God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 848: On the eve of the crash!

Among the elite elites in Stormwind Valley, the number of abilities of other faculties is small, the number of abilities of the wind system is large, and the typhoon armor has a great strengthening effect on the abilities of the wind system. The huge wind blade squatted on the bodies of the dinosaur warriors, and transferred a string of dinosaurs or smashed bodies into the valley, or was forced to jump high and then caught in the bottom of the valley by the violent hurricane. . []

The reason why Luo Qingqing did not order to cut off these steel chains was to rely on these steel chains to give those dinosaurs a blow.

Many dinosaurs have excellent jumping ability, and they jumped **** the edge of the cliff in an attempt to skip the cliff that was only a hundred meters wide. However, when the hurricane surrounded by the storm valley was blown, they were blown off the cliff and fell into a pile of powder.

With the bizarre terrain of the Storm Gorge and the violent hurricane formed by nature, there were more than two hundred dinosaur warriors who had no resistance to annihilation.

Fear of a peak far away saw that the dinosaur warriors had no resistance and were slaughtered by the Storm Valley on the other side. The brows were slightly wrinkled and ordered: "Fire suppression!!"

Under the command of the fear of a peak, a dinosaur warrior with a huge bone arch stood up, and they took out the sharp bones on their backs and shot at the other side of the valley.

A sharp bone arrow turns into a meteor and shoots toward the other side of the valley. The bone arrow is made up of sharp parts of the third-order mutant beast and the fourth-order mutant beast. It is extremely sharp and plays a huge role in the dinosaurs. Under the power, it is amazing, and it can easily run through an armored vehicle that cannot be penetrated by heavy guns.

If there is any shortcoming in this bone arrow, it is that their shooting speed is far less than that of a heavy machine gun.

Under the horrible arrow shooting. A famous female warrior was directly nailed to the ground.

In the face of the horror of the dinosaurs, the elite female soldiers in Storm Valley can only be forced to retreat into a bunker.

The dinosaurs who had been retreating began to climb along the chain again under the cover of the arrow. (Look at the novel to the leaves, you can go to the M)

Just after the dinosaurs had just climbed the chains, a stormy female soldier wearing a storm armor quickly came to the chain, and a huge wind blade and thunder light blew toward the dinosaurs again.

A large number of dinosaur warriors once again fell to the bottom of the cliff like a raindrop and fell apart.

On the other side, the dinosaur warriors once again shot a powerful horror arrow pointing at the storm female warriors.

The violent female warrior holding the energy shield around the storm female warrior held up the energy shield in her hand, and the third-order mutant beast nucleus Guanghua Dasheng inlaid on the energy shield, a huge energy shield appeared out of thin air, Countless powerful arrows are blocked directly.

Under the guardianship of the energy shield, the storm female warriors returned to the bunker and hid.

Fear of a peak watching this scene. His face was dark and gloomy.

The terrain of the Storm Valley is too steep and more difficult than the Crack Canyon. The horrific hurricane that wraps around the storm valley can blow most of the soldiers directly off the cliff.

Fear of a peak silence for a while, issued a cold command: "Bone Bridge!!"

A dinosaur came to the edge of the cliff, bursting out of their bodies and bursting out a **** spur to the valley on the other side.

The bodies of hundreds of dinosaurs exploded directly. Shooting a sharp spur directly extends to the other side of the valley.

In a flash, hundreds of bone bridges to the other side of the valley appeared.

Even ten dinosaurs were held together and interwoven to form an extremely large bone network.

Those dinosaur warriors can walk through these vast bone meshes quickly.

As soon as the huge bone bridge appeared, ten low-level dragons will quickly jump on the bone bridge. More than 400 dinosaur warriors commanded the **** spurs to gallop on the other side. [叶*子]【悠*悠】

At this moment, an electromagnetic gun hidden in a bunker began to shoot constantly, and a shell of artillery shelled on the dinosaur warriors and bone bridges, together with the dinosaur warriors together with the bone bridge. The fried smashed.

In this storm valley, there are also many killer shackles. The prehistoric weapons such as electromagnetic guns, electromagnetic guns, energy bombs made of mutant beast crystal nucleus are the killers of Storm Valley.

These prehistoric technologies are so powerful that they are extremely consuming to use the mutant beast nucleus, and the use of these weapons will also cause the loss of those weapons. It is impossible to repair those weapons with the inferior industrial base of Storm Valley. Therefore, in general, Storm Valley will not use those prehistoric weapons. But now they are facing life and death, and they don’t care so much.

A large number of bone bridges collapsed under the bombardment of the electromagnetic cannon. A large number of dinosaur warriors fell off the cliff because of the crushing of the bone bridge, and fell to the bones.

