God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 891: Forcibly broken!

The fourth-order magic is fierce, and the magic that burns everything falls on the energy shield, and the blue energy shield is burned directly into two large holes. m

Ouyang looked at the two large holes burned out of the energy shield and filled with endless shocks: "How is this possible?"

The blue shield is using the energy shield conversion technology. At the same time, the energy shield converter in this study is inlaid with the nucleus of ten fourth-order mutant beasts. Even the intermediate dragon will attack. Resist for more than 20 minutes, now it is actually burned by Yue Zhong, two large holes, naturally let Ouyang no horror.

"The fourth-order magic is really terrible!!" Yue Zhong looked at the energy shield that was burned out of the two big holes and flashed a touch of joy. He did not expect that the fourth-order magic would really protect the energy. The shield was burned.

As soon as the two big holes appeared, Yue Zhong jumped from the hole and flashed a glimpse of it. The palm of his hand shook with Ouyang.

Ouyang is also a strong man who has experienced many battles. Although he uses other methods to break through the fifth-order, he is a genuine fifth-order powerhouse. Even without the reinforcement of the fourth-order intensive armor, he still Has a terrible strength.

At that moment of life and death, Ouyang flashed a smear in the eyes, and the blue light around the body surging, a huge ice cone appeared out of thin air, stabbing toward Yue Zhong, he himself was a little under the foot, directly retreating toward the rear. .

Behind Ouyang’s demise, the walls shrank, revealing an escape route that didn’t know where to go.

This person is very careful when Ouyang is not dead. Even if there are countless masters and strict defenses, they will leave all kinds of means of escape.

The countless ice cones contain extremely horrible ice and cold power. If they are stabbed in the body by the ice cones, even the intermediate dragons will be very uncomfortable and severely damaged. However, if Yue Zhong avoids the stab of the ice cone. Then Ouyang can escape into the passage without extinction.

When the other masters in the fort came, Yue Zhong had only one dead road except to escape.

Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a fierce light, surrounded by a thick layer of dark vindictiveness and reddish magical inflammation. He did not evade. The double fists, like a meteor, directly smashed the oncoming ice cone.

The ice cones that flew from other directions were directly melted by the red-red magical inflammation that surrounds the body of Yuezhong. However, some large ice cones passed through the defense line of the magical inflammation, and the heavy stabs were in Yuezhong’s Above the body.

Yue Zhong’s body is wearing a leather armor that is sewn with the hardest part of the fifth-order triceratops. Those ice cones that have been half-melted through the magic line have smashed on the leather armor and directly shattered. The huge impact exerted on his body and was offset by the layers of the third-order steel. Just let him have a slight discomfort.


Ouyang did not look at the heavy force of Yue Zhong’s forcibly breaking through the ice cones that he started to produce. His eyes flashed a horror.

The next moment, Yue Zhong, who was in a desperate assault as a demon, rushed to the front of Ouyang's indestructible punch and rushed to the head of Ouyang.

Ouyang had no time to stop his right hand in his face.

Yue Zhong’s right fist hit the end of Ouyang’s right hand with an endless dark vindictive force. The horrible power erupted and slammed Ouyang’s right hand directly into his face.

Ouyang’s annihilation was like a smashing smash, and it was hit by a smashing smash on the side of the chamber. The bridge of the nose was blasted and blood was splashed.

Yue Zhong hit a hand and his body flashed. As a ghost, it is generally looted toward Ouyang.

Ouyang was annihilated by Yue Zhong’s fist, but he was still so angry that he still did not give up resistance. His mind was moving, and the cold energy rushed out of his body, quickly condensing outside his body into a layer of ice that was two meters thick.

This two-meter-thick ice layer is formed by the use of the fifth-order abilities of Ouyang. The defense is extremely abnormal and can rival the energy shield.

No abilities have their own characteristics, and the defensiveness of the ice abilities is extremely tyrannical. Yue Zhong's magic defensive power is far less than this ice abilities.

Ouyang did not know that he was not the opponent of Yue Zhong, so he thought of this method of procrastination. As long as he delayed the arrival of the reinforcements, it was his victory.

"Ouyang is not dead. Are you afraid? Today is your death!!"

Yue Zhong rushed to the ice layer before the arrow, like the devil's general roar, the third-order fear was launched, and a violent spiritual ripple rippled toward Ouyang.

“Don't I die here today?”

The original third-order fear technique was launched by the fifth-order powerhouse such as Yue Zhong, and it could not play a big role in the strong man like Ouyang. However, Ouyang did not destroy the body and mind and was hit by Yue Zhong. The heart has already produced a fearful heart. At this time, the horrible spirit contained in the fear technique rushes, and the heart immediately gives birth to fear, and then falls into fear.

