God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 965: Break through!

Yue Zhong drove all the way, killing dozens of cannibals and returning to the sphere of influence of the Republic of Korea Renaissance.

At this time, within the sphere of influence of the Renaissance of the Republic of Korea, there were also all kinds of cannibals and vampires who were rampant and slaughtered humans.

The soldiers of the Republic of Korea Renaissance Association have just been cleaned up by Yue Zhong, leaving only two hundred warriors.

The more than two hundred warriors were able to hold only a few key locations and were unable to care for them.

A South Korean survivor’s ear can be seen and killed directly by those cannibals and vampires. You can hear the screams of screams everywhere, like **** on earth.


Yue Zhong quickly smashed a dozen cannibals and couldn't help but snorted. His personal strength can no longer rely on him to save thousands of human beings here. Guardianship is always more difficult than destruction.

Yue Zhongyi returned to the command center to sit in the town, and the two hundred soldiers were sent out.

The two hundred warriors formed a small team to constantly clear a famous cannibal ghost, and at the same time the rescue of those survivors into the scope of protection.

The biggest weakness of these warriors is that if they lack command and command, they will appear somewhat awkward and clumsy. Yue Zhong had to issue a series of orders to command the battle.

“Jǐng 告! jǐng! A large number of zombies were found outside Seoul. The number was huge and moved quickly toward this side. According to the analysis, after about 30 minutes, they will completely surround Seoul and cut off our escape to North Korea. ”

Suddenly, in a corner of the electronic screen, a white figure suddenly appeared, calmly reporting a horrible fact.

Intelligence is the most important winning factor in modern warfare. Yue Zhong also attaches great importance to the collection of intelligence. He has deployed mechanical spies such as mechanical flies and mechanical mosquitoes in many places to act as eyes and ears.

Yue Zhong’s face changed aloud: “What? Immediately transfer the image over there.”


On the electronic screen, a flower, one by one, was cut into more than a dozen images and appeared in front of Yue Zhong.

The electronic images in the white clothes were magnified in order, and the scene of the horrifying scene was revealed to Yue Zhong.

In that screen, a large group of zombies are galloping toward Seoul City with a speed of horror and a slightly more horrible speed and agility.

Among those corpses, there are a large number of evolutionary zombies such as L2, L3, S2, S3, S4, H2, devourers, and hunters. After a year of evolution, those evolutionary zombies have become even more powerful, and many have evolved heart-rending scales and cuticles.

The horrible corpse that surged like cháo water, the Yue Zhong who is the fifth-order powerhouse can not help but be guilty.

With the horrific power of Yue Zhong’s current fifth-order powerhouse, it is easy to kill more than a thousand evolutionary zombies. But the most horrible thing about the corpse is their number. The endless corpse, if swarmed up, is as strong as Yue Zhong. If it is caught in the corpse and desperately killed, it will eventually die.

"What is that? Flying zombies? How can such a monster evolve? If there are hundreds of thousands of such monsters, how can people resist?"

Suddenly, Yue Zhong saw it in the sky above the huge corpse, and even flew a large piece. The short stature was only one meter, three or four left hands, and the limbs were slender, but there was a pair of blood sè The flight system evolved zombies.

After seeing those flying zombies, Yue Zhong’s heart was slightly cold, and human beings were in a weak position in the face of zombies. Relying on the compulsory artillery and other heritage, and then relying on heavy traps, the guardian of the city wall can barely resist the attack of the zombies. Now there is a flying zombie evolutionary zodiac. Many defenses on the ground are ineffective for those monsters, and human defense will become More and more difficulties.

When Yue Zhong was guarding the 20th Blood Fortress in the Third World, he once felt that the dinosaurs who had the Air Force's coordinated attack were more difficult to deal with than the dinosaurs who did not cooperate with the Air Force. If there is no air force to cooperate, the **** fortress will not be easily captured by those dinosaurs.

"Seoul City, can't keep it!" After Yue Zhong saw the endless corpse, his heart was cold and he sighed slowly.

In this Seoul city, Yue Zhong did not directly belong to his subordinates. Just directing those warriors will make him innocent. This power is simply in front of the huge evolutionary corpse.

Yue Zhong quickly put aside the meaningless feelings: "Immediately organize the retreat."

After hesitating, Yue Zhong issued a supplementary order to the warriors: "Tell them, the people who want to take them away from Seoul are Huaxia people, killing Cui Yuanwang's Yue Zhong, and the direction of the breakout is on the North Korean side. Let them zìyóu Choose to follow or leave, but if we follow us, we must fully obey our orders."

