God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1006: Britain fell!

On the battlefield, there were thousands of guns, and the sound of the bang was heard.

A missile and a rocket bomb blew in a large corpse like a raindrop.

In the sky, a large number of heavy bombers are flying, and countless heavy bombs and incendiary bombs fall from the sky like raindrops, completely covering the earth in a huge explosion and the sea of ​​flames.

Numerous evolutionary zombies were smashed in the explosion and the sea of ​​fire.

A L5 zombie standing up to five meters tall stood in the corpse and suddenly dropped a large cluster of bombs from the sky and landed in front of its body.

boom! boom!

Along with the sound of the earth-shattering explosion, the 15 dead bodies in the center of the explosion were directly blown up, and the limbs were broken.

In the sky, there are also countless flying zombies attempting to attack the British Air Force, but they are being massacred under the bombardment of the British fighters, but they are unable to approach the British high-altitude bombers.

Flying zombies, although flying faster than ordinary transport planes, are not opponents of fighters at all. For the British army with more than one hundred fighters, they are only the object of being slaughtered.

This war is a model of the zombies' flesh and blood against human steel weapons. Countless zombies are smashed under the blow of the British military vacant land. The British army’s combat losses are rare. A small number of corpses that barely passed through the artillery blockade will be directly killed by the elite troops of the British army.

In a secret command center, a young man wearing a general military uniform, about 27 years old, blond, sharp-eyed, is looking at the many screens in the command center, and his eyes are full of joy.

On the sofa behind the young lieutenant, sitting a few people.

A young man, about ten years old, dyed with yellow hair and pierced ears, wearing a chest-breasted shirt, a gold necklace, and two beautiful women, looking very rebellious young people. One is a middle-aged **** who wears a priest's robes and holds the Bible. One is a medium-sized, muscular, cold-eyed, constantly rubbing with a cloth in the hands of a black man with a fifth-order mutant beast nucleus that transcends the era's sniper. One is wrapped in a singular engraved armor, handsome, blond, with a big sword and a masculine young man.

The four men sitting on the sofa are the four strongest evolutionists in the UK, Ackerman, Bora, West, and Arthur. Among them, Arthur, who was wrapped in the singular rune armor, could survive the horror of the heavenly apostle Edward. Ackerman and other three are also terrorists with the level of combat power of the apostles.

It is because of the existence of four super-evolutionists such as Arthur that Britain can quickly reunite and smoothly recover one city after another. At the same time, in a number of areas to compete with the Kingdom of Heaven.

The young lieutenant said: "Ackeman, you are ready, the super-wisdom zombies among them will soon be forced to show up. After they appear, I will inform you."

The black man, Acker, who was slamming the sniper, nodded silently, and slammed the sniper with the sniper.

Ackermann is the top sniper in the UK. He has killed more than ten gods in the heavenly kingdom. Even the apostle feared him three points.

The young man, wearing two open-chested shirts, smiled easily, pointing to the young lieutenant: "Brendan, it seems that within two weeks, we will be able to hold a celebration feast in London. ""

In order to recover the war in London, the British side has been preparing for nearly a year, and has concentrated a large amount of manpower and material resources. Not only did they use a lot of legacy before the end of the world, but they also mobilized a large number of war weapons produced after the end of the world. The weapons and ammunition were very abundant. Eliminating eight million zombies is just a matter of difference.

In addition to mobilizing a large number of war weapons, the total strength of the British army is as high as 100,000 people. These 100,000 people are the elite troops of the British army. Since the end of the world, they have been fighting everywhere and are proficient in the use of various weapons. At the same time, through the transfer of the magical system novice village to become a soldier. Every warrior has the combat power of the special forces before the end of the world. Plus, there are four high-ranking apostles. This battle of the British army has a sure grasp.

Brendan's face was very relaxed and smiled. "It's not that simple. The eight million zombies are not so easy to be defeated. It takes at least a month to completely destroy the enemy. But after this battle, we can really recover London. In this way, we can not only get a heavy industry base, but also be able to remove a spike stuck in our heart."

The eight million zombies in London have always been a spike in the hearts of the British. Over time, the evolution of zombie wisdom, the eight million zombies have reached the point where they must be removed. If the eight million zombies are not destroyed, the British will not dare to dispatch troops to act indiscriminately. And in the early decisive battle, the human side can choose the location of the decisive battle, which is more beneficial to the human side.

