God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 900: The phantom is following!

The phantom was silent for a while: "Good! I tell you!"

Yue Zhong throws it away and throws the antidote of the softener in his hand to the phantom.

After the phantom swallowed the antidote of the softener, open it and smell it to confirm the authenticity of the medicine. This will swallow the antidote into the abdomen, then look up and look at Yue Zhong and ask: "What do you want to know?"

If Yue Zhong had a sweep of the villagers around the phantom, he said: "All! You have all the information about the Imperial City of Heaven."

The phantom sighs and begins to tell the story of the Imperial City: "Your Majesty has been enchanted..."

Wei Mingqing, the emperor of Yunzhou, slaughtered more than a million poor people around Tiandu Imperial City, and the use of their blood to make blood and honey is a crazy move that makes everyone in the Imperial City of the city feel guilty.

Some enlightened, and some human aristocrats blamed Wei Mingqing for a few words. As a result, the nobles were directly captured by Wei Mingqing, thrown into the bee colony and sucked to death by the bloodsucking bees. Their son-in-law was also deported as a slave. I gave Wei Mingqing's subordinates.

Seeing this scene, everyone did not dare to admonish Wei Mingqing. In front of Wei Mingqing, they were all honest and old, but in the back, they were surging.

To know that among the millions of poor people around the Imperial City that day, many nobles have fostered agents in them, and they are able to obtain abundant and cheap human resources from the poor.

Millions of the poor were slaughtered, and the interests of many nobles in the Imperial City of the capital were greatly lost. At the same time, Wei Mingqing’s madness was in addition to some of his **** supporters. Everyone is very scared, for fear that they will be taken by Wei Mingqing when they are not careful.

Not long ago, the nobles in the Imperial City of Tiandu were allowed to leave the Imperial City. At that time, a large number of nobles and civilians in the city used various excuses to leave the Tiandu Imperial City, a place full of **** smell.

After Wei Mingqing discovered that a large number of nobles and civilians had attempted to leave the Imperial City, they were furious and ordered the closure of the city gate, except for the army that had his orders. The rest of the people are not allowed to enter and exit freely.

After this order was reached, the Tiandu Imperial City gate was closed, and the people inside could no longer go out freely. However, it caused even greater panic in the city. The rumors began, saying that Wei Mingqing would kill the people in the city and let him break through the bottleneck. Advanced sixth order.

At that time, when the rumors began, the secret agents and the army in the city were constantly dispatched, and all the people who discussed the matter were captured and then thrown into the blood-sucking bee colony. Every day, many people in the Imperial City of the Heavenly City die, and the hearts of the people are turbulent.

There are also some aristocrats who have organized forces to resist Wei Mingqing's tyranny, but when they first started, they were directly annihilated by Wei Mingqing, and they could not afford too much wind and waves.

The Imperial City’s strongest armed forces, the Imperial City’s Guards, are firmly in the hands of Wei Mingqing, and this is the basis for his unscrupulous massacres of the millions of poor people.

At the same time, Tiandu Imperial City has a desperate city gate. There are also many people who have escaped from the main entrance to the heart of the Imperial City.

The main entrance of the Imperial City is full of firepower, and the scanning system is equally amazing. Under the scanning of various scanning systems, even the sixth-order powerhouse cannot sneak through the scanning systems and sneak into the city.

Yue Zhong curiously asked: "So how did you come out?"

The phantom slowly said: "I took the opportunity to perform official duties. After leaving the Imperial City, I never went back."

Yue Zhong heard his brow furrowed. According to the phantom, he could not sneak into the Imperial City.

Yue Zhong’s brows slowly wrinkled and thought: “Do you want to be infiltrated by the poor?”

Among the teams sneaking into the poor, they quietly mixed into the Imperial City of Tiandu, which is one of the plans of Yue Zhong. Only the plan is not controllable. Once the inside person finds his true identity, he is afraid of the end of the miserable.

The phantom looked at Yue Zhong suddenly said: "Do you want to go in?"


The phantom suddenly said to Yue Zhong: "The general of the guardian of the capital city of Tiandu is called Wei Tian. He is a royal man. He is loyal to Wei Mingqing. But in the capital city of Tiandu, there are four city guards in the southeast and northwest. The army, the heads of the four city guards are the children of the aristocratic family in the city, and they also control the strength of the city gate. After Wei Mingqing issued the seal of the city, there was a crack between them. Time, they are very likely to have guilt."

