God and Devil World

Vol 8 Chapter 942: The means of the Balong Emperor!

The huge smoke that exploded in the explosion dissipated, and in the place where the twentieth **** fortress was originally standing, there was only one huge hole.

The twenty blood fortresses that have guarded the people of Yunzhou for hundreds of years have finally been completely destroyed.

The twenty **** fortresses were destroyed. The huge dinosaurs poured into Yunzhou like the tides, and it seemed that the locusts generally spread in all directions.

Yunzhou is extremely vast. There are countless human habitats on the vast land. Many humans live in remote mountain villages. Those places are areas that the government cannot manage.

When the dinosaurs poured into Yunzhou, they immediately hunted the humans in Yunzhou, and a large number of human beings were poisoned.

In a camp full of dinosaurs, more than a dozen well-dressed human men were escorted by four low-level dragons and walked in.

In the two columns of the camp, there is a sixth-order dragon who has a strength of up to six steps and exudes a horrible atmosphere.

Those sixth-order dragons will glance at the coldness of those human beings. The handsome man with a handsome skin is white, and the tall man is immediately scared and white, his legs are soft, soft on the ground, and the yellow liquid Flowing out of his armpits: "Don't kill me. Don't kill me, as long as you spare me a dog, I am willing to do it for you!"

Looking at the ugly appearance of the young man's cartilage head, those senior dragons will flash a slap in the eye. They have always valued only heroes and strong people, and they have no good feelings for this unrecognized human being.

On the throne, the tyrannical emperor, who was shrouded in black horror, asked the man to ask coldly: "What is your name? What is it?"

The young man was surprised and said: "My name is Luo Yi, the direct heir of the Red Blood City Luo Family, the future Viscount."

Ba Long Huang slowly asked: "Royal, I ask you, where are you the heroes of Yunzhou?"

Luo Yi nodded and said: "Tiandu Imperial City, our imperial capital in Yunzhou is in the Imperial City. I know how to go. Leave me a dog, I am willing to wholeheartedly work for you."

Overlooking Luo Yi’s cold and cold road: “Very good! Luo Yi, I can spare you a life, as long as you swear to play for my tyrants, then I will support you and make you a human being. king."

Luo Yi was so happy that he squatted on the floor and screamed, and sweared loudly: "Xie Xia!! Thank you!" I Luo Yi swears to heaven here, this life is willing to play for the Balong Emperor, and then succumb to death!! ”

Dinosaurs dominate the world, and any dinosaur kingdom has the potential to war above the people of Yunzhou.

The reason why Yunzhou has not been destroyed for many years is because the topography of the Twenty Blood Fortress is too sinister, and there are also contradictions among the various kingdoms of the Dinosaurs. Those dragons who are high above are also not interested in Yunzhou, which has allowed Yunzhou to survive.

Now that the Twenty Blood Fortress has been broken, there is no more power in Yunzhou to withstand this horrible dinosaur army. With the strength of these dinosaurs, they can easily capture more than 100,000 human beings as slaves. Luo Yi can be a king of hundreds of thousands of people and he is already very satisfied.

The tyrannical tyrant of Luolong stunned Luo Yi and said coldly: "Let's go! Those who have been caught are now your people, and you will integrate them."

Luo Yi reverently responded and then retired: "Yes!"

A sixth-order tyrannosaurus man couldn’t help but say to the Balong Emperor: "Your Majesty, why should we make that human being a king? Is it better to take those caught humans as slaves or eat them directly?"

The rest of the sixth-order senior dragons will also flash a glimpse of approval in the eyes of everyone, and the eyes will fall on the Nabo Dragon Emperor. After the fierce battle of the Twenty Blood Fortress, many dinosaur kingdoms also lost many elite warriors, all of them are full of hatred against human beings, and more inclined to kill those captured.

In the eyes of the Balong Emperor, the light flashed slowly: "No! This time we met the enemy is not such a simple opponent. Maybe he will be the most terrible enemy of our dinosaurs. This time, we are a dinosaur family. The test is also the catastrophe of our family. If we can pass it, then our family will once again have the opportunity to evolve. If it does not pass, then we are afraid that it will be the catastrophe of the genocide."

A sixth-order dragon said that his brow wrinkled his face and said that his face suddenly changed sharply: "The enemy? How can those human beings be enemies of our dinosaurs? Is it that those guys are God's apostles?"

Hearing the word of the apostle of God, all the sixth-order dragons changed everyone's face, and a faint smudge in the eyes.

As the winner of the last war, the dinosaurs knew a lot of secrets. They are very clear that although they are the dominators of the earth, their fate is in the hands of the powerful gods.

