God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 936: Kill the terror tooth!

In the face of countless attacks below, the fear of the left hand stretched out, a white light of life immediately blocked in front of him, the various rays slammed on the white light of life, smashed, but could not The blast. \\m\\网--

The sixth-order **** warrior has been able to carry out various battles with zìyóu's cāo vertical life force. The attack of the electromagnetic gun light can not hurt it to a certain extent.

The automatic weapon of the alien warrior, which was originally under the suppression of the **** fortress, was swaying under the sway of white clothes, and turned to the muzzle to the terror in the sky.

After resisting a lot of attacks, the fear of violence fell to the ground, his face was white, spewing a large mouth of blood, and the light of life in his left hand collapsed.

Just in the moment when the light of the fear of the left hand of the left hand collapsed, under the influence of the third-order sneak abilities, Yue Zhong 936th chapter killed the horrible teeth! Silent and uninteresting as a ghost appeared in the back of the violent phoenix, a fist hit the body of the violent temper, the dark vindictive, powerful power spewed out, poured into the fear of the violent.

The body of the violent phoenix is ​​harder than the alloy. Under the slamming, it is still directly bombed out like a lightning strike. However, its reaction is also extremely abnormal. At the moment when it was concentrated by Yue Zhong, its tail was swept like a thunder and directly hit the body of Yue Zhong.


The fifth-order intensified armor of the outer layer of Yue Zhong directly exploded a large hole. The huge force even smashed the bones inside his body by seven or eight. As the smashing, it flew several tens of meters away, and a large mouth of blood. He was sprayed with a broken internal viscera and was seriously injured.

The laser chariot in the distance quickly adjusted the muzzle, and the lasers rushed to the violent rush.

The same severely wounded violent spurt spit out a large mouthful of blood, and a white light of life appeared in front of him, and the ray of light was blocked by the white light of life.

The life of the sixth-order powerhouse is extremely abundant. In a short period of time, weapons such as lasers and electromagnetic guns are still difficult to break. This is also their powerful Chapter 936 to kill terror! One of the places.

If it is a fifth-order powerhouse, even if it can spur the light of life to resist it, it can only resist the moment, and the next moment will be covered by the innumerable beams, and it will be smashed into slag.

Yue Zhong fell into a wall and slammed into a wall. He spurted a large amount of blood, and the body was violent, and the intense pain almost made him faint. If it weren't for his skill in possessing the third-order steel body, the fear of a tail would be able to break him into two pieces.

Yue Zhongyi bit his tongue, the severe pain spread from the mouth, let him wake up a few points, he looked at the fear of the white light of life, the right hand, the magical skills to launch, countless red magic The inflammation gathered into an arrow, piercing the void and stabbing the white light of life.

The reddish color magical explosion broke out instantly, and the white light of life burned and creaked, and the white light of life seemed to shrink and eventually collapse.

At the moment when the light of life collapsed, the ferocious magical inflammation immediately slammed into the fear of the underside and shrouded it.


The violent screams made a scream of screams, madly struggling, but did not die in the first place.

Countless electromagnetic guns and lasers slammed into the body of the violent phoenix, smashing its body. The fire flashed, and its body was in the magical inflammation, turning into ashes.

When a violent violent singer dies, a large group of vitality rushes out of its body, directly into the body of Yue Zhong through the imprint of the magical system, and finally injects the golden magical nucleus in his knowledge of the sea. Among them, let the **** magic core get a big one.

At the same time, a faint golden scent flows out of the sacred nucleus, injecting Yue Zhong's limbs and constantly strengthening his body.

“Congratulations, your skill has been promoted to 4th order.”

“Congratulations, you have been enhanced with a full attribute of +40.”

“Congratulations, you got 6 skill points.”

The sound of the prompts continued to sound, let Yue Zhong know that he once again gained evolution, he immediately chose to spend five points to strengthen the skill of dark vindictive to the fifth.

A pale golden airflow was injected into the bronze rune that represented the skill of dark vindictiveness in Yue Zhong’s sea. Under the light golden airflow, a mysterious white silver began to appear in the bronze. Above the runes.

Yue Zhong quickly urged the dark vindictiveness to inject himself into the injured place. The bones of his bones burst into a crackling sound, and the wound quickly began to heal.

In less than five minutes, Yue Zhong’s wound quickly recovered from normal under the repair of dark vindictiveness and regenerative skills.

Yue Zhong quickly stood up and exercised casually. He found that his injury was completely restored: "Now my recovery ability is only comparable to some fourth-order mutant beasts. If I talk about combat power, I have not reached the sixth stage now. However, there should be a fifth-order peak."

