January 18.

Suzhou University.

School of Life Sciences.

A unique press conference is underway.

Hundreds of media reporters gathered to report first-hand information.

The organizer of the press conference is Academician Chen Yu.

Nowadays, Academician Chen Yu is not only a Nobel Prize winner, but also the world’s richest man.

These two identities alone are enough to attract them.

On the high platform at the press conference, there are six important guests.

They are the newly crowned world’s richest man Chen Yu, Chairman of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Lin Fei, Dean of Suzhou University School of Life Sciences Gao Zhiqiang, Director of Suzhou City Law Enforcement Agency Jiang Sen, President of Xiaguo Environmental Protection Association Zheng Qisong, and President of Xiaguo Paleontology Association Qiu Guantong.

The beginning of the press conference.

Jiang Sen, the head of the Suzhou law enforcement agency, spoke first:”Dear guests, I believe you must have seen some news about criminals being arrested recently.

For example,”After 11 years on the run, the Suzhou murder suspect was finally arrested!”

For example,”Suzhou law enforcement agencies destroyed the”Canal Casino” with a million yuan involved”

For example,”Suzhou law enforcement agencies cracked a major dating network fraud case and arrested 136 suspects》”

Hearing this, everyone present was a little confused.

Recently, the law enforcement agencies in Sucheng have become famous and have solved many murders.

They have naturally heard about this.

But what does this have to do with today’s press conference?

Jiang Sen said,”The reason why the law enforcement agencies in Sucheng have been able to solve so many cases is actually the credit of Academician Chen Yu.

Academician Chen Yu led the relevant research team to develop biological intelligence capsules and biological language capsules.

After animals take biological intelligence capsules, they can greatly improve their intelligence and become smarter and smarter.

After animals take biological language capsules, they can learn human language in a short period of time and communicate with humans.

With the combination of the two drugs, animals can become good helpers for law enforcement agencies!”

As soon as the words came out, everyone present had question marks on their faces.

Biological intelligence capsules?

Biological language capsules?

Jiang Sen knew that words were not enough, so he immediately played the internal video of the law enforcement agency solving the case on the big screen on the scene.

The protagonist of the first video clip is a golden retriever”Xiao Jin”.

Xiao Jin asked the dogs along the coast of Liancheng for help and successfully found clues about the suspects.

Thus helping law enforcement officers to arrest criminals.

In the second video clip, the protagonist is a Labrador named”Xiao La”.

Xiao La sought help from stray dogs and domestic dogs in 28 villages, and asked them to keep an eye on the suspects in each den.

Eventually, they helped law enforcement officers solve the case.

In the third video clip, the protagonist is a local dog named”Xiao Hei”.

Xiao Hei used his intelligence to find clues about the dilapidated cargo ships in the canal, thus helping law enforcement officers to clear the”Canal Casino”.

In other videos, cats and dogs joined forces to help law enforcement officers solve major cases.

Seeing this, the media reporters were stunned.

Cats and dogs can talk?

Is it true?

At this time, Jiang Sen waved his hand.

The golden retriever”Xiao Jin”, the Labrador retriever”Xiao La”, the local dog”Xiao Hei”, and other cats and dogs jumped onto the platform in a heroic and high-spirited manner. Under the attention of the audience, they chattered in the human language.

“If you have any questions, ask them now!”

“It’s really troublesome. I helped solve a case some time ago, and now I have to explain how I solved it.”

“Yes, humans like to follow procedures, ask this, ask that”

“Hey~~Are you guys asking or not? Don’t waste time and disrupt the press conference held by Academician Chen!”


The reporters were stunned at first.

Then the whole place was boiling.

Talking cats and dogs?!

This is bound to be a sensational news!

They came here today, it was worth it.

Next, the reporters took the initiative to talk to the cats and dogs on the stage.

The scene was noisy.

After ten minutes, they really believed that there really are talking cats and dogs in the world!

Just talking is fine.

The most exaggerated thing is that these cats and dogs are very intelligent.

Obviously, Academician Chen really developed the biological language capsule and biological intelligence capsule.


After a small episode, the cats and dogs left the stage.

The scene returned to silence.

Lin Fei, general manager of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., said,”Dear guests, I believe you have already seen the effects of the biological language capsule and biological intelligence capsule.

After the relevant clinical trials of Academician Chen, the results showed that cats, dogs, tigers, lions and other creatures can greatly improve their intelligence and speak human language.

Of course, it takes some time for them to learn to speak like humans.

Since human clinical trials are not required,

Huanyu Biological Language Capsules and Huanyu Biological Intelligence Capsules have been approved by the Xiaguo Drug Supervision and Administration Agency and can be officially launched on the market.

The official price of each of the two drugs is 18,888 yuan per box.

From tomorrow, these two new drugs can be bought in Huanyu pharmacies across the country.”

After the voice fell, the media reporters’ thoughts turned quickly.

