Chapter 133 The Game of the Red Maple Demon King

Under the gaze of the zombies, upgraded beasts and Tang Yao, the Red Maple Demon King soon came to the battlefield.

When the distance was close, Tang Yao could feel the Mental Energy fluctuations of the Red Maple Demon King.

Tang Yao perceived it carefully and nodded secretly.

Under normal circumstances, for a creature with perfect consciousness, I cannot perceive mental energy fluctuations.

Only when I use Mental Energy can I perceive it.

Ordinary people also need to use Mental Energy to turn on Interspatial Ring, but ordinary people’s Mental Energy is very weak, and the fluctuations are not strong.

Only when the awakened is using the talented ability, mental energy fluctuates strongly.

Moreover, compared with ordinary people’s Mental Energy, which is non-characteristic, the Mental Energy of the awakened is affected by the talent abilities, and there will be some different characteristics.

Just like Yi Qingxuan, her talent is Frozen, and her Mental Energy has a hint of chill.

I can perceive the mental energy fluctuations of the Red Maple Demon King, but there are no regularities and some confusion, which should be caused by imperfect consciousness.

Moreover, its Mental Energy has a bit of heat, and it must have awakened talent abilities, and the chance of fire-like abilities is very high.

After the Red Maple Demon King arrived on the battlefield, he seemed to be at a loss. He turned his huge body a few times at a loss and stopped moving.

On the thick torso of the Red Maple Demon King, two huge tree holes that looked like eyes suddenly appeared.

The tree hole is facing the direction of the battlefield, as if watching the corpse soldier and the beast soldier slaughter with great interest.

Both the Corpse King and Tiger King looked at the Red Maple Demon King with fiery eyes, showing longing expressions.


After waiting for a while, seeing the Red Maple Demon King doing nothing, the Corpse King let out a low roar, it was going to test the Red Maple Demon King’s strength.

The roar of the corpse king fell, and a senior zombie leader came out and walked straight to the Red Maple Demon King.

The two tree holes in the torso of the Red Maple Demon King moved slightly to one side, facing the high-level zombie leader who was gradually approaching it.

A branch on the Red Maple Demon King swung up and down a few times, as if to greet the senior zombie leader.

Although the head of the senior zombie had an imperfect mind, facing the Red Maple Demon King, there was still a wave of fear in his heart.

However, the corpse king was watching it there, and it did not dare to disobey the corpse king’s orders.

Without stopping the Red Maple Demon King, the senior zombie leader quickly came to the front of the Red Maple Demon King.

In contrast, the originally tall and majestic senior zombie leader seemed very small.


After a violent roar, the senior zombie leader suddenly shot, and his right paw was facing the torso of the Red Maple Demon King.

Moreover, after the crazy bloody killing, the imperfect consciousness of the Red Maple Demon King may become even more chaotic.

For the corpse king and the beast king, this is what they want to see.

Even at the cost of all their subordinates, they felt it was worth it.

Tang Yao looked at it with gusto and smiled.

This Red Maple Demon King is so handsome!

Yes, just kill like that!

Throw them to death one by one, leaving them all corpses, and when you are all gone, I will pick them up.

This is all military exploits!


The number of zombies and upgraded beasts exceeds 5,000. It doesn’t need to be too many, I can pick up 4,000 vouchers.

When I return to the training camp, I can make a lot of money.


In less than 10 minutes, the 2,000 zombies and upgraded beasts left on the original battlefield were slaughtered by the Red Maple Demon King.

After some zombies and upgraded beasts were thrown off by the Red Maple Demon King once, they were lucky not to die.

However, the Red Maple Demon King didn’t let them go.

After doing trapeze a few more times, none of the zombies and upgraded beasts survived.

Of course, except for the King Corpse and King Tiger in the sky.

After experiencing a frenzied killing, the Red Maple Demon King’s body was constantly trembling, and the branches on his body were constantly waving, and bursts of breaking sound came.

Upon seeing this, both the King Corpse and King Tiger’s eyes lit up.

The consciousness of the Red Maple Demon King was already occupied by Slaughter, and it was even more difficult to form a perfect consciousness.

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