Chapter 130 Life Essence

Seeing Tang Yao’s fading figure, Yuan Zhan smiled.

This kid, within a few days of getting to know me, he dared to expose the identity of the Awakened to me, and he dared to hand over all his spoils to me. He is really brave!

However, quite appetite for daddy.

Tang Yao, interesting guy.


At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, Tang Yao drove more than three hours on the road and finally came to the city closest to him.

The city is not too big, about the size of three small towns.

The old rules, Tang Yao first quickly circled the city.

Half an hour later, Tang Yao hid in the grass about 1,000 meters away on the east side of the city, and gave a bitter smile.

Depend on!

Except for the large mountain on the north side of this city, the other three sides of the city are all zombies, not a single upgraded beast.

Although the larger the human settlements before the catastrophe, the more humans, the more zombies after the catastrophe.

But in terms of the number of upgraded beasts in Australia, there shouldn’t be a single upgraded beast in this small city!

Most likely, there is a corpse king in this city.

I just don’t know which level of corpse king it is.

No matter what level it is, it is too dangerous for me now.

I don’t know much about the zombie world. Once I encounter it, even if I become the king of the corpse, it is very likely that I will be exposed during the communication.

If you reveal your stuff, your life is gone.

Uncle, luck!

More than 3 hours of daddy’s time was wasted!

Moreover, the distance to the assembly point is almost 1000 kilometers, and it will take more time to go back.


Forget it, withdraw!



Just as Tang Yao turned around and was about to leave, Tang Yao suddenly heard a huge and messy beast roar, the sound coming from the south side.

Tang Yao’s heart moved, and he became interested.

With so many roars, it is estimated that the number of upgraded beasts will not be small.

It won’t be the upgraded beast coming to attack the city, right?

Tang Yao’s eyes lit up and his expression gradually became excited.

Preferably, this way, I can still pick up some cheap.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao began to move toward the south, intending to see the situation.

After moving cautiously for about 5 minutes, with the aid of Elementary Pupil Technique, Tang Yao finally saw what had happened.

In the distance, densely packed various upgraded beasts are quickly approaching the city, including birds and walking beasts.

The place where the upgraded beast passed by immediately raised the wind and sand in the sky.

Due to the cover of wind and sand, Tang Yao could not determine the specific number of upgraded beasts, but it would definitely not be less than 2,000.



When these upgraded beasts approached the south side of the city, a huge roar came out, and a large number of zombies walked out of the city, much more than the upgraded beasts.

At this moment, the two figures volleyed from the camps of zombies and upgraded beasts respectively.

The corpse king is more than two meters tall, his fangs and claws are shining with cold light, and his pair of gray vertical eyes are extremely cold.

The Beastmaster is an upgraded beast of the tiger clan. It is golden in color, except for the huge black “king” on the forehead, without a trace of variegated color.

The tiger king is very big, more than three meters high, and more than 6 meters long. A big mouth in the blood basin seems to be chosen and eaten, staring brutally at the opposite corpse king.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao’s pupils shrank.

Sure enough, there were king-level zombies and upgraded beasts.

Moreover, it seems that the two armies are facing each other, and the fight is about to begin.

Great opportunity!

Tang Yao’s heart moved and immediately turned on the recording function of the tactical watch.

Such scenes can be met but not sought, and must be recorded.

By the way, you can also testify to me.



At this time, the corpse king and the beast king each roared, and the zombies and upgraded beasts stopped in place.

The Tiger King took the lead and said: “Get out of this city and I can spare your life. The life essence of the Demon King is not something you can covet.”

Upgraded beasts and zombies have their own communication methods, and they cannot communicate with each other.

However, once upgraded beasts and zombies reach the king level, they will learn human language.

As for why this happened, Tang Yao didn’t know.

Hearing this, Tang Yao’s heart jumped.

Demon King?

Is there a king-level upgraded plant that produces consciousness?

It should be, only the upgraded plants of the king level can be called the demon king.

Plants are extremely difficult to upgrade and grow. Only when they reach the king level will they have self-awareness and can move.

This is also in the Australian mainland, where people are sparsely populated. If it was elsewhere, it would have been chopped down and used to make weapons before the upgraded plant Ascension reached the king level.

The life essence of the Demon King!

That is priceless!

The essence of life can not only improve the physical fitness, speed up the cultivation speed, but also quickly recover from the injury, even if the limb is severed, it can be reborn.

Moreover, the life essence of a demon king, even one or two levels of Ascension God of War is not a problem.

Judging from their aura, they should be the junior corpse king and the beast king.

Once you get the life essence of the Demon King, I am afraid you can directly advance to the Intermediate Corpse King or Beast King.

I go!

No wonder the corpse king and the beast king are going to war!

Hearing the Tiger King’s threat, the Corpse King said coldly: “Get out!”

The Tiger King’s eyes became more violent, and he didn’t say much, and immediately roared in anger.


Hearing this roar, the upgraded beast army immediately began a crazy impact.


Immediately afterwards, the corpse king also roared and ordered the zombies to attack.

The zombies and upgraded beasts roared and roared, and the two armies quickly approached.

In the front of the upgraded beast army, there are a few red and black bugs.

These worms are huge, round and full of holes.

These worms moved forward, shaking their bodies constantly, and from the big holes in their bodies, palm-sized flaming red worms came out.

Hundreds of small bugs emerged from the body of each big bug.

After these little bugs landed, they quickly approached the zombies on the opposite side.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao’s eyes condensed.

Burst Mother and Burst Firebug!

The attack method of the violent fire worm is very single, there is only one, and that is to explode.

The self-detonation of the violent fire worm is like a burst of flame, which not only produces a strong impact, but also accompanies the burning of the flame.

Firecracker is a cannon fodder upgraded beast, but it is also the best choice to tear the opponent’s defense line.

In the previous life, when Tang Yao was a soldier, he faced suicide attacks by the violent fire worms.

Fortunately, wearing a crystal armor at the time, the soldier-level violent fire worm exploded and couldn’t hurt him.

However, every attack of the violent fire worm would cause certain damage to the crystal armor, resulting in a decline in the performance of the crystal armor, and Tang Yao’s combat effectiveness also declined.

After each war, the maintenance cost of crystal armor is astronomical, and the major bases are miserable, but there is no good way.

In an animal tide, the violent female worms can reach hundreds of thousands, and the number of violent fire worms released is tens of thousands or even 100,000.

The individual strength of the Explosive Fire Worm is not strong, and it is not difficult to kill it, but it reproduces too fast.

As long as the Explosive Mother has enough energy, even if all the previous hundreds of Explosive Fire worms die, a new batch will soon be born.

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