God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 886: The tyrant's order!

Everyone in the blood is as strong as a monster. Even if you don't wear a strong armor, you can fight the dinosaur warrior. They are the most powerful troops in the Twenty Blood Fortress. They have rich combat experience, and these rebels are simply unable to stand in front of those blood. And there is another characteristic of the blood drop guard that is fierce, not only violent to the dinosaurs, but also the people who suppress the rebellious people are equally fierce, and there is almost no living in their hands.

If the five reapers are in the hands of the rebels, the rebels still have the ability to fight the blood, but the five reapers are now in the hands of the city guards, those rebels are not the city guards at all. opponent.

Suddenly, there was a desperate cry from the rear of the rebels: "The blood is guarded by blood, and they have copied it from the back!!"

The scream completely defeated the psychological defenses of the rebels. The old Li Chang sighed and threw the spear in his hand. He said to Wang Yufeng: "Wang Yufeng, we surrendered to you. You have to remember your The promise is to keep the lives of our brothers. Otherwise I will not let you go."

Wang Yufeng cold ice ice: "Let's put down your arms!! Hold your head with both hands and surrender immediately!!"

Old Li sighed and yelled at the surrounding soldiers and ordered: "Let the weapon down!!"

The rebels were silent for a moment, and they threw their weapons on the ground, holding their heads and choosing to surrender.

Even the most violent money-making and hateful throwing the spear in the hand directly to the ground and holding his head and helpless surrender.

Although Qian Cheng’s bravery and fierce battle is not an idiot, the five reapers have the power to smash them all. Coupled with the fierceness of the fierce, with a large number of dinosaurs, all kinds of fierce beasts on the first line of blood fall, they desperately only have a dead end.

From the city's main government, the soldiers who came out of the team began to take over the rebels.

Soon after, there were only a hundred people in total, all wearing third-order intensive armor, armed with spears, with a fierce murderous and **** smell. Like a tiger-japanese warrior, riding a car, the superbike inlaid with two laser cannons came to the battlefield.

These warriors, who are like tigers and leopards, have a **** smell. They are **** guards. They flash the bloodthirsty light in their eyes. The rebel who squatted on the ground with their hands and their heads looked like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and the body murdered, only waiting for the head to take an order. They will rush to kill the rebel forces who are lying on the ground.

The head of the **** guardian also stared at the bottom of the rebel forces lying on the ground, and the spears in their hands shook hands and licked their lips.

The **** guardian squadron's murderous murder is as real as it is. The rebels lying on the ground feel the horrible killing. Everyone's body trembles, and there is a trace of fear on his face.

At this moment, Wang Yufeng walked out of the inner city to the **** guardian leader and smiled and said: "Thank you for coming to help!"

The **** guardian leader named Jia Yu is a fourth-order peak. The semi-step fifth-order super-powerful, once killed two low-level dragons, even if Wang Yufeng is the master of a city, he is more polite than he must be.

Jia Yu swept the rebel slaying squatting on the ground below: "Wang Yufeng, are these guys asking me to help you kill them?"

Wang Yufeng invited a smile to Jiayu on his face: "I will not bother you. They have surrendered to me. I will naturally deal with them. Come. Jia Tongling, come in and get together for a drink. Your brother They are working hard today, I will find someone to treat them."

As the master of a city, it is not the strength of the tyrannical, Wang Yufeng can become the city owner of the Red Blood City, there are many reasons. One of the reasons is that he is sleek enough, slick and slick, and the soldiers who wait for things better than Jia Yu do not know a few streets.

Jia Yu nodded slightly, and then his eyes fell on Yue Zhong, who stood beside Wang Yufeng. Suddenly said: "Is this?"

Yue Zhong did not humble and step forward: "Jia Tong collar! The name is Yue Zhong is the personal guard of the adults!"

