Chapter 113

Tang Yao secretly calculated it in his heart.

According to Hao Jing, a student can get up to 49,990 points from the battle power rankings.

That’s a lot, it can even be said to be a lot.

The combat power rankings should be the place where you can get the most combat exploits in the training camp.

It seems that what the training camp really values ​​is the strength of the students.

At this time, Hao Jing said: “Tang Yao, on the 10th of next month, after the end of the field training, there will be a competition jointly organized by the three major martial arts gyms. The participants are all students from the three major martial arts talent training camps. How is it? Interested? If you want to participate, I can report you.”

Tang Yao asked suspiciously, “Rivalry? Teacher Hao, there are so many general-level students in our training camp. It’s not my turn, right?”

“The competition is divided into two divisions, the soldier level and the general level. Each training camp has to send 3 soldiers and 3 generals to participate. There is still a period of time before the start. During this period, the 9 The Star Wars soldiers will continue to have breakthroughs. When the confrontation begins, you may be the highest ranked 9 Star Wars soldiers in our cultivation camp.”

“What is the mode of the match? Real confrontation or virtual confrontation?”

“Realistic confrontation, the location is in a small city near the Karen base of the Canada-Africa Alliance. It lasts for a week. Killing zombies and upgraded beasts of different levels will earn different points. The higher the points, the higher the ranking.”

Tang Yao’s eyes lit up, real confrontation is good!

My copy ability has long been hungry!

The upgraded beast is hard to say, but killing zombies, I am good at this!

As soon as the corpse transformation skill comes out, the zombies below the corpse king, I still don’t want to kill as many as possible.

It’s even better on the Canadian-African League!

Before the cataclysm, there was a large population, which meant that there were many zombies.

In this competition, I must be the first place!

Tang Yao became interested and asked, “Ms. Hao, what are the benefits?”

Hao Jing smiled and said: “You kid, it’s really straightforward. The rewards are different each year, but it is very generous. Once you get a good result, not only will there be rewards for the competition. After returning to the training camp, there will also be rewards.”

“Then trouble Mr. Hao, I am willing to participate.”

“Okay, I’ll report your name. It’s not a big problem. You can wait for notification.”

“Thank you Teacher Hao!”

After thinking about it, Tang Yao asked, “Mr. Hao, can you please help me ask a pharmacist to help me.”

“No problem, what level of pharmacist would you like to hire?”

Tang Yao thought for a while, and said, “Level 6!”

Tang Yao’s current medicinal material identification skills are level 5, and genetic medicine configuration skills are level 6.

Come to a Level 6 pharmacist. After Tang Yao duplicates it, he can at least upgrade his genetic medicine configuration skills to Level 7.

As for the medicine identification skills, Tang Yao can only hope that the pharmacist’s medicine identification skills are also level 6.

Level 5 is impossible, and level 7 cannot be copied.

Hao Jing nodded and said, “Alright, you are now a level 4 pharmacist. A level 6 pharmacist has a more thorough understanding of the configuration of level 5 genetic medicine and is more suitable for you. Level 6 and above are not necessary, and the price is also too expensive.”

“Teacher Hao, can you only use combat merit to settle the expenses?”

“If you ask people in our training camp to teach you, you can only use your combat merits to settle. Outsiders, combat merits and Tianlan coins will do.”

“Then call the pharmacist outside, it’s too difficult to get combat exploits.”

Upon hearing this, Hao Jing smiled and said: “For you, is it difficult to obtain military exploits?”

Tang Yao sighed and said, “Of course it’s difficult! Opportunities like yesterday are probably gone in the future.”

Hao Jing nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll make arrangements for you! The martial arts headquarters is not far from us, and there are many pharmacists there. Level 6 pharmacists are 10 million an hour, how long will it take you?”

A level 6 pharmacist can earn 2 million yuan by deploying a bottle of level 6 genetic medicine, and 10 million yuan for one hour of tutoring, which is not expensive.

Tang Yao said: “Two hours, let me see how it works first.”

With that, Tang Yao transferred 20 million to Hao Jing.

After accepting the money, Hao Jing said: “People will arrive tomorrow morning. Just wait in Building 33.”

“Well, yes, thank you, Teacher Hao.”

After saying goodbye, Tang Yao turned and left.

Back to Building No. 33, Tang Yao saw Luo Xiao and Song Gan standing at the door.

Tang Yao frowned.

After chatting for a few words, Tang Yao realized that these two were here to bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

No way, Tang Yao showed the talent of a super genius no weaker than Chu Jian, which scared the two of them.

Although Luo Xiao ranks in the top 50 in the battle power rankings, he is still at the back, and there is a big gap between him and the previous ones.

Once Tang Yao is promoted to the rank of warlord, he will probably be a 3-star warlord.

At that time, as long as Tang Yao controls the strength of growth, Luo Xiao will not be Tang Yao’s opponent at all.

After learning the two’s coming, Tang Yao didn’t embarrass them either.

After all, when a war breaks out in the future, the same people from the Ningcheng base may still fight side by side.

After chatting for a while, Luo Xiao and Song Gan left contentedly.

Tang Yao is not only a super genius, but also a pharmacist. Both of them feel uneasy when offending Tang Yao.

Now, it’s the best to turn the fighting into jade silk.


At 9 o’clock in the morning on the 19th, the level 6 pharmacist that Hao Jing helped Tang Yao invited came.

Tang Yao’s luck is good. The pharmacist’s genetic medicine configuration skills and medicinal material identification skills are both level 6.

After pretending to touch the opponent inadvertently, Tang Yao immediately copied it.

In an instant, Tang Yao’s medicinal material identification skills were upgraded to level 6, and his genetic medicine configuration skills were upgraded to level 7.

Two hours later, Tang Yao sent away the pharmacist who was full of praise for him.

After lunch, Tang Yao went to the basement floor, took out a virtual helmet and put it on his head.

Now that Xuanyuanguo has been used and 9-star warriors are in sight, Tang Yao intends to double his own attack power as soon as possible.

The double bonus is the limit of the combat period.

No matter how high, the strength is too concentrated, and the body can’t bear it.

Maybe before you get out with a punch, the overly cohesive force hurts your fist.

As for the more than twice the attack power bonus, we can only wait for breakthrough to the warlord to talk about it later.

At that time, Tang Yao rushed to the trial tower again, which was a trial at the warlord level.

After entering the virtual world, Tang Yao came to the sixth floor of the trial tower.

Trial, start!

At this time, Tang Yao, after 52 battles, the attack power bonus has reached 1.8 times.

Therefore, Tang Yao quickly passed the trial on the sixth floor of the trial tower.

The 2nd in the current period and the 46th in the calendar year.

After gaining 1,000 points of combat exploits, Tang Yao entered the seventh floor of the trial tower.

Compared with the first 6 floors, the difficulty of the 7, 8, and 9 floors has increased a lot.

Not only the physical strength of the opponent’s Ascension reached 30 points, the number of opponents has also increased a lot.

The most difficult thing is that Tang Yao’s opponents include humans, zombies and upgraded beasts, and they cooperate with each other.

After being suppressed to 1 star warrior, even Tang Yao’s speed and power can still explode up to a 4 times bonus.

But for a while, Tang Yao still tried very hard.

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