July 12.

Suzhou University.

School of Life Sciences.

In the multimedia classroom.

Hundreds of students gathered together.

It was summer vacation.

Other students went home to enjoy a leisurely vacation.

But they planned to stay in school this summer to participate in the research group established by Professor Chen Yu.

It sounds a bit inhumane to be busy even during the summer vacation.

But they were happy to do it.

Last summer vacation.

Professor Chen Yu established a research group in the school’s medical department and asked some students to participate.

Only one year has passed.

These students have made a name for themselves in the medical field and achieved dazzling achievements.

For example, Qin Shuang, a proud disciple of Professor Chen Yu.

She has just finished her first year of graduate school. She has already performed many world-class surgical operations and served as the dean of the Universal Hospital.

After the construction of the 10 billion hospital is completed,

Qin Shuang will definitely be famous in the medical community!

For example, Ning Feng, a proud disciple of Professor Chen Yu.

He has just finished his first year of graduate school. He has already served as the director of the Universal Medical Laboratory.

Professor Chen’s other students have also established a firm foothold in the medical community and have become famous.

This shows.

Once you become Professor Chen’s student, you don’t have to worry about your future!

In comparison, what does it matter if you don’t have a summer vacation?

If they miss this opportunity

, maybe they will never encounter such a precious opportunity again in their lives!


A moment later.

Chen Yu came to the classroom.

Behind him, more than a dozen students helped to carry various experimental instruments, brand new books, and envelopes.

On the podium.

Chen Yu looked around and saw that the students were in good spirits, and nodded with satisfaction.

He said loudly:”Good evening, students. Long before, I started the gene regeneration project group, gene repair project group, animal language project group, animal intelligence project group, paleontology gene project group and other projects.

You passed many tests and finally joined my project group to engage in scientific research.

Considering that it is summer vacation now.

Some students do not have as much living expenses as usual.

Today I will give all of you a living allowance of 50,000 yuan per person!” As soon as the voice fell.

The students who were previously responsible for moving things began to distribute envelopes and books to students.

Each envelope contained 50,000 yuan in brand new banknotes. 28

Seeing this scene.

The students present were ecstatic.

“Oh my god? A 50,000 yuan stipend? Professor Chen is so generous!”

“God, all my living expenses for four years of college added up to less than 50,000!”

“There are more than 100 students in the classroom, so wouldn’t the total allowance be more than 5 million?”

“I previously participated in other teachers’ research groups and earned 1,000 yuan after working for a few months.……”

“Thank you, Professor Chen, you are so generous!”


After the allowance was paid,

Chen Yu returned to the topic and said,”Students, I will now announce my plans for this summer vacation.

During the day, you need to participate in the research work of the research group.

The specific content may be conducting experiments in the laboratory, conducting relevant research outside, looking up information in the library, or writing papers.

At 19:00 in the evening, you will come to this multimedia classroom and I will teach you.

The class lasts for 2 hours, from 19:00 to 21:00. From

21:00 to 21:30, it is the student question session.

You can ask some questions about the subject, paper writing, experiment-related questions, research group-related questions, etc.

As long as I understand, I will answer your questions.

Generally speaking, if I have nothing to do, I will teach you in the evening.

Unless there is something urgent and I can’t get away.

If there is something, I will notify you in advance in the research group.

I can’t guarantee that I will come to class every day.

But I will teach you at least five days in the evening out of seven days a week!”

Hearing this, the classroom was boiling.

Everyone’s face was full of excitement and excitement.

Many of them have participated in research groups before.

The content of the research group is nothing more than research problems, experimental design, experimental operation, data collection, data analysis, literature review, literature research, writing research reports, summarizing research results and so on.

These tasks are not difficult. Let’s not talk about other things.

The 50,000 yuan allowance given by Professor Chen alone is enough for them to participate in the research group projects conscientiously and diligently!

The most important thing is.

Professor Chen said that he would give them at least five days of classes in seven days a week.

This is a real”special treatment”!

Today is July 12, and there are 50 days left until the start of school on September 1. For the entire summer vacation.

Professor Chen can give them at least 35 classes!

You know.

Professor Chen is a national teaching master, a future academician of the two academies, and a Nobel Prize winner.

Now there are countless people outside who spend a lot of money to listen to Professor Chen’s courses!

And they… can listen to so many classes for free.

Is this the treatment of a”disciple”?

By the way, this is too cool!

To this end, everyone is talking about it.