After the warriors passed on the command of Yue Zhong, the survivors who had just been rescued were screaming and many people fled quietly. A foreigner is their leader, which leaves them without much security. At the same time, the survivors of this area of ​​the Republic of Korea Renaissance are not friendly to the Chinese people. They are worried that Yue Zhong will find a post after the time.

Yue Zhong connected Zhu Junhao's communicator: "Zhu Junhao, my people have discovered that a large number of zombies are surrounded by this side. After about thirty minutes, those zombies will surround Seoul and cut off the retreat to North Korea. I Now that you are ready to break through, you should prepare for the breakout as soon as possible. I will take a step and break through to North Korea."

"What?" Zhu Junhao heard his face mad, lost his voice: "Yue Zhong, with me to withdraw to Suwon City. Together with the two armies, we will be able to break through the corpse and safely reach Suwon City."

Zhu Junhao's roots are in South Korea. He is not willing to go to North Korea with Yue Zhong. And if he tells his men to retreat to North Korea, he is afraid that his subordinates will have many direct flees.

Yue Zhong decisively rejected Zhu Junhao's proposal: "I want to go back to China, I can't walk with you. Goodbye, I wish you good luck, I broke through."

After cutting off the contact with Zhu Junhao, Yue Zhong quickly began to organize the retreat.

A well-prepared bus was opened. Under the arrangement of the warriors, a survivor was quickly placed in the car and walked outside.

Soon, a fleet of armed machine guns, infantry fighting vehicles, buses, large trucks, heavy trucks, and tankers quickly rushed outside Seoul.

The huge fleet rushed out of Seoul for about five kilometers, and countless evolutionary corpses rushed toward the team.


Among the teams, a large number of survivors looked at the evolutionary zombies who ran faster than humans, and they made a scream of screaming.

Armed machine guns, infantry fighting vehicles and other combat weapons in the fleet have extended their combat weapons and madly swept the large-scale evolutionary zombies.

In the crazy sweeping shè, many zombies were directly shè, and the body smashed into pieces. However, many zombies have just been dumped on the ground, and soon they stood up and walked over to this side, with little impact.

In the first car, Yue Zhong quickly made a judgment: "No, this way, everyone will be *fall."

Those zombies evolved extremely terrible, and with the existing firepower of Yue Zhong, they could not kill a **** way from the corpse.

Between the thoughts, Yue Zhong jumped directly from the car and launched the sacred animal summoning technique. In the void, a huge cave appeared out of thin air. The fifth-order lianglong, like a giant mountain, climbed from the cave. Out, like a mountain, rolling toward those evolutionary zombies.

After the fifth-order Liang Long rushed into the corpse, he directly charged, and the huge tail squirted between them. Large pieces and hundreds of evolutionary zombies were directly bombarded with meat sauce.

Under the crushing of the five-order Liang Long, which is huge in size, the large corpse was blown open and revealed a way of life.

Yue Zhong and his entourage were able to crush the numerous meat sauces from this road, and madly rolled toward the outside.

Shortly after rushing into the corpse, the densely packed corpse suddenly separated, with a huge head on one end and a thick H2 from the corpse~www.readwn.com~ They opened a huge mouth, one The huge fireball of the regiment came to the side like a raindrop.

boom! boom! boom! !

Under the bombardment of H2's huge fireballs, an armored vehicle and a bus were directly blown up and crushed. More than two hundred survivors were blown up by the huge fireball.

Seeing the fierce scene, many survivors made a scream of screaming, and the cry of crying became a piece.

Yue heavy hand turned over, two electromagnetic guns appeared in his hands, he took the two individual electromagnetic guns to rotate, and an electromagnetic gun like an open eye banged in those evolutionary H2 skulls. Above.

The head H2 was bombarded by a single soldier and was directly penetrated. The pus that exploded from the beach was scattered on the ground.

Dozens of H2 were killed by Yue Zhong in an instant, and the rest of H2 just took their heads and was immediately bombarded by Yue Zhong with H2.

Because Yue Zhong took the initiative to break off, the breakout was timely, and at the same time aimed at the weak place of the corpse to break through. In a short time, with the help of the Taishan, a group of people took a break from the corpse.

Yue Zhong and his entourage just broke out from the corpse, and a machine gun immediately rushed out from the rear. A head corpse cāo slammed the heavy machine gun above the machine gun toward the armored car, and the bus went crazy. Sweeping shè.

The intensive heavy machine guns were on the bus, and easily penetrated the armor of the bus. The shè was on the body of the survivors inside, and the body of many survivors was directly shattered. A shocking big hole. (To be continued.)

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