People like Yue Zhong who have the imprint of the demon system are called apostles of God among the dinosaurs. Each apostle of God is an elite among human beings, an extremely difficult master. The dinosaurs were once heavily invaded by the apostles of God.

But that was already a matter of hundreds of years ago. The dinosaurs have dominated the land for hundreds of years, and there are not too many people who care about the past.

In the eyes of Ba Longhuang, the light of wisdom flashed with sneer: "Yes, it is the apostle of God. You must now throw away all the light enemies and use all your strength to deal with those human beings. Human beings are a very despicable creature, as long as When they are used well, they will easily split from the inside. The human beings after the split are simply vulnerable. When the apostles of God are destroyed, what do we want to deal with when we want to deal with them?"

On the top of the Imperial City, Chen Tai took a dozen guards on the wall and patrolled the city. He saw the outside of the city and saw a large number of human beings forming a long dragon that stretched for twenty miles. In the valley of a huge **** gate. His eyes were full of worries and uneasiness, but he was naturally very upset when he left the world where he had lived for decades and went to another world to take refuge.

At this moment, a bodyguard suddenly looked up and changed his face, pointing to the sky: "General, you see, what is that?"

Chen Taiyi looked up and saw a huge earthquake in his heart. He saw a huge steel city with dozens of miles in the sky. He was flying from the sky and slowly landed on this side.

Many of the soldiers got nervous and armed with weapons to target the magnificent storm ship.

Suddenly, the influence of Yue Zhong appeared on the electronic screen: "I am Yue Zhong. This is one of our trump cards, the storm ship."

"It's your majesty!!"

"Storm battleship? Isn't that a huge city that can fly in the sky?"

"Great! With such an aerial city, we are in an invincible position."


From the wall of the Imperial City that day, there was an excitement of arguments.

Chen Tai looked at the stormy ship like a giant city and flashed a glimmer of relief: "Sure enough, it is your majesty!"

Yue Zhong walked down from the storm ship and soon came to the center of the Imperial City of Tiandu, and quickly assembled those cabinet members.

Yue Zhong’s eyes swept directly to Dou Meng and asked: “Dou Meng, what is the situation of the gathering of people everywhere?”

Dou Meng Shen said: "Most of the people have come to the Imperial City of Heaven and are moving through the Hell Gate to the world. It is expected that the migration will be completed within five days."

Yue Zhong brows slowly and wrinkles: "Five days, it is too long. Can you be faster?"

Tiandu Imperial City is a few thousand kilometers away from the **** fortress. If it is replaced by a human being without transportation, it is difficult to reach it in half a year.

However, for those dinosaurs who have a third-order average physical fitness, it takes only a few days to get to the Imperial City. If they do not care about their physical strength and are desperate to hurry, they may be able to arrive at the Imperial City in one day.

Dou Meng did not answer the question of Yue Zhong but stared at Yue Zhongdao: "Your Majesty, is the **** fortress really falling?"

A member of the cabinet also focused on Yue Zhong's body. They knew the result of the battle in the first time, but they still wanted to hear the specific situation from Yue Zhong's mouth.

Yue Zhong slowly said: "It has fallen! According to the analysis, more than 16 dinosaur kingdoms stormed the **** fortress, and the other side dispatched more than one sixth-order powerhouse, and finally captured the **** fortress."

Upon hearing this information, all cabinet members flashed a haze in their eyes.

The Twenty Blood Fortress has never been compromised since its establishment. It is the strongest shield for humans in Yunzhou. Now the strongest shield is forcibly broken by the dinosaurs. www.readwn.com~ Great shock Their hearts.

Dou Meng seems to be old and five or six years old slowly said: "Your Majesty, five days is already the fastest speed after coordination. In any case, please support another five days."

Yue Zhong was silent for a while. Then he nodded and said: "Okay! I will try to fight for five days."

After the cabinet meeting was dispersed, Yue Zhong walked silently, and a heavy pressure was looming in his heart. The life and death of hundreds of thousands of people was not a trivial matter.

Yue Zhong went not far, and saw Luo Qingqing, who was wearing fifth-order intensive armor and holding a spear, and walked over to him.

Luo Qingqing asked Yue Zhong with a keen eye: "Do you have troubles?"

Yue Zhong smiled bitterly: "Five days, I have to fight for another five days. I don't know where to squeeze out these five days?"

Luo Qingqing Liu Mei once said: "Yue Zhong, this is not like you. No matter what difficulties you encounter, I remember that you have never been discouraged. Since we are difficult to hold for five days, why can't we attack?"

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