God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1201: Xiaoyaoyao

He withdrew his nerves, feeling that the most important thing in front of him was to find a swarm of insects for the nine hanhans.

At that time, he said awesome and shit, and the swarm of insects descended on the starry sky.

Xian Mingyuan gave Ye Que the specific address.

Ye Que had a general understanding, not far away, you can go to the Huiyu Toad Clan first, and then use the teleportation array to go there.

It was a small star sea insect swarm, about the size of the solar system, not as big as the original starry sky capital, but it was suitable for his nine fools to lead.

"Go back and clean up. When the Dharma God of our family returns, everyone can go to the Milky Way and build a pure land in the northern starry sky!"

Now, Gu Fayue notifies the major creation methods of the extreme northern starry sky. After half a month, all the starry sky races of the extreme northern starry sky rush to the land of the pure land.

There are no races that make laws, and the big families of all parties are also trying to find ways to notify them.

This time the Dark Void Invasion not only encountered disasters in the extreme northern starry sky, but also in the extreme east and the extreme west.

It is a very dangerous signal, so no race dares to delay the time.

They activated the teleportation array one after another, rushed to the race with the super teleportation array, and finally reached the land of the pure land with the super teleportation array.

In fact, since the invasion ten years ago, various ethnic groups have negotiated and made preparations for this.

Therefore, this time the migration of the myriad races in the starry sky did not have many obstacles.

After Xian Mingyuan left, Ye Que waited in the star field for ten days.

After the cooling time of the Heart of Creation is over, you can set off and go straight to the Huiyu Toad Clan.

call out-

A long rainbow flew over and landed in front of Ye Que.

It was Sister Fa who came and brought a little loli.

Ye Que was shocked: "Sister Fa...you...you have an illegitimate child!"

"This is your daughter-in-law! Stop messing around with me!"

Gu Fayue's face turned dark, she didn't even have a partner, how could she have children.

"My wife?"

Ye Que looked at the little loli in Sister Fa's arms. She was about eight or nine years old, with a chubby face and small eyes as beautiful as bright moons, but it revealed not only innocence, but also helplessness.

"Master Ye Que."

The little loli opened her mouth crisply.

"Yao Yao!"

Ye Que was shocked when he saw Huang Youyao's features on the face of a young loli.

The little loli sighed, looking very cute: "It's me, I inherited the inheritance of the time-space Phoenix clan, and gained the power of time-space law, but I don't know why, after inheriting, there is a kind of power in the dark, that pulls me The power of the law of time and space is suppressed..."

Ye Que was relieved: "Now your law of time and space has become time and space?"

Little Lolita shook her head: "No, the laws of space and time cannot be separated, unless the laws of time and space are first realized, there is a chance to separate, so my law of time and space was suppressed, and I became smaller."

She had a vague feeling that the destruction of the Time-Space Phoenix Clan was not caused by the Star Demon as rumored, but probably had something to do with the law of Time-Space not allowing them to appear.

Ye Que picked up the little loli, teased her with his hands, and said with a smile, "Fortunately, it's not in danger. It's okay, it looks cute."

He breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Huang Youyao's side would attract taboo monsters and evil dragons.

Before, he always thought it was caused by understanding the laws of space and time, but now it seems that it can be ruled out.

Huang Youyao blushed, very uncomfortable. In the past, she was used to being calm and noble, no matter who she was, and now she has become a little loli...

Still being hugged by my own man, it's too uncomfortable.

Ye Que rubbed her little face again [3Q Chinese www.xbshu.cn], it's really too bad.

After teasing for a while, he stopped and asked Sister Fa about the origin of the law.

"I still have three sources of law here, but they are all common. Are you sure you want to take the route of the **** of law?"

Gu Fayue was amazed, and thought to himself, wouldn't it be better for the ancient gods to take the route of full blood.

Like the old patriarch, with full blood, he directly became the strongest creature in the universe.

"Let's go! We must go! I want to cast the storm of the **** of law!"

