May 8th.

Soochow University.

In a multimedia classroom.

Chen Yu looked at the ten energetic medical undergraduates in front of him and said with a smile:”Congratulations on passing the assessment and joining my research group!”

Hearing this, the students were very excited.

They all knew that the school had allocated 50 million yuan in research funds to Teacher Chen.

There would definitely be many benefits to joining Teacher Chen’s research group.

For example, there would be a chance to get a scholarship.

For example, there would be a chance to publish high-quality papers.

For example, it would improve scientific research capabilities and exercise oneself.

For example, it would be possible to establish a good relationship with Teacher Chen, so that in the future, when you are admitted to graduate school or study abroad, you can ask the teacher to write a recommendation letter.


Chen Yu noticed a familiar female student under someone’s skirt.

This female student was Qin Shuang, the monitor of the 10th Clinical Medicine (1) class.

He asked curiously,”Student Qin Shuang, you are a student majoring in 5+3 integrated clinical medicine.

You don’t need to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

Why are you interested in joining my research group?” Qin Shuang took a step forward and said with firm conviction,”Teacher Chen, you are a rare scientific research genius.

I admire you very much after listening to your lectures and reading your articles.

I hope to learn from you and exercise my academic ability when I have spare time.

So that I can write high-quality papers and publish them in core journals!

” Hearing this, Chen Yu smiled and nodded.

He got straight to the point and said,”The research project I started this time is universal artificial blood.

As we all know, the shortage of blood products is one of the problems in the medical field.

Emergency needs blood, surgery needs blood, internal medicine needs blood, and rescuing patients also needs blood.

Blood is not enough when it is needed!

Hospitals usually do not store blood.

Platelets are generally stored in hospitals for no more than 24 hours.

Red blood cells can be stored for a few days, but not for long.

If the blood is stored in the hospital for a few days and no patient transfuses it, the blood will be unusable after a long time.

Therefore, most clinical blood use is to contact blood banks for blood transfer.

At this stage, blood banks in major cities across the country are very short of blood.

Statistics show that last year, 12 million people donated blood in China, and the national blood collection volume was 20 million units.

About 1,500 units of fresh blood are needed every day in an ordinary city to meet the clinical blood demand.

One unit of blood is the red blood cells extracted from 200 ml of blood, which is about 120 ml.

To achieve this blood donation volume.

The city needs 1,000 people to donate blood every day for free.

The blood bank’s inventory can only guarantee the user needs of some critically ill patients.

Many large hospitals in China are forced to postpone surgery due to lack of blood.

For this reason, half a century ago, the medical community began to study artificial blood, hoping to find a real substitute, but there has been no breakthrough.

This scientific research project.

I hope to work with you to develop a truly universal artificial blood!

” The voice fell.

The students present were all stunned.

No way? Develop universal artificial blood? Teacher Chen, are you serious? They have all studied”Hematology”.

It is very clear that blood products mainly come from street mobile blood donations.

But every January, February, July, August and December, there will be a”off-season” for blood collection.

In hot weather, few people donate blood.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
In rainy weather, fewer people donate blood.

In winter and summer vacations, fewer people donate blood.

They often sigh.

If only the medical community could have artificial blood!

With artificial blood, we don’t have to rely on free blood donations.

Instead, we can make as much”blood” as we want.

Unfortunately… the medical community has never been able to develop real artificial blood!

Teacher Chen Yu, is it really necessary to start a project that you know is impossible ?


In the multimedia classroom.

Chen Yu saw the expressions of the students and said bluntly:”I know that the research and development of universal artificial blood is doomed to be full of difficulties.

Over the years, countless scientists have worked hard for artificial blood.

The reason is that artificial blood is the”holy grail” of the biomedical industry, has great clinical value, and can solve the blood shortage in our country.

Just based on this point, we have enough reasons to develop universal artificial blood.

Even if this scientific research project ultimately fails, our experience can also become one of the references for later generations!”

As soon as these words came out, the ten students present rekindled their hopes.

Teacher Chen is right!

Whether this project succeeds or not, they will learn a lot.

Chen Yu continued:”You should have heard of the Sanger Asia-Pacific Resource Center, right?”

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

The Sanger Asia-Pacific Resource Center is a scientific research institution jointly established by Suzhou University and the Sanger Institute of Cambridge University in Eagle Country in March this year.

The institution has the Asia-Pacific Stem Cell Resource Center and the Mouse Standardized Genome Functional Analysis Platform.

After the cooperation between the two parties.

The Sanger Institute of Cambridge University has brought 410,000 mutant mouse embryonic stem cells across the ocean to Suzhou University.

You should know that there are only 4 mutant mouse embryonic stem cells in the world.

In the past scientific research process, when mutant mouse embryonic stem cells were needed, they had to be purchased from abroad, and the import time took about 6 to 8 months, which greatly affected the scientific research process.

With one of the mutant mouse embryonic stem cells settled in Suzhou University, domestic researchers can engage in related scientific research projects without waiting and importing.

Chen Yu said,”Since Suzhou University has mutant mouse embryonic stem cells, our research group has unique scientific research conditions.

I divide the research and development of universal artificial blood into four steps.

The first step is to artificially synthesize universal blood and use gene knockout methods to knock out antigens on the surface of blood cells, so that blood transfusions do not need to be matched…

The second step is to apply this universal blood to mice and let them undergo 300% blood transfusion, that is, to replace the whole body blood three times. When only 5% of their own blood is left, the mice are required to survive for more than 12 hours…

The third step is to conduct blood transfusion experiments on rabbits, monkeys, dogs, cattle, sheep, pigs and other animals…

The fourth step is to conduct human experiments on volunteers.……”

In the multimedia classroom, the ten students in the research group became more and more excited as they listened.

After they learned about the specific scientific research plan, they immediately understood that Teacher Chen Yu did not start this scientific research project out of thin air, but had a deep intention!

As long as they follow the plan and proceed steadily, maybe one day in the future, the research group will really have hope to develop universal artificial blood!


Seeing the students’ excitement,

Chen Yu smiled in his heart.

The universal artificial blood project is as difficult as ascending to heaven for the outside world.

But for him now, it is actually not that difficult.

First, his medical theoretical attainments are unparalleled in the world.

Second, his comprehensive medical level has far exceeded that of the academicians of the two academies.

Third, he has the aura of medical ability, and his medical theory, clinical practice, and pharmaceutical capabilities have doubled.

Fourth, Suzhou University allocated him 50 million yuan in scientific research funds, and the school has scientific research equipment and conditions for various majors.

Under various factors, it is only a matter of time to develop universal artificial blood.

As for finding 10 students to join the research team, it is just to let them help out and do miscellaneous work…

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