God Hongtian

Chapter 12 Clues

The night is as cold as water.

Around the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall, there were a large number of people watching from the City Lord's Mansion.

These people are specifically responsible for keeping an eye on Yun Hao's movements and preventing Yun Hao from escaping Liuyun City.

Yun Hao used a simple secret technique to hide his own aura, and his body seemed to completely blend into the night. He avoided all eyes and left the martial arts hall.

According to his only memory, he was depressed yesterday and went out drinking.

After drinking, I became confused and didn't know anything.

Therefore, the first clue was not actually at the crime scene, but at the pub where he drank!

He was sure that there must be something wrong with the wine he drank at that time!

But when Yunhao came to the tavern.

But he found that the tavern was empty.

Since it was not late at night yet, there were still pedestrians on the street, and some discussions could be heard around.

"This tavern has such a good business, why is it shutting down right now?"

"I heard that the shopkeeper was seriously ill and couldn't be cured, so he closed the tavern and wanted to return to his hometown. The fallen leaves are returning to their roots."

"Where is the shopkeeper from?"

"It seems that he is not from Beihan County... It's a pity that I will never be able to drink his wine again!"

In the dark, Yun Hao left quietly.

This first clue is broken.

Whether he killed someone and silenced him or really left, Yun Hao couldn't follow this clue anymore because he didn't have that much time!

In this case, we can only go to the crime scene!

Not long after.

He then came to Goulan, the most famous place in Liuyun City.

Chunxiao Tower!

Last night, the scene of murder and dismemberment was right here!

Originally, at night, the Chunxiao Tower was very lively, with Daxing Guan Bao's acquaintances.

But the tragedy had just occurred, and the place had been blocked by the power of the city lord's palace. There were only some dim candlelights in the building, making it look cold and dead.

The defense force here is very tight.

Ten steps and one post!

The people guarding this place are, at best, warriors of the Qi Entrainment Realm, and there are also many True Yuan Realm monks who are responsible for the leadership of everything here, and they are even a master of the Sea Transformation Realm!

Yunhao, who had concealed his aura and merged with the night, observed for a while and found a breakthrough. Then, while a soldier from the city lord's palace was taking a nap, he transformed into a wisp of breeze and jumped into the Chunxiao Tower.

A dark room exuded an extremely pungent and strong smell of blood.

The house was in disarray.

Broken tables and chairs were scattered all over the floor.

The bedding and curtains on the bed were all in tatters.

There was blood everywhere.

You can even see some fragments of body parts that have not been completely cleaned!

Yun Hao's eyes searched carefully in the room, trying to find some useful clues.


His gaze stopped at the corner of the room.

At this location, there was a large pool of solidified black blood. Apparently, a person was tortured and killed here.

In the corner of the wall, there is also a dark palm print!

Yunhao knelt down and looked at the palm print.

The blackness of the palm prints is a kind of charred black, like charcoal that has been burnt by fire.

According to the marks around the palm print, Yunhao

It can be determined that the time when this palm print appeared was only about one day!

"The energy of fire!"

Yunhao stared at the palm prints and murmured softly.

This palm print is not the power of some kind of martial arts.

It's because the overbearing fire poison has accumulated in the body and cannot be suppressed.

Generally speaking, low-level warriors in places like Liuyun City have almost no contact with the poison of fire evil!

But there is one type of person who is an exception, and that is the alchemist who has been exposed to flames all year round!

at this time.

A slight sound of movement sounded.

somebody is coming!

Yun Hao immediately jumped up and landed on the beam in the house.

After a while, a figure entered the room!

The person who entered the house was wearing night clothes, but he could still see a perfect and proud figure.

This is a woman.

As soon as the woman entered the house, Yunhao, who was sitting on the beam, jumped down.

His movements were extremely light and his landing was silent.


The woman in black who had just sneaked into the house noticed it instantly. She unsheathed her sword with her backhand and slashed at Yun Hao with a sharp edge.

Yun Hao moved sideways and avoided it calmly.

"Feiyu, it's me!"

The sword that was about to launch an offensive after slashing through the air suddenly hung in the air.

Two pairs of eyes looked at each other.

"Come with me!"

Yun Hao didn't have time to explain so much, so he left the house immediately, ran into another room, and then jumped out through the window.

Ling Feiyu followed closely behind.

The two just left

Chunxiao Tower.

There was great commotion inside and outside Chunxiao Tower, and people from the City Lord's Mansion who had sealed the place rushed in one after another.

Apparently, they had noticed someone infiltrating.

Not long after.

A raging fire broke out and engulfed the entire attic!

far away.

Ling Feiyu took off the black scarf that covered her face, and with a hint of surprise on her tired face, she looked at Yun Hao: "Why are you here?"

Yun Hao: "Aren't you in there too?"

Ling Feiyu: "The City Lord's Mansion sealed this place, and it was the only place with clues, so I sneaked in."

Yun Hao: "Me too."

Ling Feiyu looked Yun Hao up and down, and then said: "You avoided my sword just now. Your reaction speed was extraordinary. Moreover, the people in the City Lord's Mansion didn't discover you. They should have discovered me. If it hadn't been for you If I realized it in time, I might be surrounded by them inside.

You have changed and become very different!

This is definitely not something you can bring about once you practice cultivation..."

Before Ling Feiyu could finish speaking, Yun Hao interrupted him and said: "How can there be no change after walking on the edge of life and death once?"

Ling Feiyu stared at Yun Hao, was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Chunxiao Tower will soon be burned to ashes by this fire. We can no longer enter the crime scene to collect evidence. You went in before me, can you?" Did you find any?"

Yun Hao nodded and said, "We'll talk about it when we get back!"


City Lord's Mansion.

Jiang Chuan stood by the window, clearly in mood.

Extremely irritable and displeased.

At this time.

One of his confidants hurriedly came behind him.

"Young City Master Qi, the matter has been settled. Chunxiao Tower will completely disappear under this fire."

Jiang Chuan turned around and looked at his subordinates, with a cold expression on his face, and said: "I emphasized before that you should keep your hands and feet clean, but you are lucky enough to have left me such a big trouble!"

"Young City Lord, calm down!"

Jiang Chuan's confidants hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "Then Wu Ji clearly agreed to leave Liuyun City to do something good. Our people also watched him leave with our own eyes. Unexpectedly, he came back again..."

Jiang Chuan snorted coldly and said: "Fortunately, I asked you to seal off Chunxiao Tower. No one should have discovered the palm print yet. However, just in case, extra manpower will be sent immediately. Wu Ji must be pulled out and killed!" "


The man stood up and was about to leave, following Jiang Chuan's instructions.


Jiang Chuan suddenly called out to him and said, "What's going on over there with Yun Hao?"

"Reporting to Young City Master, Yun Hao has never come out since he returned to Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall, but...I heard that he seems to be able to practice, and with some strength, even the members of the Yun family are here He suffered a bit of a loss..."

Hearing the news, Jiang Chuan's eyes suddenly flashed with cold light and said: "Hmph, I will go to the Mad Sword Martial Arts School tomorrow to have a look and put some pressure on them. I don't believe Ling Feiyu won't invest in me." "

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