Ye Que clenched his fists tightly.

"That's fine, but I have to remind you that if you add three more sources of law, it will be more difficult for you to improve your realm!"

Gu Fayue will not obstruct him, and he will control the way of the ancient gods.

"It's okay, the dark void creatures will invade frequently in the future, I just need to brush up my proficiency every day!"

Ye Que believed in himself.

When it comes to brushing proficiency, the heart of creation comes to mind.

"Sister Fa, you can even get the heart of creation, and you gave it back to me!"

"It has always existed in a certain palace in the ruins of the ancient Six Realms. I am an ancient god, and I interacted with that palace as soon as I entered, so I got it naturally. It is most suitable for you to use!"

The ancient gods of good fortune and the heart of good fortune are a perfect match.

Ye Que didn't talk much, and teased our little Yaoyao a bit. (It's really a little Yaoyao)

Then he bid farewell to Sister Fa and went straight to the Huiyuchan Clan.

Sister Fa couldn't get away, so she wanted to build the eyes of creating the law, and create a counterpoint connection with the pure lands of the extreme south, the west, the east, the extreme north and the central starry sky, so that they can have a mutual response.

Not only that, but the creation-level weapons of the top races are constantly waking up from their slumber.

This is the real killer.

The top race is always the top race, even if it declines, it still has a foundation that the middle and high races can't match.

In short, there is still a lot to do.

Ye Que can only go by himself, anyway, it's just a matter of two teleportation formations.

Ye Que turned on the super-curvature jump and went straight to the Huiyu Toad Clan. (Ultra-technology teleportation device of Immortal King Technology Star Field)

Along the way, he took out the origin of the three laws.

It is indeed very ordinary, Feng Yumu.

But even if it is an ordinary law, it is not a treasure that ordinary people can find, and the ability of the Dharma God is still great.

"It doesn't matter, the wind and rain are integrated into the body and blood of the law, and the law of the wood cultivates the sacred tree of the law!"

By the time he reached the Huiyu Toad Clan, he had integrated the two principles into his body.

Look at the data again.

as follows-

[Spell pattern 1: 427/500 (Dark pattern, when it reaches 500, it has the qualification to break through to the fifth-order god)]

[Spell pattern 2...]

[Spell pattern 3...]

[Spell pattern 4: 415/500 (Space pattern, when it reaches 500, it has the qualification to break through to the fifth-order god)]

[Spell pattern 5: 0/500 (Wind blade law, when reaching 500, has the qualification to break through to the fifth-order god)]

[Spell pattern 6: 0/500 (cold rain law, when it reaches 500, it has the qualification to break through to the fifth-order god)]

He endured the pain.

This is the price of becoming a Dharma God.

However, in the following days, dark void creatures invaded, and he believed that he could quickly draw out the magic patterns with infinite energy.

"Big brother! My big brother is here!"

Jin Duande greeted him personally with a large group of clerks, leaving many top gods of the Huiyu Toad Clan aside.

Originally, the welcoming ceremony was held by a big shot from the Huiyu Toad Clan.

but now...

Hearing that everyone was calling him big brother, they couldn't say anything, so they could only walk over with a dark face.

"Not bad! Even without my help, your life level has improved, and your strength is at the seventh level of God King."

It seems that there is a good environment, and Kim Duande can still stand up.

"Ye Gushen, the teleportation array is ready! You can set off immediately!"

The high-level executives of the Huiyu Toad clan came, and every time he saw Jin Duande, his face was black.

It can't be helped, the Huiyu Toad tribe, which is the ninth race, will come out to buy a movie, and it would be embarrassing to say it.

Of course, their attitude towards the ancient gods and their partners has always been good.

Especially now, a Dharma **** has appeared among the ancient gods, and he has notified the various clans to make dharma and prepare for the relocation, so they naturally have to cooperate.

The invasion of the dark void is imminent, and all ethnic groups are in danger. If they want to survive, they must unite.

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