When Ouyang was immersed in fear, he could not launch a different source of energy to strengthen the ice layer up to two meters thick.

"Give me broken!!"

Yue Zhong roared, with the imposing manner of the world, the double fists condensed the magic of the horror on the huge ice.

The scorching magical inflammation erupted, and the huge ice cubes were directly burned and melted, and then slammed and shattered.

"Do not!"

Ouyang looked at his last killer and was crushed by Yue Zhong. The soul shrouded in fear was even more desperate.

Yue Zhong’s eyes were cold, and a palm was unrelentingly shot on the back of Ouyang’s head. A single blow hit Ouyang’s fifth-order powerhouse.

After stunning Ouyang's death, Yue Zhong went to Ouyang without a finger, and a fifth-order scorpion flew directly out of the head of Ouyang.

Ouyang was awake, and immediately revered to Yue Yue, and said: "Ouyang has never seen the master!"

"Yes! It seems that as long as you don't encounter monsters like intermediate dragons, among the fifth-order powerhouses, I should be considered a weak one."

Yue Zhong looked at the Ouyang, who was defeated by him, and turned into a glimpse of satisfaction. Today, he and Ouyang did not destroy the fifth-order powerhouse. He really felt that he had indeed entered the fifth-order situation, and was not weak among the fifth-order powerhouses.

"General!! Are you okay??"

Just as Yue Zhong’s acceptance of Ouyang’s death was less than fifteen seconds, a team of 20 elites rushed into the hall, and the first commander looked at the hall in the hall, full of eagerness toward Ouyang, who sat behind the desk, asked urgently.

Ouyang did not look around and looked at the 20 **** guards who rushed into the hall. "I am fine! This time, thanks to the grades Jia Yu and Zhang Li, they came to report, and I realized that they were among them." There are actually six people who have betrayed their Majesty and colluded with the rebels. After Zhang He defeated me after several defeats, I have already been killed by me. Wei Zhen, you take eight people to take over the position of Zhang He! ”

"Yes! General!"

A **** squad leader quickly picked up seven soldiers as if the door **** stood in the study.

The **** guardian leader brows and wrinkles and wonders: "The general, this is a bit embarrassing. In order to kill Zhang Qi these six rebellious, why do you want to cut off the central computer control of our twentieth fortress? Also released An emergency assembly order, summon all the soldiers of the fortress to come to a rebellion?"

In order to fight against Yue Zhong, who has super artificial intelligence, Ouyang has forcibly cut off the use of computer-controlled automatic weapons in the twentieth fortress. At the same time, all the soldiers who had gathered the entire fortress moved toward this side, and there was a huge commotion in the twentieth fortress.

The blood defensive leader does not think that Zhang He is the enemy who needs to raise the alert level to this point.

Ouyang was ruined by the **** guardian, and his face was green, a burst of white, and suddenly angered: "How do I do things, Jinhui, do you teach? You are the leader of the inner castle, even your own The subordinates and the rebel army do not know, you still want to do this. From today, you Jinhui is no longer the commander, go to the disciplinary house, wait for the fall. After I return the matter, then You are going to have a formal disposal."

"I am angry and angry!!"

Many **** guards have a word in their hearts, but they all choose silence. Ouyang is the most powerful man in this **** fortress. Although he can't openly kill any blood guard, he can use the power in his hands to let those blood fall to perform mortal tasks. No one wants to offend. he.

"Yes! Grand General!"

Jin Hui’s face was white, and he did not dare to say anything. Instead, he went to Ouyang to kill a military ceremony and took off his own equipment and walked toward the direction of the correction room.

Twenty **** fortresses are extremely strict. If Jinhui is bold and defying the order of Ouyang, then Ouyang can kill Jin Hui directly with an excuse to disobey the military order.

Ouyang has no suffocation: "Luo Jun~www.readwn.com~ You send people to Qingyuan, Weijiang, Yuliu, Shiyu, Pizhen, Huang Kun, Qusong general fax, let them come over three days later. I have something to discuss with them."

A **** guard, Gong Sheng, said with a quick move to the outside: "Yes! Grand General!"

Ouyang waved his hand: "The rest of the people are going back!"

The rest of the blood falls back and forth, and in the room, only Ouyang has no line.

Ouyang did not say to the ground: "Wei Zhen, you eight to clean up here!"

"Yes! General!"

The eight **** guards began to clean up the battle marks on the ground.

Ouyang did not destroy it, and stood up and quietly walked behind the two **** guards. Suddenly, two hand-knifes were placed on the back of the two **** guards, and the two men were fainted.

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