God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 817: Prehistoric technology!

Gemu Village is a small village located 20 kilometers west of the Raptors Valley. [WWw.YZUU point m]

This village is located in the center of the transportation hub of this area, in other words, a battleground for the military.

At the entrance to the village, there was a banquet. A handsome and handsome man sat quietly drinking wine. On both sides, he stood two beautiful women with outstanding looks.

Yue Zhong slowly came out from the jungle on one side and went straight to a table to sit down.

The handsome and handsome man stood up and stood up and bowed to Yue Zhong for a 90-degree gift: "You really came. Hello, I am one of the leaders of the Liege League, Xi Xuanwu really, very Happy to see you, Yue Zhong."

Yue Zhongdao: "What do you want me to come here?"

Xi Xuanwu really looked up and smiled at Yue Zhong: "Yue Zhong, our Liege League hopes that you can join us and become a part of our alliance. With the power of the fourth-order **** warrior, as long as you join us, you will definitely be able to Become a deputy ally in our Liege League! Power and beauty will be at your fingertips."

The Liege Alliance has been forbearing and not for the purpose of investigating Yue’s 〗 〖True force. After all, in such a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible for those who have a powerful tribal contribution to integrate.

If Yue Zhong is not advanced, he will become the peak of the fourth-order **** warrior. He can't easily defeat several tribes with more than a thousand soldiers and force them to integrate them.

The fourth-order **** warrior is already a terrible existence among human beings, even in the third world of this powerful cloud, it is also the top sturdy of human beings. Such a strong person, even the Liege Alliance must be careful.

Yue Zhong shook his head and said slowly: "I am not interested in joining the Liege Alliance, but I am very interested in the prehistoric technology that the Liege Alliance has mastered. [] Can you sell me a prehistoric technology owned by the Liege Alliance? I am willing to pay the appropriate compensation."

This land is dominated by dinosaurs, primordial forests everywhere, ancient creatures, and the world of mutant beasts have actually experienced a doomsday. After that end, the weak human beings withdrew from the stage of history, and the dinosaurs occupied the earth. The seas occupy the ocean and become the two dominant players in the world.

After the end of the world, human civilization has rapidly regressed. Because there is not enough education, many people can't even do simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. However, in such a third world, humans still have a little prehistoric technology. That is the core force of the battle between human civilization and the dinosaurs and the seas before the collapse of human civilization.

The human body is weak, if there is no advanced scientific and technological support. It has long been torn apart by dinosaurs and sea people.

Humans on Earth can easily smash any human resistance without a gun, tank, or heavy artillery support.

The power of the dinosaurs is obviously stronger than that of the saints. This third world human can support the emergence of dinosaurs, and the technology they master is also very different.

After taking over the vulture tribe. Marley told Yue Zhong about the existence of prehistoric technology. This is also one of the purposes of his attacking various tribes.

It is a pity that the prehistoric technology has great power, but only the Liege headquarters have held these technological weapons.

Xi Xuanwu’s gaze is slightly shrunken, his face is smiling, but there is no smile in his eyes: “Prehistoric technology! You are really joke, this precious thing, what do you want to exchange?”

Yue Zhong faintly said: "The fourth-order mutant beast nucleus!"

"Four-order mutant beast nucleus!!" Xi Xuanwu really heard a big change in his face, and it was a little shaken.

The combat power of the mutant beast is far stronger than that of the human being of the same order. If the fourth-order mutant beast encounters the fourth-order human beings, they will fight. [WWw.YZUU point m] has a probability of 80% of human death or escape. There are only two layers of opportunities for humans to kill the fourth-order mutant beast.

In this world, the fourth-order mutant beast is not uncommon, but the nucleus of the fourth-order mutant beast is not in the hands of human beings. Every fourth-order mutant beast is an extremely precious treasure. Most critically, they are the source of energy for prehistoric technology.

In this third world of technology, the start of many combat weapons requires the mutation of the beast nucleus. A fourth-order mutant beast nucleus means that a powerful prehistoric combat weapon can be put into battle.

West Xuanwu’s true gaze changed and finally refused Yue’s proposal: “Yue Zhong, our Liege tribe is willing to use three virgins with beautiful beauty. Five hundred beautiful virgins, 20,000 male and female slaves for your hands. A fourth-order mutant beast nucleus. How do you see it? I can guarantee that every three virgins with great beauty are men's good things, dozens of times more beautiful than these women. You will love them!"

