God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1024: 7th order alien!

From the holographic projection helmet, a series of information was immediately transmitted. In the underground nest that was shaped by a strange shape, a three-meter-high leg was thick, and the shape of a sharp claw like a sharp-edged claw was swallowing the big mouth. The body of the alien queen.

As the alien continually swallowed the body of the alien queen, a circle of light and dark circles surrounded by the alien shape, apparently the alien shape was madly evolving.

Yue Zhong is changing the face of the crazy evolution: "No, in this case, this alien is only going to advance to the seventh order. Once it is advanced, I may not be its opponent."

Without any hesitation, Yue took a heavy hand and put the deep red reaper directly out, stepping into the deep red reaper who merged the hope.

As soon as he stepped into the Crimson Reaper, Yue Zhong immediately launched the final means of the Dark Red Reaper.

The deep red reaper quickly became a giant thunder launcher, and between the flashes of light, a horror beam with a diameter of up to one kilometer directly hit the alien nest.

Under the bombardment of a horror beam with a diameter of up to one kilometer, the large number of aliens in the cave, whether it is a fifth-order or a sixth-order alien, are all turned into fly ash under the horrible energy beam bombardment.

Under the horrible energy beam bombardment, the entire cave collapsed directly, and numerous fragments smashed over the unformed alien bodies, squashing those aliens.

A large number of alien deaths, huge vitality directly into the body of Yue Zhong, let him feel a shock, feel that his body has faintly enhanced a point, but did not step out of that step, become the seventh-order powerhouse. After the Dark Red Reaper fired the Thunderbolt, the sixth-order crystal nucleus that served as the power source in the chest slammed and collapsed, turning into countless debris and disappearing.

Yue Zhong was crushed by the sixth-order crystal nucleus, and his heart flashed a heartache: "Damn!! A sixth-order crystal nucleus is broken." The sixth-order crystal nucleus is extremely precious. Yue Zhong won the entire Tiandu Imperial City. The **** fortress is in stock, and there are no more than ten sixth-order crystal nucleus in the hand. Now it is smashed, which naturally makes him feel very painful.

Yue Zhongqiang bears heartache and asks to the white side of the side: "White, is the alien shaped I killed?" White quickly replied: "You have this power, the power is huge, all the mechanical creatures have been crushed. I can't detect it." Underground situation. However, according to the existing data, the alien evolution is too strong, and the power of the thunder gun does not directly hit it. Its survival rate should be as high as 7."

Yue heavyed the huge ruins, and his brow slowly said: "That is, the guy is not dead!"

Yue Zhong killed the blood of the Holy Emperor, the sixth-order peak of the strong, using all means. Even now that he has evolved to the sixth-order peak, there is still no sure victory for the last seven-order alien.

If you can, Yue Zhong will kill the enemy only before the enemy grows. Never let the enemy grow up and threaten yourself.

Bai Yidao: "From a probabilistic point of view. It is probably not dead." "It must be. It must not be advanced to the seventh order. White, pointing me a signpost." Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a fierce light, landing On the ground, I launched the skills to manipulate the earth.

A yellow ripple fell on the ground, and the earth seemed to suddenly have life, directly cracking, revealing a huge crack.

After advanced to become the sixth-order peak, Yue Zhong used the earth to manipulate this skill, which can easily tear the earth more than ten kilometers away.

After the earth cracked, the collapsed caves were also exposed. Except for the aliens that face the power of the thunder, many of the shapes that were pressed into the collapse channel did not die. As soon as the earth broke open, the aliens immediately jumped out of the collapsed passage in an attempt to escape to other places.

Whenever the alien appeared, the six bloods that were surrounded by Yue Zhong were such a brush. Those aliens were immediately sucked dry by the six blood rays and turned into a dry body.

Under the guidance of white clothes, Yue Zhong tore the earth and finally came to the place where the body of the alien queen was. In a flash, from a shadow of the underground, like a lightning, rushed out to the deep red reaper driving Yue Zhong, slammed a knife arm and squatted at the deep red reaper Above the protective mask of the body.

After the dark red reaper lost the sixth-order nucleus, the power of the protective cover was greatly reduced, and the protective cover was shattered by the black shadow. However, the protective cover of the deep red reaper also blocked it, let Yue Zhong clear the appearance of the shadow.

The owner of the shadow was the blade claw that had been devastated by Yue Zhong’s body that had swallowed most of the body of the alien queen. The claw-shaped eyes flashed with fierce brilliance, surrounded by layers of black. The mysterious aperture exudes a fierce and horrible momentum.