They began to think about whether it is beneficial or harmful to humans to let animals learn to speak and improve their intelligence.

From the perspective of pet owners, it is undoubtedly a good thing for their own animals to speak and become smarter.

Both parties can communicate freely in the future.

From the perspective of the mainstream society, this may not be a good thing.

Because people may no longer have any privacy.

Of course, the pricing of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is very high.

At least for now, ordinary people probably won’t spend more than 30,000 yuan to buy these two drugs.

Lin Fei continued,”Dear media reporters, today’s press conference has a lot of content.

If you want to ask about the specific ethical and social issues involved in animals talking, we can discuss it another day.

Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a very humane company.

Chairman Chen Yu, as the developer of the two new drugs, announced that all profits from the two new drugs will be divided 50-50 with the School of Life Sciences of Soochow University.

50% of the profits of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will be used entirely for the Animal Protection Association to protect animals.”

Dean of the School of Life Sciences, Zhiqiang Zhiqiang, also said,”First of all, on behalf of the School of Life Sciences of Soochow University, I would like to thank Academician Chen Yu for his generosity.

50% of the profits obtained by the college will be used to carry out research in the field of life sciences and cultivate more talents for the country.”

Jiang Sen, the head of the Sucheng law enforcement agency, said truthfully,”Our Sucheng law enforcement agency has already raised the issue of animals talking at the internal conference of law enforcement agencies across the country.

After voting, the law enforcement agency officials felt that animals assisted in solving cases, and indeed had many benefits, so they agreed.

Of course, after the two new drugs are on the market, all buyers need to go to the law enforcement agency to register and file”

“Snap Snap……”

There was warm applause in the press conference room.


After the new drug launch phase ended, the second phase of the press conference began.

A video was played again on the big screen.

“Hello, humans, I am glad to talk to you. My name is Baiji. I was once the master of the Yangtze River and have lived in the Yangtze River Basin for 25 million years.”

“Many years ago, we lived in peace with humans. Fishermen on the Yangtze River would judge the unpredictable weather on the river by our jumping out of the water or making calls.”

“At that time, your ancestors regarded us as river gods! And because of our lovely figures and gentle personalities, you called us the Yangtze River Goddesses!”

“The number of our Baiji dolphins, at its peak, exceeded 5,000, and they were widely distributed in the 1,700-kilometer Yangtze River.”

“But in the early 1980s, there were only 400 of our tribe left, and in the 2000s, there were less than 100 left. In 2007, we were declared functionally extinct by humans.”

“That’s right! We disappeared in the eternal Yangtze River, disappeared in this river full of vitality.”

“The Yangtze River is no longer our happy and peaceful home. Please forgive us for not being able to repay this world with songs!”

“……”(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After watching this video, the news media present were all filled with emotion.

The Baiji dolphin is the goddess of the Yangtze River, the national treasure of the Xia Kingdom, and the best friend of mankind.

But in recent decades, high-rise buildings along the Yangtze River have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Many chemical companies have been built along the river, causing a large amount of sewage and toxic substances to flow into the Yangtze River, destroying the ecosystem of the Yangtze River.

In addition, the unscrupulous fishing of fishermen is also an important reason.

This year, a ten-year fishing ban began to be implemented in key waters of the Yangtze River Basin.

The state prohibits the production and fishing of natural fishery resources in order to protect all aquatic resources.

But the extinct Baiji dolphin will never come back.……


On the high platform.

Zheng Qisong, president of the Xiaguo Environmental Protection Association, said in a loud voice:”The Baiji dolphin is the most precious of the extinct animals in China and is known as the giant panda of the water.

Their disappearance is undoubtedly a pity for everyone.

Everyone hopes to see the Baiji dolphin again in the Yangtze River Basin.

It is worth mentioning that the animals that have become extinct in recent years are far more than just the Baiji dolphin.

Since 1900, at least 447 species have become extinct worldwide.

Extinct animals include 69 species of mammals, 80 species of birds, 24 reptiles, 146 species of amphibians, and 158 species of fish.

In the Xiaguo, many animals have also become extinct in the past hundred years, such as the Wancheng clouded leopard, the Xinjiang tiger, the Xiaguo rhinoceros, the Xiaguo hog deer, the Przewalski’s horse, the Zhili macaque, the Yilong carp, the Yangtze sturgeon, etc.”[]


As soon as the words fell, everyone nodded.

With the rapid development of human society, forest resources have become increasingly scarce.

Wild animals and plants have lost their habitats and have lost their homes.

Coupled with environmental pollution, indiscriminate hunting, and indiscriminate mining, many rare species in nature have become extinct or endangered.

It is no exaggeration to say that species extinction is a major disaster facing the earth in the 21st century.



Chen Yu, a double academician, said:”Some time ago, the Universal Medical Laboratory extracted their DNA in the extinct animal specimen museum.

Our staff used gene editing, gene regeneration, gene cloning and other means to bring some extinct animals back to the world!”

