September 15. In the nurse station of

Suzhou Municipal Hospital. Hospital nurse Ren Yi said to the patient’s family:”Ms. Wu, your daughter needs hip surgery. But a blood test found that your daughter is RH negative AB type blood, which is the panda blood among panda blood.

“”Ah? What should I do?”

Wu Shu was shocked and said anxiously.

She had heard of panda blood, which is a very rare blood type.

Therefore, people with panda blood must be very careful to avoid any accidents.

Once they lose too much blood.

This rare blood type is difficult to find the same blood type for blood transfusion in time.

In Xia Country, Rh negative blood type only accounts for 3 to 4 thousandths, which means that only 3 people with Rh negative blood can be found in a thousand people.

Therefore, in clinical practice, whenever there is a patient with Rh negative blood in need of rescue, it is often necessary to mobilize the whole city to find volunteers with the same blood type to donate blood.

Ren Yi said bluntly:”Ms. Wu, the orthopedic surgeon of our hospital has applied for a unit of panda blood from the hospital blood bank.

However, it takes a long time to wait.

It is hard to say how long it will take, but it may be a long time.

The hospital will contact the major blood banks to inquire if there is panda blood.

In addition, we will also contact the panda blood volunteer team to ask if they have RH negative AB type blood.”

“Panda Blood Volunteer Team?”

Wu Shu was a little curious and didn’t understand what this team was.

Ren Yi explained:”The Panda Blood Volunteer Team is a team formed spontaneously by dozens or even hundreds of Panda Blood Volunteers.

Their original intention was to find people with the same blood type, stick together, and help each other.”

“”I understand!”

Wu Shu nodded.

She was very anxious.

Her daughter was still young, and the hip surgery could not be delayed.

Right now, she could only hope that the hospital could find panda blood as soon as possible so that her daughter could have the surgery earlier.

Ren Yi instructed:”Ms. Wu, there is one thing I need to tell you in advance.

There are some very rampant blood dealers in society.

They hang around hospitals, blood center entrances, etc., soliciting people everywhere.

Often two units of panda blood are sold for more than 80,000 to 100,000 yuan.

If someone contacts you and says they have panda blood.

Don’t buy blood from them!”

“Don’t worry, Nurse Ren.”

Wu Shu nodded to show that she understood.

However, she had already made a decision in her heart.

If there is really no blood, she can only find a blood dealer to buy panda blood.

After all, her daughter is her life!

Suddenly… a crisp cell phone ringtone rang.

Ren Yi picked up the phone and listened, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

After hanging up the phone.

She smiled and said:”Ms. Wu, I have good news to tell you.

When we asked the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University if there was any panda blood.

We learned that they were conducting a phase II clinical trial of universal artificial blood.

Universal artificial blood, the full name is artificial synthetic hemoglobin cell antibody preparation, the drug has significant efficacy and can replace panda blood.

It would be best if you can find panda blood.

If you really can’t find it, you can try universal artificial blood.”

“Artificial blood?”

Wu Shu was stunned.

She didn’t know her daughter had panda blood before, so she naturally didn’t pay attention to the news about universal artificial blood.

It was not until she heard Ren Yi talk about it that

Wu Shu knew that there was such a thing as universal artificial blood in the medical field.

She asked:”Nurse Ren, doesn’t your municipal hospital have universal artificial blood?”

“Of course not!”

Ren Yi shook her head and said,”First of all, the universal artificial blood has only been put into Phase II clinical trials, and only then will there be Phase III clinical trials and the approval process for the new drug to be put on the market.

It is still unknown how long it will take for this drug to be officially put on the market!

Even if it gets the approval of the national medicine standard number and is officially put on the market.

I am afraid that only the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University has this drug.

For ordinary hospitals, if they want to introduce new drugs, the process is complicated and requires internal approval at all levels of the hospital, including hospital application, centralized bidding, hospital procurement, commercial distribution, clinical drug use and other processes.

Therefore, if you want to use artificial blood now, you must go to the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University and participate in their clinical trials!”

“So that’s it!”

Wu Shu nodded in sudden realization.



With the help of Ren Yi.

Wu Shu took her daughter to the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University and asked about the progress of the artificial blood project.

After detailed communication between the two sides, they finally reached an agreement.

Wu Shu’s daughter became a clinical trial participant of the artificial blood project and used universal artificial blood.

During orthopedic surgery.

If anything happens.

The First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University will cure Wu Shu’s daughter.

Qin Shuang from the artificial blood research group held a plastic bag containing powdered items.

She introduced to Wu Shu:”Ms. Wu, this is universal artificial blood.

It is stored in a plastic bag and can be stored dry at room temperature with a shelf life of one year.

The synthetic red blood cells contained in it are only two percent the size of human red blood cells.

When needed, inject sterile water to mix and use it.”

After the universal artificial blood arrived.

The orthopedic surgeon of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University quickly performed the most advanced artificial hip replacement surgery in the medical field on Wu Shu’s daughter-controlled hypotension and DAA minimally invasive approach technology for artificial hip replacement.

In the operating room.

After the anesthesia phase was over.

The orthopedic surgeon made an incision of only 8 cm in front of Wu Shu’s daughter’s hip joint, and exposed the surgical area through the intermuscular approach.

He is a superb doctor and his team members cooperate well.

The operation was a complete success in just one hour, and the intraoperative bleeding was only 200 ml.

A bag of universal artificial blood is 400 ml.

This operation only used half of it!

The orthopedic surgeon who performed the operation was deeply moved.

If there is no universal artificial blood.

He needs to consume 200 ml of”panda blood” to treat this patient.

If it is saved to the extreme.

200 ml of”panda blood” can save the lives of up to 3 panda blood patients.

Leaving the operating room.

Wu Shu learned that the operation was a complete success, and he was grateful and said:”Thank you doctor, thank you First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University, and thank you Suzhou University Universal Artificial Blood Research Group!”

“No need to thank us!”

The orthopedic surgeon smiled and shook his head:”If you really want to thank someone, thank Professor Chen Yu who developed the universal artificial blood!”

Hearing this,

Wu Shu nodded vigorously.

At this moment, she was filled with infinite gratitude to Professor Chen Yu.


At the same time, there were many panda blood patients across the country who encountered similar situations as Wu Shu’s daughter.

Panda blood is scarce.

Blood centers in major cities do not have any spare panda blood.

Fortunately, the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University is conducting a Phase II clinical trial of universal artificial blood.

As long as you sign up to become a clinical trial volunteer, you can use universal artificial blood.

These panda blood patients were already desperate.

When they learned that the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University had a chance to cure them, they rushed in droves.

After the universal artificial blood arrived, panda blood patients with visceral hemorrhage, postpartum hemorrhage, pregnancy hemorrhage, trauma hemorrhage… all had enough blood for rescue or surgery.

For a time, many panda blood patients were out of danger.

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