyebrows, there was a more shot in the blink of an eye. He looked at Yue Zhong with unbelief. The body fell to the ground.


"Gun!! He has a gun in his hand!!"

"Everyone is together!!"


Watching Yue Zhong directly kill a companion with a silencer pistol, the six hooligans were full of fear, they screamed, three people rushed toward Yue Zhong, and the two fled to the forest, and One person caught Sun Lanlan and took it as a hostage. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)

With a sound of crisp sound, a bullet was easily shot into the eyebrows of the six hooligans, killing them directly.

Looking at the hooligan that turned into seven bodies, everyone had a stun in their eyes.

Han Yu, Sun Lanlan, the idol girls of the two rose combinations are even more so, I don’t know how to be good.

The prisoner, who was screaming for a good cool and cool, couldn’t help but retreat a few steps.

The fat man and his secretary and bodyguard watched Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed with a hint of vigilance and fear.

Yue Zhong came to Han Han and asked: "I ask you. Are you from the earth?"

Han Wei looked at Yue Zhong, a man who had just shot seven people, and he was afraid of body trembling, but she still stood strong in front of Yue Zhong and said: "What is the earth, I don't know? Our rose combination is Duran's Idol group. We are from Tulane!"

Yue Zhong heard clearly that Han Han, they definitely did not come from the earth, he immediately chose another question: "Duran? What planet are you from?"

"The planet we came from is called Red Saturn!" Han Yu also understood the problem of Yue Zhong. Her face was slightly white, and some doubts asked: "This gentleman, isn't this a red Saturn?"

Yue Zhongdao: "No! This is not a red Saturn!"

Yue Zhongzhong calculated: "It turns out that not only humans on our planet will be randomly transmitted to this cruel world. This means that other planets are also in control of that existence."

Han Wei looked at Yue Zhong’s body, which was bitten by the raptor’s flesh and blood, and couldn’t help but remind him: “Your injury is so heavy! Go to the hospital and have a look!”

Han Wei is a kind girl. Yue Zhong has killed seven hooligans despite his fierce shots. Her heart was terrified at Yue Zhong, but she still couldn't help but remind Yue Zhong.

The fat man patted his hands and attracted everyone's attention to him. He smiled and proposed: "Hello! My name is Luo Sheng! Tiandu Group. It seems that everyone was got a mysterious force." Here, I propose that everyone join hands and explore this place. [WWw.YZUU point m] Looking for a way home, how about?"

"Help!! Help!!"

Luo Sheng’s words have not been finished yet, and there is a scream of horror in the jungle.

Three black and five white men screamed in the jungle and rushed out. Behind them, a saber-toothed tiger chased after a fight, and a black man fell to the ground, and then bit the black man's throat.

"Flee away!"

I saw the saber-toothed tiger appear. Almost everyone turned to the forest in all directions, only Yue Zhong quietly stood still, watching the saber-toothed tiger.

Han Hao escaped a few steps to see Yue Zhong standing in the same place, could not help but loudly reminded: "Flee!! Otherwise it will be caught up by the saber-toothed tiger!!"

Yue Zhong gently smiled and walked toward the saber-toothed tiger: "Nothing! I just need a good tiger skin!"

The saber-toothed tiger looked up at the police with great vigilance. It immediately gave up the intention to devour the black body, and the limbs were tight. Throwing hard, he rushed toward Yue Zhong at a speed comparable to the second-order lightning.


Han Wei saw the saber-toothed tiger rushing toward Yue Zhong and couldn't help but swear. Although she was afraid of killing the six hooligans, she was very happy with Yue Zhong who saved her. She couldn’t bear to see Yue Zhong being swallowed by the saber-toothed tiger.

Yue Zhong took out the flame knife and pointed it at the sword-toothed tiger.

The knife flashed, the head of the saber-toothed tiger instantly burst into the sky, and the burning blood shot from its body and fell to the ground.

"Great!!" Han Yu looked at Yue Zhong with a knife and filled the heart of the saber-toothed tiger with a shock.

After Yue Zhong killed the sword-toothed tiger. A small gas stove, a pot, pure water, seasonings, etc., were taken from the storage ring to start cooking the meat of the fifth-order crocodile.

