God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 917: Occupy the outer city!

Under Chen’s orders, the eight thousand reserve teams in his hands quickly turned into countless squads, resisting by bunkers. The eight thousand reserve team is the most elite unit of Chen Duo’s hands. Under their resistance, Chen Taijun’s Central City Guard’s advancement speed was delayed.

Yue Zhong ordered: "Go, destroy all those who dare to resist."

"Yes! Master!"

Under the command of Yue Zhong, twenty reapers formed the horror armored regiment under the "fighting" of white, and directly entered the battle group.

The 20 reapers rushed into the battle group, and opened a powerful energy shield to absorb a large amount of firepower. At the same time, they constantly "shot" a laser through the bunker to directly kill those resisting rebels.


"It's the reaper!!"


The 20 reapers were thrown into the battle group, and the rebel people flashed a desperate look in their eyes, and morale fell again.

An officer roared desperately: "Heavy weapons! Energy heavy artillery, energy missiles, laser chariots, reapers, where are our heavy weapons?"

These rebel forces do not have heavy weapons, just as soldiers with only rifles in their hands are as helpless as heavy tanks, only those who are slaughtered. In particular, the reapers commanded by the white robes are extremely accurate, and the formed firepower net can easily kill those rebels, and those rebels can't stop it.

After the rebel forces resisted for a while, they finally couldn’t stop it and collapsed directly. It’s not a crash and a flight, or they left their weapons and chose to surrender.

After defeating the main force of the rebels, Yue Zhong did not choose to go deep into the interior of the Imperial City to pursue the rebels. Instead, he transferred the military front and launched an attack in the direction of the outer gate of the Imperial City.

Although the outer city gate of Tiandu Imperial City has been continuously attacked by the four major families, the outer gate of the Imperial City on this day is the ultimate fortress for the continuous reinforcement and construction of Yunzhou for hundreds of years. Even if heavy weapons are used, it is not so It is easy to completely destroy.

At the same time, the outer city gate of Tiandu Imperial City is still a large arsenal. There are a lot of arms in this large arsenal, and there are many advanced weapons such as reapers, laser chariots, electromagnetic guns, and large-calibre energy sports cars.

The reason why those weapons of war did not work before, is because Yue Zhong holds the super artificial intelligence of white. Many fully automated war weapons have just been controlled by white, and in turn they slaughtered the Central City Guard.

The outer gates of the Imperial City of Tiandu are stationed in a number of rebels of the four major families. The rebels have countless morale collapses under the horrific war weapons of the Reaper.

After nearly fifteen days of fighting, Yue Zhong was in the hands of the entire outer city of Tiandu Imperial City.

All the way, with the help of Chen Tai, Yue Zhong also compiled a total of more than 5,000 people in the Central City Guard. The use of the reapers forcibly wiped out the 2,000 Central City Guards who were unwilling to surrender.

When the entire outer gate of the Imperial City of Tiandu fell into the hands of Yue Zhong, he sent people to start the automatic "fighting" system of various war weapons.

The reapers, combat robots, fully automatic multi-function laser chariots, etc., which are quietly staying in the arsenal of the arsenal, have started up, and they have quickly occupied a strategic place under the "fighting" of white clothes. .

Within the Imperial City of Heaven, the army of the four major families was quickly integrated. Occupy a strategic place.

Among the underground secret rooms of the inner city, the four owners of the four families sit around a round table.

Dou Meng’s gaze slowly and slowly: “What now? The guy has mastered the outer city. With the power of super artificial intelligence in his hands, he will soon be able to integrate a powerful armored force. We can stop it. live.

If the super artificial intelligence white vest in Yue Zhong’s hands has sufficient automatic armored units, it can exert a horrible fighting power. This is very clear to the owners of the four families. It is precisely because of this. After Wei Mingqing was killed, the four major families immediately turned their faces and smashed Yue Zhong. However, they all underestimated the strength of Yue Zhong, and did not kill Yue Zhong. Instead, he was smashed by Yue Zhongyu's "disorder" and directly smashed a unit.

Zhao Sheng hesitated and said: "We can unite with all the nobles in the city to resist him. He has no more than 10,000 troops. We use 100,000 troops and should be able to fight him."

Lu Yi snorted: "The 100,000-strong army. What is the cargo of the 100,000-strong army? You are not unclear. Among the 100,000 troops, only 20,000 people who have truly belonged to elite troops have just been killed by Yue. The remaining 80,000 people are a group of rabble, although there are many masters among them. However, if the armored regiment of Shangyue is the most destroyed, it will not affect the overall situation. The guys are all wall grasses. If the war is going well, if the war is not going well, these guys are likely to slap us in the back."

