July 1.

Wuzhong District, Suzhou City.

In a test field somewhere in Qingfeng Village.

Chen Yu took Huo Ting and other students from the research group, Zhao Yuanwu, the village chief of Qingfeng Village, and Bingbing, a reporter from Yangtai, to check the harvest situation of the farmland.

The camera team followed closely and took pictures.

Everyone looked around.

The test field was golden.

The breeze blew, the rice waves rolled, and the plump ears of wheat were particularly pleasing.

One harvester after another shuttled through the golden rice fields, harvesting clusters of rice.

Afterwards, the harvester directly transported the yellow rice grains full of grains to the truck on the roadside, and soon completed the harvesting task of one acre of rice field.

The villagers in the village immediately picked up the remaining rice ears in the field.

Then, the staff introduced water into the farmland and sent tractors and rotary tillers to plow and turn the soil.

The whole process was orderly and efficient.

And outside the test field.

The early rice fields planted collectively by the Qingfeng Village Grain Cooperative have not yet matured.

Judging from the growth of the rice fields, it will take at least 20 days before the harvest period begins.

Seeing two completely different scenes,

Bingbing and the camera crew members were very curious.

Zhao Yuanwu, the village chief of Qingfeng Village, looked at Bingbing and others and said with a smile:”Are you very curious why the early rice in the experimental field is harvested so early?”

“Yes, is it because of the different planting times?”

Bingbing naturally expressed her doubts.

“In fact, the planting time is the same!”

Zhao Yuanwu said truthfully:”In mid-April, our Qingfeng Village Grain Cooperative uniformly planted 1,500 acres of early rice fields.

At this time, Academician Chen’s research team found us, hoping to contract 500 acres of rice fields as experimental fields.

Don’t look at us as rural people.

But Academician Chen cured a large number of difficult and complicated diseases, and he is the rebirth of the medical god.

Just for this reason.

After the village committee held a meeting, it immediately decided to contract 500 acres of rice fields to the”553″ project group for free.


Academician Chen did not agree, but paid rent at the market price, and stated that all the output of the 500 acres of rice fields belonged to Qingfeng Village.”

Hearing this,

Bingbing nodded secretly.

As the most economically powerful prefecture-level city in the country, Sucheng has achieved remarkable results in the field of new rural construction.

The farmland here is a land transfer system.

The villagers transferred their own land and were contracted by the village committee, and then collected a certain amount of rent every year, that is, land dividends.

After the village committee owns the land, it will uniformly plant rice in the name of a grain cooperative, or rent farmland to farmers for growing vegetables and fruits.

During the rice planting period, the village committee hired villagers from the village and asked them to participate in the planting, so as to obtain wages for their work.

Zhao Yuanwu continued:”After we contracted 500 acres of land to the research team.

Since the rice seedlings have been sown uniformly before, the rice seedlings are the same, so in theory this batch of early rice should mature at the same time.

But because the pesticides and fertilizers used by the research team are different.

As a result, the harvest time of the 500-acre experimental field is much faster.”

“So that’s it!”

Bingbing nodded in sudden realization and said,”It’s because of the difference in pesticides and fertilizers that the experimental fields mature 20 days earlier than ordinary rice fields?”


Zhao Yuanwu sighed and said,”The experimental fields mature about 90 days earlier than ordinary farmland! On

May 10, 500 acres of experimental fields matured and were harvested for the first time. On May 20, 500 acres of experimental fields matured and were harvested for the second time. On

May 30, 500 acres of experimental fields matured and were harvested for the third time. On

June 10, 500 acres of experimental fields matured and were harvested for the fourth time. On

June 20, 500 acres of experimental fields matured and were harvested for the fifth time. On

July 1, 500 acres of experimental fields matured and were harvested for the sixth time.

Ordinary rice fields take about 100 days to mature.

And these experimental fields.

It only takes 10 days to complete the process from sowing to harvesting!”

“What? 10 days?”

Bingbing and the camera team all gasped in surprise.

Everyone had an expression of disbelief on their face.

At this moment, they understood it completely!

If the early rice could only mature 20 days faster, there would be no need for Academician Chen to ask Yangtai to report.

Sure enough, this time, Academician Chen made another blockbuster news that was enough to shock the agricultural community!

Zhao Yuanwu smiled and said,”This year is a good year for Sucheng, with plenty of rain and no natural disasters.

The rice ears in the experimental fields are full and firm, showing a gratifying trend of high yield and good quality.

I think the total output of this batch of experimental fields will definitely be very high!”

Bingbing asked subconsciously,”What is the yield per mu of the experimental fields?”

“You may not believe it when I tell you this.”

Zhao Yuanwu said excitedly,”Just now, the agricultural technicians of our Qingfeng Village Grain Cooperative have counted it.

The average yield per mu of the 10 mu of rice fields that have been harvested has reached 12,000 catties.

It broke the record of rice yield per mu in Xiaguo!”


Bingbing’s face was shocked again.

Early rice matures in 10 days?

12,000 kilograms per mu?

What kind of magical rice fields are these experimental fields?