Jia Yu looked at Yue Zhong, and his eyes flashed a glimpse and suddenly said: "Wang Yufeng, your personal guard is very good, how can I give him blood to defend? I take a set of fourth-order intensive armor to exchange with you! ”

Although Jia Yu did not have the ability to see Yue Zhong’s strength at first glance, but with his beastly general instincts, he was able to vaguely feel that Yue Zhong had the power to threaten him. He saw the huntering heart, and this opened the price to Wang Yufeng. A set of intensive armor inlaid with a fourth-order nucleus is worth a lot, even if there is not too much in the Red Blood City.

Wang Yufeng shook his head and smiled and refused: "No change, Yue Zhong is the first master of my majesty. Jia Tongling, come, I have collected a few beautiful virgins full of taste, you will love it. Let us not today. Drunk and lost."

Jia Yu saw Wang Yufeng’s refusal, and a flash of sorrow in his eyes did not persist but followed Wang Yufeng’s body and walked toward the inner city. Although Jia Yu is the leader of this blood drop, but he is only one of the more than a dozen small leaders in the blood drop, the status is really worse than Wang Yufeng.

The people came to a hall, and there were already dozens of beautiful girls wearing thin veil, beautiful and beautiful, and waiting for them.

Jia Yu swept the beautiful girls in the hall and said: "Let them all retreat, I will tell you the secret!"

Wang Yufeng waved his hand: "Retreat!"

"Yes! Master!"

The dozens of beautiful girls respectfully screamed away from the room with a scent of fragrance.

Jia Yu was stunned by Yue Zhong, who stood next to Wang Yufeng, and his brow was slightly wrinkled.

Wang Yufeng smiled and said: "Jia Tongling, Yue Zhong is my confidant, loyalty xìng no problem."

Jia Yu handed a letter of order to Wang Yufeng: "Well, Wang Yufeng, you listen, you have an order, order you to start from the Ming Rì, and immediately send all the poor people in Zone D to the imperial capital."

Wang Yufeng took the order and looked at it for a while. Then handed it to Yue Zhong.

Jia Yu brows once again wrinkled.

Wang Yufeng quickly explained: "Jia Tongling, Yue Zhong is not only my bodyguard, but also my military division."

Yue Zhong took a look at the order and saw that the order was extremely urgent. He ordered Wang Yufeng to transport the poor people in Area D to the Imperial City at all costs.

Yue Zhong brows, he smells a strange breath from this order.

In this cloud state, mankind is indeed in a dominant position. However, two-thirds of the places are still in the wilderness, and there are many scattered mutant beasts in the wilderness, and even the dangerous zone occupied by the fifth-order mutant beast.

The Imperial City of Yunzhou is far from the Red Blood City Road. Up to four thousand kilometers. If you want to migrate hundreds of thousands of people in the Red Blood City to the Imperial City, you will not only need to consume a lot of manpower and material resources, but if you are not prepared, there will be countless people dying along the way.

The technology in Yunzhou is polarized. The technology of war is very developed, and civilian technology is very ordinary, even simple.

Between the Red Blood City and the Imperial City of Yunzhou, there are four thousand kilometers. However, such distances do not practice large-scale transportation such as subways and railways.

It will be a terrible disaster for ordinary people to carry out four thousand miles of migration with their own feet. There will be heavy casualties on the way.

Yue Zhong silently asked for a moment: "Jia Tong led, you know, why did you order such an order?"

Jia Yu said that Wang Yufeng said: "I don't know. But the military's vocation is to obey orders. Since you have issued such an order, then we will only obey. Wang Yufeng, you must perform your sire tomorrow. Command. Do you understand?"

Jia Yu is the purest soldier. He will only fully execute the command of the peak. He does not care how many people will lose their lives. He is not sure how many people will die in this order because he never thought about it.

Yue Zhong was silent for a while: "I know! We will resolutely execute our orders tomorrow!"

After hearing the answer from Yue Zhong, Jia Yu’s face became better and better: “That’s good!”

Wang Yufeng smiled and pressed a button directly: "The business has been discussed. Then let's relax and come. Come!"

Not long after Wang Yufeng’s order was issued, a girl wearing a thin veil sneaked in and began to dance in the hall.

