4 On the 18th, in a luxurious office at the headquarters of Pfizer in New York, CEO Reid was checking the first quarter performance of major global pharmaceutical companies.

Johnson & Johnson, revenue of 17.

48 billion yuan and net profit of 4.

29 billion US dollars in the first quarter.

Pfizer, revenue of 13 billion US dollars and net profit of 3.

02 billion US dollars in the first quarter.

Novartis , revenue of 13 billion US dollars and net profit of 2.

8 billion US dollars in the first quarter.

Roche Group, revenue of 12.

4 billion francs and net profit of 2 billion francs in the first quarter.

Merck, revenue of 9.

31 billion US dollars and net profit of 1.

13 billion US dollars in the first quarter.

AbbVie , revenue of 5.

96 billion US dollars and net profit of 1.

35 billion US dollars in the first quarter.

Abbott, revenue of 4.

91 billion US dollars and net profit of 316 million US dollars in the first quarter.

Eli Lilly, revenue of 4.

865 billion US dollars and net profit of 440 million US dollars in the first quarter.

Seeing these data, Reid had a complicated expression.

Compared with the same period last year, the performance of major pharmaceutical companies has declined.

Fortunately, Huirui Pharmaceuticals performed better than expected due to the revenue of new and old product lines, with revenue in the first quarter increasing by 20% year-on-year.

Then, he looked at the data of Universal Pharmaceuticals Co.

, Ltd.

The financial report data showed that Universal Pharmaceuticals Co.

, Ltd.

had revenue of 185.

2 billion yuan and a net profit of 68.

8 billion US dollars in the first quarter.

Reid was a little desperate when he saw this number.

If there was no Universal Pharmaceuticals, he would have the confidence to lead Huirui Pharmaceuticals to gradually develop into the world’s number one pharmaceutical company.

But now…

the gap between Huirui Pharmaceuticals and Universal Pharmaceuticals is simply inestimable!

After the rise of Universal Pharmaceuticals, it developed a large number of miracle drugs, which were limited and popular worldwide.

Because these miracle drugs overlap with major pharmaceutical companies, the revenue of global pharmaceutical companies has become somewhat bleak.

Thinking of this, Reid was a little fortunate.

The reason why Huirui Pharmaceuticals can continue to rise is also because of a”miracle drug”.

This drug is called Wan Ai Ke, which is sildenafil.

It is a miracle drug for functional disorders.

Since the company developed this drug in 1998, it has brought Huirui at least more than 100 billion US dollars in revenue.

According to statisticians’ estimates, four people in the world take Viagra produced by Pfizer every second.

Nowadays, there are many similar products on the market.

For example, vardenafil, tadalafil, and avanafil.

But Viagra has always been favored by countless consumers.

Reid knows very well that a miracle drug can change the fate of a pharmaceutical company.

And Universal Medicine has a large number of”miracle drugs” such as Universal Hair Loss Regeneration Spray, Universal Mannitol Sodium Capsules, and Universal Stem Cell Injection Solution.

Who can compete with them? At present, as long as Pfizer Pharmaceuticals firmly holds the basic plate of sildenafil, it can rest assured.


Secretary Lina knocked on the door in a hurry.

She held a document and said to Reid,”BOSS, it’s not good.

Universal Pharmaceutical Co.

, Ltd.

has many new drugs approved for listing!

” Reid took the document and looked at it.

He was stunned.

There was dense information on the listing of new drugs on it.

Universal Uremia Specific Drug has been approved for global listing.

The world’s albinism specific drug has been approved for global marketing.

The world’s Crohn’s disease specific drug has been approved for global marketing.

The world’s congenital myasthenic syndrome specific drug has been approved for global marketing.


The world’s best medicine for bronchitis has been approved for global marketing.

The world’s best medicine for Gena’s syndrome has been approved for global marketing. The world’s best medicine for neurological tinnitus has been approved for global marketing. The world’s best medicine for Meniere’s syndrome has been approved for global marketing. The world’s best medicine for dwarfism syndrome has been approved for global marketing.


The world’s best drug for sleepwalking has been approved for global marketing.

The world’s best drug for anorexia has been approved for global marketing. The world’s best drug for ankylosing spondylitis has been approved for global marketing. The world’s best drug for rheumatoid arthritis has been approved for global marketing. The world’s best drug for mitochondrial disease has been approved for global marketing.


The world’s first innovative drug for progeria and related syndromes, Huanyu Zokinvi, has been approved for global marketing!

The world’s first innovative drug for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, Huanyu Viloxazine, has been approved for global marketing! The world’s first drug for the treatment of primary HLH high-difficulty inflammatory syndrome, Huanyu Imalimumab, has been approved for global marketing! The world

‘s first biological agent covering systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nephritis indications, Huanyu Belimumab, has been approved for global marketing! The world’s first Xa factor anticoagulant inhibitor for venous thrombosis in specific children and adolescents under the age of 18, Huanyu Varoxaban Tablets, has been approved for global marketing!


