At the end of May, at the Universal Science Laboratory,

Chen Yu and his assistant Zhang Zi came to a four- or five-story building.

This building is not a scientific research site in the conventional sense, but a small”pig farm”.

That’s right.

It’s a pig farm!

Since he started several scientific research projects in the agricultural field, the Nano Feed Research Group has started raising pigs in this building.

Raising pigs in buildings is a new concept in the agricultural industry.

In layman’s terms, it means letting pigs live in buildings to save more land and water resources.

Of course, raising pigs in buildings is not simply letting pigs live in buildings, but also requires a series of supporting scientific and technological facilities.

After Chen Yu and Zhang Zi walked into the building, they first came to a confined space.

After going through multiple processes and disinfection, and then changing into work clothes, they stepped into it.

There are all kinds of modern equipment inside, and it is very clean and tidy.

The pig farm in the building integrates breeding and fattening.

The first floor is the data hall.

On large and small screens, real-time information such as water supply and power supply, temperature and humidity, and feed feeding on each floor is displayed.

How much feed and water the pigs eat, as well as the indoor temperature and humidity, can all be seen.

At the same time, the big data system can record and analyze the feeding level and health status of the pigs on each floor.

And timely adjust and optimize the feed according to the growth stage of the pigs.

The temperature and humidity control, feeding and watering of each floor are automated, and a better growth environment is provided through precise control.

The 2nd and 3rd floors are breeding pig houses.

The 4th floor is a nursery house.

The 5th and 6th floors are fattening houses.

The 2nd floor breeding pig house produces reserve sows for the grandparent production line.

The reserve sows are transferred to the parent production line on the 3rd floor to produce piglets.

When the pregnant sow is about to give birth, it is sent to the gestation area on the 4th floor to wait for delivery, and then the piglets are born in the farrowing area.

One day after the piglets are born, they are weaned and enter the nursery area.

After the piglets leave the nursery area, they are transferred to the fattening house on the 3rd to 4th floors, where they are fed and raised, and then bred and marketed.

The building pig house adopts a fully automatic environmental control mode.

The feed is transported through closed pipes throughout the process.

According to the needs of different pigs at different growth stages.

In the building, there are automatic control fans, water curtains, insulation and other facilities to provide suitable temperature and humidity for the growth of piglets, so that the piglets can eat well, sleep well, grow fat and get sick less.

After Chen Yu and Zhang Zi came to the 5th floor.

They can already see white and energetic piglets.

In this regard, the two nodded secretly.

Traditional pig farms are mainly responsible for training boars, breeding pigs, helping pigs produce, early fattening of piglets, feeding piglets, cleaning pig houses, giving pigs injections, etc.

, which are synonymous with dirty and messy.

The pig house in the building in front of us has automatic feeding system, automatic drinking water system, automatic manure cleaning system, air filtration system, automatic deodorization system, harmless treatment system, remote monitoring information system, intelligent feed production system, intelligent feed delivery system, intelligent disinfection control system and other intelligent breeding systems, which are very modern.

After coming to the 6th floor.

I saw that all the pigs in the pig house were very large and fully met the standards for market release.

At this time, Ding Fan, the leader of the nano-feed research group, came over in a hurry.

He looked at Chen Yu and said quickly:”Teacher, I have an emergency to report!

” Chen Yu smiled and said:”You mean, this batch of pigs is growing very fast, right?

“That’s right!”

Ding Fan nodded heavily and said,”In the breeding industry, a piglet needs at least 6 months of growth time to be ready for market.

The nursing period, weaning period, growth and fattening period, and adult period all take a lot of time.

And this batch of pigs in our building pig farming project.

It only took 18 days to reach the standard for market, and the weight reached two or three hundred kilograms.

They can be shipped out and sold at any time!”

After speaking, he handed over a tablet computer:”This is a 24-hour video clip of the piglet’s 18-day growth process. Please take a look.”

Chen Yu took it and looked at it.

He saw that this batch of piglets would grow a lot every other day.

A pig, if its size in the early morning is only 20 kilograms, by the evening.

It has reached 25 kilograms, or even 30 kilograms.

Ding Fan handed over a pig farming log and said,”Teacher, it records the amount of water each pig drinks, the amount of feed used, and other data.”

After Chen Yu took it and looked at it, he smiled and nodded.

This batch of”experimental pigs” drinks ten times more water and eats ten times more feed than ordinary pigs every day.

The specific growth rate is also ten times that of ordinary pigs.

Ordinary pigs mature in 6 months, or 180 days.

The”experimental pigs” can mature in 18 days.

Various indicators show that the experimental pigs are very healthy.

Obviously, the reason why they can grow so fast is because of nano feed.

Chen Yu asked:”Tell me what you think of nano feed”

“It’s amazing!”

