Chapter 126 Junior Brother Tang, Still You Are Insidious

In a forest about 10 kilometers away from Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan, five people headed by Zaluyev are resting.

Not far from the five people, lay the corpses of a few upgraded beasts.

Obviously, they have just experienced a battle.

Zaluyev checked the harvest in the Interspatial Ring and frowned secretly.

On the opposite side, the 2-star warlord named Yegoshir discovered a change in Zaloyev’s expression.

Ye Gehir thought for a while, and said, “Brother Zallu, it’s too inefficient to go on like this. Moreover, we have 5 people. After the division, everyone will not gain much. Even if you divide the most, maybe We can’t keep up with Yuan Zhan’s gains. Taking advantage of one day’s time, if we want to have even greater gains, we must change a bit.”

Zaluyev sighed and asked, “What can you do?”

“Follow the guide of the map, go to the town to hunt zombies and upgraded beasts. This way, it is always more efficient than in the wilderness. Or…”

“Or what?”

“There is an old saying in Xia State, horses have no night, grass is not fat, and people have no foreign wealth and are not rich. I think it makes sense.”

Hearing this, Zaluyev fell into silence.

The other three people became interested when they heard it.

After thinking about it, the three of them looked expectantly at Zaluyev.

In fact, Zaluyev had this idea a long time ago, but this proposal cannot be said by him.

Zaluyev is the leader of this team. If he proposes to grab the trophies of other students, the rest of the team will inevitably feel uneasy.

They would worry, since Zaloyev would shoot against other students, would he also shoot against himself?

Now Yegoshir raised it, right in the arms of Zaluyev.

Pretending to think for a while, Zaluyev asked the remaining three people: “What is your opinion.”

Three people nodded their heads in agreement.

Upon seeing this, Zaluyev stood up and said: “Okay, that’s it.”

After a pause, Zaluyev continued: “This is the training area for the trainees from the Ningcheng base. It is about 1,200 kilometers away from our assembly area. It is now 12:30, and there is still time for the assembly at noon tomorrow. Less than 24 hours. In this way, we will go back now, but there is no need to rush back.”

“When we return, we take a detour to avoid the way we came. On the way back, if there is a small town, as long as the distance is not too far, we will fight for a while, collect some trophies and leave. At the same time, pay attention, if it is. When you meet the trainees of the training camp, you should make a move, don’t hesitate.”

The four Yegoshir nodded their heads without comment.

Ye Ge Xier hesitated and asked: “Brother Zallu, Yuan Zhan and Tang Yao are the closest to us. It shouldn’t be difficult to find them. With the strength of the 5 of us, as long as we make a surprise shot, it’s not a problem to win them both. .Should we…do it?”

Zaluyev said: “Since the decision has been made, don’t hesitate. However, Yuan Zhan has helped us, so pay attention to it and try not to take his life as much as possible.”

Ye Ge Xier said embarrassingly: “If we want to seize their spoils, they will inevitably fight back. If we keep our hands, we will be the one who suffers. If we do our best, this scale is not easy to handle! After all, Yuan Neither Zhan nor Tang Yao are weak.”

After listening, the other three also showed a worried look.

Zaluyev flashed a cold light in his eyes and said indifferently: “If they don’t know each other, then they will do their best, regardless of life or death. In the past, it was not that the students had never died during the training.”

Hearing this, the expressions of the four Ye Ge Xier were lightened.

Keep your hands during the fierce battle, that’s a joke about own life.

When Zaluyev said this, they were relieved.

Afterwards, Zaloyev waved his hand, and the five rushed to the place where they had previously separated from Yuan Zhan.


Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan have been chatting for more than half an hour, mainly Tang Yao is asking and Yuan Zhan is answering.

Although Tang Yao was a rebirth, his previous life was too low, he had few things in contact, and he didn’t understand too much.

To Tang Yao’s surprise, Yuan Zhan knew a lot.

Basically, as long as Tang Yao asked, Yuan Zhan could answer it.

Of course, Tang Yao didn’t ask any profound questions, just some common sense of general cultivation.

Just when Tang Yaogang wanted to ask another question, Tang Yao’s ears suddenly moved.

With the aid of the skills of listening and discerning position, Tang Yao could hear faint sounds coming from a distance that was twice as far away as before.

After Tang Yao listened carefully for a moment, he secretly frowned.

It’s the sound of footsteps!

The footsteps of 5 people!

And came straight to this position!

Don’t guess, daddy knows it must be the 5 people from the Saint Fort base

These guys went back and forth, probably nothing good.

If it weren’t for the newly acquired skills of listening and declaring position, in this dense forest, it would be really impossible to find them early.

Yuan Zhan looked at Tang Yao suspiciously.

This guy, why didn’t he speak suddenly?

His complexion is not so pretty either!

What’s the matter?

After thinking about it, Tang Yao pointed to the west and whispered to Yuan Zhan: “Someone is coming!”

After speaking, Tang Yao got up and walked under a big tree in the distance, and quickly climbed up.

Take out the previously replaced Level 4 tactical watch from the Interspatial Ring, and after a few clicks, Tang Yao fixed it to the trunk.

Returning to Yuan Zhan’s side, Tang Yao said, “Be careful for a while. If there is a fight, you should also pay attention and try not to touch that tree.”

Yuan Zhan gave Tang Yao a thumbs up and smiled: “Junior Brother Tang, you are still sinister.”

Tang Yao gave Yuan Zhan a blank look.

Insidious you uncle!

Xiaoye, this is the experience summed up from several deaths.



Later, Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan pretended to continue their conversation.

But the corners of the eyes of the two of them swept to the west from time to time.

Soon, with the help of primary pupil technique, Tang Yao saw several people approaching.

It was the 5 people from Zaluyev who had left earlier from the base of the Saint Fortress of the Russian State.

Through the crevices of the trees, Tang Yao found that the head of Zaluyev’s eyes flashed with cold light from time to time.

Tang Yao smiled coldly, then winked at Yuan Zhan.

Yuan Zhan nodded and smiled indifferently.

As if calculated by someone who had just been rescued, he didn’t care at all.

Zaluyev is a 4-star warrior, and his eyesight is better than Yuan Zhan.

Seeing Yuan Zhan and Tang Yao still from a distance, Zaluyev secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s fine if I didn’t leave, I searched everywhere for the province.

Zaluyev whispered to the four people beside him: “Yuan Zhan and Tang Yao are still there, and they haven’t left. You guys have natural expressions. Don’t let them see the flaws before you shoot. Otherwise. , We are likely to suffer casualties.”

Hearing that Yuan Zhan and Tang Yao hadn’t left yet, Ye Gexi’s four expressions were overjoyed.

But immediately, his smile narrowed, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.

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