Seeing the dense information about new drugs on the market,

Reid said in disbelief:”This is impossible, absolutely impossible!

Even if Chen Yu is the most powerful medical scientist in human history, he can’t develop so many new drugs at the same time.

Human power is limited.

I can still believe that he developed more than ten or twenty new drugs.

But this is a full 200 new drugs!”

“Boss, you misunderstood!”

Secretary Lina quickly explained:”Among these drugs, only one was developed by Professor Chen Yu.

The other 199 drugs were developed by his disciples or researchers from Huanyu Pharmaceutical.

Professor Chen Yu’s disciples have been taking relevant courses and have the ability to independently develop drugs.

And those researchers are talents in various fields in Xia Country.

After being instructed by Academician Chen Yu, they easily made breakthroughs in the field of drug research and development.”

“”That’s it!”

Reid suddenly realized and breathed a sigh of relief.

The entire pharmaceutical industry.

Global pharmaceutical companies are only afraid of Professor Chen Yu, not Universal Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.

He just glanced over the list of 200 new drugs.

Compared with the”magic drugs” developed by Professor Chen Yu.

These new drugs are indeed very good, but they are not shocking.

Reid pointed to the names of the new drugs on the document and said with a smile:”Once Universal Pharmaceuticals’ 200 new drugs are released, I’m afraid that global pharmaceutical companies will be unable to sit still.

Take AbbVie as an example.

Their main drug, adalimumab, is a biological therapeutic drug that can treat diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.

Last year, the global sales of adalimumab reached 14 billion US dollars.

How should they respond when Universal Ankylosing Spondylitis Specific Drug and Universal Rheumatoid Specific Drug are released?

Take Gilead Sciences as an example.

Their main drug, sofosbuvir, is a drug for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C.

Last year, the global sales of sofosbuvir reached 13.8 billion US dollars. How should they deal with it?

In addition, cancer-specific drugs are expected to be launched globally in a while.

By then, Roche Group’s rituximab, bevacizumab, trastuzumab, atezolizumab and other tumor treatment drugs will all lose the market.

Fortunately, our Huirui Pharmaceuticals and Huanyu Pharmaceuticals do not have much market overlap.……”

Before he finished speaking,

Lina interrupted him and said,”Boss, the business of Huanyu Hospital and our company also overlaps greatly.……”


Reid was stunned.

The business overlaps greatly, what does this mean?

Lina said bluntly:”Boss, I just said that Professor Chen Yu only developed one new drug this time.

The drug is called Huanyu ED Oral Inhibitor, which is the same as the sildenafil produced by our company, and the efficacy is better!”

“Universal ED oral inhibitor?”

Reid took a close look at the list of new drugs and found that there was indeed such a drug in it, but he had missed it at the beginning.

He asked anxiously,”Is there any detailed data on this new drug?”


Lina took out a new drug data sheet and handed it over.

After Reid took it, he looked through it in detail.

There were evaluation data of similar drugs on it.

Sildenafil, the onset time is 60 minutes, the drug effect lasts for 4-5 hours, and it needs to be taken on an empty stomach. There should be a 24-hour interval with nitrates afterwards. Blue vision may occur. Vardenafil, the onset time is 25 to 60 minutes, the drug effect lasts for 4-5 hours, and it needs to be taken on an empty stomach. There should be a 24-hour interval with nitrates afterwards. There are no reports of blue vision.

Tadalafil, the onset time is 30 to 60 minutes, the drug effect can last up to 36 hours, and it does not need to be taken on an empty stomach. There should be a 48-hour interval with nitrates afterwards. There are no reports of blue vision.

Avanafil, the onset time is 15 to 30 minutes, the drug effect lasts for 4 5 hours, no need to take the medicine on an empty stomach, and a 24-hour interval with nitrates is required afterwards. No blue vision has been reported. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The Universal ED oral inhibitor will take effect in 10 minutes and the effect lasts for 72 hours. It does not need to be taken on an empty stomach, and there is no need to be separated from nitrates afterwards. It will not cause blue vision and will not develop drug resistance (cjba).

Obviously, judging from the data.

The Universal ED oral inhibitor has won a great victory!

As long as the patient is not mentally ill.

They will definitely choose the Universal ED oral inhibitor with better efficacy instead of sildenafil.���

The most important thing is that the price of Huanyu ED oral inhibitor is about the same as that of sildenafil. At the same price

, Huanyu ED oral inhibitor will definitely become the first choice for patients with dysfunction!


Reid was feeling a little uneasy at the moment.

The feeling of despair enveloped him and the entire Pfizer Pharmaceuticals.

After the drug Sildenafil was developed in 1998, it saved the company. As a result, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals had a revenue of 49.6 billion US dollars last year, ranking 211th among the Fortune Global 500 companies!

As long as the company does not encounter any major changes, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals will always have a market for the drug Sildenafil alone! But now… with the development of the Universal ED oral inhibitor by Academician Chen Yu, everything is ruined! Reid waved his hand weakly:”Lina, please go out first, leave me alone


Lina handed over another piece of paper and said,”I think you should take a look at this document.”

