God and Devil World

Chapter 86: arsenal

"Strengthen 4 points of physical strength!" Yue Zhong quickly made a choice.

Yue Zhong has mastered five active skills at this time. Each skill needs to consume a lot of physical strength and mental strength. Without sufficient physical strength, several skills cannot be used at the same time.

“Skill points are used to reinforce the skill of summoning special cockroaches!”

First, you need to strengthen a skill to the apex, and then choose to strengthen other skills, so that you can make better use of that precious skill point.

After Yue Zhong made his choice, the light in his body immediately fell into his knowledge of the sea, and fell on the rune that summoned the special scorpion. The special sly rune flashed and shot a black light. On the body bone of Yue Zhong, a line of information surged in the sea of ​​Yue Zhong.

“Your special cockroach has evolved and acquired new skills. Bone manipulation. This skill allows the special cockroaches to manipulate the body bones freely, making its attack even more strange. The maximum range is 200 meters. Skill 1: bone utilization The cooling time is reduced to one day. Learn new skills: camouflage. This skill can make the special scorpion disguise as a big creature like him."

"Special 骷髅 (white bone) 15 grade.

Strength: 34 (10)

Agility: 34 (10)

Muscle activity: 34 (10)

Physical strength: 32/34 (10)

Spirit: 34/34 (10)

Strength: 56 (10)

Has skill 1: bone utilization.

Skill 2: Skeletal strengthening.

Skill 3: Bones manipulation.

Skill 4: Disguise.

In the state of fit, Yue Zhong was able to use the ability of the white bone. He thought about it and extended a sharp spur from his right palm.

Yue Zhongxin re-moved, and a sharp spur was suddenly protruding from the bones of his eyebrows.

Yue Zhong stretched his palm forward, his eyebrows spurred back to the body, and a sharp and slender spur from the palm of his hand extended out two hundred meters.

"After evolution, this skill is absolutely powerful enough for the yin." Yue Zhong manipulated the thoughts of the bones that were constantly emerging from the bones.

If the two are in the middle of a battle, suddenly a spur is shot from the chest, which is absolutely preventable.

After experimenting with the newly acquired ability, Yue Zhong converges to the mood of the treasure on the ground, and walks into the military camp. The time of the fit protection is only 15 minutes, he must search the military camp as soon as possible. If there is still an S2 hidden inside, he can only choose to escape immediately.

The speed of S2 is too fast. Yue Zhong has to go slower than it to enter the shadow stage. If such a monster does not have a fit protection, Yue Zhong will not dare to fight against it.

Yue Zhong searched the entire military camp again, and there was no other hidden S2 existence and no other danger. He then went back to let Wang Shuang drive into the military camp and start searching for materials.

“Four Level Skills: Second-Order Agility Cure. Learning this skill requires learning agile curing skills first, and strengthening the agile curing skills to learn this skill. After learning this skill, you can permanently increase 40 agility.”

"Three-level treasure: high-speed leather boots. Agile +8."

"Skills are good skills, but unfortunately can't learn now." Yue Zhong put the black high-speed leather boots on, and regretted the second-order agile solidification of the skill book back into the space ring.

The other two white treasure boxes are empty and there is nothing inside.

Just as Yue Zhong looked at his own harvest, Liu Wei ran out of a storeroom with a smug face, and shouted to Yue: "Yue Ge! Yue Ge! We made it! A lot of arms! There are many inside. Arms! This time, we are big!"

Looking at Liu Wei's face with a happy face, Yue Zhong also quickly entered the storeroom.

Type 56 semi-automatic rifle, 56-type machine gun, 53-type heavy machine gun, 67-type heavy machine gun, 81-type submachine gun, 79 submachine gun, 81 rifle, various models of old-fashioned firearms filled the entire warehouse. If the number of firearms in this warehouse is single, it is enough to arm a group.

Yue Zhong looked at the guns in that warehouse, and his eyes also showed the ecstasy color: "Send! This time it was really made!"

When Wang Guanghu was in Changguang Village, there were only a few dozen people. It’s not that he doesn’t want to recruit any more, but he’s not enough guns and ammunition in his hands.

With the guns in this warehouse, Yue Zhong will not have to worry about weapons if he recruits his subordinates. No matter how old the firearms are, just use them.

"Bullet! Bullet!" Yue Zhong grabbed Liu Wei from the side and asked.

Without bullets, these guns are a pile of scrap iron that simply cannot pose any threat to the zombies.

"This side!" Liu Wei excitedly pulled Yue Zhong to the other side of the warehouse.

In the other side of the warehouse, neatly placed one by one, one of the boxes has been opened, in which a neat pile of yellow orange orange bullets ~www.mtlnovel .com~ Great! "Yue Zhong looked at the boxes in the storeroom and was very excited."

The bullet that Yue Zhong got in the police station is a little different from the one here. With the bullets in this warehouse, it is enough to make him a good bang.

Yue Zhong asked Liu Wei on one side: "Is there a gun!! Cannon!!"

Artillery is the key to a war. If you have a cluster of heavy artillery, the zombies in the city are all slag, covered by a round of artillery, and those zombies will be finished.

Liu Wei smiled bitterly: "Yue Ge! The guns are not. There are some parts of the shells and guns. It is estimated that the parts are dismantled from the two cannons."

Yue Zhong couldn't help but be disappointed. The gap between a modernized unit and the support of artillery is extremely huge. There was no disappointment to get the artillery in this arsenal.

This arsenal is in fact the elimination of the weapons vault, responsible for the custody and destruction of various guns, ammunition and artillery that were eliminated by the PLA. China's most advanced weapons are not here, only some weapons that have been eliminated and replaced.

It is these weapons that have been eliminated by the PLA. Everyone in Yue Zhong and his team is filled with excitement in the eyes of the guns and ammunition. With these weapons and ammunition, their combat power can be upgraded to a higher level. The problem of their most scarce ammunition was also solved.

Especially in the presence of the 53-type heavy machine gun and the 67-type heavy machine gun, the firepower of Yue Zhong’s small force became fierce.

In this obsolete weapons vault, there are also some mechanical dismantling of the artillery. Yue Zhong did not let go of those machinery, and removed all those mechanically dismantled and transported them back to Changguang Village.

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