God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 800: Intermediate dragons will not be the first!

Lei Yongfeng, they saw Yue Zhong hit a fourth-order scorpion into the eyebrows of the fear of Taiyi, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. [] The dragon will be too terrible to fight. Although they are also the top players among human beings, they have been sealed in the ice for many years, and their strength has declined so badly. The five people are not the opponents of the fear of Taiyi. Now Yue Zhong will be afraid of being too cold, which makes Their hearts are slightly loose.

"Prison break is dead!!"

In the sky, it seems as if a thunder is heard, and an arrow is turned into an aurora moment. The ice is shot here, and one arrow directly runs through the head of a fourth-order human powerhouse.

"Intermediate dragon will!!" Lei Yongfeng looked at the dragon in the sky, riding a pterosaur, and carrying a giant bow far beyond a dozen miles. His face turned to Yue Zhong and said: "Yue Zhong brother, special The intermediate dragons in Mlong City will not come first. We are not his opponents, they can only escape, brothers, I will take a step!"

After the speech, Lei Yongfeng's figure flashed and fled to the distance at a speed that surpassed the speed of sound, and he ignored the dispute of the ice.

Almost at the same time, human prisoners in the ice have also fled in all directions.

"Intermediate dragon will, fifth-order **** warrior."

Yue Zhong looked up at the sky and launched the skill summoning the beast. In the twinkling of an eye, there was a huge hollow in the air. Xiaoqing, who had been promoted to become a fourth-order mutant beast, flew out of the hollow, and fell to the bottom. On the ground.

Yue Zhong grabbed Han Hao and Sun Lanlan and jumped to Xiao Qing's back. The fear of Taiyi also jumped to Xiaoqing’s back.

Yue major drink: "Go!! Use your full strength to escape from here!!"

Xiaoqing felt the anxiety in Yue Zhong’s discourse. He opened his wings and the power of the source was launched. The violent hurricane condensed on its wings. It slammed hard and accelerated to two Mach, like a meteor. Fly to the distance.

The speed of Xiaoqing accelerated from the standstill to two Mach. Han Han and Sun Lanlan, who were ordinary people themselves, could not withstand such drastic changes. (Look at the novel to the leaves, Yu ~ You M) However, before Xiaoqing accelerated, Yue Zhong had already launched a dark vindictiveness over the body of the two women. Strengthening their bodies makes them barely resist the change.

A dozen or so kilometers away, a horse riding a silver horned pterosaur, wearing a set of flashing silver-white metallic lustrous armor, holding a giant bow, the face of the dragon will look coldly and ride on Xiaoqing to fly far away Go to Yue Zhong and his party.

This dragon with a giant bow will be an intermediate dragon who will directly explode a human fourth-order powerhouse.

I am afraid that I will take a deep breath and look at the distance. A red arrow was drawn from the arrow in one side and placed on the giant bow in his hand, staring into the distance, his eyes wide, and the giant bow was slowly filled by him.

In the heart of Yue Zhong’s heart, he gave birth to a very dangerous premonition. He shouted to Xiaoqing’s loud voice: “Damn!! Dodge!! Xiaoqing is moving irregularly!!”

Under the command of Yue Zhong, Xiao Qing continued to use the irregular flight mode to start flying, trying to open the horrible sight behind.

After two seconds, I am afraid that there will be a sudden white light of life in my body. His eyes were condensed, and the huge light of life was poured into the red arrow in his hand. His hand was loose, and the red arrow shot like a streamer toward Xiaoqing.

In an instant, the red arrow broke through the innumerable space and pierced into the body of Xiaoqing.

A huge blood hole appeared on the back of Xiaoqing, and a lot of blood was spattered.

The arrow was extremely hot. Although it didn't run through Xiaoqing's head, it directly shot its spine directly. Xiaoqing’s weak sorrow screamed and fell from the sky toward the bottom.

An arrow broke Xiaoqing's spine, and the first look was a little bit wilting. Although he is terrible in strength, he will kill the fourth-order powerhouse in the distance, and he must pay no small price. []

I am afraid that I will first put up the giant bow and lead a low-level dragon to the side and command: "Terrorist horror! You bring twenty superior soldiers to catch the three humans over there, no matter what you are. Nothing is not allowed. Humans are alive and alive. They can only be our slaves or toys before they can go out from here. At this time, the iron of the Temlong prison."

"Yes! I am afraid that I will not be an adult first. I will definitely catch them. Please rest assured."

The low-level dragon will be respectful and respectful, and then flew in the direction of Yue Zhong’s line with twenty dinosaurs on the pterosaur.

The fear of the male wind left, the fear of the first sight immediately fell in the Temlong prison, a flash of gloom in his eyes: "This time Temlong prison has such a thing. My trouble is not small."

"How to do?"

