August 15.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University.

In the conference room of the administrative building.

The heads of various departments of the hospital gathered together.

In addition, the directors, deputy directors, medical assistants, residents, logistics staff, etc. of each department also came to the scene.

The meeting began.

Dean Zhao Ming looked around and said,”With the gradual popularization of 4G networks, live streaming has become a new trend.

The emergence of smartphones and the advent of the 4G era allow everyone to become the protagonist and broadcast live anytime and anywhere.

The content of live streaming covers all fields such as education, entertainment, games, shopping, music, food, and outdoor activities, attracting a large number of users.

In our medical community, live broadcasts of related academic conferences, online live broadcasts of surgeries, online lectures, etc. are also becoming increasingly popular in the medical circle and have become an important part of Internet medicine.

For this reason, I decided to launch the ‘Hospital Surgery Live Room’ project.

Through the Internet, surgical operations that were originally only allowed to be watched by a few people can be moved to the Internet for online live broadcast, so that more doctors can learn more advanced surgical knowledge.

Surgeons who are already excellent can become famous in the medical community through live broadcasts.

Young doctors can grow rapidly by watching the superb skills of medical masters.

Doctors with high comprehension can even overtake the older generation of doctors after observing the top technology.” As the words fell

, no one present agreed at the first time.

Live broadcast of surgery has both advantages and disadvantages.

Surgeons observing surgery is one of the important ways to improve their skills.

Traditional ways to learn surgery.

One is to go on stage and watch the old experts perform surgery in person.

Due to the limitation of the surgical field, it is sometimes difficult to see the key parts or steps.

Another way is to look up foreign surgical videos on the Internet.

However, after editing, complications or errors are often not visible.

Live surgery.

Medical experts want to expand their popularity, so they will talk while doing it, and will not hide anything.

And there are many cameras in the live broadcast room.

It is indeed more conducive to the progress of young doctors than the traditional way.

In addition, live surgery can also allow countless medical colleagues to learn and exchange ideas across the screen as if they were on the scene.

As for the disadvantages of live surgery, there are many.

For example, if a medical accident occurs during the live broadcast, the consequences will be disastrous.

For example, doctors with poor psychological stress resistance will perform abnormally on the spot and embarrass themselves on the Internet.

For example, answering questions from guests and netizens during the operation will distract attention from the operation.

For example, if the patient has a problem, the live surgery video will become the family’s”evidence”.

Precisely because live surgery is full of risks.

Many doctors are very secretive about live surgery.


In the conference room,

Chu Sheng, director of the Urology Department, stood up and said,”President Zhao, there is a survey of 106 urologists abroad, and each of them has experience in live surgery.

The statistical results show that 62% of doctors have anxiety or worry during the live broadcast.

32% of doctors have complications during the operation.

18% of doctors think that their performance is worse than usual.

These data show that experts want to do beautiful operations and increase their popularity.

As a result, the more they think so, the greater the psychological pressure.

They can’t even perform at a normal level.

A small mistake may also induce a butterfly effect, making the whole operation horrible and laughable.”

Hearing this, many people echoed.

Live surgery is very different from daily surgery.

When the operation is exposed under the spotlight and under the supervision of thousands of eyes, the spirit and mentality of the surgeon will undergo subtle changes.

This psychological change may affect their decision-making and operation, leading to mistakes.

Obviously, live surgery is not suitable for every surgeon.

Without sufficient skills, it is best not to try live surgery!

Dean Zhao Ming said in a concentrated voice:”A truly strong person is not afraid of any challenge, and a true master can withstand any test.

In the medical field, there are many surgeons who have become famous in the academic world through live broadcasts of surgeries and have attracted countless fans.

They not only demonstrated superb surgical techniques, but also demonstrated a profound and elegant cultural accomplishment, which added a lot to their personal image.

Invisibly, they have consolidated their academic status and expanded their academic influence.”

Hearing this, everyone nodded slightly.

Successful live broadcasts of surgeries do have many benefits.

But there is always a chance of failure.

No one wants to shoot themselves in the foot.

Zhao Ming continued:”The live broadcast plan of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University is not mandatory, it depends purely on personal wishes.

The significance of the live broadcast room of surgeries is to break the information island and build a bridge for hospitals to communicate and learn from each other.

Thereby promoting the development of the medical industry.” After the voice fell, no one said anything more.

It was purely voluntary.

They had no reason to object!

Zhao Ming saw the expressions of the crowd and said,”In view of the special nature of live surgery, doctors must obtain the support of patients and their families.

The hospital’s legal department needs to draft relevant legal documents to inform patients of their rights and obligations.

At the same time, it is promised that live surgery is only for medical professionals who have been carefully registered and strictly reviewed. Live broadcast is completely public welfare and no commercial behavior can occur.

Except for the necessary surgical area, no other parts of the patient are exposed.”

Hearing this, everyone present nodded.

As medical workers, they should build a strong line of defense for patient privacy protection!

In the conference room, a young man in a white coat stood up and said,”Dean Zhao, I want to participate in the live surgery room plan and broadcast live in the medical community!”

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

The young man who spoke was Chen Yu, an associate professor at Soochow University.

This summer,

Professor Chen is basically in the hospital, either teaching students or helping various departments complete a large number of difficult operations.

If it is true, it is another doctor.

Live broadcasting to the entire medical community must be weighed.

And Dr. Chen Yu is superb and is the most suitable candidate for live surgery!

“Very good!”

Zhao Ming said with a smile:”Since Professor Chen is willing to try live broadcasting of surgery, our hospital will open a live broadcast room for Professor Chen.”

At this point, he began to assign specific tasks to each department.

“Director Zhao, you are responsible for finding a third-party company to purchase the live broadcast system.”

“The live broadcast system must meet at least three basic conditions”

“First, it supports high-definition image quality, allowing medical staff watching the live broadcast to clearly see the details of the operation.”

“Second, it supports replay and saving, so that medical staff who missed the live broadcast can view the surgery replay”

“Third, the video must be encrypted to prevent it from being stolen”

“Director Wang, your information center is responsible for developing the hospital surgery live broadcast platform and setting up the server.”

“Director Shen, you will organize the personnel department to recruit some staff, set up the surgery live broadcast department, and cooperate with the doctors to complete the live broadcast work.”

“Director Yang, your medical department is responsible for finding a group of surgical assistants from among the medical support staff to answer netizens’ questions during the operation and not distract the surgeon.”


While Zhao Ming was giving orders,

Chen Yu was looking forward to the next live broadcast of the surgery.

On the surface, he had been teaching students in the hospital this summer, or performing surgeries as the lead surgeon.

In fact…

Chen Yu’s real goal was to get”famous teacher points”.

Medicine is divided into theory and practice.

Theory is to give lectures to students in the classroom.

Practice is to see patients and perform surgery, to cure diseases and save lives.

He has almost earned all the famous teacher points in theory.

But he didn’t get many famous teacher points in practice.

So far, he has only earned the [Basic Skills of Surgery]】、【Urology】、【Hepatobiliary Surgery】、【Pancreatic Surgery】、【General Surgery】、【Orthopedics], to the maximum level, that is,”unparalleled in the world”.

After the surgery live broadcast room of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University is officially launched.

He can upgrade other specialties to the maximum level, thereby adding points to himself!

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