God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 803: 6th stage whale dragon!

[Text hand book friends love m] In the center of the fierce beast marine war, a large number of third-order, fourth-order various types of marine mutant beasts continue to swallow the bodies of those third-order and fourth-order mutant beasts. .

At the same time, it seems that it has been infected by the violent anger of the two central seven-level king-level mutant beasts. The third- and fourth-order mutant beasts are also being strangled.

Yue Zhong has evolved into a fourth-order powerhouse at this time. Although the horror existence of the sixth-order and seventh-order mutant beasts will still be squeezed to death, the attack of the fourth-order mutant beast has already responded to it, even if it is The fifth-order mutant beast can be avoided as long as he does not specifically attack him.

Just as Yue Zhong is desperately collecting the nucleus of the fourth-order mutant beast, suddenly, the seventh-order mutated sea snake king has a tail, and a wave of sky rises from the ocean, and Yue Zhong and its surroundings The dozens of fourth-order mutant sea beasts were rolled into the sky above two kilometers.

When the waves receded, Yue Zhong and the dozens of fourth-order mutant sea animals fell like a meteor toward the sea.

"Not good!!" Yue Zhong's face changed and fell directly into the sea from the height of two kilometers. The huge impact, even if he is a fourth-order powerhouse, will suffer a lot. If it is an ordinary person, there is absolutely only one dead end.

Yue Zhong was in midair, and the wing of the dark wind behind it was on display, but the wing of the dark wind was faint, and apparently unable to play a role in the banned field of the dinosaurs.

Yue Zhongxin thought again and again to launch the skill gravity manipulation, so that his weight became lighter and became one-fifth of the past, but this still can not alleviate his fall.

"Right!! There is this thing!"

In the process of falling. Yue Zhong swept his eyes in his storage ring, his eyes lit up, his hand turned over, and a bone umbrella appeared in his hand.

The stalk umbrella quickly opened, and Yue Zhong’s falling posture was reduced a lot.

The ordinary umbrella can't support the human fall, but the support of the bone fan is made of the skeleton of the mutant beast, and the umbrella face is the scale of the third-order mutant beast. All kinds of joints are bundled with the beasts of the mutant beasts, and even the heavy machine guns can not shoot the stalk umbrella, which naturally supports the weight of Yue Zhong.

The dozens of fourth-order mutant beasts fell from the height of two kilometers. Like the same piece of rock into the sea.

One of the five-order dragons with a length of up to a kilometer is not lucky. It is hit by a fourth-order crocodile turtle, a fourth-order ichthyosaur, and a fourth-order tyrannical snail. It is then The three-headed fourth-order mutant beasted and the body collapsed. Die on the spot.

The fourth-order mutant beast that fell from the height of two kilometers was also directly damaged by the huge impact.

Those fourth-order mutant beasts, which are just like hills and small islands, fall into the sea, roll up the waves, and a wave of waves rises in the sky, rolling in all directions, and even a few fourth-order mutant behemoths are directly smashed. dead.

The third-order and fourth-order mutant beasts lurking around there smelled the **** smell of powerful blood, and they rushed out from the bottom of the ocean and rushed toward the bodies of the fourth- and fifth-order mutant beasts.

In order to compete for the bodies of the fourth- and fifth-order mutant beasts, the mutant beasts even bite together, and the whole ocean is rolling.

Yue Zhong took the opportunity to jump from the sky and landed on the body of the fifth-order dragon, and then rushed toward the head of the fifth-order dragon.

Yue Zhong is racing between. Suddenly from the bottom of the ocean, a large tentacle tied the body of the fifth-order dragon, and then sank directly below the deep sea.


Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a few times, grabbing the body of the fifth-order dragon and dragon, and then crawling toward the head of the fifth-order dragon.

Each of the crystal nucleus of the fifth-order mutant beast is extremely valuable to Yue Zhong. If the nucleus of a fifth-order mutant beast is used well, Yue Zhong can turn a fifth-order strong into a scorpion, or directly raise a third-order mutant beast to a fourth-order.

The fifth-order fish dragon was dragged into the deep sea by the big tentacles.

A fourth-order sea snake, a fourth-order whale dragon swims toward the fifth-order dragon.

Just as the two giant fourth-order behemoths swam over themselves, a huge tentacle shot from the bottom of the sea, and the slap in the body of the two giant fourth-order mutant beasts. The two fourth-order mutant beasts flew six or seven meters.

The two fourth-order behemoth wrath was entangled with the huge tentacle, and they opened their **** mouth and bite on the huge tentacle, biting the huge tentacle. Countless blood flowed out of the huge tentacles.

The three fourth-order mutant beasts fought fiercely there, and some small mutant beasts that only had the size of a palm were surrounded by a slap.

