God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 822: trap!

Yue Zhong quietly walked through the jungle and walked toward the designated location. [WWw.YZUU point m] He and the Liege Alliance agreed to hunt the fifth-order mutant beast. He only asked for the position of the fifth-order mutant beast and the confluence time of both sides.

Although Xi Xuanwu really proposed Yue Zhong to the Liege League, but was directly rejected by Yue Zhong. Yue Zhong did not know what power the prehistoric technology had. He was not arrogant enough to think that he could easily retreat into the nest of the Liege Alliance.

After Yue Zhong carefully evaded several groups of dinosaurs in the jungle, he came to the place where the fifth-order mutant beast was said to have been seriously injured.

It was an extremely wide lake. In the lake, a long neck stretched out, licking the ferns around the lake, which was the habitat of a dragon.

The head of the dragon, the length of the dragon, is more than a hundred meters in size, as if it were a moving hill. Yue Zhong is like a small grain before the giants.

Around the lake, in addition to Liang Long, Yue Zhong also saw a head with a sharp bone spur, his body is huge, like a Jianlong in a building. A small pirate with a sharp claw, a huge dragon, and a fierce raptor seem to be in the dinosaur exhibition.

In addition to the various dinosaurs, a prehistoric giant mosquito that is even larger than humans, a large-scale mutant insect such as a prehistoric giant clam with a wingspan of up to ten meters is also in the middle of the pan Heng.

Seeing this scene, Yue Zhong couldn't help but **** a cold air. The dinosaurs and mutant beasts here are extremely abnormal. The seemingly docile mutants of the ferns that linger on the lake are in fact a first-order fourth-order mutant beast. The stegosaurus that are covered with spurs are also fourth-order mutant beasts.

Small dinosaurs such as the Little Thieves are slightly weaker, just second-order mutant beasts, but those second-order mutant beasts are grouped in groups, hundreds, and thousands of groups, which seem to be uncomfortable.

The dinosaurs, prehistoric creatures, and mutant herds that lie in this lake, even if the fifth-order **** warriors enter it, will be directly swallowed by those monsters. [WWw.YZUU point m]

To know that the power of the mutant beast is far stronger than other creatures, the fourth-order mutant beast has even more power than the fifth-order **** warrior. Their weakness is that the general speed is slow, and the perception is relatively weak, while the intelligence is not high, which will be killed by the fifth-order **** warrior, or the weaker fourth-order **** warrior. But on destructive power, their destructive power is not much worse than the fifth-order **** warrior, and even better.

Yue Zhongyi came to this lake, and his singular brilliance in the eyes of a man wearing a silver sun chase, two kilometers away from him, locked his movements firmly.

The man pointed to the position of Yue Zhong: "He is coming! In that direction."

Standing in the eyes of the man, Zhen Qixiong’s eyes flashed a scorn. Sneering and ordering: "Sure enough, on time!"

In the sky, a soldier riding a pterosaur and wearing a sunburst armor quickly flew out of the lake. While flying, he scattered a large amount of red powder toward the bottom.

The red powder landed on the ground. All the dinosaurs on the ground, most of the mutant beasts, and prehistoric creatures violently rushed. Those maddening dinosaurs, mutant herds, and prehistoric creatures are madly coming towards this side.

The soldier who was riding the pterosaur and wearing the sun's armor flew in the direction of Yue Zhongshu.

In the heart of Yue Zhong’s heart, he quickly retreated toward the rear: “No! This is a trap!!”

Although the pterosaur is only a third-order mutant beast, its speed is even faster than Yue Zhong, who is the peak of the fourth-order **** warrior.

The soldier who was riding the pterosaur and wearing the sun armor quickly flew over Yue Zhong’s sky and waved his hand. A large piece of red powder flies toward Yue Zhong as a rain and fog. [叶*子]【悠*悠】

Yue Zhong's eyes were condensed, and his right hand waved, and a hot magical swelled up to the sky, and the red powder swept away. The red flaming smoldering burned, and the red powder disappeared into a smog.

suddenly. Yue Zhong gave birth to a dangerous premonition of extreme cold, he launched a skill step, and instantly avoided to avoid.

In an instant, a terrible electromagnetic beam came from a distance, directly hitting Yue Zhong’s right shoulder, blasting his right shoulder directly, splattering blood, and even his right arm was directly Bombing.

"Sniper! Super sniper!!"

Yue Zhong took a breath of cold air. Reluctantly, a wave of his left hand, a spider silk shot, stuck on his right arm, he himself jumped into the jungle.

In the distance, a man wearing a silver sunburst armor, holding a sniper electromagnetic gun, short stature, a mustache above the upper lip, a man with some wretched looks on the ground, eyes staring intently toward the distant Yue Zhong. It was he who suddenly shot, and hit a heavy blow with Yue Zhong.