Yue Zhong shook his head and said slowly: "After a while? The most lacking time is the time."

After the advanced fifth order, Yue Zhong can feel that he is in a huge whirlpool at this time. If he does not advance, he will retreat. If he is not careful, perhaps he will be crushed by the huge vortex.

At this moment, among the survivors on the side, six middle-aged men and women came out carefully to the phantom and asked: "Xiaoying, where should we go next?"

The phantom screamed in a cluster and fell into thought. She is a top assassin, even if it is a fifth-order powerhouse who has been assassinated, but she has always been a lone ranger, and she has not had the experience of leading everyone, and she has been at a loss.

Yue Zhong was thinking, and suddenly his watch-type communicator with his right hand spurred, and he immediately opened the communicator. On the screen, Han Han’s pretty face appeared.

Han Weidao: "The leader, our soldiers have already detected the current emptiness of the three cities of Evergreen City, Giant Wood City and Yucheng City. I suggest that the troops be captured to take these three cities and put them under our control. Attack these three cities. At the same time, it can be used to train our fighters and make them more mature and good."

Yue Zhong’s appreciation of Han Yu’s test was: “Do we have enough strength to support this war?”

Han Yu’s spirit of forging ahead is relatively rare among Yue Zhong’s subordinates. Since Yue’s performance has been too dazzling, many of his subordinates have developed the habit of obeying Yue Zhong’s orders. Once Yue Zhong leaves, they will It seems a little uncomfortable and tends to be conservative.

Han Wei is energetic and enterprising, even if Yue Zhong is not very competitive and offensive spirit, it is very rare.

Han Weidao: "Yes. There is a hundred blood falls on the side of the Red Blood City, the original City Guard, and the temporary security officer who recruited us from the poor is enough to maintain order. Evergreen City is weak, as long as three hundred blood After the defending, plus five hundred warriors and five reapers, you will be able to win. In the giant wood city and the city, I will concentrate on the troops and win them one by one. These three cities have rich resources and light industrial foundation. If it can be taken down, it will be very good for us."

Yue Zhong agreed with satisfaction: "Then let go and do it!"

In fact, Yue Zhong has 10,000 elite blood guards in his hands. If he is in the Red Blood City, he must also sweep the surrounding cities one by one and put them into control. It’s just under the dangerous premonition that it’s not known. He came to the Imperial City of Heaven and wanted to do something. At the very least, he had to get the human science and technology in Tiandu Imperial City.

Han Wei’s heroic attitude: “Yes!”

The environment makes people. Growing up as an officer in military life, Han Wei is now more and more like a good soldier.

The phantom watched Yue Zhong and Han Yu silently on one side and hesitated for a while. When Yue Zhong and Han Yu ended the conversation, she came to Yue Zhong and said: "Yue Zhong, you are really the Northwest Rebels. One leader?"

Yue Zhong glanced at the beautiful and extraordinary phantom and said: "Yes!"

The phantom thought carefully for a while and asked: "Is your power strong in the northwest?"

Yue Zhong smiled softly: "There are eight **** 20 chain fortresses that are already under my control. Red Blood City is also one of my territories. Evergreen City, Giant Wood City, and Yucheng City will be mine. There are not a few forces in the northwest that are my opponents."

The phantom heard a slight sigh of relief: "Yue Zhong, I want to take the people in our village to rely on you, can you?"

The phantom is tyrannical, but there is no leadership ability. When she thinks she wants to worry about the food and clothing of more than 200 people in the village. She has a headache. If she can rely on a big force, she and her relatives and friends can live a little easier.

Yue Zhongdao: "Yes! But I need your help, and I will sneak into the Imperial City with me."

The phantom power is strong, and at the same time, I am familiar with the road in the Imperial City of Heaven, if I can get her help. The survival rate of Yue Zhong sneaked into the Imperial City of Tiandu was a little more.

The phantom face changed greatly, and lost the voice: "No, Tiandu Imperial City is defensive, there are countless scanning systems. Even if the poor enter, it will be scanned several times to confirm identity. It is impossible to sneak in. And I have to **** our village. People go to the northwest."