Han Wei looked at Yue Zhong. Quickly chasing her companion.

"Help!! Help!! Help me!!"

Han Hao just ran a few steps and saw several idol girls in the rose group swaying in the other direction. Behind them, a huge mosquito mouthpiece with a wingspan of up to six meters directly runs through an idol girl. The abdomen, the beautiful idol girl is making a painful scream.

Han Wei looked at the miserable scene of the idol girl and cried out loudly: "文文!!! Hold on!! I am going to find someone to save you!!"

Han Yu’s words just fell, the girl named Wen Wen’s body twitched, and then it seemed that the body’s water was completely drained and turned into a dry corpse, and there was no more life.

Seeing the text become this miserable, the rest of the idol girls are even more alarmed. They ran like a headless fly.

Han Hao shouted loudly and fled in the direction of Yue Zhong: "This side!! Escape to this side!! I found a big master, he can protect us!!"

Only Sun Lanlan, a petite girl, a tall, blond-haired girl ran towards this side. The other two idol girls were ignorant and madly fled to other parts of the jungle.

After the huge mosquito sucked the body fluid of the text, he flapped his wings and flew over to Han Han with a squeaky voice.

The four idol girls were scared to almost disappear from the scene, and their speed was a little faster.

The petite girl was escaping. Suddenly, I was slammed by a stone and fell to the ground. There was a despair in her face, and a scream was screaming: "Help me!! Hey!! Help me!! Lan Lan! Help me!! Morning morning!!!"

Hearing the cry of the petite girl, Sun Lanlan’s footsteps paused and hesitated. Zhang Chenchen, the girl of Li Lifa, did not stop at all. Strode to the front.

Han Han stopped and the silver teeth bite. While picking up the stones and screaming at the prehistoric giant mosquito, he screamed loudly: "The gentleman from the earth, please help us!!"

Han Wei’s strength is weak and he has not been trained. The stone she threw was actually not a prehistoric giant mosquito in the scorpion.

The prehistoric giant mosquito with a squeaky voice pierced the petite girl with a huge mouthpiece.

The petite girl flashed a desperate look in her eyes, her tears snorted, and a trace of yellow liquid flowed out of her leather pants.

boom! boom!

Just as the mouthpiece of the prehistoric giant mosquito was about to run through the petite girl, the two stinging bullets shot directly on the head of the prehistoric giant mosquito, bursting in the head of the prehistoric giant mosquito. There are two big holes on the top.

Countless blood burst from the body of the prehistoric giant mosquito, splashing the petite little girl below. The prehistoric giant mosquito also fell from the sky and fell in front of the petite girl.


The petite girl was flashed with a horror in her eyes, as if the rabbit had climbed from the body of the prehistoric giant mosquito before climbing, without any beauty.

Han Wei, Sun Lanlan, and Zhang Chenchen fell on Yue Zhong’s body and saw the poisonous handgun on his left hand.

The four girls fled to Yue Zhong’s side and there was a sense of peace of mind.

Han Yu said with gratitude to Yue Zhong: "Thank you for saving us! I am Han Wei, this is Sun Lanlan~www.readwn.com~Zhang Chenchen, Qian Weiwei! What do you call it?"

"My name is Yue Zhong!"

Yue Zhong said a faint sentence. Then, the cooked fifth-order mutant beast meat was taken out from the pot and eaten. The meat of the fifth-order crocodile first beast was tender and full of elasticity, and it was extremely delicious. Once it fell into Yue Zhong’s abdomen, it turned into a huge vitality to nourish his body and make his wound heal faster. .

Qian Weiwei just kept crying on the side.

Zhang Chenchen stared at Yue Zhong’s eyes and flashed a strange light.

Sun Lanlan was hesitating and bowed forward to thank Yue Zhongdao: "I am Sun Lanlan, thank you for saving me."

Yue Zhong faintly said: "You're welcome."

Just now, it’s just a matter of raising his hand. Yue Zhong can’t understand the scum that casually abuses women.

After the speech, Yue Zhong quietly eats, the atmosphere is silent.

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