Yue Zhong saw dozens of sharp pliers. Only the mutated crabs of the size of the palm of the hand did not know what kind of mutant crab sticking out the pliers. The inch of the scales tore the scales of the fifth-order dragon, and then drilled into the fifth-order dragon. Within the body, began to swallow the flesh and blood of the fifth-order dragon.

One is only over forty centimeters long, with a pair of sharp and big slashes, and seven different layers of mutant beasts surrounded by the body of the fifth-order ichthyosaur, with the sharp big scorpion An inch inch drilled the scales of the fifth-order ichthyosaur and then plunged into the body of the fifth-order ichthyosaur.

In addition, there are many small mutant sea animals swimming over, biting on the body of the fifth-order dragon, but they can not tear even the scales of the fifth-order dragon.

Among the small mutant beasts, only the mutant crabs and mutant sea otters that Yue Zhong saw can tear the scales of the fifth-order ichthyosaurs. Of course, they are also very slow in tearing the fifth-order ichthyosaur scales.

Yue Zhong continued to climb up the body of the dragon. The body of the dragon was dragged by the tentacles and dragged directly to the bottom of the sea without a trace of light.

I don’t know how long I climbed. Yue Zhong finally climbed over the head of the dragon. He pulled out a flame knife and stabbed it on the head of the dragon. Under his powerful force, the fifth-order dragon The head was finally pierced by a small hole. He was overjoyed and dug a big hole with difficulty and then drilled in.

In a pile of flesh and blood tissue, it was difficult to find it for a long time. Yue Zhong finally found a fifth-order crystal nucleus in the flesh and blood tissue. He collected a large amount of brain, blood and fish from the fifth-order fish dragon. After the ring, quickly climbed to the outside.

Yue Zhong had just climbed out of the head of the fifth-order fish dragon, and he felt the body sinking. A huge pressure was exerted on him. If it is an ordinary person, this has been crushed by that huge pressure.

"Where is this?"

Yue Zhong looked around and saw that there was no trace of light around him. The peaks of hundreds of meters and thousands of meters were quietly located in the deep sea.

The huge fifth-order fish dragon body was dragged by a huge tentacle to a huge mountain.

Suddenly, a huge claw stretched out from a mountain, and caught a fourth-order octopus octopus under the corpse of the fifth-order ichthyosaur. Overlord octopus was easily pinched by the horrible claws.

A huge vortex emerged from the air, sweeping the body of the fifth-order dragon to the huge mountain.

Yue Zhong looked in that direction and saw only a pair of twinklings flashing green light. The mountain peak seemed to be shrouded in a strange force, even if Yue Zhong, who possesses the ability of dark vision, could not pass through that layer. The fog saw the sight inside the mountain.

Yue Zhong’s heart gave birth to a chill. He turned his head and looked at the other seamounts, but he couldn’t see what was in the mountain. But every time he looked at a mountain, he could feel the horrible creature. Perched among those peaks.

"It's too dangerous here!"

Yue Zhong looked at the hearts of the mountains that could not be worn below, and gave birth to a feeling of dying and trepidation. He thought about it and immediately went upstream to the surface of the sea.

At this moment, a huge vortex out of the air and now toward Yue Zhong a roll, directly to Yue Zhong to a mountain peak swept away.

"not good!!"

Yue Zhong’s heart was cold, and he was madly swaying the water in an attempt to get rid of the huge whirlpool. However, under the traction of the huge vortex, his resistance was only in vain, and he was directly sucked by a huge vortex toward a mountain.

Between a few breaths, Yue Zhong was directly absorbed into the seamount peak through a layer of fog. A huge mountainous whale dragon opened the blood basin and sucked Yue.

In front of the sixth-order whale, Yue Zhong is only equivalent to a grain of rice. Together with Yue Zhong, there are a large number of fish and shrimps ~www.readwn.com~ second-order, third-order mutant beasts.

Yue Zhong did not have any room for rebellion and was swallowed by the sixth-order whale.

The sixth-order whale dragon mouth is full of sharp teeth, its huge mouth is combined, numerous sharp teeth are stabbed down, several third-order mutant beasts are directly torn into pieces, and then swallowed into the abdomen together with flesh and blood.

The sixth-order whale dragon's esophagus is very wide, and Yue Zhong wants to be in the esophagus, but it seems that the food residue is generally washed into a lake full of sour smell.

As soon as Yue Zhong fell into the lake, he was shocked to discover that his body's clothes were quickly dissolving, and the smoke of the silk rose, and his body was exposed to every part of the body. As if the whole person was soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid.

"Damn! I can't die here!!"

Yue Zhong summoned the bones in the endless pain. In the void, a large hole appeared out of thin air, and a bone spur directly penetrated the pink flesh wall. (To be continued.) [Read the latest free chapter of this book, please go to the net: m]

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