God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 973: Kill Li Yuanming!

"It’s useless, you gangs, scums, and all of you will die today."

Li Yuanming sneered at the laughter, and countless bullets shè on his body, as if shè went to the diamond, and made a loud noise, and immediately flew away.

At the foot of Li Yuanming, the shè hit directly against countless bombs rushed into the heads of a Korean soldier who was shot in the head of a soldier. The head of the soldier was directly slap like an egg. It was smashed, and the red and white splashes were everywhere.

"Haha! Go to die! Go to die!!"

After killing a soldier, Li Yuanming sneered and laughed. He walked into the group and sneaked through the crowd. He smashed the heads of those soldiers and shattered the heads of those soldiers.

Li Yuanming did not rush to the top of the North Korean army, but was killing ordinary warriors. He wanted to appreciate the desperate expression of the traitors.

"Kill!! Let's go together!! Kill this demon. When we were able to kill him, now I will be able to send him to hell."

A handsome young man screamed, his eyes flashed a slap in the face, and his big hand waved, and the two white sès were brushed toward Li Yuanming.

The two frozen air that could freeze the tank immediately fell on Li Yuanming's body. In a moment, a huge ice block made Li Yuanming, a demon-like, an ice cube.

Seeing this scene, all the eyes in the eyes flashed a touch of joy.

"Cui Minghao, your ice cold cāo vertical ability is good, even the tank can be frozen. If in the past, your ability is still tricky for me. But now, you are just a big ant in front of me. Even if the ants are strong, they are just ants."


Along with a loud noise, the huge ice cubes that can be frozen in the tank were instantly shattered. Li Yuanming walked out of the ice like a demon god, standing tall and cold, overlooking all the strongmen of the Korean army.

Li Yuanming's index finger is a bullet. An ice cube flies directly like a bullet. In an instant, it runs through Cui Minghao's head. In the eyebrow of Cui Minghao, the third-order powerhouse, a blood hole is blasted.

Blood flower splash, Cui Minghao flashed an incredible light in his eyes, and fell to the ground with powerlessness.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man with a dagger appeared silently behind Li Yuanming, and a dagger poked at the heart of Li Yuanming.

"Jin Haoyi, your assassination technique has also become stronger. However, in front of me, it is still vulnerable. Go to hell."

Li Yuanming did not return, as if his eyes were long on his back, and he slaps like a mountain to the face of Jin Haoyi, directly smashing Jin Haoyi’s head.

The headless body of Jin Haoyi immediately fell to the ground in a miserable manner.

Watching Li Yuanming killing the two third-order masters as if to kill the cruel scene of two ants, many North Korean soldiers in the eyes of the soldiers have flashed a despair.

Cui Minghao and Jin Haoyi are the evolutionary of the North Korean genius, jīngying, and natural awakening. Killed zombies and mutant beasts that did not know how many, and the level of reinforcement exceeded 80. In the past, they were also super-evolutionaries of the same level as Li Yuanming. Now they are being shot by Li Yuanming as an ant, which makes all the hearts of despair and fear.

The fifth-order powerhouse is such powerful and horrible. The third-order powerhouse is in front of the fifth-order powerhouse, just like the existence of an ant. Unless there are more than 10,000 various third-order powerhouses pushing a fifth-order powerhouse to a situation where they have to fight, relying on the advantages of entering the sea to consume the other side. Otherwise, the third-order powerhouse cannot threaten the fifth-order powerhouse.

Li Yuanming sneered and walked toward the high-rise of the North Korean army. While walking, he patted the heads of the soldiers who were blocking the road, and took the heads of the North Korean soldiers who blocked him to the road to make the meat sauce.

With the strength of Li Yuanming's fifth-order powerhouse, it is possible to kill thousands of high-level troops from the North Korean army in a few breaths. However, he did not do that, but through continuous killing, step by step to give the traitors tremendous pressure.

Under Li Yuanming’s murderous means, the soldiers who had originally entered the army of the DPRK had lost their helmets and abandoned them. They went away in all directions.

The North Korean warriors were not the ones who were under the command of the army. When the death reached a certain level, the morale collapsed and they began to flee. Those confidant **** fighters brought by Li Yuanming have already surrounded this place, constantly attacking, killing those soldiers one after another, one does not stay.

A third-order master with tears in his eyes and a trembling body squatted on the ground and pleaded with Li Yuanming: "Yuan Ming, I was forced. I was forced, don't kill me. Don't kill me. I Willing to surrender, I am willing to surrender for you. Let me kill you."

"The leader, I was forced by this woman. Don't kill me, I know it is wrong. I am wrong!!"


Under the threat of death, a high-ranking member of the North Korean army directly fell to the ground, crying and screaming, pushing the responsibility of the rebellion to Kim Jong-soo.