"This is a sixth-order crystal nucleus, good baby!"

Yue Zhongqiang suppressed the joy in his heart and quickly stepped forward to pick up the six-order crystal nucleus in the fearful smuggling and then quickly rushed toward the wall.

Although the violent phoenix was jointly killed by Yue Zhong and Bai Yi, it destroyed the dense cluster of laser rifle guns on the **** fortress.

At the same time, in order to kill the violent phoenix, the white clothes mobilized most of the firepower of the fortress, causing the elite troops of countless aliens and dinosaurs to directly rush across the walls of the fortress.

From the rear, Zheng Yanhe mobilized 10,000 troops directly into the battle for the fortress wall, and the two sides carried out a fierce battle.

Human warriors are good at technology weapons and long-range operations. Close combat is not the tyrannosaurus opponents who have talents and often fight close.

Dozens of tyrannosaurus rushed into the army of human beings, and immediately began to madly kill human warriors. Their bodies flashed. Wherever they went, blood splattered and their limbs burst, and human warriors seemed vulnerable.

However, at that time, the remaining survivors who had swallowed Chilong Pills and were not swallowed up by the wall explosion were also put into the battle group. Their eyes were red and they hunted the masters of the tyrannosaurus and the aliens.

Although these iron and blood guards were vulnerable to the fear of the violent phoenix, they were genuinely half-step and sixth-order combat power. They had a burst of blood and rain, which barely blocked the offensive of the alien warriors.

At this moment, from the rear of a heavy armed helicopter launched from the air, flew over the battlefield, constantly throwing an energy bomb, incendiary bombs, cloud bombs into the alien group.

A series of white light, flames, and dust clouds rose from the sky, shrouded the large aliens, and tens of thousands of alien soldiers died under the attack of heavy armed helicopters.

Suddenly, from the dinosaur camp, a third-order, fourth-order pterosaur rose from the air and flew toward the heavy armed helicopters.

A heavy-duty helicopter gun that flew too far was swept by the fourth-order pterosaurs. The propellers were slammed into the air and swayed down onto the ground and turned into a flame explosion.

The heavy-armed helicopters in the sky also continually fired an energy missile to explode on the bodies of the fourth-order pterosaurs. The huge explosions blasted the four-stage pterosaurs into huge blood holes. Let them mourn and fall from the sky.

Due to the lack of super long-range fire support from the laser beam guns, those heavy-duty armed helicopters had to withdraw and retreat into the fortress’s air defense firepower range, but the third- and fourth-order pterosaurs continued to chase. Those heavy armed helicopters are destroyed, destroyed, or destroyed.

Among the sky, there were also a large number of dinosaur warriors, such as Tyrannosaurus, Lianglong, and Raptor, who flew over the pterosaurs, and flew over to the **** fortress.

Among the **** fortresses, the most tyrannical air defense weapon is the laser lens cluster. Their effective range is as high as 18 kilometers. If this laser cluster is present, these pterosaurs will never appear easily.

However, at this time, the laser lens cluster has been completely destroyed by the fear of violence, and the dinosaurs also began to use their most elite combat power.

In the face of the crazy attack of the dinosaurs, Yue Zhongjun also refused to preserve the strength. A batch of combat robots were put into the battlefield and armed with weapons constantly sweeping into the sky.

The large pterosaur knight came to the **** fortress and jumped off the pterosaur and forced to land.

Many dinosaur warriors were smashed into a sieve in midair~www.readwn.com~ but there are still many dinosaur warriors falling from the sky.

The dinosaur warriors fell in the air, and they immediately turned into the sea, and they were unstoppable. A large number of human warriors were directly killed by them.

At the same time, the fierce battle was at the forefront, and several of the iron and blood guards who had killed countless masters swallowed the red dragon pill suddenly squirted a large mouthful of blood, just as the bones were pulled out and they were soft on the ground. The next moment, these fighters were directly shredded by the alien warriors.

In order to withstand the dinosaurs, Zheng Yanhe once again mobilized 30 reapers from the rear into the battlefield. After the 30 reapers entered the battlefield, the most ferocious harvesters generally harvest the lives of the alien warriors, a large number of aliens. The soldiers were directly blasted by them.

However, almost every moment, human warriors were torn apart by the alien warriors, and the automatic war weapons on the fortress were also quickly destroyed, and the battle was so bad.

Yue Zhong will kill a fourth-order dragon with a palm, and look at the brow on the fortress. The brow wrinkles up: "No, this way, the fortress will be quickly broken!"! ! !

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