The serious face of Jia Yu also began to become a wave of shackles, directly into a pregnant woman into the arms and began to move hands. Although he is a pure soldier, he is also a man of blood and blood. Playing a few women is a common practice for him.

On the occasion of Jia Yu’s arrogance and pleasure, Yue Zhong handed a small note to Wang Yufeng.

Wang Yufeng took a look at the note. The note turned into countless dust, and then he nodded slightly toward Yue Zhong, and Yue Zhong retired silently.

In this inner city, a huge dungeon was also built. At this time, the empty dungeons were now crowded with people, and there were dejected members of the rebel in the dungeon.

The senior cadre among the rebels, the ordinary man in the woods sighed in a cell: "This is over!!"

In the cell, the cadres of the rebels were filled.

At this time, there were only four cadres of the five senior rebels. The old Li, Qian Cheng, Mu Nai, and the ponytail were the beautiful women who were ordinary but powerful and tyrannical.

At this time, the four senior cadres, such as Lao Li, were firmly **** by a circle of silk spiders called the venomous spider. The silk thread was extremely tough, and even the fourth-order power could not easily break free. At the same time, the four of them also took the softener made from the mutated plants. They couldn't afford a bit of strength. They didn't like a fourth-order invincible, but they could only be slaughtered.

At the same time, in the cell where the four cadres are located, there are sensors, monitors, and laser-emitting devices. Once they have changed, a laser net will be shattered from the wall on one side and cut into pieces.

The power of the laser network is extremely horrible, even if the intermediate dragon will be cut to crush, it is more than mentioning these ordinary humans.

Qian Cheng complained: "We should fight with them at the beginning! Even if it is dead, it will be worthwhile to die. You have to surrender. Now, our life and death are all in the hands of those guys. Others want to kill us, We can't resist at all."

The ponytail beauty yelled: "Shut up! Qian Cheng! You are not unclear about the situation. If we resist, hundreds of brothers will be slaughtered by those guys."

Qian Cheng furiously retorted: "Zheng Liwen, we resisted at the time, and everyone will die. But we can kill at least a few enemies. Now we are all locked in this cage. Others want to kill us. We can't kill others. people!!"

Zheng Liwen's face sè became loud and shouted: "What do you say!!"

The old Li who was kept in prison and kept silent, suddenly said: "Don't be noisy! Maybe we will not die! And our chances may come."

Yue Zhong smiled and came to the cell: "Yes! It seems that you are very smart~www.readwn.com~ I like to talk to smart people. I am Yue Zhong."

Lao Li said faintly: "I am Li Chengshan. This is Zheng Liwen, that is Qian Cheng, that is Liu Qi. You came here, presumably received the tyrant to transfer all the poor in District D to the imperial city. Let's order."

Yue Zhong faintly said: "It is true. You know what, please tell me everything you know, according to your answer, I may be able to spare you a life."

Li Chengshan suddenly asked with a hard time: "How is she going?"

Yue Zhong did not carelessly said: "It should be dead!"

Li Chengshan heard that he became old and slowly sighed in his teens: "The tyrant is already crazy. He wants to break through to become a sixth-order **** warrior, so he began to move all the poor people in Yunzhou to the imperial city. ”

Yue Zhong's face sè slightly changed: "Variation of blood-sucking bees?"

The mutant blood-sucking bee can **** the blood of the creature to produce blood and honey full of vitality, strengthen the physical quality of people, and let people continue to evolve. The dinosaur army has come all the way, using a large number of mutant blood-sucking bees to attack humans, and to use humans as the source of the nectar of the blood-sucking bee.

Li Chengshan nodded slightly: "Yes! The tyrant is indeed a genius in cultivation. This year, only 46 years old, he has cultivated to the fifth-order peak. In order to break through the sixth-order, he has already started to go crazy, three months ago. The 400,000 poor people in Tiandu City have already died, and those people have become the flowers that he made blood. The blood of the 400,000 poor people in Tiandu City is obviously not enough for him to advance to the sixth-order **** warrior. He began to issue this inhuman command to other cities!"

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