Chapter 150 Get Out!

With his head down, Tang Yao thought secretly.

Before this, I guessed.

There should be a force in the human world that focuses exclusively on geniuses.

Originally, I thought it was Heavenly Corpse Sect.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the Holy League.

Where was the corpse teaching that day?

Lao Wan said that the Celestial Corpse Sect was the real enemy of mankind.

Could it be that the Heavenly Corpse Sect is a great power over the Corpse Emperor, the Beast Emperor and the Sea Emperor?

Tang Yao secretly sighed.

God of War!

Without God of War, after all, you will not be able to enter the core circle of mankind, and a lot of information will not be known.

At this time, a fierce light flashed in Wan Polu’s eyes, and he said viciously: “Yes, the Holy League is a group of human scum and traitors. They are more hateful than zombies and upgraded beasts, and even more hateful than the lurking corpse king.”

“In the past few years, we have fished several times and killed many bastards from the Holy League. They converged a lot, but their small movements continued. Before this, it was a high-level God of War from the Holy League and the corpse king. , I was caught and almost lost my life.”

“It’s not just me, the major forces in the major bases, and the peak God of War calculated at the same time. There are about 10 people. Four died, and all the rest are seriously injured. These bastards, it is best not to let me touch them. Otherwise, I will pinch them to death one by one.”

After sighing, Wan Polu said helplessly: “In fact, the threat of the Holy League is greater than the lurking corpse king. If the powerhouse above God of War carefully investigates, he can distinguish the lurking corpse king. It’s just that such a careful investigation will involve some personal privacy of God of War, and it will also cause great dissatisfaction with God of War, so this has not been done.”

“The people of the Holy League are not the case. They are humans and have not been transformed by the corpse emperor. No matter how the powerhouse above God of War investigates, there is no problem on the surface. Moreover, the number of the Holy League is also It is much more than the lurking corpse king. They have a lot of power to unite. Under the cover of their efforts together, it is even more difficult to find them out.”

Tang Yao nodded.

Looking at it this way, the threat of the Saint League is indeed greater than that of the lurking Corpse King.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao asked with some doubts: “What is the relationship between the Saint League and the lurking Corpse King? Don’t those people in the Saint League obey the Corpse King’s dispatch?”

Jiang Changhai shook his head and said, “No, the Saint League has no affiliation with the lurking Corpse King. They only obey the Corpse King’s dispatch. After the Saint League members leave the base, there will be a dedicated Corpse King responsible for contacting them. The base. In, the people of the Saint League and the lurking corpse king are not in contact with each other. In this way, if one party is exposed, it will not affect the other party.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao nodded.

In this way, the Saint League and the lurking Corpse King are two parallel lines under the Corps King’s command, and they do not interfere with each other.

Jiang Changhai continued: “Previously, Wu Wenqing, the director of the teaching office of the Beijing War Palace, was God of War. He knew about the Holy League. But in order not to cause panic, the Holy League’s affairs cannot be treated to people under God of War. Yes. We are the same. According to the regulations, we can’t tell you this at that time.”

“But now, with the talent you showed in the training camp, it may have attracted the attention of the Holy League. You also need to know about the Holy League to prepare in advance. Today, if you don’t ask, it is estimated that soon Someone will come to you to talk about it.”

Tang Yao took a deep breath and asked nervously, “The Saint League has captured the genius, what exactly is it going to do?”

Jiang Changhai and Wan Polu both shook their heads.

Jiang Changhai said: “I don’t know. Although we have caught some important figures in the Saint League, they only handed over the geniuses they caught to the corpse king who contacted them. They don’t know what the corpse king is doing to catch these geniuses.”

Tang Yao sighed with disappointment.

Tang Yao also wanted to ask anyone in the Juntian Martial Arts Hall who knew he was an Awakened, but gave up after thinking about it.

The identity of the awakened person will have to be exposed sooner or later, and the mental impact ability is a good cover.

Moreover, it is now clear that it is the Saint League under the Corpse Emperor who is attacking the genius.

It would be the best if the people of Shengmeng would attack me.

Maybe, I can take the opportunity to join the Saint League and explore the whereabouts of the old sister.

Even if it doesn’t work, as long as my corpse turns into a corpse king, safety is still guaranteed.

At this time, Tang Yao said to Wan Polu: “Wan senior, the kid has something to ask for.”

Wan Polu smiled and said, “Let’s talk about it.”

“There should be a lot of people who guess that I got the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King. If someone asks, I hope Wan senior can help me cover it up.”

“No problem, externally, you said that I bought all the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King in your hand. I am like this, and it is estimated that no one will pay attention to the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King in my hand. ”

Tang Yao said gratefully, “Thank you senior.”

Wan Polu waved his hand and said, “It’s a trivial matter. Within three days, I promise that your things will be delivered to you.”

Tang Yao nodded.

After a few more conversations, Tang Yao got up and left.

After Tang Yao left, Wan Polu looked at the five bottles of Red Maple Demon King Life Essence in front of him and smiled.

Wan Polu said to Jiang Changhai, “Tang Yao, this kid is really good.”

Jiang Changhai snorted coldly, and said, “It’s not bad if I can help you? If they don’t help you, will you be a bastard?”

Wan Polu didn’t care about Jiang Changhai’s ridicule, shook his head, and said, “In the beginning, that kid didn’t want people to know that he had the Red Maple Demon King’s life essence in his hand. Otherwise, I need this thing urgently now. Received the news.”

“But when we asked, the kid didn’t even want to hide it from us. Moreover, the kid took out the things before he said the conditions. It can be seen that Tang Yao, the kid, can be said to be true to the people who helped him. Sentimental and righteous.”

Jiang Changhai nodded in agreement, and then forwarded the video that Wang Yongshan had sent him to Wanpolu.

After reading it, Wan Polu exclaimed: “You can get the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King under the melee of the corpse king, the beast king, and the demon king. Tang Yao, this kid is extraordinary! Old Jiang, this is an excellent one. Miaozi, you have to cultivate it well. Or, can you give him to me?”


After cursing, Jiang Changhai ignored Wanpo.

Wan Polu smiled, picked up a bottle of Red Maple Demon King’s life essence and poured it directly into his mouth.

Afterwards, Wan Po took the Lotus Position and started to heal his injuries.


Back to Building 33, Tang Yao sorted out the affairs of these days and went to take a bath.

After taking a bath, Tang Yao stopped cultivating and planned to sleep well.

Just lying on the bed, Tang Yao received Yuan Zhan’s transfer.

312.7 million Tianlan coins.

Among the five Zaluyev’s belongings, there is nothing particularly valuable, and if there are, they have long been used for cultivation.

The most valuable are the 5-person Interspatial Ring and weapon combat uniforms.

For the same thing, the price you buy is much lower.

Yuan Zhan was dealt with in the black market, and he sold more than 600 million yuan in total, and Tang Yao got half of it.

After receiving the transfer, Tang Yao’s balance reached 597 million.

After replying to a message to Yuan Zhan, Tang Yao fell asleep.

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