God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 963: First angel!

Zhu Junhao's face sèyīn Shen Dao: "Jin Pucan, you are competing to force me to host a banquet, if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation. You don't want to leave here."

In the eyes of Jin Pucan, a sneak sneaked in a sneer and sneered: "Remember? It’s so funny. Zhu Junhao, you are now lying underground, surrendering to me, and handing over the entire Republic of Korea to my hands. I can also let you live a path, otherwise, This is your death."

Zhu Junhao smirked and smirked and pressed a button on the remote control: "Good! Good! Good! Jin Pucan, I have to see if you have any ability to kill me!"

Suddenly, the sound of the jǐng newspaper sounded in the whole villa.

After hearing the bright jǐng report, a master hidden in the villa appeared and flew over here.

A blond, burly, muscular and strong Western brawny said coldly in English: "What a thousand words with him nonsense? Since we are not willing to surrender, then we will kill him. Beni, solve those miscellaneous fish It is."

The man who kept the gold sè short hair, inherited the European into the xìng sense of body, but a middle-aged woman with a freckled face into the hands of Benny, two silver sè full of science fiction handgun appeared in her hands .

The two sci-fi-filled handguns appeared in the hands of Beni, and they continued to rotate beyond the common sense. While rotating, a round of shells slammed into the surging masters like an open eye.

Each shell was bombarded on the body of the Republic of Korea, and the body of the warriors exploded directly, turning into countless pieces of debris on the ground, **** and cruel to the extreme.

Beni, a somewhat ugly middle-aged woman, entered the competition with her own strength and completely suppressed the jīng sharp warrior of the Republic of Korea's Unification Council, showing the extremely explosive fighting power.

Zhu Junhao saw that Beni, with his own power, completely suppressed his jīng sharp master, and his face changed aloud: "It's amazing!! What are you entering?"

The western strong man who seemed to be a majestic tower of the iron tower walked in the box with a cold face: "I am the first **** of the ancestral godland, Bert, Zhu Junhao, you have only two choices, or Surrender to join us in the temple. Or, die!"

Zhu Junhao's brow slightly wrinkled: "Yangtang Shenguo? What is that organization?"

"Ancestral temple, you are the entrance to the sacred country of God? You are coming right, I am also trying to get some information about the sacred country."

Just as Zhu Junhao was still meditating, Yue Zhong stood up, and a little under his feet, instantly disappeared from the place, and strangely appeared at the side of Bert, reaching out to the back of Bert's head.

"Good, what?"

Bert, the first sacred priest of the sacred kingdom of God, was the closest to the apostle's male engender, giving birth to a strong sense of danger and desperation. This feeling, even if he is facing the apostle of the sacred country, did not feel so powerless.

At that time, Burt suddenly disappeared from the place, and the next moment appeared in the hall 20 meters away from Yuezhong. He launched the strongest life-saving flash, his face was sweating.

"Remove!! Attack those women inside!"

Burt screamed and threw two flash bombs from his arms and threw them toward the ground. At the same time, he stalked and ran wildly.

Beni and another **** have made Mike and Burt cooperate for a long time, and they all acted in the first place.

In the hands of Beni, two silver sè guns turned, and a round of artillery shells ruthlessly rushed to Quan Yuner and Jin Baoer.

Compared with Yue Zhong, the women are more likely to deal with it, and there is still a high probability that they can force Yue Zhong to protect the girls, so that Beni can escape better.

In the eyes of Mike, the flash of light flashed, and both hands patted the earth, and the rays of the yellow sè rushed. From the underground, there were countless sharp thorns, and they directly stabbed toward Yue Zhong and those women.

"Blinking? The reaction is really fast."

Yue heavy hand turned over, a giant shield appeared in front of him out of thin air, he urged the amount of power, a huge energy shield appeared, shrouded him and the girls.

The flash bomb exploded in an instant, and a beautiful white light shrouded the area.

A shell of artillery shelled on the energy shield and smashed it, but could not penetrate the shield. A sharp thorn was on the energy shield, but it was shattered by the tip.

Li Yongjun twisted his body and shunned to the side, but a shell of a bullet exploded like a long eye on his right arm, and his right arm was directly smashed.

A sharp and incomparable ground thorn that suddenly emerged from the ground penetrated directly into Li Yongjun’s body and nailed him to the wall.

A full-fledged child waited for a few women to see that Li Yongjun’s master was directly turned into a corpse, and he entered the face and changed his face. He was trembled behind Yue Zhong and shivered. If Yue Zhong did not protect them, they have now become a dead body.