She took a deep breath and looked at Chen Yu:”Academician Chen, can you tell me why the experimental fields are so productive and growing so fast?”

“The reason is very simple!”

Chen Yu smiled and said:”During the planting of the 500-acre test field, our research team used sub-nano pesticides and nano fertilizers throughout the whole process.

Traditional nano pesticides use functional materials and nano technology to make the active ingredients of pesticides in the preparation and use dispersion system, in a nano-scale dispersed state, and can play a pesticide preparation that is different from the original dosage form when used.

The smallest nano pesticide preparation on the market has a fineness of 200 nanometers.

Traditional nano particles are a new type of fertilizer that uses nano technology to compress traditional fertilizer molecules into smaller particles for easy plant absorption. The smallest nano fertilizer particles on the market have a fineness of more than 200 nanometers.

And we found in our experiments.

The closer the fineness of nano pesticides and nano fertilizers is to 1 nanometer, the more obvious the improvement in the growth rate and yield of crops.

For this reason, we have developed sub-nano fertilizers and sub-nano pesticides with a fineness smaller than 1 nanometer.

In the previous test stage.

We conducted corresponding tests on a large number of vegetables, fruits and other crops.

The results showed that the yield of these vegetables, fruits and other crops increased tenfold and the growth rate increased tenfold.

For this reason, we contracted 500 mu of experimental fields to continue research.

Through large-scale experiments, the 500 mu early rice experimental fields can be harvested in just 10 days, and the yield per mu reaches 12,000 kilograms!”


Bingbing took a deep breath, with a look of realization on her face.

Sub-nano fertilizer!

Sub-nano pesticide!

When the two are used together, I didn’t expect that they could play such a big role.

This is incredible!

Huo Ting, a student in the research group, said:”Sister Bingbing, the growth period of early rice is generally divided into six stages: seedling stage, tillering stage, jointing stage, heading stage, filling stage and maturity stage. Among them, the seedling stage is 15-30 days, the tillering stage is 30-40 days, the jointing stage is 20-30 days, the heading stage is 10-20 days, the filling stage is 15-25 days, and the maturity stage is 10-15 days.

The whole process takes about 90 to 150 days.

Our 500-acre experimental field uses sub-nano pesticides and sub-nano fertilizers.

The seedling stage is 2 days, the tillering stage is 3 days, the jointing stage is 2 days, the heading stage is 1 day, the filling stage is 1 day, and the maturity stage is 1 day.

The whole process only takes 10 days.

Even if the harvester takes 1 day to harvest, it only takes 11 days.”

“11 days……”

Bingbing was secretly amazed.

If rice fields all over the country can have this growth rate.

Then the agricultural sector of Xia

Country will usher in earth-shaking changes! Huo Ting continued:”The original record of rice yield per mu in Xia Country was 988 kilograms per mu created by the experimental field, which is a little short of 1,000 kilograms.

Agricultural experts say that the highest rice yield can reach about 1,500 kilograms per mu.

The first five batches of early rice harvested in our experimental field have an average yield of about 12,000 kilograms per mu, which has greatly refreshed the domestic rice planting record and is also a world record.”

“That’s great!”

Bingbing nodded excitedly.

She took out a calculator and did some calculations.

The 500 mu experimental field has an average yield of 12,000 catties per mu, and the total output can reach 6 million catties.

Calculated based on the market purchase price of 1.5 yuan per catty of early rice.

6 million catties of early rice can produce an economic value of 9 million yuan.

According to the market purchase price of 2.5 yuan per catty of rice, and the early rice yield rate of 70%. (To read the explosive novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

6 million catties of early rice is 4.2 million catties of rice, which can produce a total economic value of 10.5 million yuan.

The most exaggerated thing is that the experimental field not only has a yield ten times that of ordinary rice fields, but also grows ten times faster.

Ordinary rice fields mature in 100 days.

The experimental field matures once every 10 days, and minus the one day it takes to harvest each time, it can be harvested at least 9 times.

Harvesting once produces an economic value of 10.5 million yuan.

Then harvesting nine times can produce an economic value of 94.5 million yuan.

This���It’s too outrageous!

Bingbing checked the data and exclaimed:”According to the survey of Xiaguo Statistics Bureau, in 2015, 85.731 million mu of early rice were planted nationwide, and the total output of early rice was 33.691 million tons, or 67.38 billion catties.

If sub-nano fertilizers and sub-nano pesticides can be used nationwide, the yield per mu can reach 12,000 catties, and 9 harvests can be made per unit time.

Wouldn’t it be possible to produce 925.9 billion catties of early rice?”

“In theory, yes!”

Chen Yu smiled and said,”But the reality is that the current production of sub-nano fertilizers and sub-nano pesticides is not enough to cover the whole country.

In addition, according to factors such as rice varieties, climate, temperature, topography, soil, altitude, humidity, water quality, etc., the average per mu yield of early rice in the country is less than 12,000 kilograms.[]

However, according to the actual per-acre yield in various places, it is still easy to increase tenfold.”

“That’s great too!”

Bingbing seemed very happy.

