God and Devil World

Chapter 96: shopping

The people have been busy for a day, and their stomachs have been hungry, so they went downstairs and walked outside.

Shortly after going downstairs, I was able to see a large pot on a piece of open space not far away, and several staff members were distributing relief meals there.

Dozens of people lined up as a long dragon waiting for a relief meal.

A fat man holding a spoon, each person will go to the big pot to put a spoonful of porridge, poured into the man's bowl.

The big dog walked over and saw that the porridge in the bowl of those people didn't have a few grains of rice. It was basically water. He couldn't help but complain: "Test, is this something people eat? How are they? water!"

In Changguang Village, the big dog is now able to eat rice every day. That is, the porridge rice in Changguang Village will not be put so little.

The fat man who was divided into porridge looked at the big dog, and turned a blind eye. He sneered: "If you don't eat, you will roll! When you are hungry for a few days, you will be honest."

The rest of the survivors each took a little bit of white water-like porridge, and they sipped the light, and even the bowl was clean, and then looked at the cauldron of the porridge.

This meal relief meal is equivalent to rice soup, not porridge at all. But this is also the hope that those survivors depend on for a living.

Chen Zhiguang apologized to Yue Zhong: "Yue Ge, sorry, you can only get a relief meal here."

Yue Zhong glanced at the relief meal in the big pot without a few grains of rice. Without interest, he asked Chen Zhiguang: "Is there a market here? I have to go to the market to buy something."

Chen Zhiguang immediately said: "Yes! Please come with me."

Yue Zhong and his entourage came all the way to the survivor base of the Bohai City. They saw that the survivors had a dish of people, and they were obviously hungry. In many places on the street, the porridge points are lined up with a long queue waiting for the porridge.

Under the leadership of Chen Zhiguang, Yue Zhong came to a street.

In that street, all kinds of things are filled all the way, and the charm of those stalls is better than those survivors living in the village.

"There is a rice shop. The food stamps issued by the government can be exchanged for rice there. The government staff's wages are settled with food stamps. The army is the same." Chen Zhiguang pointed to a gun at the end of the street with four guns. The store guarded by the soldiers explained to Yue Zhong.

“Here is Phoenix Street, and it is also a place to sell all kinds of groceries. As long as there are food and food stamps, you can buy a lot of things here.” Chen Zhiguang also pointed to this street and introduced to Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong listened to Chen Zhiguang's commentary and led the people to walk in the streets.

"Boss, how do you sell these pots and pans?" Before coming to a grocery store, Yue Zhong looked at the pots and pans on the floor and asked the boss.

When the owner of the grocery store saw Yue Zhong, he immediately said, "I have a pot for one or two food stamps, twenty bowls for one or two food stamps, one kitchen knife for one or two food stamps, three iron for one or two food stamps. Pots. Or you can change with other foods."

Chen Zhiguang pulled Yue Zhong, and smiled coldly: "Boss, you are too crowded. The price is too high. Go, Yuege, let's go to the next one."

Yue Zhongxuan was ready to go, the boss suddenly rushed up, he said aloud: "Don't go!! Don't go! It's cheaper. It's cheaper!!"

Yue Zhong pointed his finger at the ground and pointed to the complete set of pots and pans and said: "We have all five bags of instant noodles. Otherwise you will keep your own use."

The grocery store owner gritted his teeth and agreed: "The deal!"

Now the food in Qingyuan County is also very tense. The value of these pots and pans is extremely low, and few people buy them. The five bags are enough for the owner of the grocery store to have a good meal.

Yue Zhong waved his hand, and the big dog took out five packs of instant noodles and handed it to the boss of the grocery store. Lin Jun took the pots and pans in his hands.

"Boss!! I have something good here!! Come and buy it here!"

"Boss, come and see!"

Seeing that Yue Zhong Shopping is so bold, the surrounding vendors are welcoming.

"Yue team! There are tools for repairing cars!" Before the maintenance worker Chen Dalei walked to a booth, he looked at the tools on the booth and his eyes lit up and said to Yue Zhong.

Chen Dalei was a skilled vehicle repairman, but in order to ease the burden when he fled, he threw away all the food he had eaten. He couldn't help but see the tools on the booth. He knows very well that if he wants to stand on the team of Yue Zhong, he must play his own ability and role and will not be abandoned.

With the consent of Yue Zhong, Chen Dalei went to the booth where the repair tools were sold. After spending four bags of instant noodles, he bought the repair tools at the booth.

"Boss! Come here and buy it, be a little cheaper!!"

Seeing that Yue Zhong was generous, the vendors on those booths were more enthusiastic.

Now in the base of Bohai City, the most important thing is food. There are not many people on this street. After all, the most important thing now is to fill your stomach, and few people will use precious food to buy these groceries.

The Bohai City Base is different from Changguang Village in that it has a variety of tools. Many tools are not in Changguang Village. Yue Zhong and his team bought a lot of tools on the way and prepared to bring them back to Changguang Village.

Just as Yue Zhong and his party were walking ~www.readwn.com~ a white T-shirt with short jeans and some yellowing, full of youthfulness, a girl with a pretty look and rushed to their front Yue Zhong pleaded: "Big Brother! Are you going to play with me? I used to be a female high school student. Play one night, give me a bag of instant noodles. I have not had enough food for a week, beg you to do well, play Play me! I am hungry!!!!"

Looking at the pretty girl who is obviously less than 20 years old, Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a complex light. He did not expect to see such a scene in the survivor base under the government’s rule in the Bohai City base. .

Guo Yu and Lu Wen looked at the girl, her eyes filled with sympathy and happiness. They are sympathetic to the girl's experience, and they are glad that they have met Yue Zhong, otherwise they do not know whether they will sell themselves because of hunger.

Chen Zhiguang glanced at the girl who was blocking the road and turned to Yue Zhong and said: "Yue Ge, don't care about her! Play this kind of goods, which is a pack of instant noodles. A pack of instant noodles can play 3P, and they are all Female high school students before the end of the world. If you want to play, I will take you to the place."

"Big Brother! I am willing to do anything! How can I play it! Please, play with me!" The female high school student squatted in front of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong did not look at the female high school student and took the lead.

When the female high school student passed by Yue Zhong, she only felt that her arm was hit by something. She immediately reached out and touched a compressed biscuit. She glanced at the compressed biscuit and looked at the back of Yue Zhong. She looked at Guo Yu and Lu Wen around Yue Zhong. She blinked in the eyes and then walked into a small alley and secretly sneaked. Cried, eating the compressed biscuit while eating.

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