Brendan then sneered and laughed: "Although the wisdom of those zombies has evolved a lot, but the faint wisdom in front of humans is still as stupid as pigs. If they are guarded by the city, they are hiding in London, we want to It’s still more difficult to recover London. But we’re just a little tempted. They just went out of town to fight with us, and they lined up in such a dense formation. There was no progress at all. These idiots, in my eyes, are just a bunch of moving pieces of meat. It’s just that the number of these meat pieces is a bit more, and it will take a long time to completely eliminate them.”

Brendan simply looked down on the corpse. Although the corpse sea is terrible, it is still a bit vulnerable to the well-equipped, armed to the human army with abundant ammunition.

The 100,000 British elite armored units in the United Kingdom are even more tyrannical and more advanced and abundant than the troops that Yue Zhong sent troops to attack Tianjing. The number of heavy weapons is almost five or six times that of Yue Zhong. At the same time, it also has a large number of bombers, fighters, tanks and missiles.

It was because of the preparations that Brendan was full of confidence in this battle.

At the same time, Brendan’s soldiers were also very old. He did not put 100,000 troops into the battle, but only invested 10,000 troops. The power of the eight million corpses is constantly being consumed by means of side-by-side withdrawal.

The remaining 90,000 troops are serving as reserve teams, ready to rotate to fight.

The number of eight million corpses is too large. The British army mainly kills the enemy by heavy artillery, missiles, bombs and incendiary bombs bombarded by bombers, and intensive rockets. The number of soldiers is small and has little effect on the war situation.

The 10,000 British soldiers who act as bait can be victorious as long as they are not surrounded by corpses.

Suddenly, a staff member shouted palely and shouted: "Not good!! Lieutenant Brendan, there are new enemies. They are attacking us! Oh, no! They are wrapping up to our back."


Brendan's face changed dramatically, and he rushed to the screen of the command center and looked at the screen of the command center.

I saw on the screen that a large number of evolutionary zombies were being swept away at the super-fast speed toward the rear of the British army.

In addition, the eight million corpses, divided into countless corpse seas, were swept away to the position of the British army. If it is surrounded by the eight million evolutionary zombies, the British army of 100,000 troops will eventually die.

Brendan looked at the arrowheads on the map and thought about it: "It seems that I have slaughtered the zombies, have they learned the art of war? This seems to be troublesome."

In the two years of the last days, the reason why human beings can often win weakly in the local war against zombies is because the zombies are stupid enough. Once the zombies gain wisdom, with their massive numbers and tyrannical capabilities, they can absolutely crush humans.

In the face of such danger, Brendanyi

However, the face is unchanged, and a series of orders are issued in an orderly manner: "Pass me to order, follow the BT plan." Under the orders of Brendan, the 100,000 elite British troops began to act, and they were in the sky. Under the cover of the fighter plane, the overlapping coverment was quickly retreated toward the rear, and quickly separated from the large corpse.

Under the command of Brendan, the elite British armored forces finally separated from the huge corpse.

Just as Brendan had just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly the staff on the side came to him in front of him, and his voice trembled and said: "Lieutenant Brendan, Birmingham suddenly attacked by unknown forces~www. Mtlnovel.com~ is now framed!!"

Brendan heard a sudden change in his face and shouted in horror: "How is it possible? There are 10,000 warriors in Birmingham. How could it be so simple to be captured? Is that impossible?"

Birmingham is a heavy industrial city occupied by the British army, and it is also the retreat of the 100,000 army. Once captured by the enemy, Brendan’s 100,000-strong army became a shackle and there was no way to escape.

Just as Brendan was frightened, another staff member was pale and trembled in front of Brendan: "Lieutenant Brendan, Liverpool was captured by unknown forces."

"Lieutenant Brendan, Nottingham was captured by unknown forces."

A famous staff member came to Brendan and reported the bad news to Brendan. From their mouths, Brendan learned that one of Britain's important cities was captured by an unknown enemy in one day. They have no retreats and backups, and the entire country has become their enemy.

Brendan couldn’t figure out how pale it was: "How could this be? The zombies around me, I have clearly sent troops to clear up? Why is this happening?"

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