After the launch of the four major families, most of the nobles in the inner city of Tiandu Imperial City participated in this rebellion. The aristocrats, big and small, plus their private armies, numbered up to 100,000. After the crusade against Wei Mingqing's inner city, there were 20,000 aristocratic rebels killed and wounded, and now there are only 80,000 left.

The 80,000-strong army and the 20,000-strong elite of the four major families constitute the composition of the inner city of the capital city of Tiandu.

The private soldiers of the nobles lacked good training in weapons and bullied the civilians without problems, but they would be very weak when they fought against the regular army. When attacking the inner city, the five thousand imperial city guards would kill 100,000 aristocratic private soldiers, and their combat power could be imagined how weak.

After listening to Lu Yi’s words, everyone was in silence. They are all very clear that in the face of Yue Zhong’s powerful armored forces, the 100,000-strong army was simply unable to withstand a blow.

As long as the casualties are to a certain extent, these Uighurs in the Imperial City are only afraid to surrender to Yue Zhong after all, after all, the great aristocrats in the Imperial City and Yue Zhong have no hatred.

After a moment of silence, Chen Mu suddenly said: "We talk with Yue Zhong."

Dou Meng said his own fears: "I am afraid that he does not want to, he has already prevailed. If you succumb, you can completely eradicate our four families."

Chen Mu slowly said: "As long as he accepts us, we can support him as the new emperor of Yunzhou!"

Zhao Sheng brows a big bang: "I object!! One of the animals like Wei Mingqing is enough. If you really let Yue Zhong become the new emperor of Yunzhou, with the power of super artificial intelligence in his hands, we simply don't May have the power to check and balance him."

Chen Mu cold and cold: "In the era of Wei Mingqing, do our four families have the power to check and balance Wei Mingqing? If it is not Yue Zhong who brings super artificial intelligence, we can't resist Wei Mingqing's rule. And now, we still have the ability Stop him from boarding the throne?"

Lu Yi thought thoughtfully: "Although we did not prevent him from boarding the throne of the throne, but without us, he definitely did not want to be so simple to climb the throne."

Chen Mu nodded slightly: "Yes. This is the only chip we can get."

Controlling a city is not a simple matter. Yue Zhong has no foundation in the Imperial City of Heaven. It takes a lot of effort to master the city. If he forcibly calls the emperor, the armed forces in the hands of other nobles in the Imperial City may surrender on the surface, but there will always be little movements in the back.

In the secret room, once again fell into silence.

For a while, Dou Meng slowly said: "Then we will send Luhua now."

Soon, a fortified motorized into a whirlwind and quickly galloped toward the outer city of the central city.

Above a section of the outer city of the Imperial City of Tiandu, a warrior of the Central Plains City Guard was stationed at various key locations, and Yue Zhong patrolled the city walls.

The phantom is the five-step gaze behind Yue Zhong who looks at the man in front of her. It was this man who pulled out a chaos through the Tiandu Imperial City and took up a force to occupy the most critical outer wall. At this time, with the power of the super artificial intelligence, this man has become the man with the most powerful armed forces within the Imperial City of Heaven.

Chen Tai, next to Yue Zhong, suddenly said: "Adult, why not attack the inner city? With the strength of our army, it is absolutely easy to destroy the resistance of those "chaos"."

Chen Tai just surrendered Yue Zhong soon, he is eager to use his battle to express his loyalty and build enough military skills~www.readwn.com~ relying on the various heavy weapons of the Imperial City outside the city, Chen Taiyou Confidence can rely on only 500 people to defeat the 100,000 troops in the Imperial City of Heaven.

It has a variety of heavy weapons and has a rebel army of the four major families of the inner city of the Imperial City. It is like a modern American army armed with teeth to the ancient Qing army, which can only use large knives and long bows. The fighting power of both sides is not at all a grade.

Yue Zhong looked at the inner city of Tiandu Imperial City and said slowly: "I am waiting for some people. If they are smart, there should be some people coming inside today. At most until tomorrow, if those "chaos" are stubborn, then we also Do not use your hands to show mercy."

A soldier quickly came here to report: "Adult! There are messengers to see."

Yue Zhong faintly said: "Take him over."


Soon, a facial features, dressed in a suit, cut a black "color" short hair, a middle-aged man with two mustaches on his upper lip came to Yue Zhong and bowed to Yue Zhongxing: "Zhou Xin has seen Yue significant people!"

Yue Zhong turned his face and said with no expression: "There is something to say."

Zhou Xin looked directly at Yue Zhonglang’s voice: “Yue’s great man, you are the **** of the world, destroying the demon Wei Mingqing. Saved us tens of millions of human beings in Yunzhou. It is the savior of Yunzhou. Our Zhou family represents the whole of Yunzhou, and hopes to be a great man. You can just ascend to become the new emperor of Yunzhou." . )

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