“Oh my god, happiness comes so suddenly!”

“I never thought that being Professor Chen’s disciple would bring so many hidden benefits!”

“Of course! Last summer, when Professor Chen was at the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, he gave many private lessons to his students.”

“I am so happy! I have a feeling that I will make great progress in the field of life sciences this summer!”

“It’s more than just rapid progress. After the summer vacation, we will definitely be able to stand out in the field of life sciences!”

“This situation suddenly reminded me of the time during my high school summer vacation when I paid a teacher to give me extra lessons.”

“Haha, we used to pay teachers for extra lessons, but now the teachers give us special lessons and even pay us for them!”


After a brief discussion, the classroom order was quickly restored.

Chen Yu said,”Dear students, I have just given you a book called”New Thinking in Synthetic Biology”. It is a national textbook compiled by me and has just been published.

In this class today, I will tell you what is the new thinking in synthetic biology?

As we all know, synthetic biology is an engineering discipline that uses genetic manipulation tools to regulate and transform life behaviors or recreate life forms.

It is bringing new hope to many applications that are either imminent or have broad prospects.

Let’s take an example in the field of medicine.

CAR-T, a cancer drug that costs 1.2 million yuan per dose, is very popular.

This cancer treatment technology extracts T-cells from the patient’s blood, and after a customized transformation, allows them to learn to recognize and attack cancer cells in the patient’s body.

It sounds great, but it has limited scope of use and very troublesome side effects once it occurs – if it recognizes the wrong person, it will beat itself up!

And synthetic biology.

There is hope that the CAR-T cell team will have its own logic circuit.

Let it judge the changes that occur during the treatment process, and attack accurately without accidentally hurting innocent people.

There is a saying in the life science community.

Cell therapy has been done for so many years , I felt that I couldn’t do it anymore, but with synthetic biology, I felt hope was back.

In addition, there is another way to fight cancer with synthetic biology.

That is to transform bacteria!

If bacteria are made into more targeted, smarter and more efficient anti-tumor weapons, can cancer be truly cured?

Since universal artificial blood can appear in the medical field.

Why can’t there be universal artificial bacteria?

If there are such bacteria.

Then they can wake up the body’s own immune cells and make them resist cancer, and universal artificial bacteria can also help transport drug molecules. What

I just said is actually the new thinking of synthetic biology!”

The voice fell. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The students in the classroom were all bright.

Nowadays, synthetic biology can be applied to many fields such as agriculture, medicine, materials, chemistry, energy, food, manufacturing, machinery, etc., and it is a must-have for the new round of life science and technology research.

Compared with the synthetic biology course that needs to be memorized by rote.

Obviously, the new thinking that Professor Chen said is obviously more divergent!

Swish! []

Students will make CAR-T cells with their own logic circuits and universal artificial bacteria, record them in a notebook, and prepare to spend time on subsequent research


On the podium.

Chen Yu changed the subject and said,”I believe everyone has read science fiction novels or movies.

There are often scenes in them saying that humans have flown to strange planets hundreds of millions of light years away, but still use land to grow crops to obtain food.

From the perspective of our flower growers, this is understandable.

But from the perspective of synthetic biology, I think it is very absurd.

Take the common corn in nature as an example.

A corn is actually a small factory.

This factory combines the two most common things in nature, carbon dioxide and water, to form a kind of carbohydrate – starch.

Specifically, the efficiency of corn in converting the energy of sunlight into starch is very limited.

In order to obtain sunlight, it must have antennas on it, that is, leaves.

It must have pumps underneath, that is, roots, which can pump the water on the ground. The water is pulled up.

There must be a stem in the middle to hold up the leaves.

So many things are put together.

It can finally become grain particles.

This takes a lot of time and energy.

But its efficiency of light energy conversion is actually very low.

After the grain is harvested.

This small factory is scrapped.

As we all know, a new discipline has emerged in this century, that is synthetic biology!

It brings the concept of engineering thinking to the field of life sciences.

How is engineering done?

It makes each step into a module.

Just stand up the modules one by one, and then pull up the lines, and start working if they are pulled correctly!

Simply put.

Using synthetic biology, we can save steps for natural complex factories such as corn.

Use carbon dioxide and water to directly turn into starch!”

During the class, the students were fascinated.

Professor Chen’s class is so simple and easy to understand no matter when you listen to it.

While taking notes, they were also thinking in their hearts.

Can synthetic biology really turn carbon dioxide and water into starch?