Hearing this, everyone present took a breath of cold air.

Did they hear it right?

Extinct animals have been resurrected?

Moreover, it is still using high-tech means such as gene editing, gene regeneration, and gene cloning.

It’s incredible!

Chen Yu said loudly:”Everyone, you heard it right, some extinct animals have been resurrected!”

At this point.

Another video appeared on the big screen at the scene.

In the picture.

Students from the School of Life Sciences of Suzhou University released Baiji dolphins and Yangtze sturgeons in various areas of the Yangtze River Basin.

Each Baiji dolphin is streamlined, and the trunk is divided into spindles.

They have a raised forehead, a slender snout, a dorsal spine, a bluish-gray back, a white belly, and a two-pronged tail fin, which is flat and wide and parallel to the water surface.

The Yangtze sturgeon has a long snout like an elephant’s trunk, a long fusiform body, sharp teeth on both the upper and lower jaws, a light purple-gray back, a slightly white-pink abdomen and fins, and a row of spiny scales on the upper edge of the tail fin.

After entering the water, the Baiji and Yangtze sturgeon swam happily, and occasionally floated to the surface of the river to breathe.

Chen Yu said seriously:”This time we released 1,200 Baiji and 1,000 Yangtze sturgeons in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

The Yangtze River is the home of the Baiji and Yangtze sturgeons.

This time, we will never allow them to become extinct again!

To this end, Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will invest 10 billion yuan to establish the Yangtze River Species Conservation Foundation to allow the Baiji and Yangtze sturgeons to reproduce freely.” As soon as the words fell.

Thunderous applause rang out at the scene, and it lasted for a long time.


A moment later,

Qiu Guantong, president of the Xia State Paleontological Association, said,”We have reached a cooperation with Academician Chen Yu. In the next period of time, we will revive more extinct ancient creatures and let them return to their homeland!”

Hearing this, everyone applauded again.

Then, Chen Yu began to explain the various scientific research processes of resurrecting ancient creatures.

The industry professionals at the scene were all fascinated by what they heard.���

Finally, the media asked questions.

A reporter from Xiaguo News asked,”Academician Chen, since the Universal Medical Laboratory can revive these extinct animals, can we revive dinosaurs?”

“Theoretically, yes!”

Chen Yu said truthfully:”As long as there is a trace of DNA sample, I can revive it, but… the premise is that the country allows us to revive dinosaurs.”

Hearing this, everyone was very surprised.

Academician Chen can even revive dinosaurs.

His familiarity with genetic technology is too amazing, right?

Sucheng News reporter interviewed:”Academician Chen, since extinct animals can be resurrected, what about extinct plants?”

“The same is possible!”

Chen Yu explained:”Plants also have DNA. We can revive them based on technologies such as gene editing, gene regeneration, and gene cloning.

For example, extinct plants such as Liaocheng Ancient Fruit, Sealed Wood, Seed Fern, Bennei Cycad, Sun Moon Lake Sheep Ear Garlic, and Bo’s Liaocheng Branch can all be resurrected.”

Hearing this, everyone was amazed.

Flowers are also plants.

Those extinct flowers can be revived in the future.

Penguin News reporter interviewed:”Academician Chen, I heard that many paleontological specimens, remains, and fossils can be used to extract DNA

, but the extracted DNA has been degraded and the gene sequence is incomplete.

In this case, can you also revive it?”


Chen Yu said firmly:”Generally speaking, if you want to revive ancient creatures, theoretically four points must be achieved.

First, you must have a full set of DNA of the creature.

Second, you must accurately predict the genetic sequence of the creature.

Third, you must be able to synthesize this DNA and find a suitable vector to introduce this synthetic DNA into the recipient cell for stable expression.

Fourth, you must use the omnipotence of this synthetic cell to cultivate it into a complete individual.

These four points are easy to say but difficult to do.

Genetic engineering sequencing is a very huge project that requires the synthesis of billions or even more base sequences. It is not something that can be carried out just by saying it.

However, the Universal Science Laboratory has a supercomputer that can complete genetic engineering sequencing.

Combined with our gene programming technology, gene regeneration technology, and gene cloning technology.

As long as there is a trace of DNA of an ancient creature, it can be successfully resurrected.

And this… is life science!”


After the press conference, there was a sensation in all walks of life. There were too many highlights in this press conference.

First, Academician Chen Yu can revive extinct animals and plants.

Second, the Yangtze River goddess Baiji dolphin and the king of freshwater fish, the Yangtze River sturgeon, have returned to the Yangtze River.

Third, Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has established multiple foundations to protect the resurrected animals.

Fourth, biological language capsules and biological intelligence capsules can make pets speak human language.

Fifth, Academician Chen Yu has extremely strong attainments in the field of life sciences and can even revive dinosaurs.

All these are really incredible.

It is foreseeable that from now on, the world will be much more lively.

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