Zhu Junhao, the president of the Republic of Korea's Unification Council, showed a strong strength. He saw that his body was covered with a strong green spirit, and his momentum climbed to the fourth-order primary level. He was very comfortable in that one. Shuttle between the ground thorns.

While standing on the arrogant Jin Pucan, he saw his biggest backing, and he fled, and his face was very pale. However, his reaction was extremely rapid. One turned and the body tightened, like a cheetah, rushing outside.

"Want to escape?"

Yue Zhong smiled coldly and directly launched the skill splitting technique. The four avatars flew out like a ghost, and almost appeared in the back of Bert, Benny, and Mike, and the palms of the three ancestral halls. The **** of the kingdom of God took the back of the brain.

Although the four avatars of Yue Zhong could not use any skills, they completely inherited the physical qualities of his strong fifth-order, and the palm of his hand was the equivalent of the fifth-order powerhouse.

The three gods were the strongest and only the fourth-order intermediate. For almost a moment, Beni and Mike both made the back of the brain to be hit by Yue Zhongyi and fell into a coma.

Jin Pucan did not hide and was directly stunned by Yue Zhongyi.

The most powerful Bert continued to flash this most powerful escape skill, constantly flashing, and the competition was to avoid the powerful blow of Yue Zhong’s avatar, and fled directly to the outside, even his companions could not care.

"It's so strong!! It's too strong. Just stun the three masters in a single moment. His strength is terrible. Fortunately, I chose to cooperate with him, not for the enemy. I am afraid that even him. Phantom avatars can't beat." Zhu Junhao looked at Yue Zhong's original position, but released three avatars will stun three of the four masters, one repelled, could not help but reveal the shock of the eyes, the heart also Full of embarrassment.

"There is some skill. It is the first **** of the sacred country. Zhu Junhao, I will give it to you here."

Yue Zhong looked at the Bert who escaped from his hands, and his eyes flashed a sigh of praise. With the strength of the fourth-order intermediate, Bert could escape from his hands, showing that this first **** made the tyrannical strength and calm. Mind.

Yue Zhong held Zheng Lixiu with one hand and stepped out in one step, disappearing instantly from the place.

Zhu Junhao’s eyes swept a few times in the heart of the women’s hearts who were left behind by Yue Zhong’s original place. “These women’s eyes seem to be heavy and they don’t look up. Only the woman in his arms is obviously In his heart, his status is not low."

Burt's mouth gasping, crazy in the streets and alleys, flashing this skill is extremely consuming physical strength and jīng divine power, he used this powerful escape skill continuously, so that his physical strength dropped rapidly.

"It's there!!"

After Burt came to an alley, he looked at a window, suddenly his eyes lit up, and his skills flashed, and instantly appeared in the room.

There were two survivors in the room. When they saw the sudden appearance of Bert, they had a horror in their eyes and they wanted to scream.

Just the next moment, Burt's hand waved, and the two flying knives flew out like long eyes, directly stabbed the necks of the two survivors, and directly penetrated the necks of the two survivors.

"There should be no problem under this."

After killing the two survivors, ~www.readwn.com~bert, this is a long sigh of relief.

Just then, between the silent, a huge palm was shot directly on Bert's back. Burt had no room for rebellion and fainted directly.

Yue Zhong held Zheng Lixiu silently in the room.

Before Bert was able to escape the attack of Yue Zhong, it was because Yue Zhong did not have serious reasons. At this time, Yue Zhong used all his strength and easily stunned Burt directly.

After Bert was awake, he came to Yue Zhong’s front and respectfully said: "Burt has seen the Lord."

Yue Zhong sighed and asked: "Beth, the twelve apostles of the sacred country, where is this year? Are they still on earth?"

The twelve apostles of the ancestral gods are all superbly talented, and it is rare for 100,000 people to have a natural awakening. If they also leave the earth and gain all kinds of adventures, perhaps even achievements will be above Yue Zhong.

Burt said: "I don't know the whereabouts of the Twelve Apostles. I only know that before the semi-six months ago, the twelve apostles did not know why, they returned to the European headquarters and disappeared. In the past six months, It’s all our gods who are fighting outside and expanding the power of the kingdom of God. But without the tyrannical power of the apostles, in many areas, we have to shrink our strength and give up.”

Yue Zhong brows and wrinkles: "Why did you send troops to South Korea?"

Burt said: "We are sending troops to South Korea. We want to integrate South Korea and North Korea into the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of God and establish a firm logistics base. We will use North Korea as a bridgehead and join forces with the Russian Empire to attack Yujing and defeat the forces that have been established by you. ""

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