April 20. In the spacious and bright conference room of Suzhou University. The school leaders gathered together. President Zhu Xiulin looked around and said,”I think you have heard that Chen Yu, a lecturer in our medical department, published 10 papers in the journal Nature this month?” As soon as he finished speaking, everyone nodded with smiles on their faces.

《Cell, Nature, and Science, collectively known as CNS, are the best journals in the field of science and have a complete peer review system.

The difficulty of submitting papers makes them the”Mount Everest” in the hearts of scientific workers.

Every year, scholars and experts from all over the world submit tens of thousands of papers to CNS, but the final publication rate is less than 7%.

Because of this.

In major universities across the country.

Once students and teachers have their papers published in CNS, they will immediately become the”hot cakes” of the school and become a topic of discussion.

In a sense.

The number of CNS papers published will also become one of the factors for the outside world to evaluate a university.

Teacher Chen Yu of the school has 10 CNS papers published this month.

This is beyond everyone’s imagination!

Zhu Xiulin slowly said:”Suzhou University is a century-old famous university, but it is actually ordinary among the domestic 211 universities.

In 2010, our school proposed the development strategy of”talent-strengthening school”, vigorously introduced high-level talents, and improved the talent training mechanism.

The school has successively implemented the”Blue Project’、‘Qinglan Project’、‘The Golden Eagle Plan and a series of talent training projects have built a corresponding platform for the growth of young teachers.

Thanks to these initiatives, a group of outstanding teaching and research talents have emerged in Suzhou University, injecting strong impetus into the development of the school.

In addition to talent construction, our school attaches great importance to discipline construction and scientific research innovation.

The school takes characteristic and advantageous disciplines as the leader, continuously optimizes the discipline layout, and promotes interdisciplinary integration.

At present, our school has formed advantages in science and engineering represented by materials science, microelectronics, nanotechnology, and medicine, as well as advantages in humanities and social sciences characterized by Wu culture research, film and television art, etc.

At the same time, Suzhou University has established the Sanger Asia-Pacific Resource Center, a world-class research institute for the most cutting-edge technology in mouse genetic modification, to promote the development of the school’s life sciences, medicine, and pharmacy disciplines.

At this stage, our school has ranked among the upper and middle reaches of the 211 universities in the country.” When these words came out, everyone present nodded in agreement.

Since President Zhu Xiulin took office,

Soochow University has shown a trend of taking off, one step forward every year.

Obviously, this is inseparable from President Zhu’s strategic vision.

In addition, sufficient financial support, good school conditions, strong support from Suzhou officials, and the joint efforts of all teachers and students in the school are also important factors in the rise of the school.

On the main seat,

Zhu Xiulin changed the subject and said,”The school has made rapid progress in recent years, and the output of scientific research papers is very high.

However, in the past five years, there has not been a single paper published in the main journal of CNS!

You know, papers in the main journal of CNS represent the accuracy of academic research.

In the ranking of the number of CNS papers in domestic universities and research institutions.

The Shanghai Institute of Life Sciences of the Xiaguo Academy of Sciences has published 209 CNS papers in the past five years, ranking first in the country.

Yenching University has published 169 CNS papers in the past five years, ranking second in the country.

Huaqing University has published 156 CNS papers in the past five years, ranking third in the country.

Shenzhen BGI has published 128 CNS papers in the past five years, ranking fourth in the country.

Fudan University has 117 CNS papers in the past five years, ranking fifth in the country.

In terms of the province,

Jinling University has 69 CNS papers in the past five years, ranking first in the province.

Jinling Medical University has 29 CNS papers in the past five years, ranking second in the province.

Jinling Agricultural University has 7 CNS papers in the past five years, ranking third in the province.

And our Soochow University has 0 CNS papers in the past five years!

This time, Teacher Chen Yu has earned enough face for Soochow University!”

Hearing this, all the senior executives of the school felt proud.

In recent years, the school has recruited many high-level talents, many of whom have published CNS papers.

Unfortunately, these papers nominally belong to their original schools or institutions.

Take Chen Yu as an example.

Before joining Soochow University, Chen Yu had published 1″Nature” paper, 1″Science” paper, and 1″Cell” paper.

But these three papers nominally belong to Fudan University!

And this time, the 10 CNS papers published by Chen Yu during his teaching at Soochow University belong to Soochow University!

Zhu Xiulin continued:”In the past two days, I have learned about Teacher Chen’s information in detail.

Since he joined the company, he has been getting up at 6 o’clock in the morning to run and exercise. He has to teach more than a dozen classes during the day and 20 large classes a week.

At night, he has to prepare lessons, record teaching online courses, and write papers. He can’t go to bed until 12 o’clock every day, without holidays, and it is very hard.

During the writing of the paper,

Teacher Chen did not receive any scientific research funds from the school.

The school failed to do its job.

What do you think the school should do to reward Teacher Chen? Should we give him a higher title?”

As soon as this was said, the school leaders began to chatter.

“Principal Zhu, the research award of Soochow University is IF impact factor × 20,000 yuan. I think we can follow this award!”

“This year, the impact factor of the journal Nature is 42.351, so ten papers would be worth 42.351×20,000 yuan×10=8.4702 million yuan!”

“I agree with this reward method! More than 8 million in scientific research bonuses may seem like a lot, but Chen Yu is an outstanding talent and should be rewarded to him!”

“Principal Zhu, it’s fine to give him a bonus, but it’s better to wait for a while before getting a job title. After all, Chen Yu has only been employed for two months, so he still lacks some experience.”

“Judging from the 10 papers published in top journals, Professor Chen Yu is very talented in scientific research. I personally think that while giving him a bonus, he should also be given a research grant!”


Everyone was talking at once.

The discussion was heated.

After a long while, Zhu Xiulin made the decision:”In this case, let’s put off the promotion of Teacher Chen’s title.

As for the research bonus, we will round it up to 10 million yuan in cash.

As for the research funding, the school will allocate 50 million yuan to Teacher Chen for scientific research.”

After hearing this, everyone had no objection.

The university education sector attaches great importance to talents.

For a genius like Chen Yu, it is not excessive to give him more benefits.

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