In this world, because of the high mortality rate of men, it has caused a situation of more women than men, but beautiful women can also be used as a huge value currency, and they are used in many forces. After all, the lascivious men are the majority. Most of the people in power in this world are men, and only a small number of them are mastered by powerful female tyrants.

Yue Zhong faintly smiled and stood up and turned away: "I have no interest in those. If this is the case, then forget it. I think Storm Valley will be interested in the fourth-order mutant bead nucleus in my hands."

West Xuanwu really changed his face and said: "Slow! Yue Zhong, please wait another week. After I go back to report to the leader, I will give you a reply within one week!! These women will be given by me. Your little gift, each of them has been professionally trained or a virgin, but they are able to complete all the orders you have given, I hope you will like it."

The three major organizations in Qingzhou are the Liege Alliance, Storm Valley and Yilong Mountain.

These three organizations check and balance each other. Each organization has the strongest of the fourth-order **** warrior series. At the same time, it has the prehistoric technology as the foundation, and they do not dare to attack each other. If the storm valley or the pterosaurs get a few fourth-order crystal nucleus, the balance of power between the three forces will be broken.

Yue Zhong swept a dozen beautiful girls standing behind the West Xuanwu. They smiled and said: "Okay! Look at these gifts for a good job, I will give you two days to consider. Within two days, I don't People who will come into contact with Stormwind Valley and Pterosaur Hill."

West Xuanwu really changed his face and continued to fight for it: "Is it too little for two days? How about three days?"

Yue Zhong’s face is cold and cold: “If you don’t want it, then forget it!”

Xi Xuanwu really said to Yue Zhong with a smile on his face: "Two days will be two days, I hope we can become friends."


Yue Zhong turned and walked toward the depths of the jungle. The more than a dozen beautiful girls who followed the West Xuanwuzhen had a bow to Xi Xuanwu, and then followed Yue Zhong.

In this world of beasts, there are everywhere in the world like parasitic flies and dangerous mutant insects. These beautiful girls only leave the big organization and only have a dead end. They have also been trained to adjust to become fully obeying the character of the master. Since Yue Zhong has become their master, they can only obey.

After Yue Zhong’s departure, the original full-faceted Xi Xuanwu’s face was gloomy. He walked into the village and rolled over to ride a raptor and quickly galloped toward the distance.

There is a virgin forest everywhere, a corner of a huge mountain range, with a valley surrounded by mountains and only a small path.

The size of the valley is twenty times larger than the valley occupied by the vulture tribes. A large and luxurious stone building stands among them, forming a huge city of luxury. At the same time, the layout of the city is very reasonable, and the building is beautiful. At first glance, it comes from the hands of the architects. Even on the earth, some cities can't compete with this huge city.

In the middle of the luxury city, there are countless grand and luxurious buildings. All the buildings are made of stone like white jade. They are beautiful and more luxurious than the Forbidden City. The countless buildings form an inner city.

On the top of a high-class palace in the Inner City 〗 〖Central, a two-meter-high, burly man with a sun crown on his head sits on a golden throne, in that name Underneath the man, he sat in two rows of men in uniform black uniforms.

In the central part of the palace, Xi Xuanwu was on the ground, respectfully and sympathetically directed the dialogue between him and Yue Zhong to the fourth-order **** warrior Zhen Qixiong of the Liege Alliance lord above the Golden Throne.

Zhen Qixiong Yan was sitting on the throne and silently asked: "The fourth-order mutant beast nucleus? How many of them?"

Xi Xuanwu really respectfully replied: "The co-owner ~www.readwn.com~ He did not tell his subordinates. However, according to his hypothesis, he should have more than five fourth-order mutant beast nucleus in his hand. Otherwise he does not Will propose to trade with us. After all, he is not a stupid person, the value of the fourth-order mutant beast nucleus should be very clear."

The combat power of the fourth-order mutant beasts is extremely powerful. They have powerful power and huge strange power. Their attack can not be ignored even if they are fifth-order **** warriors. If the fifth-order **** warrior is taken lightly, it will even be killed by the fourth-order mutant beast. The preciousness of the nucleus of the fourth-order mutant beast can be imagined.

In the eyes of Zhen Qixiong Yan, the cold light flashed over and ordered: "Very good! Since he wants the prehistoric technology in our hands, let him know the power of our prehistoric technology. Ghostly, you bring a hundred soldiers of the sun." To destroy Yue Zhong, take the fourth-order mutant beast nucleus in his hand."

A man with a burly figure like a bear and a knife on his face came forward and squatted in front of Zhen Qixiong. "Yes! The lord! I must take his first class and dedicate it to the lord!" "(To be continued..)

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