Ding Fan said excitedly:”Teacher, we found in previous mouse experiments that feed particles with a particle size of 300 nanometers can enter the blood circulation.

Feed particles with a particle size of 100 nanometers can enter the bone marrow.

The absorption rate of feed particles with a particle size of 100 nanometers is 10 to 250 times higher than that of larger particles.

Obviously, the smaller the nano feed particles, the more rapidly the number of atoms can increase, thereby increasing the surface area exposed to the medium and improving the digestion and utilization rate of animals.

The sub-nanometer feed particles developed using magnetorheological and ion beam polishing machines have amazing effects.

The growth cycle of laboratory mice is usually 3 to 4, and it takes 6 to 9 weeks from birth to maturity.

But after they take sub-nanometer feed particles, they have grown up and matured in just five days, which is ten times faster than the original growth rate.

We readjusted the feed formula and produced sub-nanometer pig feed. After giving it to the experimental pigs, their growth rate also reached ten times that of the outside world!”

“Very good!”

Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Judging from the current test data.

Sub-nano feed has significant effects.

This will be a major benefit to the pig farming industry!

From the perspective of the research team.

Pigs can be mature in 18 days.

This means that as long as sub-nano feed is grown on a large scale and pig farms are built, pig farming companies in various countries in the world can be crushed and become the world’s No. 1!

From the perspective of the country.

Xiaguo imported 778,000 tons of pork last year.

If all the pigs in the country can be increased to this growth rate.

The country will not need to import pork, and it can even transform itself into an exporter of pork.

Chen Yu said:”Our country consumes 700 million pigs each year, ranking first in the world’s total consumption.

A stable supply of pork is an important part of ensuring the stability of prices in Xiaguo.

But large-scale pig farming in buildings is a new thing after all.

So the research team will need to raise pigs using traditional methods next to see how much their growth rate can be increased using sub-nano pig feed.”

“”Yes, teacher!”

Ding Fan nodded to show that he understood.

When the research team was just formed, he encountered many difficulties in raising pigs in a building.

For example, the problem of leakage prevention in a building.

For example, various intelligent systems in modern pig farming.

For example, how to grasp the health of pig breeds and sewage treatment and other difficult problems.

Fortunately, the students in the research team are very capable.

With concerted efforts, they successfully solved a series of problems in raising pigs in buildings.

Chen Yu asked again:”Ding Fan, does the research team have detailed technical research data?”


Ding Fan took out a thick research diary and handed it over.

As scientific researchers, even if they knew that sub-nano feed could significantly increase the growth rate of pigs, they should also give examples in detail in other aspects.

For example, the physical examination records of the test pigs.

For example, the physical fitness records of the test pigs.

For example, the drinking water records of the test pigs. For example

, the feed records of the test pigs.

For example, the excretion records of the test pigs.

For example, the physical vitality records of the test pigs.

For example, the taste records of the test pigs after slaughter.

For example, the temperature, humidity, air content and other data records in the pig house.

For example, the anti-inflammatory drugs for the test pigs, Records of the use of penicillin, streptomycin and other drugs.

For example, records of disease prevention and control of whether the test pigs have encountered epidemic diarrhea, acute pleurisy, African swine fever and other phenomena. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

For example, various data records of protein, fat, trace elements, muscle density, bone density, strength and so on in the test pigs.

In addition.

Ding Fan also recorded all the data of a batch of pigs that did not use sub-nano feed as a control group.

Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction:”Ding Fan, I have asked Professor Li of the National University of Defense Technology to mass-produce magnetorheological and ion beam polishing machine tools.

Once the sub-nano feed is tested, we can mass-produce it, which will bring about earth-shaking changes in the national breeding industry!”

“Yes, teacher!”

Ding Fan looked very excited.

Xiaguo is an agricultural���Although it is a country, it is also a major agricultural importer.

In 2015, Xia imported 778,000 tons of pork, 817,000 tons of pork offal, 47.4 tons of beef, and 223,000 tons of mutton.

The total import of livestock and aquatic products exceeded 30 billion US dollars.

If sub-nano feed can make chickens, ducks, fish, pork, cattle and sheep grow ten times faster, then Xia will not need to import livestock meat.

Thus, in the field of agriculture, it will truly reach the top of the world!



Chen Yu and Zhang Zi came to a building next to them.

The building is called”Smart Grass Factory”.

This factory mainly produces grass.

But the pasture is not planted in water or soil, but grows in the air, evergreen all year round.

The two had just entered.

You can see that the members of the research team are busy sowing in the nursery area.

Many of the grass seeds sown in advance have already sprouted.

At this time, Yuan Shuang, a member of the research team, came up.