The bladed blade smashed the shield of the Dark Red Guardian and turned it into a black light path that flew straight toward the heart of the Dark Red Reaper.

Yue heavy the bladed claws flying in the sky with a big change: "Seven-order alien?" The sixth-order **** warrior and the seventh-order **** warrior are a great watershed. Most of the seventh-order **** warriors are beginning to be able to manipulate some of the heavens and the earth. Many of the strongest people who could not fly the race will fly directly from the heavens and the earth after entering the seventh stage.

Between a breath, the blade's profile flew to the heart of the deep red reaper, and a claw like a torn tofu rips the armor of the deep red reaper's heart position.

Those superalloys that can withstand heavy artillery bombardment are not much stronger than tofu in front of the claw-shaped claws. Yue Zhongxin read a move and flew directly from the body of the deep red reaper. With a wave of his hand, he took up the body of the deep red reaper and launched a flight to fly into the sky.

Losing the sixth-order crystal nucleus as a power source, the deep red reaper's body can play a small role in the battle of the sixth-order peak.

The body of the Crimson Reaper can play its tyrannical combat power in a large-scale battle, plus a sixth-order crystal nucleus as a power source.

When Yue Zhong took off, the fierce light in the strange eye flashed, and a black air flow suddenly spurted behind it, causing its speed to rise suddenly. A breath appeared like a ghost in front of Yue Zhong’s body. The claws are caught toward Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhongxin read a move, the blood of the six guards immediately blocked him.

The seven-step blade's profiled scorpion slammed into the blood of Yue Zhong's six-guard body. The black aperture above the blade claw oscillated, and the blood of a guard body directly shook a big hole.

The claws of the seven-step blade-shaped profile were oscillated six times in a row, and the hard-boiled life shattered the blood of Yue Zhong’s body. "Destroy!"

Just after the seven-step blade's profile broke the blood of Yue Zhong's body, Yue Zhong screamed. The blood of the six guards suddenly turned into a fierce **** river and wrapped the seven-step claws, madly sucking the blood of the seven-step claw.

This skill of blood manipulation is extremely sinister and sinister, and it is necessary to absorb the blood essence of countless creatures to enhance the power of the blood of those protectors. The more you absorb the blood of a strong and powerful soul, the stronger the power of blood.

The blood of the six guards manipulated by Yue Zhong absorbs a large number of abnormally shaped blood, and the power is endless. Even the sixth-order strong is surrounded and the blood will be drained and turned into a dry body.

The blood was just surrounded by the seven-order alien only three seconds, and a powerful black aperture exploded directly from the blood.

The six bloods were directly scattered, and when they rejoined again, the blood was dull, apparently consuming a lot of power. Yue heavy the broken shape and his face changed greatly: "A very powerful seven-order alien!!" If it is changed to Yue Zhong, once surrounded by the blood, he will not be able to be activated by the magical inflammation. Blood light **** dry blood and dies.

After the alien shape broke out, a smoldering light flashed through his eyes, and surrounded by the black aperture, he flew crazy toward Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong is launching a sixth-order flight, flying like a meteor toward a distant place. The seven-order alien is known to be a different form of melee. This melee-like monster without long-range attacks has always been fierce.

Although Yue Zhong is also a melee master ~www.readwn.com~ but the killing weapon of the close-up system such as the alien shape, but also his high-ranking killing weapon, he has no certainty to be able to kill in the melee.

The two sides chased each other and fled to the distance.

Yue Zhong's sixth-order flight is three times faster than the seven-order alien, but he always keeps a certain distance from the seven-order alien, and does not pull the distance between the two sides too much.

Soon after the flight, Yue Zhong once again released the deep red reaper, a hand bomb, a sixth-order crystal nucleus directly fell into the body of the deep red reaper.

Yue Zhong stepped into the deep red reaper and immediately urged the body to fly away.

The speed of the Crimson Reaper's body far exceeds that of the seven-order alien, but it is kept at a constant distance under the control of Yue Zhong, while the deep red reaper has a wing and a countless beam of light toward the end. The seventh-order blade claws are shaped to go.

The seven-step blade profile has no means of being empty, and only a myriad of beams of light are hitting its body.

The horrible explosion rang continuously, madly blasting over the seven-step claw-shaped body. The black aperture around the seven-step claw-shaped body has an amazingly strong defensive power, and it has guarded the seven-step claw profile in the numerous shellings.

The continuous bombardment lasted for fifteen minutes. The seven-order aliens forcibly withstood the fiery bombardment for fifteen minutes, and finally gave an unwilling roar and fell to the ground. (ps: There are 000 things today, 9000 tomorrow.)

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