Chapter 104-52 War Letters

At noon on June 11.

After Tang Yao got up, he picked up the tactical watch and looked at it.

Seeing the eight war books above, Tang Yao smiled with satisfaction.

These guys are quite fast.

However, there are only 8 war books, some are missing.

The stakes are not big, they are all 100 points of exploits plus Tianlan coins worth a few hundred to ten million.

Forget it, wait, wait for the 17th to harvest together.

Attack power Ascension, it is more certain to harvest.

I hope these guys will work harder and help me promote it.

With that, there are 8 more messages.

They were all sent to Tang Yao by students from the Ningcheng base, and the content was probably to remind Tang Yao that I instigated the challenge of XX.

After replying one by one, Tang Yao walked towards the cafeteria.

As soon as he entered the canteen, Tang Yao found that everyone who was eating was looking at him.

He smiled slightly and nodded for a moment.

After lunch, Tang Yao returned to the own building.

Tang Yaogang wanted to continue the trial in the virtual world, so he received a message from Hou Hui.

After reading it, Tang Yao smiled coldly.

As I expected, Song Gan will lie down in the medical cabin for a week.

This means that the equipment for the genius training camp is good, otherwise, that guy would have to cultivate for at least half a month.

As for the 20 points that Tang Yao transferred to Hou Hui, Hou Hui was a little embarrassed, but he still accepted it.

Tang Yao was quite satisfied with this.

Poor jingle, face refused to accept, then this person is boring.

Later, Tang Yao put on a virtual helmet and continued the trial.

Tang Yao first cleared the second level of the trial tower, and won the 49th place in the past years, and won the reward of 1,000 points of military exploits.

Immediately, Tang Yao worked on the third floor for 6 hours, increasing his attack power ascension to 1.4 times the strength of his physique.

Then, Tang Yao ended the trial and walked into the cultivation room to start cultivation.



Tang Yao passed the test of the third floor of the trial tower, and both won the second in the current period, the 47th in the past year, and received 1,000 points of merit.

Tang Yao worked on the 4th floor for 8 hours, increasing his attack power ascension to 1.5 times his physical strength.


In the afternoon on the 12th.

Benedict from Gotham Base in Eagle Country entered the virtual world and appeared on the third floor of the Trial Tower.

Benedict clenched his fists and smiled confidently.

This time I went to the eastern defense line of the island to fight with the upgraded beasts of the ocean for a week, and I gained a lot.

Not only the strength Ascension has reached the 8-star warrior, it has obtained a lot of combat exploits, and the tactics and Movement Technique have also reached the level of small success.

As long as I am more cautious, the power and speed are increased by 4 times, the attack power is increased by 10%, and the third level of customs clearance is not a big problem.

The level must be cleared. Among the current training camp students, the lowest level of the trial tower is the third level.

Some students who are inferior to me but have better talent than me have reached the fourth level.

I, absolutely cannot be the bottom of the existence.

Thinking of this, Benedict casually glanced at the boulders on the third floor, planning to start the trial.

But it was this look that made Benedict stand still, his eyes filled with horror.

Tang Yao?

Ranked 47th over the years!

Ranked 2nd in the current period!

How can it be?

Isn’t Tang Yao a new student who just entered the training camp the day before yesterday?

How could he be so strong?

Not only did he clear the third floor of the trial tower in 3 days, he also got such an amazing record.

At noon, Wang Qiang from the Ningcheng base came to me. Under his persuasion, I also sent Tang Yao a war note for the 80% price of the gene medicine.

Wang Qiang, bastard, I thought he really wanted to shake hands with me to make peace!

Unexpectedly, it was actually pitting me!

Son of a bitch!

No, this matter must not be let go!

That Tang Yao is a 7-star warrior. With the strength of the 8-star warrior that I have just promoted to, I am afraid it is not his opponent.

Didn’t Wang Qiang say that Tang Yao will accept all the following battles?

In this case, I will find 9-star warrior-level students and encourage them to challenge Tang Yao.

At the same time a genius, I don’t believe that Tang Yao will be the opponent of the 9-star warrior.

When the time comes, I will give out a part of my military exploits and money to those who challenge Tang Yao to increase the bet.

In this way, even if I lose, as long as the 9-star warrior I was looking for can win against Tang Yao, not only will I not lose, but I will also make a fortune.

Thinking of this, Benedict took a deep breath and calmed down his own mood.

Immediately, Benedict didn’t try any more, and left the virtual world directly.

Benedict was not the only one who discovered the problem, and more and more people began to pay attention to Tang Yao.

People who challenged Tang Yao like Benedict can be divided into three parts according to different mentalities.

Although the people in the first part were surprised by Tang Yao’s record in the trial tower, they were full of confidence in defeating Tang Yao.

After all, Tang Yao is only a 7-star combat soldier, and his basic physique is quite different from them.

Moreover, their tactics and Movement Technique multipliers are not low.

They thought that Tang Yao could not have won them at all.

The people in the second part did not have the confidence to defeat Tang Yao, so they could only secretly hope that Tang Yao would not accept their challenge.

The people in the third part also didn’t have the confidence to defeat Tang Yao, but they chose the same approach as Benedict.

Encourage the 9-star warriors to challenge Tang Yao and increase the stakes.


In the next few days, Tang Yao focused his main energy on cultivation and trials.

In the past few days, Tang Yao has passed the tests of the 4th and 5th floors of the trial tower, and both scored 50 years ago and received 2,000 points of merit.

Excluding the consumption of the past few days, Tang Yao’s military exploits increased to 3867 points.

After more than one honed on the fifth and sixth floors of the trial tower, Tang Yao’s attack power was finally increased to 1.6 times his strength, and Ascension’s speed was a bit slower than the previous two days.

Now Tang Yao is confident of winning the 50th grade in the sixth tier.

However, Tang Yao didn’t do that.

Because tomorrow is the day when he reaps his exploits.

After several days of cultivation, Tang Yao’s physical strength has reached 80 points.

However, Tang Yao couldn’t control it completely. He could only control the strength of 79 points of physique now, and he would use the next time to completely control his own strength.

Otherwise, Tang Yao would only be able to use 79 points of physique strength during the battle.

Although the difference is only 1 point, Tang Yao will use a 6 times increase in the battle, plus a 1.6 times increase in attack power, which is a difference of 9.6 points in attack power.

After dinner, Tang Yao looked at the 52 war books on the tactical watch and frowned secretly.

It shouldn’t be!

After propaganda by the people in Ningcheng Base, as time goes by, word of mouth, more and more people will know, and the number of tactics should increase faster and faster.

There were 8 war books in the morning of the first day, and today is the 6th day, there should be at least 100 war books!

But now, there are only 52 war books.

And the people who challenged me later were basically 9-star warriors, and the stakes were much higher.

What is wrong?

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