She took the initiative to accept:”Teacher, our smart grass factory adopts a fully intelligent plant factory model, with intelligent seedling system, intelligent photobiological system, intelligent environmental system, vertical cultivation system, robot harvesting system, automatic feed production system, etc.

In the box room of the nursery area, 80,000 grass seedlings can be cultivated at a time.

After 15 to 20 days of growth.

These seedlings can be transplanted to the vertical ecological planting area for fully automated growth and cultivation.”

Hearing this, Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Walking in the planting area.

Under the bright LED light source, rows of grass grow well on the five-layer vertical planting rack.

All these forage grasses are planted in aerosol planting boxes.

According to the different nutrient requirements of forage grass types and growth stages, the nutrients needed by the forage grass are elementalized, nano-sized, and aerosolized, and the water content, oxygen content and other indicators are accurately controlled, with a water saving rate of 95%. The planting area is equipped with various sensors such as temperature, humidity, and light intensity, which can monitor various planting data in real time.

The three-dimensional farming of the entire factory has increased the planting efficiency per unit area several times.

Yuan Shuang continued:”The planting area of the factory is about 3,000 square meters, and it can produce about 1,500 tons of high-quality, high-protein fresh forage grass annually.

Calculated from the amount of protein, it is equivalent to the output of 1,800 acres of pasture.”

Hearing this, Chen Yu nodded slightly.

There is no natural pasture in the Sucheng area.

But it can be achieved through scientific and technological means. The cultivated fresh forage grass is mixed with dry straw of crops such as corn, and processed into polypeptide protein biological feed through anaerobic fermentation, with a crude protein content of more than 16%.

This feed can replace imported protein feed such as soybean meal.

Chen Yu asked:”Yuan Shuang, did your research team mix the polypeptide protein biological feed and the sub-nano feed together and feed them to the experimental cattle?”

“Of course!”

Yuan Shuang quickly took out a cattle-raising diary and handed it over:”Teacher, please take a look.”

Chen Yu took it and saw that it was filled with dense data.

The data showed that the two kinds of feed were mixed together and given to the”experimental cattle” in the outside cattle farm, and the effect was remarkable. For ordinary cattle, it takes about 12 to 18 months from birth to market.

Take the middle value, which is 500 days.

And this batch of”experimental cattle”.

Only took the feed for ten days, and their size continued to grow wildly.

Judging from the current trend.

It is estimated that in more than a month.

This batch of”experimental cattle” will be able to be marketed smoothly.

If you calculate it, their growth rate is ten times that of the outside world!

Seeing this data,

Chen Yu exclaimed:”Yuan Shuang, you are doing very well, keep it up!”

“”Thank you for the compliment, teacher!”

Yuan Shuang’s face flushed, and he looked very excited.

His teacher was a double-academician and Nobel Prize winner.

To be praised by him was undoubtedly the greatest affirmation!


After leaving the pig farm in the building,

Chen Yu and his assistant Zhang Zi went to the fish pond, chicken farm, duck farm, (Dede Zhao) goose farm, and sheep farm ten kilometers away.

There were members of the research team in all five places.

After reading the breeding diary,

Chen Yu found that the growth rate of chickens, ducks, geese, fish and sheep that took sub-nano feed was ten times that of the outside world.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from the data from all aspects, sub-nano feed can generally make livestock grow ten times faster.

As long as there is more data support, he can announce this good news to all sectors of society!

Seeing Chen Yu’s expression.

Assistant Zhang Zi said with a smile:”Teacher, from the current test data, whether it is nano pesticides, nano fertilizers, or nano feeds, they are all great successes.

Once the outside world knows about it, you will definitely make a sensation in the entire agricultural community.

By then, you will cross multiple disciplines and become famous in the scientific community again!

In addition, nano pesticides, nano fertilizers, and nano feeds are all closely related to agriculture.

If a related company is established, it will definitely become an oligarchic enterprise in the agricultural industry!”

Chen Yu smiled and waved his hands:”For me personally, fame and wealth have no appeal!

It is easier for me to get some satisfaction by doing more for the country.”

Hearing this,

Zhang Zi nodded in agreement.

Agriculture is the foundation of all industries.

Xia has 1.827 billion mu of arable land. If nano pesticides and nano fertilizers are used, the yield per mu will increase tenfold.

Xia is equivalent to having 18.27 billion mu of arable land.

By then, Xia will change from the largest importer of agricultural products to the largest exporter of agricultural products, and will never encounter a food crisis again.

The same is true for nano feed.

It can make chickens, ducks, fish and meat grow rapidly, and bring more profits to farmers in a unit of time.

This is also a good thing that benefits the country and the people.

For ordinary people, when the output of meat, vegetables, grains and fruits increases sharply, the price will drop.

Thus, you can buy more agricultural products with less money!

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