October 24th.

A residential area in Shanghai.

Fan Hua, as usual, was watching the Xiaguo news program at home.

On the TV screen.

The host Kang Hui reported:”Recently, the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University completed a difficult operation that will go down in the annals of medical history.

The operation is called ‘allogeneic head and body reconstruction’, or head transplantation.

The patient is a person suffering from spinal muscular atrophy. He has been disabled and has skeletal deformities since childhood, with only his head being normal.

He can only live in a wheelchair and must take medication to prolong his life.

Faced with patients with such symptoms.

Professor Chen Yu of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University proposed a plan for allogeneic head and body reconstruction and developed a detailed surgical plan.

The plan is that the patient transplants his head to a healthy body and becomes a healthy person again.

Next, please watch the detailed report.……”

Fan Hua was very surprised when he saw the news.

Isn’t a head transplant surgery equivalent to”head replacement surgery”?

There are many stories about”head replacement” in mythology.

But in the real world, the medical community has never achieved head replacement surgery!

With strong curiosity,

Fan Hua watched the news attentively.

On the TV screen,

Professor Chen Yu of the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University explained the specific plan of the surgery to the audience.

He said slowly:”First, you need to find a complete body or remains, and the matching is successful without obvious rejection reaction.

Second, the body and head to be connected together should be cooled to 12 to 15 degrees Celsius to ensure that the cells can survive for a period of time without oxygen.

Third, cut the tissues, muscles, blood vessels, etc. around the neck, and then use a very sharp blade to cut the spinal cord cleanly.

Fourth, connect the severed head to someone else, and use a chemical called polyethylene glycol to fuse the spinal wound to promote cell meshing.

Fifth, after the muscles and blood supply are successfully connected, the patient will remain in a coma for one month to prevent the newly fused neck from moving significantly.

Sixth, after the patient wakes up, he can move immediately, and with physical therapy, he can start walking within a year.

Due to the great difficulty of allogeneic head and body reconstruction.

Any accident in the above six steps will result in the death of the patient.

In order to prepare for this operation, the expert team of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University dispatched 100 doctors and nurses, and all departments cooperated sincerely.……”

Following Chen Yu’s introduction,

Fan Hua roughly understood the difficulty of the head transplant surgery.

Next, the camera switched.

After the approval of the hospital’s committee of medical practitioners, the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University officially began to operate on the patient.

The entire operation lasted 36 hours and involved 100 people.

The TV screen played a surgical animation, which was not so bloody.


Fan Hua could feel how difficult this operation was in the real world!

The camera switched.

Chen Yu said:”The patient’s head has been fully connected to the new body.

Next, the patient will be anesthetized by the anesthesiologist for 4 weeks to allow the head and the new body to grow completely together.

We will also use electrodes to stimulate the spinal cord to strengthen the new nerve connections.

After waking up, the patient can walk and restore facial perception.

He can even speak with a normal voice.

With physical therapy, the patient will be able to start walking within a year.

Of course, the specific recovery situation cannot be determined for the time being.

Time will tell everyone the answer!”


After the news ended,

Fan Hua was filled with emotion.

Professor Chen Yu’s medical skills were so superb!

The success of the head transplant surgery showed that as long as the head was healthy, even if the whole body was paralyzed, it could be restored to health.

This was really incredible!


After the Xiaguo news of the day ended, all major news media rushed to report

《The world’s most powerful medical skills, Professor Chen Yu became a god in one battle!》

《Professor Chen Yu breaks through the forbidden zone of life! New hope for paralyzed patients!》

《A milestone in human medicine! Head transplant surgery has truly been achieved!》

《The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University completed the world’s first head transplant surgery!》

《The most difficult surgery in the world! Comprehensive knowledge about who Professor Chen Yu is!》


With overwhelming reports, the medical community was completely shocked.

In fact, as early as the 20th century, scientists had conducted animal head transplant experiments. In

1908, American scientists completed the first dog head transplant.

In 1954, Soviet scientists produced a two-headed dog.

In 1956, Xia scientists produced a two-headed dog.

In 1970, American scientists completed a rhesus monkey brain transplant.

In 2001, American scientists completed a monkey head transplant.

In 2013, Xia scientists completed a mouse head transplant.

But unfortunately… these animals died soon after the head transplant.

The longest-lived animal only lived for 6 days.

The field of animal head transplant is so difficult.

What about human head transplant surgery?

Professor Chen Yu’s medical skills are simply unparalleled in the world!


On the Internet, netizens are discussing

“Miracle doctor! Professor Chen is truly a world-class miracle doctor!”

“Oh my god! Professor Chen is so amazing! He actually completed the head transplant surgery?!”

“I never thought that there was a team of doctors that could perform such a difficult operation!”

“100 medical staff and Professor Chen together demonstrated what is the pinnacle of human surgical skills!”

“It’s incredible! The speed of medical development is beyond my imagination!”

“Head transplantation has always been regarded as something that could only happen in science fiction and mythology, but unexpectedly it has actually happened in reality!”

“I have a feeling that in the future, doctors will master the secrets of life! I suggest that everyone should let their children study medicine. Who knows, the status of doctors may be extremely high in the future!”


There is more than one voice on the Internet.

Head transplant surgery has actually caused a lot of controversy.

Some people think that after a successful head transplant, the body, limbs, fingerprints, etc. will all belong to someone else.

Can the transplant recipient use this body with peace of mind?

Moreover, will the rich be able to live a second life in the future, while ordinary people can only die?

In addition, organs are so scarce at this stage that one body can donate two kidneys, one heart, one liver, and one pancreas. Is it appropriate to use so many organs for one patient?

In legal terms, is the hybrid person after the operation the original owner of the head or the original owner of the body?

There are many netizens who do not agree with head transplant surgery.

And there are also many netizens who agree with head transplant surgery.

They believe that head transplant surgery can bring new hope to many paralyzed and disabled people.

In 1954, the world’s first kidney transplant was successful.

At that time, countless people opposed it, thinking how could other people’s organs be used.

But 60 years later, organ transplantation has become the ultimate solution to many diseases in the medical stage!

This shows.

The success of head transplant surgery actually represents a new stage in human medicine


On the Internet, the popularity of head transplant surgery remains high.

Almost every day, countless netizens debate online.

Some support head transplant surgery, while others do not.

The two groups of people have their own reasons. No one can convince the other.

But there is one thing that both sides agree on.

That is, no matter whether head transplant surgery violates logic and morality.

At least now, only Professor Chen Yu from the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University can perform head transplant surgery.

There is only one such hospital in the world!

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