God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 995: Shangguan Qingcheng!

Shangguan Qingcheng looked at the dense corpse face pale: "Well, this time is really finished. I am going to die here at Shangguan Qingcheng?"

The air blade condensed by Shangguan Qingcheng can easily smash the head of L4, but with such a powerful air blade, he can only condense twenty.

In the past, there was only one L3 in a village, and a county with a 100,000 entrance, but only a dozen L4.

But this time, there were dozens of L4, three L5 and a large number of other types of zombies. The number and quality of the corpses far exceeded the resistance of this gathering place in Shangguan Qingcheng.

Above the walls, all the survivors also flashed a desperate look. Most of these weapons are cold weapons, and the evolutionary zombies that deal with the same books have been very difficult, even falling. The tens of thousands of zombies are moving towards this side, and they will definitely die.

Suddenly, the corpses who were besieging the county suddenly turned around and joined the huge sea-like corpse.

The heart of Shangguan Qingcheng suddenly sinks to the bottom: "Damn, there is a z-type zombie. And it seems that the Z-type zombie is still very high. The number of zombies that it can control is only over one million."

When Shangguan Qingcheng and the zombies fought for a long time, they naturally saw Z-type zombies. He has escaped many times in the face of the tens of thousands of corpses. It is impossible for Bijing to have a gathering place without a logistics base to be an opponent of a million-scale corpse.

Wei Qing, a young evolver with a yellow hair, who is about 18 years old, walked to the front of Shangguan Qingcheng and whispered "" Boss, it seems not good. Let's get ready to escape. ”

In the eyes of Shangguan Qingcheng, a touch of yīn whispered: "You go down and prepare."

Shangguan Qingcheng escaped countless times in the face of a large corpse. After he thought he occupied a county, he didn't need to run away. But when he really faced the millions of corpses, he knew how guilty he was.

At this moment, the corpse suddenly separated, and a Gup car drove out of the corpse and stopped in front of the eyes.

Three soldiers in military uniforms walked down from the Gup, and walked straight in the direction of the county.

From the endless sea of ​​corpses, three of them entered the competition, and this scene shocked all the entrances. They watched the three entrances and went to the county seat.

Bai Xiaosheng stood in front of the county town and screamed: "I am the Chinese zhōngyāng army general, Bai Xiaosheng, let your leader come to see me."

After returning to the earth, Yue Zhong reunited the forces while reorganizing the forces and established Huaxia Guoxin zhèngfǔ, pretending to be orthodox. At the same time, the military and the military system will be used by the military in all parts of the subordinates.

Shangguan Qingcheng looked at Bai Xiaosheng below, silently, and asked: "I am the leader of the Shangguan Qingcheng here. Huaxia zhōngyāng army? I have not heard of it? Are you from Yujing? Over there, I remember that it should be the sphere of influence of Yue Zhong."

After Yue Zhong occupied Yu Jing, he sent radio waves to the whole country through radio stations.

Many of the forces that own the radio know that Yue Zhong has occupied the capital of Beijing. However, some of the entries are not clear, and Yue Zhong has just rebuilt the new zhèngfǔ.

Bai Xiaosheng smiled and said: "Yes. Now our leader has rebuilt the new zhèngfǔ. Open the gate and join us. You will also be one of us."

Shangguan Qingcheng smiled gently: "Is this a persuasion?"

Bai Xiaosheng’s cold threats: “Yes! It’s persuasion, those zombies, have you seen it? They have all been fully controlled by the leader. Do you know what it means? If you resist, I will solve it on the spot with treason. you guys."

Intimidation, lure, intimidation, this kind of persuasion means, Bai Xiaosheng has also been used to perfection.

After occupying Beijing, the new zhèngfǔ sweeps the zombies around and expands the forces, often encountering many leaders of small forces. The leaders of the small forces all see the power in their hands very seriously, and it is almost impossible to recruit the other person with a sentence.

After Bai Xiaosheng threatened a sentence, he waved his hand.

A soldier took out a flute and blew it hard.

The flute sounded, and from the corpse, he immediately walked out of the 20 L3 big steps and went straight to the front of Bai Xiaosheng's three-in-one, and placed his head low on the ground.

Bai Xiaosheng took out a single electromagnetic gun and pulled the trigger against the head of an L3.

A flash of light flashed, and the head of the L3 was immediately penetrated by the electromagnetic gun. There was a big hole above its head, and numerous mucus splashed out.

Bai Xiaosheng used the individual soldier's electromagnetic gun to easily kill 20 L3s lying on the ground, and then looked coldly toward the top of the county.

"How is that possible?"

"Those who are the giant zombies L3, the invulnerability of the guns, and the heavy machine guns can not penetrate the skin of the steel giant. Is it so easy to be killed?"