Chen Yu continued:”Scientific topic selection should really target problems, real problems, and combine national conditions to find new development models.

Our traditional model is farming.

Through farming, we fix carbon dioxide in the air, form biomass, and synthesize starch.

With the new thinking of synthetic biology, we can completely not rely on land planting, but choose to produce starch through factories and industrialization.

Please look at the big screen……”

Everyone looked up and saw a picture showing the specific process and steps of growing corn starch.

Chen Yu’s voice rang out.

“Chloroplasts on plant leaves absorb sunlight and convert it into a form of energy that can be used by organisms.”

“These energy forms, through the Calvin cycle, can fix carbon dioxide and form starch inside the plant.”

“This is a very long process, requiring more than 60 steps and taking 3 to 4 months.”

“Today, I will use the experimental equipment to synthesize starch with carbon dioxide. The whole process only requires 11 steps of reaction and takes 4 hours!”

When these words came out, there was an uproar in the classroom.

All the students were shocked.

No way?

Professor Chen Yu is going to demonstrate the synthesis of starch with carbon dioxide on the spot?

Only four hours. Isn’t this too exaggerated?

Soon, they came to their senses.

No wonder when Professor Chen came to the classroom today, he asked the students to move a lot of experimental equipment.

It turned out that he was really going to do this experiment!


Under the gaze of all the students,

Chen Yu began the experiment of synthesizing starch from carbon dioxide.

He operated the bottles and jars while explaining

“The first step is to obtain hydrogen by electrolysis of water”

“The second step is to allow hydrogen and carbon dioxide to undergo a chemical reaction to produce methanol.”

“After methanol is obtained, 117 electrical energy is converted into chemical energy stored in methanol, and then methanol is converted into dihydroxyacetone using a bio-enzyme catalyst.……”

“Then, after eight steps of enzyme reaction, it can be polymerized into glucose phosphate and finally converted into starch!”

“Students, I think you can understand these 11 steps, right?”

“I taught you a semester, so it shouldn’t be a problem for you to understand these.”

“In general, this experiment is very simple, that is, the energy conversion method of light-electrical energy-chemical energy to achieve artificial synthesis of starch”


Time passed slowly.

Since the experiment was not over yet.

The students did not go back to sleep, but prepared to see the final results of the experiment.

When the 4-hour experiment was a complete success and starch was really synthesized.

In the multimedia classroom, cheers like a tsunami rang out.

Carbon dioxide synthesizes starch!

This is simply a milestone achievement in the field of life sciences!

Take corn as an example.

First of all, the cycle is shortened.

It takes about 100-150 days from sowing to starch maturity, and artificial starch synthesis can be shortened to 4 hours.

While reducing land occupation, it also reduces people’s dependence on plants to synthesize starch.

The second is the improvement of energy conversion efficiency.

In the process of corn growing and converting starch, more than 60 steps of reaction are required, and the utilization efficiency of solar energy is no more than 2%.

Artificial starch synthesis only requires 11 main reactions from the initial light energy to the final conversion into starch, which not only increases the energy conversion efficiency by 3.5 times, but also successfully breaks through the limitations of solar energy, making the starch production efficiency more than 8 times that of corn photosynthesis.

The last is the increase in yield.

Judging from Professor Chen’s experimental results.

Converted down.

The annual starch production of 1 cubic meter bioreactor is equivalent to the starch production of corn planted on 5 mu of land.

According to statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, nearly 1 billion people in the world are facing serious hunger threats.

And 70%-80% of the grain in Xiaguo is starch. This means that out of the 3 billion tons of grain produced annually in the world, nearly 2 billion tons are starch.

Once the technology of synthesizing starch from carbon dioxide is truly industrialized, it can save more than 90% of land and fresh water resources for the country and set off an agricultural revolution.

Professor Chen’s move will benefit the present and future generations!

At the end of the class.

Chen Yu smiled embarrassedly:”Students, the experiment is too long and I am sorry for interrupting your rest.

The experiment I just did for you is the application of new thinking in synthetic biology.

Since carbon dioxide can be used to synthesize starch artificially, what can be synthesized with carbon monoxide?

What can be synthesized with common things in production?

Technology changes the world.

This requires you to think divergently and try one by one.

What I do is to teach you and answer your questions, arouse your yearning for scientific knowledge, and explore the essence of life science!” As soon as the voice fell

, all the students stood up and applauded for a long time!.

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