Charged above the bone bridge, because of the storm restrictions, the low-level dragons whose actions had to be slow will have a bad luck being bombarded by two electromagnetic bombs on the body, directly blasting two big holes. Forced to fall from the bone bridge, fall off the cliff, and fall apart.

The battlefield is extremely cruel, and luck is also part of the strength. The low-level dragon will be able to compete with Yue Zhong and Luo Qingqing, but he is so weak.

It is necessary to know that the low-level dragon will be able to easily kill the fourth-order primary warrior of Zheng Zhen and Doug, and it will die like the side of the storm ship.

The remaining nine low-level dragons will take more than two hundred dinosaur warriors through the obstacles to the other side of the valley.

at this time. A loud bang, a large number of energy bombs buried in the entrance to the valley were instantly detonated, and a beam of light rushed into the sky.

Under the huge energy beam explosion, a tyrannical dinosaur and a dragon will be directly shredded into pieces by the huge beam.

Fear of a peak looking at the huge energy beam that skyrocketed, the heart can not help but **** a cold air. If it is a pioneer, I am afraid that it will be swallowed up by that huge explosion, and it will be torn and shattered by that energy.

The huge explosion has not stopped yet. From the smoke, two low-level dragons and more than 20 dinosaur warriors jumped out and threw them into the female warriors in Storm Valley.

The two low-level dragons will be fierce and terrifying. They are like a ghostly shadow passing by a female warrior wearing a storm armor. The head of a beautiful storm female warrior is flying high. The heart was dug out.

The remaining more than 20 dinosaur warriors are equally violent, and as soon as they rush into the crowd, they are like a tiger into the flock. They used to be slaughtered at the entrance to the Storm Valley, but now they have shown terrible fighting power. A famous female fighter has died and is very miserable.

Just as the two low-level dragons will be killed, Luo Qingqing holds a violent spear, such as the same violent hurricane on the same Valkyrie, which appears in front of a low-level dragon, with a spear facing the name. The low dragon will stab.

The low-level dragon will also be wary of Luo Qingqing. It waved the sharp claws of his right hand, and the sound of a sonar with a blast of sounds instantly slammed into the raging spear of Luo Qingqing.

From the top of the war spear of Naluoqing, there were countless wind blades. The right-handed claw of the low-level dragon was cut in flesh and blood, but it leaped backward by the force of the earthquake.

At the foot of Luo Qingqing, like a storm, she would stab a spear at the low-level dragon. She must kill the low-level dragon as soon as possible.

Among the dinosaur army, there are countless masters. If Luo Qingqing can't kill the low-level dragon in front of him, the three low-level dragons will besiege her, and she will have the possibility of corruption.

The low-level dragon waved his right elbow, and a sharp bone blade slammed on the raging spear of Luo Qingqing. His tail with a sharp and sharp thorn was silently slammed toward Luo Qingqing's body.

If the low-level dragon is shooting with a sharp barbed tail, Luo Qingqing will be penetrated by countless sharp blades and become a body.

Luo Qingqing’s hand spears a wave, directly swaying the bone blade of the low-level dragon, and then back to the spear, instantly stabbed on the tail of the low-level dragon, and numerous wind blades broke out again, the low-level dragon Cut the tail into blood, and there are wounds everywhere.

Luo Qingqing was so blocked, another low-level dragon would also rush over, and an elbow with a sharp bone blade stabbed her.

Luo Qingqing spear a spear, with a violent wind blade, another low-level dragon attempting to sneak attack will fly directly, and those wind blade will also cut the low-level dragon into a minor injury.

At this moment, the low-level dragon who was temporarily forced to retreat was once again rushed to fight with Luo Qingqing.

Under the restraint of two low-level dragons, it is difficult for Luo Qingqing to kill them within a short period of time.

On the other side, the more than 20 dinosaur warriors were led by the storm squad and led by a team of violent female warriors. A dinosaur warrior fell unsuccessfully on the ground and became a corpse.

The situation has just improved a little ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ling Luoqing, they have some desperate scenes appeared, hundreds of dinosaurs once again came to the edge of the valley, the body burst, turned into a bone network extended to the side of the valley, a The low-level dragon will stand on the side with two hundred dinosaur warriors, looking at it from the side.

At this time, almost all the means of Storm Valley have been used. Once those dinosaurs have passed through the storm valley entrance, they are only defeated.

Luo Qingqing looked at the dinosaurs on the other side of the Storm Valley. A desperate rushed into the heart, and the retreat command circled in her throat.

Fear of a peak looking at the other side of the storm valley, Luo Qingqing and others, the eyes flashed a flash of excitement, loudly shouted: "Tapping the storm valley, the city for three days!!"

When I heard the command of the fear of a peak, the dinosaur warriors were excited and the morale was very high.

Just as the fear of a peak of excitement, a dinosaur warrior fled to the side with a panic: "General! Not good! Not good! Water!! Big water rushed over!" RQ

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