God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 873: Advanced 5th order!

Just as Yue Zhong was asleep, the pale golden air flow slowly flowing through his body, constantly strengthening his physical fitness, making every cell of his body transform and strengthen, and began to transcend humanity. The direction evolved.

The magical system imprint can absorb the most pure vitality. Yue Zhong all the way to kill a lot of strong, powerful fourth-order mutant animal to absorb the vitality of life has long enough for an ordinary person to directly transform the evolution of the fifth-order powerhouse. However, he has only stayed at the fourth-order peak. It is because the vitality of the life is absorbed by the magical nucleus that is condensed in the sea. It refines those vitalities to be more pure, for his next evolution. Good foundation.

If the foundation is not strong, Yue Zhong, who is a human being, is hard to go further. Because human beings are congenitally weak, their physical qualities are far less than the monsters of dinosaurs, sea people, vampires, and zombie evolution. After absorbing a huge amount of vitality, Yue Zhong finally began to evolve toward the direction of the strongest.

The pale gold air flow slowly flows through Yue Zhong’s body, forming one cycle after another, strengthening every inch of the body of Yue Zhong’s body, and the blood flowing in his body is also beginning to be contaminated. Light golden breath.

The blood of the high-ranking strong has a huge vitality. After Yue Zhong advanced to become the fifth-order powerhouse, his blood also contains a powerful vitality. Ordinary people can gain some reinforcement as long as they drink the blood in his body, and they can also resist. Some low-grade viruses are eroding.

“Congratulations on your progress to become a fifth-order **** warrior! You have gained a full attribute +30 enhancement!”

“Congratulations on your advancement to become a fifth-order **** warrior! Your steel body skills have evolved to a third-order!”

“Congratulations on your advancement to become a fifth-order **** warrior! Your regeneration skills have evolved to third-order!”

“Congratulations on your advancement to become a fifth-order **** warrior! Your magical skills have evolved to fourth-order!”

“Congratulations on your advancement to become a fifth-order **** warrior! Your dark vindictive skills have evolved to the fourth order!”


After Yue Zhong’s waking, a series of prompts sounded, and most of the skills he mastered evolved into a third-order situation. The two major intensive skills of Magic and Diablo are promoted to the fourth-order situation, and his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Yue Zhong looked at the sounds of the series of advanced tips. The heart was full of excitement: "Good!! Great, I didn't think that after evolution into a fifth-order **** warrior, I would become so strong!!"

After becoming a fifth-order **** warrior, Yue Zhong’s biggest gain was not the full attribute +30 points, but most of his skills were upgraded to the third-order. To know that the improvement of skills requires a large number of skill points, those skill points are extremely precious, if you are generally upgraded to 10 on the earth to get a skill point. Now Yue Zhong has upgraded most of his skills to the third-order sound, and the number of skill points consumed has exceeded dozens. It is equivalent to Yue’s important upgrade of hundreds of levels on the earth to get so many skill points.

According to Yue Zhong’s own speculation, he is based on his current strength. Even if Luo Qingqing wears a storm armor with a fourth-order mutant beast nucleus, he is confident to defeat it. This is the result of his lack of external equipment. If he relies on the scoring sun armor with the fifth-order mutant beast nucleus, he even has the ability to fight close to the intermediate dragon.

After Yue Zhong was happy for a while, he got up and walked outside.

Yue Zhong came to the hall, and the actual leader of the winged tribe, Dorothy Elder, immediately came to Yue Zhong and greeted him with enthusiasm: "Yue Daren, good morning!"

Dorothy just came to Yue Zhong's side, and suddenly his face changed slightly. There was a whisper of faint light in my eyes: "Hey, you seem to be different today. Is it that you have become a fifth-order **** warrior?"

In the past, there were also five-level junior powers among the winged people. The previous generation winged queen was a fifth-order junior powerhouse. Dorothy is also a strong player who has experienced countless battles. She feels sharper from Yue Zhong’s body than the previous generation of winged queens. This is also related to Yue Zhong’s recent promotion to the fifth-order, which is temporarily unable to cover up this powerful force.

"The fifth-order **** warrior?"

"How is that possible?"

"How can humans advance to become a fifth-order **** warrior?"

"The fifth-order **** warrior? Are you kidding? Even the human celestial arrogance such as Luo Qingqing has not advanced to become a fifth-order **** warrior!! He even advanced into a fifth-order **** warrior, can he say that his talent is better than Luo Qingqing? Is it terrible?"


As soon as I heard the words of Dorothy, the elders of the winged people changed their faces. There was an unbelievable flash in the eyes, and the whispered arguments were numerous.

The fifth-order **** warrior is a huge watershed in this third world. There are countless powerful, powerful mutant creatures, beasts, and countless monsters. Even if the fourth-order powerhouse is walking in this world, it is dangerous. If you accidentally fall, you will fall. The fifth-order **** warrior has the ability to walk in most places.