"The villagers in your village don't have to worry." Yue heavy hand wave, two reapers, four large transporters, two large trucks appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the armored troops that appeared out of thin air, all the villagers had a glimmer of shock in their eyes.

The phantom watched the armored unit that was out of thin air and couldn’t help but wonder: "How did you do it?"

The phantom has also seen many super-technical weapons in the Imperial City of Heaven, but she has not seen such magical things.

Yue Zhong shouted to the two reapers: "No. 1, No. 2, bow!"

The two reapers flashed their eyes and immediately bowed to Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong took a phantom and glanced: "The two of them are responsible for escorting your villagers. Is this okay? If it is about positional warfare, guardian warfare, their combat power should be stronger than you!"

The strength of the phantom is indeed very strong, but her strength is mainly reflected in the assassination. She is not the opponent of Yue Zhong, nor the opponent of the Reaper.

Yue Zhong hit a ring finger, and the doors behind the two automatic large trucks opened, revealing the rich life supplies: “They are much better than walking, and I also prepare rich food for them. As long as you agree Help me, they will be able to easily reach the Red Blood City."

The phantom silver tooth bite suddenly said: "If I don't promise you?"

Yue Zhong stared at the phantom, and his eyes glanced behind the phantom to sweep away the many villagers behind the phantom. The voice became very low: "It is very important to enter the Tiandu Imperial City."

The phantom heart is slightly cold, she is very clear that Yue Zhong is such a dominant person, many things are not broken, if she does not, I am afraid that the villagers behind her will become the bargaining chip of Yue Zhong.

The phantom gnawed his teeth: "Good! I promised to sneak into the Imperial City with you. But you must ensure their safety!!"

Yue Zhong nodded slightly: "Good!"

Soon, the team escorted by two reapers immediately darted away into the distance.

This team is all controlled by the artificial intelligence of white, and even if they encounter unmatched enemies along the way, they can also avoid them in advance, which is much stronger than the phantom rookie bodyguard.


Looking at the departing team, the phantom came silently behind Yue Zhong and walked toward the distance.

On the other hand, in the Red Blood City, after Han Yu obtained the authorization of Yue Zhong, he quickly dispatched Xiao Yun to command an army to attack Changqing City. At the same time, she mobilized three thousand blood guards, and 1,500 ordinary soldiers personally attacked in the direction of giant wood city.

Xiao Yun and his entourage all took the enhanced motorcycle, followed by four 235 mm large-caliber energy cannons, and ten reapers, who soon appeared outside Changqingcheng.

Xiao Yun sat on a command car and looked at an elite warrior riding a motorcycle. His eyes flashed a touch of joy: "Finally! I finally can lead a army and become a general! It feels so good!! At the beginning my choice was really right. If I stayed in Xiaojia Village, I am afraid that I have become a food in the mutant animal."

An adjutant came to Xiaoyun and asked: "Headmaster, Evergreen City has arrived. What should I do next?"

Xiao Yun gave a slightly nervous order: "First use the energy heavy artillery to bombard the city wall, tear the city wall, and order the first battalion to launch an attack."

Xiao Yun is not a soldier who has no experience in siege. www.readwn.com~ He is able to issue such orders. It is the most stable siege process that has been discussed beforehand.


Upon receiving Xiao Yun’s order, the four 235-mm large-caliber siege heavy artillery was pushed onto the position and began to launch.

boom! ! boom! boom!

Under the precise correction of the white clothes, the shells of the four 235-mm energy heavy artillery shells blasted over the walls of Evergreen City, accompanied by a huge explosion of earth-shattering sounds, and four of them appeared on the walls of Evergreen City. Cut a huge gap.

The main role of the city walls in Yunzhou is to defend against the attack of the mutant beast, not to defend against humans. In addition to the Twenty Blood Fortress, the Fortress of Heavenly City, which uses the energy shield protection system above the city wall, has the ability to defend against heavy artillery.


After the four guns, the four heavy-duty guns stopped the bombardment. A force mixed with blood and guards and ordinary soldiers launched an attack against one of the gaps under the cover of five reapers. . . )

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