May 20.

Soochow University.

In a spacious and bright conference room.

School leaders gathered together.

President Zhu Xiulin looked around and said,”Today, we invite everyone here to discuss the relevant matters of the school’s professional title evaluation.

The first person we need to discuss is Chen Yu, an outstanding lecturer in our school.

Chen Yu has superb teaching level and outstanding scientific research ability.

Since he joined the school, he has written a national undergraduate textbook and 20″Nature” papers.

Do you think Chen Yu should be promoted to associate professor?”

Vice President Xiong Sidong said,”I think Chen Yu should be promoted to associate professor.

What Chen Yu lacks now is nothing more than qualifications and teaching awards.

But compared with his teaching achievements and scientific research achievements.

These rules and regulations are not important.

In the education circle of Xiaguo, CNS papers are very important.

As long as domestic scholars can publish in Cell》、《If you publish one paper in the journals”Nature” and”Science”, you can find a teaching position in any university in China.

If you publish two papers, you can even secure a full professorship in a 211 university or 985 university.

In addition, I remember that the school once announced a certification policy.

The editor-in-chief of a national planned textbook can be directly hired as an associate professor, or an associate professor can be promoted to a full professor.

In this way, the teaching staff’s teaching and educating performance can be further improved.

Chen Yu is a genius.

He has been working at Soochow University for only three months, and he has published 20 CNS papers and a national undergraduate textbook.

If we don’t even give him the title of associate professor, the domestic education community will probably laugh out loud.

By then, famous universities including Huaqing and Yanda will immediately extend olive branches to Chen Yu and promise him the position of full professor!”

After the voice fell, the school’s top leaders nodded in agreement.

There are many rules and regulations in universities.

But for super geniuses, exceptions can often be made!

To be honest, it is a blessing for Suzhou University to have a genius teacher like Chen Yu.

Outside universities have been eyeing him and coveting him for a long time.

In terms of qualifications, it may be inappropriate to directly make Chen Yu a full professor.

But the title of associate professor should be given to Chen Yu for both emotional and logical reasons!

On the main seat,

President Zhu Xiulin saw that no one objected, and decided:”Since everyone has no objection, then raise Teacher Chen Yu’s title and promote him to associate professor!”


Three days later, the official website of Suzhou University released a statement

《”Announcement of the evaluation results of the 2014 Suzhou University Teacher Senior Qualification Evaluation Committee”.

Approved by the School Affairs Committee.

The Suzhou University Teacher Senior Qualification Evaluation Committee held an evaluation meeting on May 22, 2014.

After group deliberation by evaluation experts, quantitative scoring, on-site defense and democratic evaluation, a total of 8 teachers obtained the professional and technical position qualifications of associate professors.

Associate professors: Chen Yu (School of Medicine), Wang Shuang (School of Mathematical Sciences), Yang Lin (School of Physical Science and Technology)…

Publicity phone: XXXXXX.

Publicity email: XXXXXX.

The publicity period is seven working days.


As soon as the announcement was made, teachers and students of Soochow University were amazed.

I never expected that

Chen Yu, a lecturer who had just joined the school for three months, would be promoted to associate professor?

The speed of this title promotion is too fast!

Is it really exaggerated?

Of course, considering the series of achievements Chen Yu has made since joining the school, it is reasonable for him to be promoted to associate professor.

It is worth mentioning that this year Chen Yu is only 25 years old and has served as an associate professor of the school, breaking the record of the youngest associate professor in Soochow University.

At the same time, looking at major universities across the country, there has been no 25-year-old associate professor so far.

In other words, Chen Yu has become the youngest associate professor in the national education sector!


Medical Department.

In a brand new office.

Chen Yu had just put his things away.

With his promotion to associate professor, his office was changed from a four-person office to a two-person office.

According to the practice of Soochow University

, only senior professors can have an independent office.

Chen Yu was not in a hurry about this.

As time went by, his title would soon be able to go a step further! With this thought,

Chen Yu focused his attention on the virtual panel in front of him.

【Host: Chen Yu】

【Age: 25】

【Education: PhD】

【Degree: PhD】

【Position: Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Soochow University】

【Personal halo: famous teacher halo, teaching feedback halo, medical ability halo】

【Classes: 10 Clinical Medicine (1), 10 Clinical Medicine (2), 11 Clinical Medicine (1), 11 Clinical Medicine (2), 11 Clinical Medicine (3)……】

【Full-level courses:”Surgery”·Unparalleled in the World,”Clinical Surgery”·Unparalleled in the World,”Clinical Epidemiology”·Unparalleled in the World,”Medical Pathology”·Unparalleled in the World…42 courses in total】

【Master Points: 0】

【Top journal papers: 24】

【National textbook: 1】

【Cumulative scientific research bonus: 20 million yuan】

【Chinese: 3 points] (Currently no additional points are allowed)

【Mathematics: 3 points] (Currently no additional points are allowed)

【Physics: 3 points] (Currently no points can be added)

【Chemistry: 3 points] (Currently no points can be added)

【English: 3 points] (Currently no additional points are allowed)

【Medicine: 142 points (100 points + 42 points)] (Note: The medicine ability aura is being enhanced, and points cannot be added at present)


After reading the updated data on the panel,

Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Since the May Day holiday, he has only taught 10 large classes to students every week.

With fewer courses, it seems that the speed at which he gets students’ knowledge feedback has slowed down.

In fact, it is not the case!

The main source of his knowledge points now is to post teaching videos on the Internet.

Originally, Chen Yu posted 4 courses a month and could get 4 famous teacher points. In

April and May

, he posted 30 new courses on the Internet, thereby gaining 30 famous teacher points.

Of course… the content of these courses has not been posted in full.

In the following time,

Chen Yu plans to post new courses after posting the content of these 30 courses.

In addition, he noticed that his comprehensive medical level has reached 142 points!

Before he was promoted to associate professor, the number was 122 points, that is, 80 points + 42 points.

This time he was promoted to associate professor, and the system added 20 points on the basis of 80 points.

Chen Yu was very excited about the 142-point comprehensive medical level.

In the system’s definition.

Academicians of the two academies have a level of 80 points.

Nobel Prize winners have a level of 100 points.

His current comprehensive medical level is 142 points.

If calculated by mathematical formula, 142 points = 1 Nobel Prize winner + 1 full professor + 2 master students.

This shows how profound Chen Yu’s current medical attainments are!

In addition, after he published 10 new medical papers in Nature, the school awarded him a scientific research bonus of 10 million yuan.

Before the money was even warm in his pocket, Chen Yu transferred all the 10 million to the real estate company.

Once he returned to poverty, he was full of motivation to make money again!

As an associate professor with a formal establishment, he writes 10 CNS papers every month and earns 10 million yuan to supplement his family expenses.

It should be reasonable, right?

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