In the third world, the fourth-order powerhouse is considered to be the top power among the forces of the winged people and the storm valley. However, among the strong people such as the Haizu and the Jianlong Kingdom, they are just ordinary masters. Only the fifth-order **** warrior is considered to be the top master in the sea and the sword dragon kingdom. Received the admiration of countless people.

There are not many weak human masters. The strongest human power in Qingzhou is the storm queen Luo Qingqing. Even she is only the strongest of the fourth-order peak.

Standing on the side of Luo Qingqing, Haiyan’s face turned out to be lost: “Impossible! A man in the district, how could it be so fast to become a fifth-order **** warrior? Absolutely possible!!”

Haishu regarded Luo Qingqing as his idol, and the Lord admired and worshipped. She firmly believes that among the human beings, Luo Qingqing is the most talented. It is most likely to break through the extremes of humanity and become the fifth-order powerhouse.

In fact, Haishu’s idea is not wrong. If there is no imprint of the demon system, Yue Zhong no matter how hard he tries to cultivate, he can't surpass Luo Qingqing with his mediocre talent. However, after absorbing a large number of vital forces and evolving, Yue Zhong has become no longer mediocre, but began to evolve toward the direction of the strongest.

A line of sight is concentrated on Yue Zhong's body. Most people are eager to hear the voice of Yue Zhong’s denial, because some of them have a certain degree in their hearts that can be broken into a fifth-order **** warrior.

Luo Qingqing looked at Yue Zhong’s eyes full of complexity. Although she was open-minded, her heart was also somewhat 嫉妒 Yue Zhong who was able to break through the fifth-order **** warrior. However, in a corner of her heart, there was a glimpse of joy that she could not understand.

Only Han Zizhen looked at Yue Zhong very purely, I hope this is a fact.

Yue Zhong smiled gently: "Yes! I have broken through the bottleneck, and the advanced has become the fifth-order powerhouse."

Dorothy's eyes are full of complex stunned Yue Zhong, his face still with a sweet smile: "Sure!! Congratulations!"

Haishu couldn't help but stand up and challenged Yue Zhong: "I don't believe it! Yue Zhong, I want to single out with you. As long as you beat me, I believe that you have advanced to become a fifth-order powerhouse!"

Yue Zhong took a look at the beautiful and beautiful sea otter, and came directly to his table and sat down and said: "Why should I fight with you? If you want to challenge me, you will win Han Ziyu first."

Han Ziyan walked forward with the scoring sun of the sun, and said with a look of apology: "Sorry, Haishu, now I am the subordinate of the great man!"

Although Han Zizhen is not willing to face the comrades of the past, if she only learns from each other, she will still block the attack of Haishu for Yue Zhong.

Haitang took a look at Han Ziyan, and a silver tooth bite, saying to Yue Yue: "Yue Zhong, I want you to challenge now, if you win me. I will sleep with you for one night or listen to you. If you lose Now, I am telling you that you are a big liar who likes to brag!!"

Luo Qingqing brows a sullen voice: "Haicang! You are not his opponent!!"

The sea otter only has the combat power of the third-order peak. Under the strengthening of the storm armor, she can only reach the fourth-order intermediate level, which is far worse than Yue Zhong.

Haishu said with great enthusiasm: "Your Majesty, please allow me to fight him."

Yue Zhong thought for a while and he wanted to see how much his strength had reached so he stood up and walked toward the hall: "A command? That is not bad! Good! I promise you!"

Haishu wearing a storm armor with a spear directly into the center of the hall to Yue Zhong said: "I have additional conditions ~ www.readwn.com ~ first, you can not use any equipment. Second, I want to use the storm Battle armor and storm spear. Third, you must defeat me within five strokes. As a fifth-order powerhouse, these conditions should be simple!"

Yue Zhong shook his head: "No!"

At the sight of Haishu, she thought that the conditions she had proposed were already very loose, but she did not think that Yue Zhong would refuse: "What?"

Yue Zhong underestimated: "Two tricks! Can't beat you within two strokes, even if I lose!"

"It’s so mad!! You are digging your own grave!!" Haitang was furious, and the third-order mutant beast nucleus was inlaid on the storm armor, and her strength was strengthened to the fourth-order intermediate level.

The anger of the sea breezes flashed in the eyes, suddenly disappeared from the place, and appeared silently behind Yue Zhong, a spear directly to Yue Zhong.

Although Haishu is a third-order powerhouse, she has a enchanting tyrannical talent-space ability. In the fourth-order state, she can instantly use space power to appear anywhere within 100 meters. Twenty times. Relying on such enchanting ability is generally similar to the ability of teleportation, she once assassinated a low-level dragon. (To be continued.)

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