Yue Zhong looked at the little green face that was falling from the sky and it was very ugly. He has a wing of dark wind and can glides freely in the sky, but once Xiao Qing falls to the ground, he is absolutely killed.

As a fourth-order mutant, Xiaoqing is extremely sturdy, but its body is too heavy, falling from the height of hundreds of meters. Not to mention the fourth-order mutant beast, even the fifth-order mutant beast will be killed.

"Help! I don't want to die!! I haven't even talked about love, I don't want to die!!"

Just then, on the right hand side of Yue Zhong, Sun Lanlan’s crying and mourning sound came.

Although Sun Lanlan is an idol, she is essentially a vanity, some selfish, and an ordinary girl who is afraid of death. At this time, she fell down from a few hundred meters of high altitude, letting her cry out loudly.

Han Han also paled his face, biting his lips, fearing to tremble. She is a strong girl, but in the face of death, she is also full of fear. In fact, people who are not afraid of death are almost non-existent.

Yue Zhong’s heart was filled with anger and anger: “Shut up!! Quiet! I am not going to die in you!!”

After being so heavy, Yue Lanlan grabbed his mouth with his hand, but the tears continued to flow out of fear. She stared at Yue Zhong and expected him to create a miracle again.

Yue Zhongxin thought of a move, the dark wind wing behind it unfolded, and the wind blew, supporting the four of them gliding in the sky.

Seeing that I was floating in the sky, the fear in the eyes of Sun Lanlan and Han Yu faded, and the eyes showed great joy. They finally survived.

Yue Zhonghua made a rapid blast close to Xiaoqing. He launched the skill gravity manipulation, and a gravity ripple shrouded the body of Xiaoqing, which temporarily reduced his weight by five times.

However, it is to make Xiaoqing's weight five times less, and Yue Zhong has no idea that Xiaoqing can survive.

As a mutant beast of the behemoth, Xiaoqing has the horrible power of monsters, the speed of Superman, the sharp minions, and the amazing weight. Even if it is reduced by five times the gravity, it falls from the height of hundreds of meters, still fierce.

At the moment when Xiaoqing was about to land, it tried its best to launch the power of the source again, and the hurricane blew through it, offsetting its falling momentum.

The hurricane disappeared and Xiaoqing fell to the ground, and large pieces of blood stained the surrounding trees.

Yue Zhong also took Han Han and Sun Lanlan and both of them landed on the ground and came to Xiaoqing's side.

As a fourth-order mutant beast, Xiaoqing has the horrible ability to recover. At this time, the huge wound that has been bombarded by arrows has begun to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye. Numerous granulations have grown and the blood of the wound has stopped.

"Good recovery, but even if it is, it will take at least a day to recover."

Yue Zhong looked at Xiao Qing’s heart that was constantly recovering, but he was also very clear that Xiao Qing’s injury was definitely not recovering so quickly.

The vertebrae are broken. This kind of injury is also a serious injury to the fourth-order mutant beast. It takes at least one day to recover. During this period, let alone fight, even if you move it, it will be very painful.

Yue Zhong apologized to his head before he came to Xiaoqing’s head. "Sorry, you have been so hurt!"

Xiaoqing was the first tamed mutant beast of Yue Zhong. Following him, he had been fighting in the north. He also regarded Xiaoqing as his close comrade-in-arms. Now Xiaoqing is very uncomfortable because of such serious injuries.

Xiaoqing uses his head to rub the Yue Zhong as if the child usually makes a loud and screaming sound, as if telling his own pain.

Yue Zhong’s hand touched the fifth-order nucleus obtained from the hell, and he appeared in his hand. He placed the fifth-order crystal nucleus in front of Xiaoqing’s eyes.

Xiaoqing’s eyes flashed a touch of joy and swallowed the fifth-order crystal nucleus into the mouth.

The fifth-order crystal nucleus was swallowed by Xiaoqing, and it was in a deep sleep. The fifth-order crystal nucleus contained a powerful evolutionary force, which was the best to digest this force. The way is to go to sleep.

Yue Zhong once again launched the skill summoning beast~www.readwn.com~ In the void, a big hole appeared again, like a hill-like third-order turtle crawling out from the big hole.

When Yue Zhong received the little turtle, it was already a second-order peak of the mutant beast. After this period of evolution, it also progressed smoothly into a third-order mutant beast.

Among the four mutant beasts that Yue Zhong tamed, only the small turtle has enough power to drag the fourth-order Xiaoqing.

"Take it, let's go!"

Yue Zhongxin read a move, the little devil bite on Xiaoqing's body, dragging Xiaoqing toward the depths of the jungle.

Yue Zhong and his party also strode into the depths of the jungle.

Soon, a headed pterosaur descended from the sky, and a dinosaur was jumped from the pterosaurs.

After looking at the traces left by the ground, the dragon will scream: "They are going in this direction! Chasing!!"

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