The Liege Alliance is a polymer of a large number of human tribes. There are many human geniuses in it. Although the human body is too weak, it is difficult for someone to break through the bottleneck and become a fourth-order **** warrior. But even the humans of the third-order **** warrior, as long as they are equipped with the corresponding equipment and weapons, not to mention the fourth-order **** warrior, even if it is a fifth-order **** warrior, they also have the ability to hurt, or even destroy.

Human beings who do not possess scientific weapons are weak ants, while human powers with super-technical weapons are extremely difficult fighters.

Zhen Qixiong asked through a communicator: "Is it vine wood to kill him?"

The man who was short on the floor was named Ichiro Ichiro. He was the most terrible super sniper in the Liege League. He killed many difficult enemies for Zhen Qixiong. Many people don't know that Ichiro Ichiro even killed a human-level fourth-level **** warrior.

Ichiro Ichiro is still locked in the ground and locked in the position of the indifferent position of Yue Zhong. "No, his danger perception is too strong. I just broke his right shoulder."

Zhen Qixiong Yan smiled coldly: "That is enough, even if he can block dragon blood powder, but his own **** taste will also attract those greedy big reptiles. This time he is dead."

Zhen Qixiong asked the man with a strange glow in the eyes standing next to him: "Shenmu, are the big reptiles taken away?"

Shen Mu Xiong said: "Those big reptiles have been taken away by Yue Zhong."

In the eyes of Zhen Qixiong Yan, the flash of light flashed the command: "So now! Let's kill the big reptile as soon as possible."

This time, Qi Xiongyan designed Yue Zhong, on the one hand to destroy Yue Zhong, and on the other hand, it was really to kill the fifth-order mutant beast that was seriously injured in this lake.

Once the Liege Alliance kills a fifth-order mutant beast, they will be able to receive rich and unparalleled support. The fifth-order mutant beast will enable them to train a group of powerful fighters. The combination of the crystal nucleus of the fifth-order mutant beast and the prehistoric technology of Zhen Qixiong’s hand can make the fighting power of the Liege Alliance change earth-shaking, and even surpass the Storm Valley and the Pterosaur Mountain.

Under the command of Zhen Qixiong, ten women wearing silver armor will tie the 400-year-old warrior who wore the white sun armor and rushed toward the lake very quickly. These people are two-thirds of the elite forces in the Liege League. In order to successfully kill the fifth-order mutant beast, Zhen Qixiong is also a **** one.

In the distance, Yue Zhong was galloping wildly in the jungle. Behind him, a large number of dinosaurs, mutant beasts, and prehistoric creatures had violently spurred by the dragon blood powder. They followed the smell of Yue Zhong’s blood toward this side. Chased over.


Yue Zhong galloped as he smashed the stinger toward the sky.

In the sky, the pterosaur adhered to him under the control of the soldiers of the Liege Alliance, and the flight path was unpredictable. Even Yue Zhong, who possesses the second-order gun operation skills, could not hit the sky. Flying pterosaurs.

The soldier riding on the pterosaur is also very embarrassed. He is very aware of the terribleness of a fourth-order **** warrior. He is only far from Yue Zhong, and he is not too close to Yue Zhong’s thoughts and actions.

At the same time, it seems to be attracted by the smell of **** smell and dragon blood powder. A head-three pterosaur flies over from far away.

Yue Zhong looked at the knight in the sky, and the cold light flashed in his eyes. He instantly launched the Taming Summoning.

In the sky, a big hole emerged out of thin air, and Xiaoqing, which has evolved into a fourth-order peak mutant beast, flapped its wings and fell here. www.readwn.com~ At this time, it has advanced into a fourth-order peak mutant beast. The wingspan is more than a hundred meters, as if it were a monster in mythology. The third-order pterosaur, which had a wingspan of more than 40 meters, is like a child in front of it.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Xiaoqing, the knight of the Liege Alliance flashed a despair and fear. He patted the body of the pterosaur and ordered the third-order pterosaur to fly backwards through the way of the soul. .

Xiaoqing beat his wings and the speed soared to 2 Mach. A breath appeared between the third-order pterosaurs. Its sharp bird squats instantly toward the third-order pterosaur, the third-order one. The pterosaur's head was directly pulled out of a big hole, and the Knight of the Liege Alliance was directly smashed into two pieces like a bug.

After Xiaoqing killed the third-order pterosaur, he patted his wings and flew into the third-order pterosaurs. Under its crazy attack, a first-order third-order pterosaur fell from the sky like a raindrop. No one can stop it from hitting.

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