Reid took it and looked at it, his eyes suddenly fixed.

It was written on it.

Chen Yu, chairman of Huanyu Pharmaceutical, has developed Huanyu depression special medicine, Huanyu infertility special medicine, and Huanyu osteoporosis special medicine, which have entered the clinical trial stage.

Judging from the results of the clinical trials.

The efficacy of the three new drugs is very significant.

In addition, Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has 288 new drugs that have entered the clinical trial stage.

These include vitiligo special medicine, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome special medicine, phenylketonuria special medicine, familial hypokalemia special medicine, pelvic congestion syndrome special medicine, Huntington’s disease special medicine, etc.

Seeing this.

Reid sighed for a long time.

If there is only one medicine god in the medical field, Chen Yu, then these pharmaceutical companies will still have some way to survive.

After all, a person’s time and energy are limited.

But Chen Yu is still a university professor.

He is always at the forefront of teaching and can cultivate a large number of excellent students and disciples.

The existence of these outstanding disciples can help Professor Chen Yu to find out the gaps and develop some drugs that Professor Chen Yu does not have time to develop.

Huanyu Pharmaceutical has such a strong drug development capability.

How can these pharmaceutical companies do this?


At the same time, the world’s top pharmaceutical companies, including Novartis, Merck, Roche, Bayer, Eli Lilly, AbbVie, GlaxoSmithKline, and AstraZeneca, were all trembling.

The research and development capabilities of Universal Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. were too amazing!

Did they want them to die?

Will they be able to have fun in the future?

200 new drugs were launched globally at once.

Isn’t this bullying?

For a while, the world’s top pharmaceutical companies cursed and fell into deep autism.……


The patients have the opposite reaction to the pharmaceutical companies.

In their opinion, the massive new drugs developed by Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. are all miracle drugs.

After purchasing and using them, they all thanked Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. online.

The netizen with the ID”dare not go out”

The post said:”I am a patient with psoriasis, commonly known as psoriasis.

This disease is called the immortal cancer!

At first, my ringworm appeared on my elbows, a red rash.

After getting drunk once, my skin all over my body was occupied by small red rashes.

How can I go out and see people?

I have checked the information and found that this disease will not be cured all at once, and it needs to be treated slowly.

Later, my psoriasis became more and more serious, and the small red rashes turned into small plaques and began to fall off white flakes.

I was depressed every day when I woke up and saw these white flakes.

I dare not fall in love, and my heart gradually closed.

Anxiety, sleep disorders and other diseases are always with me.

Fortunately, Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. launched Huanyu Psoriasis Specific Medicine.

After using it for a few days, my psoriasis recovered quickly.

Although it cannot be said to be 100% cured, these red rashes are getting smaller and smaller. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see them at all, and they don’t affect my going out at all.

I instantly felt that I was alive.

Thank you Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.!”


A netizen with the ID [努力吃] posted:”I am an anorexia nervosa patient.

After I was diagnosed with anorexia, I felt like a failure.

I wish I had cancer!

Because cancer patients are great, successful, and brave in the eyes of society.

But anorexia nervosa patients are self-abuse, self-mutilation, and failures.

After I became ill, my weight was less than 60 kilograms, and I was just skin and bones. I looked no different from a skeleton.

My hair fell out in clumps.

I also had all kinds of exhaustion symptoms.

Seeing others eating so deliciously, I couldn’t even swallow a leaf of vegetable. I would vomit if I ate it raw.

The most painful thing was the strange looks of people around me, and all kinds of pointing fingers.

Fortunately, Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. launched Huanyu anorexia special medicine.

After taking it for a few days,

I started eating.

When I ate, I didn’t feel nauseous or have any psychological discomfort.

If I continue on this trend,

I feel that it won’t be long before I can recover to a healthy person and achieve rebirth.

Thank you Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.!”


A netizen with the ID [Give Power Point] posted:”I am a patient with functional impairment and have been taking sildenafil, tadalafil and other drugs for many years.

As time goes by, the effect of these drugs on me is getting smaller and smaller.

I am afraid that one day I will be completely impotent.

I have also tried Huanyu Bushen Pills, but the effect of the medicine is very poor. After Huanyu ED oral inhibitor was launched, I tried it once with a try-it-out mentality.

I didn’t know until I used it.

I was shocked when I used it.

This medicine is really easy to use!

It seems to have brought me back to my youth when I was 18, and there are no side effects.

Thanks to Academician Chen Yu!”


At the same time, patients with uremia, bronchitis, neurological tinnitus, sleepwalking, progeria, ADHD, Crohn’s disease… all shared their experiences online.

Gold and silver cups are not as good as the public’s reputation.

Gold and silver awards are not as good as the public’s praise. With the spread of one person to ten people, ten people to a hundred people, the reputation of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has rapidly improved.

With the spread of the Internet, netizens regard Huanyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. as the most trusted and reliable pharmaceutical company!

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