"What weapon is it in his hand? Is it too powerful?"


Above the county seat, all of them looked at this scene, and their faces changed dramatically.

After the 20 L3s were killed, the flute sounded again, and then forty S4 evolution zombies came out of the corpse and squatted on the ground.

The two fighters around Bai Xiaosheng took out the sharp three-level demon system weapons, killing the forty S4 warriors, using the weapons of the demon system to absorb the life of the forty S4 zombies, and evolved. Strong.

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Qingcheng's face changed greatly. He knew that Bai Xiaosheng was showing them the control of the evolutionary zombies by the zhōngyāng army.

And the ability to zìyóu cāo has so many evolutionary zombies, that means zhōngyāng army has the ability to mass production masters.

Seeing this scene, all the entrances to the county are no longer saying anything more. They all know that it is only a dead end with the forces represented by the entrances below.

Silence for a while, Shangguan Qingcheng said: "If we surrender, what treatment can we get?"

Bai Xiaosheng said: "How many entries do you have here?"

Shangguan Qingcheng Road: "More than eight thousand."

Bai Xiaosheng said quickly: "After surrender, you can keep your private property. We guarantee that you will be safe. In addition to some sinful crimes, we will not kill any one. If you are the leader, if you surrender, You can directly get the rank of Shangyu and enjoy the treatment of Shangyu level. In addition, you can also recommend three treatments to enjoy the level of the lieutenant, and 20 to enjoy the treatment of the lower level. No bargaining is accepted."

Shangguan Qingcheng quickly made a decision with a sigh of relief: "Well, I agree. Join the new zhèngfǔ and become a member of the new zhèngfǔ."

Year after year, the east and the west fled, and the ruthlessness of the end, the end of the rì son has made Shangguan Qingcheng very tired. Although he is in power, he is in control of more than 8,000 years of life and death. But when the corpse came, he could only escape, such a rì, so that he was tired of not working. If he can give him a choice, he is more willing to be a small white-collar worker before the end of the world, rather than a hegemony after the end of the world.

Shangguan Qingcheng announced the surrender, and immediately opened the door to welcome Bai Xiaosheng into the city.

Shortly after Bai Xiaosheng entered the county seat, a team came from the corpse and entered the county seat.

From that team, a soldier who was armed to the teeth and exuded with iron and blood, quickly controlled the strategic location.

Shangguan Qingcheng took a look at the soldiers who came down from the team, and his face changed slightly: "All are masters, it is terrible."

Almost all of the more than one hundred soldiers who have stepped down from the team have the strength of the second-order peak, and at the same time, they have the terror strength of the first-order **** warriors.

If Shangguan Qingcheng, the fourth-order powerhouse, does not shoot, more than 100 soldiers can completely kill his tiger and leopard riding soldiers.

After sending troops to control the entire county seat, Bai Xiaosheng headed to Shangguan Qingcheng Road: "Come with me to see the leader."

Shangguan Qingcheng nodded: "Good."

In a Gupa car, Shangguan Qingcheng left the county.

After entering the corpse, Shangguan Qingcheng looked at the scalp of the evolutionary zombies on both sides of the road, and he had some understanding of the various evolutionary zombies. Some of them did not know, but he knew that even he was very Strong, once you fall into this horrible corpse, there is only one dead road.

After entering the depths of the corpse, Shangguan Qingcheng saw nearly 2,000 warriors holding the imitation Tang knife constantly killing the zombies.

The densely advanced evolutionary zombies squat directly on the ground, bow their heads, and let the soldiers directly kill them.

The corpse of the zombie killed ~www.readwn.com~ was loaded into a large truck.

The bodies of those high-level zombies are good rations for mutant beasts, good nutrients for mutant plants, and materials for medical research.

One of the most important reasons why Yue Zhong was able to have a large amount of food was that he obtained the mutant plant of rice tree in Guangxi. After being irrigated with cadaver, the rice trees grew very vigorously and harvested a lot of food.

Shangguan Qingcheng watched the soldiers easily killing the high-level evolutionary zombies, and they flashed a sigh of envy: "No wonder they can make so many masters. With this huge corpse, they can quickly create a batch." Strengthen the master with a very high level."

Shangguan Qingcheng is also the same as Yue Zhong. After nine deaths, it has been so hard to kill countless high-level zombies and mutant beasts. Seeing that the soldiers easily killed the zombies, his heart was also somewhat unbalanced.

After passing through heavy guards, Shangguan Qingcheng came to a command center. At a glance, he saw a large number of electronic screens in the command center. On the electronic screen, a large number of pictures appeared, and all the surrounding areas were monitored.

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