Last summer, the country imported 3.377 million tons of rice….0

Sub-nano fertilizers and sub-nano pesticides do not need to be popularized on a large scale.

They can fill this gap by popularizing them in the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River.


One day later.

Xiaguo News Program.

Host Kang Hui reported:”As time comes to July, the early rice harvesting work in some provinces and cities across the country is about to begin. The

500-acre early rice experimental field in Qingfeng Village, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, is being harvested in full swing.

What is surprising is that the 500-acre early rice experimental field has an average yield of 12,000 catties per mu, setting a new record for Xiaguo rice yield per mu.

After the early rice in the experimental field was harvested, a total of 3,000 tons of early rice was harvested.

In addition, this batch of experimental fields only takes 10 days to complete the sowing and harvesting of early rice.

Next, please watch the detailed report……”

The camera panned to the area where the Qingfeng Village experimental field is located.

The fields are golden all over.

The staff drove various types of farm machinery to carry out agricultural production in the fields, and transported the harvested rice to the drying plant for drying. All production work was carried out in an orderly manner. The narrator introduced:”The harvest of early rice in the 500-acre experimental field has begun in a mighty manner.

They took advantage of the fine weather to harvest the rice and ensure that every grain was stored in the warehouse.

In an instant, the rice waves rolled in the rice fields and the sound of machines rumbled.

One harvester after another galloped on the golden rice fields, cutting ears, threshing, weeding, screening, loading and other processes were completed in one go.

From the traditional working mode of facing the loess and back to the sky in the past, to the full mechanization of rice production and processing today, and to the agricultural experimental fields dominated by scientific researchers.

China’s agricultural road is becoming more and more stable and wider.……”

The camera panned.

The interviews with Bingbing and Academician Chen Yu were also broadcasted one after another.

After seeing the content, the audience was stunned.

12,000 jin per mu!

Early rice matures in ten days!

Can this land really be planted by humans?

Of course, they would not doubt Academician Chen Yu, let alone the news program of Xia Country.

On one side is the most powerful scientist of Xia Country.

On the other side is the most authoritative news media of Xia Country.

After a moment of amazement, the audience across the country was deeply moved.

On the TV screen,

Chen Yu talked freely:”The finer the precision of fertilizers and pesticides at the nano level, the more it can stimulate the growth of crops and increase crop yields and growth rates.

At present, our research group has established a factory and built a production line for magnetorheological and ion beam polishing machine tools.

In this way, nano pesticides and nano fertilizers can be mass-produced.

Of course, due to the problem of early production, we will plant early rice on a small scale in Sucheng.

After the yield is increased, we will cover from Sucheng to the Yangtze River Delta region, and then gradually cover the whole country.”

The voice fell.

Bingbing nodded in agreement.

She said to the camera:”Dear audience, the birth of sub-nano fertilizers and sub-nano pesticides is bound to bring about changes in the agricultural field.

Our Xia country is known as the flower-growing country, and everyone has the farming gene in their bones.

This time, Academician Chen Yu’s research team has grown a miracle.

I believe that when sub-nano fertilizers and sub-nano pesticides are put into large-scale production.

1.0 Xia country will become a truly powerful agricultural country!”


After the news was broadcast, sub-nano fertilizers and sub-nano pesticides instantly became the focus of national discussion.

Since ancient times, agriculture has been the top priority of the Xia Kingdom.

The earth nourishes all things, and agriculture is heaven!

When the 500-acre experimental field of Academician Chen Yu’s research team can produce 12,000 kilograms per acre and complete the early rice sowing to harvest in ten days, it is bound to attract the attention of countless people.

For a time, countless experts and scholars in the field of agriculture rushed to Suzhou.

Just to see with their own eyes the early rice experimental field that can mature in ten days.

And on the Internet, netizens talked about it.

“What the hell?! Early rice that matures in ten days? And the yield per mu is 12,000 kilograms?”

“Isn’t it incredible? Academician Chen is also so strong in the field of agriculture!”

“Awesome! How did Academician Chen Yu’s research team do it?”

“Liliyuanshangpu! Our country’s agricultural level has improved so fast!”

“Thanks to Academician Chen Yu! When sub-nano pesticides and sub-nano fertilizers are mass-produced, all farmers can make a lot of money by farming!”

“Yes! Xia Guo News reported that after Academician Chen’s research team contracted 500 mu of rice fields in Qingfeng Village, they said that all the early rice harvested would belong to Qingfeng Village, and if they harvested once every ten days, Qingfeng Village would earn 10.5 million yuan!”

“Tsk tsk tsk… I didn’t expect farming to be so profitable? Qingfeng Village is really a place where you can sit at home and make money!”

“It’s amazing! The news said that sub-nano fertilizers and sub-nano pesticides are effective for all crops. In the future, the yield per mu of sorghum, corn, rapeseed, vegetables, fruits, medicinal herbs, etc. can be increased tenfold, and the growth cycle can be shortened tenfold!”

“Academician Chen Yu is truly a peerless talent! He is worthy of being the most amazing scientist in our country! This time, sub-nano pesticides and fertilizers have added another highlight to his legendary resume!”

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