"A group of idiots, what is the use of begging for mercy now?" Jin Zhixuan is looking at the scene in front of her face, sneer, she knows that the things they do, Li Yuanming will never let them go.

"I regret it now, don't you feel late? Xiu Mei, Sheng Yan, Mei Shu, they can't live. You guys will go down with them."

Li Yuanming flashed, and came to a third-order master who was screaming on the floor. He flashed a slap in the eye and pulled the head of the third-order master together with the vertebrae. Cruel.

Seeing that Li Yuanming was so ferocious, the rest of the North Korean army’s high-ranking army finally made a determination to fight death and issued an angry roar: "Kill!! Kill him! Don't kill him, we all have to die."

The masters who had been pleading for mercy also flashed the desperate fierce light in their eyes. They all shot and attacked Li Yuanming. Various skills such as ice cones, rockets, and gravity restraints rushed toward Li Yuanming. They used them. The strongest strength of their own teamed up, even if the fourth-order powerhouse is not careful, they will be injured by their joint efforts.

"Useless! Useless! Hahaha!!"

Li Yuanming sneered and laughed. In those many attacks, he easily and easily shuttled. He smashed all the attacks and smashed all the attacks. He was fiercely bombarded with a traitor.

When Li Yuanming moved his life, he easily killed all the traitors. He came to the front of Jin Zhisheng in the **** sea. He asked very eagerly: "Why should you betray me?"

Jin Zhixuan knows that he will die, and his head is cold and cold, and his eyes are absolutely determined: "Do it! I want you to live with regrets and doubts of your life."

Li Yuanming flashed the fierce light of the red sè, and grinned and said: "It's useless. This little trick can't shake my mind. Go to hell, pick up the goods."

After the completion of the sentence, Li Yuanming did not pity Xiang Xiyu's fist on the head of Jin Zhisheng.

With a bang, Jin Zhisheng’s head immediately burst like a watermelon, and her headless body also slowly landed.

After killing Jin Zhisheng, Li Yuanming looked at the headless body of Jin Zhisheng, and his eyes flashed a complex and difficult feeling.

Suddenly, Li Yuanming’s heart was jǐng Zhao Dasheng, and a strong dangerous premonition came to his mind. He immediately squirmed his body like a monkey.

A series of electromagnetic gun light came out from afar and slammed toward Li Yuanming.

Even though Li Yuanming had already twisted his body in advance and tried to avoid the shocking blow, he was still directly bombarded by two electromagnetic guns. He blew two huge blood holes, and the blood continued from the two blood. The cave came out.

Li Yuanming quickly looked up and saw Yue Zhong holding a single soldier electromagnetic gun. He moved to him at the speed of Mach 2 and attacked him madly.

"The fifth-order **** warrior! In the class, you can evolve to the fifth-order in such a short period of time. You must also be the darling of God. You have the power of the magical system. You attack me, the target should be my right hand. Is the magic system imprinted? I am Li Yuanming, what is your entry?"

Li Yuanming is not a sturdy class. He only stunned Yue Zhong. From the heavy fighting power of Yue Zhong, he analyzed the meaning of Yue Zhong in 7788.

"I am Yue Zhong, yes, my goal is the imprint of your right hand."

Approaching Li Yuanming~www.readwn.com~ Yue Zhong launched a skill step, the speed suddenly climbed, and the illusion of a residual image, silently appeared behind Li Yuanming, a punch under the dark vindictive With a momentum like a mountain, he directly slammed into Li Yuanming.

Yue Zhong’s speed has been strengthened and it has become extremely horrible. His fist is like a meteor, and Li Yuanming is inevitable. He can only lift the right hand that has been strengthened and changed.


Accompanied by the sound of a loud noise, Li Yuanming, who was in the face of Jin Zhisheng and like a demon god, was flying seven or eight meters. The right hand that had been reinforced and mutated was also broken by the heavy punch of Yue Zhong. The softness is on the side.

After Li Yuanming was beaten by Yue Zhong and his right arm was blown, his face changed greatly. Before his body was demonized, even after the body was demonized, even the grenade could not be worn. He could smash my right arm. It’s terrible. I am not his opponent.”

"You must escape!!"

Li Yuanming quickly made a judgment. The thigh was suddenly tense and tight, and the hard-boiled one was up. He slammed the earth and cracked the ground. He walked into the distance and sneaked away.

"Want to escape?"

In Yue Zhong’s eyes, the cold light flashed, and at the foot, the whole entrance was chasing like a cannonball.

The benefit of the next Yue Zhong’s desperate efforts to strengthen the agility appeared. Almost between the two breaths, he caught up with Li Yuanming, who was desperately trying to escape. He punched the red screaming magical bang. On Li Yuanming's back, the violent force erupted and directly blew through Li Yuanming's body. The red sè's magical inflammation broke out and Li Yuanming directly swallowed it.

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